Chapter 644

In Uragaso, the howling sea wind blew, and the raging waves beat against the reefs along the coast.

The fishermen who have harvested a lot dock their small sampans on the shore, and they drag their fishing nets to pack the day's harvest into boxes, and then pull them to the town to sell for money.

It's just that there are a lot of uninvited guests on the shore. You can tell by their clothes that these people are not here to buy fish. Many of them are carrying knives and sickles, and even long strips wrapped in white cloth. Needless to say It must be an iron cannon.

Naturally, these fishermen by the sea would not go up to find bad luck for themselves. They only cared about the catch in their hands and hoped not to be robbed by those people.

Since the Dutch had already released the news, in addition to a large number of orchidists, many people who cared about the fate of their country also gathered on the shore.

Among these people are warriors, vassals, monks, ronin, and high-ranking lords and famous officials. There are both old people and immature urchins.

The only purpose of their coming here is to meet the "Heavenly Kingdom" in the Dutch population.

"Uncle, we have been here for almost a month. The fleet that the Dutch people talk about still hasn't appeared."

The person who spoke was a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old. Although his face was clean, his padded clothes and straw sandals were undoubtedly corporals.

(A corporal refers to a low-level samurai, and it is stipulated that clogs and silk clothes cannot be worn. Cotton clothes, straw sandals and a rusty knife are standard equipment.)
Beside the boy was a middle-aged man with a sluggish face, who was coughing non-stop even though he was wearing a thick padded jacket, but he still patted the boy's head lovingly.

"Tojiro, you are the legal heir of Yamaga Ryu Heigaku and the Yoshida family, the genius of Zhizuki City, how can you be so restless.

Remember the story of the cuckoo?Patience and perseverance are the secrets of success.”

(Yoshida Shoin's childhood name Tojiro. Refers to Tsukijo City, a small town in the Fukuoka area of ​​Japan.)
The wise man asked: "The cuckoo does not sing, but if you want to hear it, how can you bear it?"

Nobunaga said: "If the cuckoo does not sing, kill it."

Hideyoshi said: "If the cuckoo does not sing, it will sing for fun."

Jiakang said: "If the cuckoo does not sing, wait for it to sing."

Three celebrities from the Warring States period gave three different views, but everyone knew that Tokugawa Ieyasu was the last one.

It's just that before Tojiro's uncle finished speaking, he was interrupted by a sergeant in silk clogs.

"Baga! How dare a mere corporal use Mr. Ieyasu as a comparison?"

"I'm very sorry!" The sickly man lowered his head.

"Bastard!" The luxuriously dressed sergeant purposely elongated his voice, and then an evil smile appeared on his face.

"Apologize to me!"

The entourage let out a burst of laughter. Due to the huge difference in status, it was difficult for the sergeant and the corporal to have empathy, or because of the rise of Jin Quan, those sergeants who were originally proud could only bully the corporal for fun.

In a society with distinct levels, it is not uncommon for people to be forced to death. There are also people of corporal background who feel humiliated, but they can only watch helplessly.

The monks on the side even began to recite the scriptures, and more people were not attracted by the human tragedy that was about to happen around them, because it was just commonplace.

At this time, a lazy voice came over.

"Hey! Hey! No matter where you go, you will meet this group of scumbags."

The person who came was a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, with a grass stalk in his mouth, and the samurai sword that should have been tied around his waist was carried by him on his shoulders. Clogs prove his original identity.

"Serizawa! Don't think you're great. We have five of us. Besides, they were wrong first."

Those arrogant people before were all very nervous at this moment.The young man on the opposite side also deliberately took out the Shinto Wunianliu brand from his arms and waved it in front of the other party, but he didn't rush to do it, but said.

"What did they say? I didn't hear it, but you guys actually dared to call the former generals by their first names. It's really bold."

Immediately, the five sergeants were speechless
"Very good, be brave and resourceful!" A middle-aged man stepped out of the sedan chair.

The people around immediately knelt down and saluted.

"See Shimadzu-sama."

"Get up! There are people of insight like you in Japan, no matter whether it is the United States or England, we will not lose!"

Everyone responded in unison, but this atmosphere did not last long.

A sharp siren sounded, like a sharp sword cutting through the air, making the majesty of heaven and earth, which was pounding on the shore, a little bit inferior.

Immediately afterwards, huge "black iron" warships emerged little by little from behind the reef, braving rumbling black smoke.

Like a giant beast peeping at its prey with a probe, it finally revealed its true face at this moment.

Ferocious and terrifying, the monk stopped chanting, the wise man stopped thinking, the brave warrior drew his sword, and let out a desperate roar at the slowly approaching steel giant.

However, the terrifying monster didn't stop at all, and didn't even look at the humble creature under its feet.

The fishermen fled in embarrassment, and the catch that was regarded as treasure before was scattered all over the place.

The big man who enjoyed the worship of everyone before now left a shameful mark on his body as if his soul had been hollowed out.

The ear-shattering rumbling sound and black smoke gradually receded, but the dark clouds hanging over the hearts of these heroes lingered for a long time.

Even those Lan Xue scholars couldn't calm down, after all, the scenery in front of them was far beyond their cognition.

Edo Castle, as the most valued young man among the chief elders of the shogunate, Ryuta Atobe was undoubtedly a decent samurai.

However, this decent samurai was in the dust and dust at this time, his face was scratched by several branches, and the shoes on his feet were all lost.

"What did you see? It's huge... an unbelievably large black ship. There are countless cylinders emitting black smoke standing on top of it, and the number of cannons on both sides of the ship is terrifying... The speed is beyond the reach of Ataka and others."

Anzhai refers to the Anzhai ship, which was Japan's largest naval warship during this period, and its speed usually did not exceed 3 knots.

"Ryuta, is the Austrian fleet really that scary?" Masahiro Abe asked in a low tone, hoping that the former could regain his sanity.

Ryuta Atobe's pupils were dilated, and he said incoherently: "It's really too huge...It covers the sky and the sun, and you can't see the end."

Masahiro Abe sighed and ordered, "Hold the front-screen meeting immediately!"

The subordinates responded immediately, and then split up to inform other high-level shogunate officials.

Masahiro Abe stood up and walked past Ryuta Abe and said, "You can do seppuku." Then he headed towards the main hall without looking back.

An hour later, the main hall.

"My lord, the fleet of the Austrian Empire has come as the Dutch said, but they haven't made any demands yet.

Uraga's practice Lin Qi Zhongbingwei felt powerless to resist the enemy and had already cut his belly. It seems that the enemy is stronger than we imagined. "

Abe Masahiro frowned, Lin Qi Zhongbingwei was a guy who dared to contradict even the previous general, and he was definitely not a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

Abe Masahiro asked: "With the twenty artillery pieces of Edo, can the Austrian fleet be repelled?"

(End of this chapter)

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