Chapter 592 Prophecy
Facing the reality of rapidly decreasing land, they can only choose to accept it sadly.O'Connell told them to be patient, but all they got in return was a decree that was not obeyed and the landowners increasingly plundered.

At present, Franz has no effective solution. It seems that the only way is to let the Irish change to other crops to reduce losses.

However, this approach is obviously not recognized by the locals. After all, not everyone has enough courage to believe those prophecies without warning.

In the final analysis, although farmers are superstitious, they are often more willing to believe their own experience than the words of these outsiders, even if they are sanctified by the cloak of religion.

And because of the entrustment of the "sage from heaven", most of the priests of the empire did not adopt a policy of deception. On the contrary, they signed an agreement with the peasants, but unfortunately only a few were willing to accept it.

Of course, the content of the agreement is quite beneficial to the underlying party, after all, Franz has no intention of profiting from it.

On the contrary, those priests who used the name of religion and prophecy were very successful, and they replaced potatoes with barley after a few scares.

These people combined the prophecies of the Doomsday Ark Society (a cult organization) with the late potato blight that appeared in the previous two years, and the conspiracy theories of the British, and made a new prophecy.

[It’s almost like some evil British are developing an evil curse that can erode the soil, and only by planting barley can the evil be driven out. 】

As a result, a new organization [Barley Society] emerged in Ireland, and an unlucky Austrian pastor was recommended by the locals as its spiritual leader.

In this way, superstition defeated science and reason, leaving Franz speechless for a while, but even if all the farmers in Ireland followed the example of gourds and planted barley instead, the food they produced would not even be able to feed themselves. After all, the land in their hands was too large. not enough.

And the food hoarded by the priests of the empire in Ireland is only enough to help them survive the first year. The best way is to make potatoes their staple food again, which is to eliminate the source of the famine-potato late blight.

In fact, due to Franz's instructions, these servants of God established some experimental bases on the island of Ireland, and made several kinds of pesticides of this era. Of course, there is also Bordeaux mixture for later generations, but they don't know how effective they are.

At the same time, the priests and officials sent by Austria were also describing a beautiful country and pieces of brand-new land to the Irish.

If there are a small number of immigrants, the empire's overseas colonies can be digested, but if the number is too large, the issue of integration and security has to be considered. After all, Britain is very good at stirring up internal conflicts in other countries, and its colonists are born Famously ferocious.

Of course, diverting disasters to the east is also an option, such as encouraging the Irish to colonize the southern part of Argentina, which was still the land of the Indians at this time, or sending them to the Congo to let them fight the local indigenous people.

But after the achievements of those Irish, it is unclear whether Austria will have their influence.

Even if it is successful, there is a high probability that this approach is making a wedding dress for the British, so sending it to Hungary, Dalmatia, California and other lands seems to be more in the interests of the empire.

Queen's Village, Ireland.

Thunder and lightning accompanied by rain and snow, the weather is really bad!Scatha Jennings closed the two wooden windows, but the cold rain still seeped through, which made her mood worse.

The so-called windows are nothing more than two pieces of wood, because most people can't afford glass.

I don't know if it was because he punished his younger brothers and sisters for stealing wine, but Father Cloven suddenly declared that the end of the world was coming, and asked everyone to grow barley instead of potatoes.

Then Father Hans said that his colleagues were crazy, but the former also advised everyone not to grow potatoes anymore, because he found a new way to turn one kilogram of barley into three kilograms of food.

It's just that Hans and his assistant Siegfried didn't use barley flour to bake bread, but steamed it.

That kind of round bread, with a small lump of meat in the middle for decoration, my God!It looks so blasphemous!It's like all in all the men and boys are very happy, but they are strongly opposed by the women of the village.

Although the priests were driven out by everyone, their sudden change still made people in the village panic.

Father felt that the priests must have received some kind of enlightenment, while mother only felt that the former wanted to touch the big round bread. After all, the latter's malnutrition and old age made his physical condition no longer what it used to be.

Hearing the conversation between the parents, Scatha's younger sister, Irene, ran into her arms and arched.


Scathach reacted for a while before pinching Irene's face and said.

"You little guy is itchy, aren't you!?"

As the eldest brother, Patritt brought back new friends, but to the disappointment of the family, it was another boy.

The family hissed in disappointment, leaving Patritt angry and embarrassed.

"Patrick, you are already a mature adult, you should think more about the important things in your life."

Scatha Jennings imitated his father and patted the former meaningfully.

This time it was Skaha who was pinched in the face.

"Everyone else's girls are getting married for money! You guys are still cheating at home all day long."

When he came to visit for the first time, Wynn looked a little embarrassed. His body was thin and his face was dark, which was obviously caused by malnutrition.

Wynn's parents were exiled to New Zealand due to the crime of theft and vagrancy. Fortunately, a distant uncle was willing to adopt him, which saved him from the same fate as his biological parents.

But maybe it was God’s tease, his uncle who had always been healthy died of illness suddenly, and then he encountered the disaster that caused him to lose the land he got from his uncle.

Fortunately, the comrades in Young Ireland helped him find a way to let him hide in Patrick's house first.

To be honest, Wynn was fascinated by Scathach when they met for the first time. His pure appearance, bright smile, and mischievous personality were all attracting him.

It's just that in the eyes of Scatha Jennings, he looks completely different, a weird guy who hangs out with Patrick, looks dark, has a silly face and likes to stare at people.

Scathach: "This is your friend? Why doesn't he speak?"

Patritt pressed his sister's head: "You girl, speak kindly, his uncle just passed away."

"Pete just passed away! Why don't you make him be polite to me?"

"Peter's a pig! You say he's ugly and stinky all day, and you ate more than anyone else that day!"

Patritt was speechless towards his sister, but Scathach still said relentlessly.

"My poor Pete!"

But no matter how noisy the Jennings family was, Wynn never said a word to anyone.

However, Patritt's parents still warmly received the child. After all, in Patritt's heart at this time, these like-minded friends are more important than family members.

Although the parents felt very angry, they still chose to tolerate.It's just that Wynn is not grateful, because the place where he sleeps is exactly Pete's den.

(End of this chapter)

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