Chapter 692 Harry Chan's Journey

Day by day, people start to fall, and then everyone will rush up and take all the money, food, clothes, meat of the dead.
Soon a few people in the line started throwing up and started convulsing and chilling, but no one cared, as soon as he stopped struggling a crowd would swarm him
At this time, more people began to vomit, convulse, and experience chills.
Later, Harry Charn learned from a dying missionary that it was cholera, a terrible disease.

There are more and more corpses on both sides of the road, and some villages along the way don't even have a single living person.The night was full of terrible noises, the buzzing of mosquitoes and flies, the sound of rats and beasts eating dead bodies.

They were not welcome even in villages with living people. The villagers would throw stones at them, and some landowners even asked their servants to stand on both sides of the road with muskets to prevent them from slipping into the bare fields.

Harry Chahn wanted to give up several times, but he didn't know why his feet kept walking, through hills, fields, and rivers.

Suddenly, a group of masters wearing beak masks on horseback came on the road. They drew out their sabers and killed anyone they saw.

Someone knelt down and prayed, only to be crushed by the horse's hoof, and the red, white and mud stuck to the horse's hoof and continued to run.

Those who ran along the road were finally caught up and killed one by one, dragged together, and sent to the sky by fire.

Harry Chahn hid in the grass and watched all this quietly. The blood flowing, the burning fire, and the howling wind soon turned this "funeral" into a fire.

Those gentlemen who were going to continue searching for the fish that slipped through the net could only give up, mounted their horses in a hurry, and left in a hurry.

Harry Chahn and other fish who slipped through the net also took the opportunity to slip away
In history, the governor of Russian Poland, Paskevich, issued a killing order for refugees crossing the border. However, due to the tense fighting in the South Caucasus at this time, he was urgently transferred to the governor of the Caucasus.

After the governor left, no one was willing to continue Paskevich's order. After all, even wearing a beak mask and touching cholera patients may be infected.

At that time, the level of medical care in Russia was very poor, and the understanding of cholera was not as good as that of the British, and quite a few people even thought it was the Black Death.

Coupled with the church's propaganda and the government's misleading, even rumors spread that Jewish witches boiled the plague in a cauldron in a caravan.

So those gentlemen on horseback avoided the refugees, so how could they take the initiative to attack?
Harry Charn came to the border. He didn't know whether it was heaven or hell, but he came here following the corpses and the crowd.

Seeing everyone queuing up, Harry Chahn instinctively started queuing.The long queue moved slowly, so some people seemed to want to pass through places where no one was.

The priests on both sides of the line yelled something, as if intending to call them back, but those people remained indifferent.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Just as those few people were knocked down close to the border, a group of soldiers stepped forward and shot the undead again, dragged the corpse, and burned it all in one go.

In fact, this is an order personally issued by Earl Stadion, because it can't be deterred if you are not ruthless.

At this time, a priest came over and said in Russian: "Please line up, keep order, keep quiet, be patient, everything will be fine."

Finally it was Harry Charn's turn. After a brief inspection, he was taken to a house surrounded by white cloth.

"Take off your clothes!" was repeated twice in other languages.

An officer said coldly, several refugees looked at each other and carefully took off their clothes.

"Close your eyes and mouth!" was also repeated twice in other languages.

Harry Chahn had just closed his eyes when a pot of liquid with a strong smell of alcohol was poured on him.

"Wash you clean!"

Some refugees wanted to drink the alcohol-flavored liquid, but were stopped immediately.

"Don't drink! Wash it quickly!"

About 2 minutes later, a few clergymen came in with basins of clear water and began to pour them on the refugees.Then everyone was given a new suit and pulled into the cabin for observation.

If there are symptoms of fever, chills, and vomiting, the entire group will be quarantined.

Fortunately this did not happen to Harry Chan's group, who were given some black bread and soup.

After all this was over, they were assigned to rest in a temporary camp.

If nothing happens after three days, they will be sent to build dikes, or clear weeds, and some of the smartest people will be able to stay and help build the camp.

In fact, there are some people that Harry Chahn can't get in touch with. Those people generally have extraordinary skills, or they are scholars who can prove themselves. They will be sent to Vienna for special treatment.

Harry Chahn and a new Jewish serf, Delikaf, were working hard to clear the stones. Although they were very tired, they had enough to eat, so they were still very motivated.

It's just that they soon encountered a problem. A huge stone weighed more than ten tons, which was not something they could handle with picks and shovels.

Even if they could lift it, the carriage could not pull it.These refugees who had finally regained their lives did not want to lose this hard-won job, so a large group of people gathered together and began to think of a way.

"It's better to use wood to lift it! Anyway, the distance is not far away, let's lift this stone into the river."

"No, no, it's a waste of time! The supervisor said to do more, eat more, work less, eat less, and give us money if we do well. And where can we find so many just right? wood?"

Deli Kraft: "We can break the stone into small pieces with a pickaxe, and then move them in batches and batches, which can be faster than using wood."

What Deli Kraft said was the most routine operation at the time, and the refugees all recognized it, so there was a clanging sound around the giant, but soon the problem came again.

Harry Charn: "No! This rock is too hard! If you go on like this, the pick will break! If you break a farm tool, you will be whipped!"

Most of these people were born as serfs and had a deep-rooted fear of the whip.

"What should I do?"

Harry Chan: "There are so many trees and weeds here, we can light a fire!"


"Yes! Light a fire! Light a big fire!"

Delikraf thought Harry Chain was crazy.

"You actually want to burn the stone!"

The surrounding refugees also laughed when they heard this. Although they were illiterate or even illiterate, they all knew that stones cannot be burned.

"You listen to me! If not, I will be responsible for pushing this stone to the shore!"

So the refugees began to pile branches and weeds around the boulder, and the boulder remained unmoved after the fire burned for several hours.

Then, under the leadership of Harry Charn, the refugees began to pour water on the boulder, and white steam immediately rose from the surface of the boulder that had just been scorched by high temperature.

But when the smoke dissipated, the huge boulder was still standing. Amidst the boos of everyone, Harry Charn swung the pickaxe and hit it, and the boulder shattered loudly.
Three days later, when the supervisor and blasting experts arrived, they found that the previous boulder had disappeared.

"That's granite!" The supervisor exclaimed with some doubts.

In fact, in this era, explosives are usually used directly to deal with boulders.

(End of this chapter)

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