The reaction of the Austrian side to the British stationed in Albania seemed extremely indifferent. In fact, not everyone has the same mentality as Franz, or can understand the power of the Balkans.

Rather, the vast majority of people in the upper echelon of the empire felt that the northern mountainous areas of Albania were insignificant, and the British occupation of the south was even more meaningless.

Friedrich dismissed the troops deployed by the British in southern Albania. With 3000 people and a dozen small ships of less than [-] tons, they had no effect on the Austrian Imperial Navy at this time.

In fact, Friedrich also studied with his eldest brother, Grand Duke Albrecht, the possibility of attacking Albania on land.

The latter told the former responsibly that 3000 people could not stop the Austrian Army at all. At this time, Austria could mobilize tens of thousands of troops in the northern Balkans at any time.

If the naturalization of the north is completed, the number of troops that can be mobilized will increase exponentially.And once the railway is built, it is not a problem to send [-] troops and supplies to Albania within one to two weeks.

It's just that the construction of the railway between the mountains will be more troublesome, but fortunately Austria itself is a mountainous country, and it has accumulated a lot of experience long before that.

The Austrian Empire is the best country in the world at this time to build railways in mountains, and it is not one of them.

Of course, Friedrich still knew that he should show weakness to the enemy, after all, he was no longer a child.He has accumulated a lot of experience in these years of fighting in the north and south, and Friedrich knows how to make the opponent relax his vigilance.

All large warships of the Austrian Navy must stay away from British ports, and once British ships are spotted, they must slow down immediately.

The military observers sent to Durres by the Duke of Haddington thought that their trip was unnecessary, because the way the Austrians built large warships was extremely unreasonable, or they could not build ships at all.

(Durres was the largest port in Albania at this time.)
British military observers believe that the Austrians may regard building warships as building houses, thinking that the taller and bigger the better, but in fact those bulky structures hinder the original performance of the ship. After all, wooden structures have an upper limit.

After a lot of reports were sent back to the UK, Duke Haddington even began to wonder if Austria simply wanted to expand in the Balkans, and at the same time was afraid of Russia, so it adopted this strategy of picking and searching.

If that is the case, then the behavior of the British Navy at this time is a complete waste.

Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Mozart's tunes have been echoing in the teaching hall. This is not because the family is a fan of Mozart, but because Franz hopes to use the Mozart effect to improve the IQ of the family as much as possible.

Most of Mozart's works are pure, fresh, bright, and stable in rhythm, which conform to the unique physiological laws of the human body.

This feature can stimulate positive emotions such as joy and joy, which in turn can promote the improvement of cognitive processing level, which is the so-called Mozart effect.

In fact, for the intelligence of the family, Franz can be said to have broken his heart. From food and music, to books to read and knowledge to learn, and even toys, he made detailed plans.

For this reason, Franz even built a toy factory specially to produce products including Jiulian, puzzles, building blocks (traditional building blocks and Lego building blocks), Rubik's cube and the like.

It's just that when the Rubik's Cube was first produced, it stumped a large number of experts and scholars from the Royal Academy of Sciences in Vienna.

At first everyone thought it was a toy of Archduke Franz, but no one took it seriously until a professor brought one of the replicas to his children.

As a result, his son, who was called a "genius" since he was a child, couldn't restore it after four hours. Finally, the professor decided to try it himself.

Although the professor majored in chemical engineering, he was very confident in his intelligence, but he failed to restore it after another four hours. However, for the sake of his dignity as an old father, he could not give up.

As a result, the professor couldn't recover the Rubik's Cube after playing all night, and finally had to ask his colleagues for help—the group of people known as the smartest people in the entire Austrian Empire.

Then a group of professors began to try one by one. Of course, since there was only one Rubik's Cube, everyone had limited time to try it. As a result, it took a day to recover it without success.

So Liebig felt that this was a joke, it must be a joke by Archduke Franz.

Then Liebig asked Archduke Franz at the following regular meeting of the Royal Society of Science in Vienna.

"Grand Duke Franz, will this toy of yours never be restored?"

"No." Franz answered very simply.

Liebig asked very unwillingly.

"Can someone restore it?"

At this time, some colleagues began to pull the Taishan Beidou of the chemical industry, carefully reminding him to pay attention to his words and identity.

Franz: "Of course. I believe that little toys like Rubik's Cube are nothing to people like you."

Liebig: "I can't do it."

Franz: "How is that possible!"

Li Bixi said angrily: "It's not just me, all the professors in our School of Chemical Engineering can't do it."

At this time Babbage got up and said very seriously: "Mr. Liebig! Please pay attention to your attitude."

Franz waved his hand, signaling not to hurt his temper.In fact, even scientists are not all straight men of steel, they only know that doing science doesn't care about human sophistication at all.

In fact, some people are quite sophisticated, such as Babbage and some scientists who were born as civilians. After all, they have tasted the warmth and coldness of the world.

It was completely reasonable for some people to deliberately flatter Franz, but those who were unwilling to flatter him did not mean that they were unavailable.

On the contrary, Franz appreciates this attitude very much, but these people made mistakes, and he still needs to help correct them.

"Please give me the Rubik's Cube."

Soon the Rubik's Cube was handed over to Franz. He looked at the Rubik's Cube in his hand and took a deep breath.

Then everyone saw the various layers of the Rubik's Cube spinning rapidly in Franz's hands.
"28 seconds."

Franz threw the restored Rubik's Cube to Liebig, looking at the completely restored Rubik's Cube in his hand, the latter couldn't help but grow his mouth and muttered.

"What kind of magic is this?"

"It's not magic, this toy has laws. You should find some mathematicians to solve this kind of thing, they should be better at it.

However, there are specializations in the art industry, so you don't need to be discouraged. "

Franz had seen the teachings of later generations, and had played for several years when he was young, so the third-order Rubik's Cube was not too difficult for him.

But Franz didn't intend to keep it secret. After all, this thing has its own rules, and it's only a matter of time before they find out, not to mention that deceptive things will be exposed sooner or later.

But Liebig still didn't want to believe what he saw, so he scrambled the Rubik's Cube and returned it to Archduke Franz.

"Can you do it again?"

Franz was a little helpless, but the Rubik's Cube turned rapidly again.

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