The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria's Mandate of Heaven

Chapter 701 Correct usage of Japanese labor

Chapter 701 Correct usage of Japanese labor

The California colony was different from the other colonies of the Austrian Empire because the population was growing so fast.

Although the population growth rate in East Africa is not slow, after all, it has been developed by the Dutch and Portuguese colonies for hundreds of years and has a certain population base. Even the arrival of a large number of immigrants from the Austrian Empire will not cause earth-shaking changes.

Secondly, the dumping of Dalits in the Kalaika area is no different from taking out garbage. They are transported together regardless of gender, age or age, and the original social structure has not changed much.

So when the Japanese laborers in California started to make trouble, the army of bachelors headed by soldiers beat them inhumanely.

1.5 Japanese laborers died tragically, and their bodies were nailed from the farm to the sea.Under the legal and religious moral constraints of the Austrian Empire, they could only vent their excess energy and dissatisfaction in this way.

The previous document said that Austria adopted an iron fist policy in the lawless place of California, and the local governor, Archduke Ferdinand, was also a ruthless commander.

So the Hispanic aborigines have changed from 8000 households to 15, and the Indian ethnic group has changed from [-] to less than [-], and this has to include foreign supplements and newborns.

Going on like this is naturally not an option, and this time, Franz no longer feels that the Japanese at this time are a group of sheep that can be manipulated at will.

Franz felt that California's cleared farmland should continue to be controlled by German immigrants who identified with Austria.

As for those Japanese laborers, let them go to open up wasteland, anyway, there is no shortage of wasteland in California.In addition to California, the Nevada region also has land worth developing.

However, considering the harsh local environment, rampant bandits, and frequent Indians, this kind of work that needs to be filled with life should be handed over to Japanese laborers.

In addition, mines and factories all need people. Normal workers are 996, but if they are Japanese, they can be changed to 697, [-] hours a day, all year round.

Of course, Franz will not give people hope. For example, it only takes nine years to farm the land to obtain the status of a free man and obtain the qualifications of a citizen.

It takes eight years to go to the mine, and only seven years to go to work in the factory. If you perform meritorious service, you can reduce the number of years, and vice versa.

But usually not, because the previous rebellion made the California government have a very bad impression of Japanese labor.

It took less than ten years to leave Asia and enter Europe. As the father of modern Japanese education, Yukichi Fukuzawa fainted from "laughing" when he knew this.

Of course, it’s okay if you can save 3000 florins as a side job, and if you can find a citizen to marry.

Although there is a huge gap between the aesthetics of the East and the West at this time, Japanese women can accept it when there are more men than women, and even sheep cannot be found.

As for Japanese male laborers, it is unlikely that they will have this opportunity. Let alone the extremely rare number of female citizens in the colonies, the huge difference in status alone makes this seem a bit far-fetched.

In addition, whether it is aesthetics, religion, or some cultural concepts, female citizens of California at this time are unlikely to find a Japanese laborer to marry.

In fact, the most fundamental reason should be the inaccessibility. Whether it is the pioneer group or the mine, there are almost no women, and the factories in Austria are separated from men and women.

So doing a side job has become the best way to get rid of labor status. After all, California has just developed and there is no entertainment industry.

Soon Japanese laborers began a new attempt.Even some people with conscience and integrity will soon submit under the pressure of their parents, brothers, and even husbands.

With the social status of Japanese women at that time, all this was almost a certainty.In fact, judging from the social morality of some people at that time, they still made money, but with the upside down of their economic status.

The self-awareness of these Japanese women began to awaken, and they began to try to break away from their original social relationships.But the traditional concept of a nation cannot be changed in a day or two, and these people naturally became the targets of attack.

Some gang organizations emerged as the times require, and what they do is that kind of despicable activity, while maintaining the original order and concepts, and taking action to eliminate those who break the rules when necessary.

But soon someone discovered that California citizenship was a kind of protection for them, and a new weapon was born, that is, the law.

The traditions and families of the Japanese laborers were nothing before the laws of the Austrian Empire.

The so-called gangsters were even more of a joke in front of the army, and soon the last backbone of the Japanese laborers was interrupted, and even those gangs that originally united Japanese immigrants turned into tools for the Austrians to maintain their rule.

The loyalty of those gangsters who have earned their dog qualifications by stepping on the corpses of their own compatriots is simply outrageous.

There is a reason why Japan's custom industry can stand out in the future, and soon Japanese style streets blossomed everywhere in California.

However, in the [-]th century, there were very few people who could marry across nationalities and skin colors. Although a large number of Japanese women got rid of the shackles of feudalism, family and tradition, it was difficult for them to raise their children.

Except for a few, most chose to abandon the baby.Fortunately, the church has already greeted these people in advance, and the Foundling Church will take on the responsibility of raising them.

Raised by the church, and then instilled with loyalty and patriotism from an early age, under the double poison, these mixed-race outcasts will be completely brainwashed into the best tool people.

Franz will make good use of them, life is precious after all.In fact, those who can be Franz's pawns are the most outstanding among them and can prove themselves. Most of them are just cultivated as firewood.

As for those Japanese women who work hard for a lifetime, unless they can integrate into the local society, their ending will not be very good.

With the increase in the number of Japanese-style street stores and practitioners, the California colony finally ushered in a short-lived harmony.

In fact, although the shogunate and the vassals at that time would provide healthy laborers of the right age as they promised, women's physical strength was weaker in the inherent agricultural society concept, so they were relatively cheap.

The shogunate and the vassal governments are very active in this regard, and they will choose to shoddy.

In addition, for Japan, which has a population of more than 3000 million, 50, even [-], cannot affect their population structure.

Although Japan's agriculture was developed at that time, the harsh environment, coupled with unscientific planting methods and backward technology resulted in a seed-to-output ratio of only 1:3~1:4.

This data is not even as good as before the European Industrial Revolution, so they are so eager for land on land.

Although Franz's approach was somewhat cruel, it guaranteed the main ethnic structure of the region.

In fact, it laid the foundation for the stable development in the future. It is better to sacrifice Japanese laborers than to sacrifice the small number of Germans in Austria.

In fact, Franz is not so fancy about the main ethnic group, but a whole group of Asian faces in a Western country is always a little bit inconsistent...
(End of this chapter)

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