Regarding the question of the Italian nationalists, Marshal Radetzky's advice was "It's better to ask directly."

Although it sounds so unbelievable, it is still quite efficient.

Italian soldiers generally said that they were really unfamiliar with the northern Italians, and that the southern Italians were simply sworn enemies.

Of course they prefer to say that those are Sardinians, Lombards, Venetians, Luccas, Parmas, Modenas, Tuscans, Romans (Papal States), Neapolitans, Sicilians.

It seems that the propaganda of the Austrian Empire over the years has not been in vain. In fact, most of the troops are poor people who are not accepted by the local society. They naturally don't like those who abandon themselves.

All Franz needed was to keep them winning and to have money to drink afterward.

Relatively speaking, the Illyrians and Hungarians in Italy are the problem. This is not because they are deeply influenced by the Great Hungarianism, but because these people have long been used to doing things with money, and they have very weak concepts about the country and the nation. .

(The Illyrians are the general term for the Slovenians, Serbs, Croats, and Montenegrins in the Austrian Empire.)
Italians accounted for only half of the garrison in Italy, and the remaining half was composed of Germans, Illyrians, Hungarians and Czechs.

This can also be regarded as a feature of the Austrian Empire. The advantage is to prevent a certain nation from growing bigger and unable to stop it when a rebellion occurs.

But the disadvantage is that there are many hills inside the army, and the ethnic composition is complex and it is difficult to unify the command.

A low-level officer who wants to effectively command his team needs to learn at least three foreign languages ​​and spend a lot of time on communication.

Not to mention the problem of training. Compared with verbal communication, sticks and whips are very easy to use.

The "Twenty Words Handbook of Must-Knowledge on the Battlefield" has been promoted for nine years. In fact, during the Napoleonic Wars, the military reform presided over by Grand Duke Karl had this, but the reform failed in the later period, coupled with the opposition of the Hungarians, this reform It was covered in dust.

Franz proposed this reform again in 1836, and the Minister of War, Count Latour, continued it smoothly.

Up to now, "Twenty Words of Must Know" has become "Fifty Words of Must Know", in fact, "One Hundred Words of Must Know" and "120 Words of Must Know" appeared in the middle, but it is too complicated for recruits so I can only give up.

Franz conducted several investigations, and the Italian Legion's "Fifty Words on the Battlefield" has a sampling pass rate of over 90%, which is higher than the national average (60%, if the Hungarian military region is excluded, the average line can be close to 75%).
The sampling pass rate of "Must Know Twenty Words" is infinitely close to 100%. They all know and can hear it, but a few of them can't spell.

The army as a whole does not have any revolutionary tendencies, and its combat effectiveness is okay.

It's just that Franz looked through the officer list and couldn't help but gasped. The names of the two great gods, Fernand Lizzie and Alois Palfi, were impressively listed.

Fernand Lizzi was the ruthless man who later surrendered Venice to the rebels without firing a shot, and fled all the way from northern Italy to the beaches of Brussels, Belgium.

His life experience can be described as extremely brilliant. He was captured twice and was severely injured by the rebel army many times. In his hands, the Austrian army had to pay huge losses in every battle.

Knowing the plan of the insurgents in advance, they led two full brigades to encircle and suppress the insurgents of the Carbonari. The strength of the two sides was [-] to [-].

As a result, almost all important figures including Garibaldi were released, 26 people were captured, more than [-] enemy soldiers were killed, and their own losses were more than ten times that of the opponent.

Another heavyweight, Alois Palfi, was a real master of surrender. In the stormy year of 1848, he led three legions successively in Northern Italy, Bohemia, and Hungary without a single shot. hair.

What's even more incredible is that the Austrian Empire has always believed that this man is a genius and will launch an attack.

Franz read the resume of Alois Palfi, who belonged to the typical rooted Zhengmiaohong. He entered the military academy at the age of eight and graduated at the age of 12. He was proficient in all tactics such as artillery, cavalry, and infantry.

After graduation, he directly served as a lecturer at the Theresa Military Academy, the highest military academy in the Austrian Empire, and was responsible for teaching a series of prominent subjects such as battle theory, warfare, and artillery.

Various medals, certificates, and honorary titles awarded at home and abroad can almost fill two pages. How can such a Long Aotian's performance be so hip?
After Franz asked some professionals, Friedrich said that he was really not familiar with this guy, but Archduke Karl replied that he had no impression.

Albrecht said that guy was an idiot and his course was a piece of shit, of course if it's just a story it's ok.

Count Latour sent a copy of Franz Joseph's own resume, and the latter roughly understood it after reading it.

Alois Palfi is completely a product of god-making, an artificial idol created by a certain big family using human and financial resources in order to promote their legal heir.

Franz is going to take this pair of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks to Hungary to let them fend for themselves. If they can survive a desperate situation and explode into a small universe to do something, it will be considered worthy of the wages they have received all these years.

If they die, it can only be said to be bad luck, and it has no effect on the Austrian Empire.

However, it was quickly opposed by Prince Metternich and Count Kororav in the Regency Council. In fact, it was impossible to know that this pair of crouching dragons and phoenixes had no one behind them.

Moreover, in a rich place like northern Italy, it is impossible for the big shots not to come in and get involved.It seems that this plan can only be shelved temporarily, but Franz is not in a hurry, after all, there are still three years for him to do a lot of things.

The local gentry and nationalists in Lombardy are not all idiots. Someone analyzed that the Austrian Empire wanted them to kill each other, but they couldn't explain it clearly, let alone explain it.

So some people really took the risk and launched an attack on the Verona Fortress, but their caravan and death squad were intercepted before seeing the shadow of the Verona Fortress.

Franz still admires this kind of group that dared to assassinate, so they must be uprooted.

Most of the members of the so-called "Drass Brotherhood" were quickly captured under the concerted efforts of multiple parties, in addition to their supporters, including several very influential nobles in the local area.

The families behind these people sent envoys hoping to negotiate with the empire, and Franz didn't mind coming to "kill the nine clans".

It was not uncommon to be tortured into tricks at the time. After obtaining "strong evidence", the Lombardy regional government launched a quick and thorough blow to these guys who dared to assassinate the royal family and treasonously.

Nearly 3000 people boarded the ship to the colony afterwards.

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