Chapter 704 Catastrophe is imminent
The Russians suddenly closed the border. Some people breathed a sigh of relief and finally relaxed; some people felt heartbroken because good luck tricked them. They originally had hope, but there was nothing they could do in the face of national power. Some people hysterically hoped that more people could be saved. people
The refugees struggled to survive and did everything they could. Some abandoned their parents, wives and children and crossed the fence alone; Pushing and hoping to catch up with the final quota.

People are frantically crowding and cursing, all the ugliness is not enough to describe the greed of human nature at this time, and all good words are not enough to describe the brilliance and greatness of human nature at this moment.

Muskets, bayonets, and a heavy wooden door put a stop to all this.

The separation wall on the Russian-Austrian border was officially erected, and Governor Vembetrovsky and Stadion met at the border wall.

When facing the influx of refugees, the Austrian side built a 1.5-meter-high separation wall, but it was said to be a separation wall, but it was actually just a row of fences.

At this time, Russia is preparing to build a three-meter-high separation wall to completely prevent smuggling and population outflow at the border.

After the meeting, Vimbetrovsky and Stadion exchanged simple greetings and some conventional diplomatic rhetoric.

Although Wenbetrovsky is here to make trouble, Russia and Austria are allies after all, and the necessary etiquette should be paid attention to.

"Mr. Governor, some of my property has been stolen, do you have any clues?"

Count Stadion heard that the other party was a rare poet-general in Russia and thought it would be different, but he didn't expect it to be so direct.

But fortunately, I have dealt with the Russians a lot in these years, and I was not deterred by the reckless and outrageous words of the other party.

"No, if you have lost property, you should go to the police in your country."

Wenbetrovsky smiled slightly, and said something that almost shocked the special official from Vienna.

"Then can you allow me to come and look for it?"

Count Stadion drank the Huoxiangzhengqi water on the table in one gulp. His stomach was a little uncomfortable and he was in a bad mood. He didn't have much thought about playing charades with the other party.

"If you come with your family, we are always welcome. But if other people want to fish in troubled waters, they need to go through inspection, and I also have to submit an application to Vienna."

"Great Warsaw has [-] troops."

"Coincidentally, the defenders in Galicia are also [-]."

The special commissioner on the side was already frightened, and he didn't know what to say. It was really scary that the two of them were "at war" so lightly.

"Nice to meet you."

"Me too."

"I'm going back to dispose of some stinking garbage. Would you like to come and see?"

Vimbetrovsky shrugged his nose in disgust.

Count Stadion quickly waved his hand.

"I have a bad stomach recently. Let the priests and reporters help you. You know that the priests and reporters in our country are always idle and like to talk about nonsense."

This time it was Wenbetrovsky's turn to wave.

"No, you know that there are [-] troops in the Greater Warsaw area, and they can solve all problems for me."

"Walk slowly, don't send."

After the Russians left, the special mission officer on the side approached and asked.

"My lord governor, what if what you said just now angered the Russians?"

Count Stadion smiled and said, "No, because Galicia really has a hundred thousand troops."
It's a wall --
After the Russian-Austrian border was closed, Prussia followed suit and closed the Prussian-Austrian border.As a result, he was approached by the special mission officer in Vienna the next day, and the checkpoint on the border was removed on the third day.

After all, everyone is an ally of the German Customs Union. If Austrian Galicia cannot be regarded as part of the German Customs Union, then the agricultural products of the general Polish region must also pay tariffs.

This hit the Junker landlords seven inches, and King Pu had to personally write a letter to explain to Emperor Ferdinand I of the Austrian Empire.

Vienna, Hofburg Palace.

"I want to eat meatballs." Ferdinand I casually threw aside the credentials handed over by his chief adviser, Karl von Slote.

"My poor brother, don't you intend to read the contents of the letter?" Archduke Franz Karl said while eating the emperor's meatballs.

"My stupid brother, does it make any difference if I don't see it?"

"That's true!"

"Give me my balls! I'll let you eat them in a while! These are the best almond balls, and you won't be able to eat them after the season!"

"My poor brother, didn't Franz get a refrigerator?"

"My stupid brother, do those cooks say there are no almonds in winter because there are no almonds?"
I'm the brothers who are eating almond balls ---
Papal States, Rome.

The cardinal position that Metternich spent tens of millions of florins to buy back proved to be useless. After the sudden death of Pope Gregory XVI, the number of cardinals was suddenly doubled, and all It's Italian.

So at this time, whether it is Austria, France, or Spain, the influence on the Holy See is infinitely close to zero.

The old diehards of the Holy See wanted neither a foreigner (i.e. a religion influenced or controlled by powers outside the Papal States), nor a monk who was too smart.

The monk refers to Gregory XVI and Archbishop Lambruszini. Both of them firmly controlled the power of the Papal State when they were alive, and they were very good at calculating, which made people feel like they were sitting on pins and needles.

At the same time, some insightful people in the church realized the crisis. The Papal State and the church must change, otherwise they would be overwhelmed by the tide of the times.

As a result, a "young" person with no background and lack of experience in working in the power center of the Holy See, who also declared that he wanted to change the Holy See, fell into their sight.

At this time, Mastai Ferre (Pus IX) was only 54 years old.

In the eyes of conservatives in the Holy See, Mustafa Ferrer is just a young man with no experience in the world of power in Rome. They can use their qualifications to influence him and cultivate him into a church that suits their wishes. Zong, and finally lead it to the "right way".

In fact, this decision will directly affect the entire Catholic world, and those self-righteous old stubborn people will soon regret their arrogance for the rest of their lives.

All the disasters that had happened on the European continent before had heralded the birth of this demon king. At the same time that Master Ferret was crowned Pius IX, an earthquake occurred in the Mediterranean Sea.

The tsunami engulfed coastal towns in the Italian region, killing thousands and destroying hundreds of ships.When the tsunami ended, there was a sudden cholera epidemic. At this time, the densely populated northern Italy became a hellish existence.

Because the tsunami destroyed a large amount of infrastructure, coupled with the sudden reduction in living standards and the chaos of order, what happened in London and Paris was also staged in northern Italy at this time. The terrible thing is that due to the existence of the railway, the epidemic spread rapidly to the whole of Austria.

At the same time, African locusts attacked Sicily across the sea, turning the beautiful legend into dead bones.

(End of this chapter)

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