Chapter 621 Repayment of Debt

James Polk never stopped buying more, younger slaves while claiming to free them.It's just that as a public figure, he is not stupid enough to buy slaves himself.

All this was done by his wife Sarah Polk, and the secret slave trade continued until James Polk's death.

Polk himself believed that it was morally correct to treat slaves as chattels, but this did not conform to the mainstream views at the time, so he could only buy slaves in secret.

"James Polk never bought slaves, those transactions were made to make family life harmonious."

As far as slaves were concerned, Polk preferred those who were young and productive.

"Especially those girls, they can create more value in their lives, and every child born to a slave will be part of my property." - From Polk's letter to his cousin.

In addition, the proportion of children in Polk's secret transactions is quite high, accounting for almost 60% of all transactions, which was considered a very discerning practice at the time.

Because child slaves are cheaper and have a longer "useful life", even American economists in history called them "great investors".

Although some passages often say that the slaves in the manor are better than the slaves in the factory, but in terms of minors alone, the death rate of underage slaves in the manor is 45%, while the national rate of underage slaves is only 23%. twenty three%.

That is to say, nearly half of the slaves in the United States will not live to adulthood, while three-quarters of ordinary Americans can live to adulthood.

The death rate of underage slaves in Polk’s manor was 55%, mainly because his wife focused on breeding more slaves to obtain more profits, which made those teenagers suffer the misery they shouldn’t have at their age.

If Polk doesn't move on slavery, he can only take the British.But with the national strength of the United States at this time, it is also impossible to do this.

After all, the United States offended Austria at this time, and at the same time it was in competition with the French. The only stable market for cotton was the British.

In fact, Austria has its own cotton fields, and the French also built a large number of cotton plantations in their North American colonies. Not only are the models similar to those of the Americans, but even the black slaves and supervisors in them were brought from the United States.

Therefore, in order to ensure the sale of American cotton, the British Polk would never dare to offend.

In fact, even without the above, the military and national strength of the United States cannot be compared with that of the United Kingdom.

However, although the U.S. military performed poorly in the previous U.S.-Mexico War, it still looks arrogant from generals to politicians, as if those failures had never happened.

As for the reflection on this war, there is almost no reflection. Robert Lee was thrown tomatoes by the students because he lectured on "Lessons from the Failure of the Battle of the Rio Grande" in the classroom of West Point Military Academy.

After the war, a large number of U.S. troops were disbanded. These people were originally young and strong laborers, but because many people were infected or carried the yellow fever bacteria, it led to a yellow fever epidemic across the United States.

As a result, these soldiers who had just fought for the United States became poisonous rats that everyone beat.

The reason for this result is related to the US government's resettlement method for the soldiers. The government hopes that the soldiers can stay in the land they just acquired and resettle nearby, which also saves the time for immigration.

But these soldiers were generally poor, and their income could not afford to buy land.But if it can be placed on the newly acquired land, it will not only save the cost of disbanding soldiers, but also stabilize the frontier, which is definitely the best of both worlds.

While the senior officials of the White House were hesitating, the bankers headed by Soros came to the White House.They came here for nothing but to pay for it.

Specifically, three points:
First, restore the independent treasury system.

Second, reduce tariffs.

Third, manage the west.

The first point is the most valued by bankers and Jewish financial groups, although in theory, the establishment of an independent treasury system will separate the government from the banking business, making it impossible for certain interest groups and individuals to use the bank for profit.

It will even hit the banking industry in reverse, reduce the use of bank rolls, and hinder the interests of certain interest groups.But in fact, this system is more likely to breed corruption, and the independent treasury of the United States has never been independent.

Instead, it evolved into a currency-issuing bank, a national silver coin reserve center, and a gold and exchange rate control center, which replaced the central bank to a certain extent, and finally established the Federal Reserve System in 1913, becoming the embryonic form of the current Federal Reserve.

This point was discussed before Polk came to power, so he had no objection, but the list of treasury officials made him frown, because almost all of them were Jews.

The reputation of the Jews in this era is really not very good. If this list of official appointments and dismissals is released, I am afraid that he will not be the president.

"There are too many Jews on this list."

Soros smiled: "Mr. President, they are not Jews, they are just American citizens."

In fact, except for some special surnames, ordinary people have no way of judging whether those officials are Jewish.

Polk: "Mr. Soros, your wisdom is really admirable. It is true that the value of a citizen cannot be defined by his racial identity, but by what he has done for the country."

Soros: "I also admire your wit and understanding of righteousness. All of you salute the great America!"

"To our America!"

The wealthiest plutocrats in the United States raised their glasses together.

As for the second reduction of tariffs, it is part of the deal between Soros and Franz.However, I have to say that these businessmen are sometimes very trustworthy. Of course, this may also have something to do with Franz having a gun in his hand.

Polk was not really advocating the reduction of tariffs, because American industry was in its infancy and needed a lot of cheap raw materials, cheap labor and a stable market.

But once the tariffs are opened, a large number of European industrial products will flow into the market, and at the same time, a large number of foreign orders will rob the raw materials on which the US domestic industry depends. What's more, some European powers will reversely attract immigrants, resulting in brain drain.

This is what Polk does not want to see, but his personal will is not worth mentioning in the face of power.

In fact, the issue of tariffs has been around for a long time, but at this time the strength of the South, coupled with the collective pressure of the bankers, even Vice President Joel Dallas, who has always opposed the reduction of tariffs, raised his hands and surrendered.

In the end, Polk came up with the lowest tariff in the history of the United States. The export of cotton and grain in the United States is almost 0 tariffs, and the import of industrial products in Europe is also almost 0 tariffs. subsidy.

The third point is that in addition to those powers and false names, bankers also need to recover their costs. The land in the west is just right. After all, this is the legal income of the US government to repay debts.

But the resettlement work of those veterans is not in their control, they just want to buy the land with money.

It's fair to pay for it and deliver it.

What about those soldiers who can't afford it?But there's always someone who can afford it, right?
 Ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets or something.

(End of this chapter)

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