Chapter 1011 Parting on bad terms
1848 7 Month 5 Day.

Britain and Austria launched the first round of peace negotiations at the Palace of Westminster.

As the heavy wooden doors were pushed open layer by layer, the British and Austrian negotiators were seated.

However, the atmosphere was indescribably strange. It was clear that the Austrian Empire proposed peace first, but the Austrian representatives had no intention of speaking at all.

Instead, everyone took out a stack of documents and looked confident, and of course occasionally picked up a pen to sketch on it.

Facing the group of Austrian representatives in front of him who looked like they had nothing to do with them, John Russell cursed in his heart.

"Are you going to fucking talk about it? Who wants to negotiate!"

However, he could only suppress the anger in his heart at this time. After all, it would be great if the Austrians were willing to take the initiative to compete for the German crown, give up their Mediterranean hegemony, and then proactively reduce their own armaments.

Palmerston was also very depressed. He was always known for his toughness. If it were normal, he would have said a harsh word and left.

But Palmerston did not dare to do this today. Apart from the presence of the Prime Minister, the domestic situation in the UK is not optimistic. If the fight continues, even if it wins, it will be a tragic victory, and by that time Russia will once again No one can cure it.

Viscount Stratford was expelled from the cabinet due to a previous scandal in Vienna. He served as ambassador to the Ottoman Empire and persuaded the Ottoman Empire to send troops to Austria.

The addition of the Ottomans would distract the Austrians, but it would still be a protracted war and the costs would still be huge.

In addition, although there are no politicians in the Austrian Imperial Mission, they are all ruthless characters. These people are all top masters in their fields.

In particular, Baron Brooke was known for his toughness and would never take the initiative to find someone for a second negotiation. He once vigorously implemented the New Monetary Policy (anticipated banknotes) in Austria, and was most likely the mastermind behind the manipulation of the Austrian stock market.

"Dear Baron Brooke, and gentlemen.

On behalf of the Government of the British Empire, we have the pleasure to meet you. As you all know, there have been a series of unfortunate events between our two countries recently.

Over the past few months, the relationship between our two countries has been undergoing severe tests."

Palmerston could only start with this official tone, but he quickly changed the subject.

"When you come here today, you must have found a way for the two countries to coexist peacefully."

"not at all."

Baron Brooke's answer was very concise, which embarrassed the British government negotiators. George Eden even wanted to leave the meeting angrily.

Before waiting for the British side to react, Baron Brooke continued.

"Our country still cannot understand your country's behavior, but in any case, the internal affairs of the Austrian Empire do not allow external interference, whether it is the Italian issue or the Hungarian issue."

This is actually Franz's attitude. Although he has been trying his best to avoid large-scale conflicts with the British, internal affairs issues are his bottom line.

"If your country does not have the sincerity to negotiate for peace, then you can leave."

Palmerston responded equally strongly to Baron Brooke's tough attitude. This was his usual style. Every time, the opponent had to choose to surrender, thus losing a head in terms of momentum. Afterwards, Palmerston will continue to exert pressure until the other party collapses and has to cede greater benefits to Britain.

"We are here to fight for peace, not to beg for peace. If your country does not want to talk, then we will divide the country on the battlefield."

Palmerston made a very nonchalant gesture of invitation, and Baron Brooke immediately stood up and left the table without hesitation.

The members of the Austrian mission were a little confused. After all, they had been preparing for this for a long time and had given up a lot for this mission. It would be a big loss if they returned without success.

The British Admiralty Minister George Eden looked indifferent. After all, Austria won two wars with the help of the French.

As long as he transfers the main force of the North Sea Fleet and crushes Austria and France, the reputation of the Royal Navy will naturally be preserved and the war will end.
John Russell couldn't sit still. What kind of negotiation is this? It seems to be over before it even begins? Two hot-tempered people put hundreds of millions of people in the flames of war with just a few words?
But he was still held down by Palmerston. At the same time, following Palmerston's gaze, he also saw the doubts in the eyes of the members of the Austrian mission.

After noticing this detail, John Russell let out a long breath. It turns out that the other party is just bluffing, so as long as they keep their composure, the Austrians will have to lower their conditions.

"It seems that Palmerston, a dissolute man, does have two skills. No wonder he can be successful in the diplomatic field."

John Russell silently praised in his heart.

Palmerston lit a cigarette while looking at the Austrian envoy packing his things. The Austrians seemed to have brought a lot of documents with them. What were they used for? Is it a plan made in advance?

Palmerston had never seen this kind of negotiation method before. He had to admit that Baron Brooke seemed to be a strong opponent, but fortunately he was one step ahead.

When he was proud, Palmerston pretended to take a deep breath casually, then blew out the smoke towards Baron Brooke who was about to leave.

"Mr. Baron, I heard that you Austrians did not allow representatives of other countries to smoke at the German Confederation Congress because people who smoked would invade your country, right?"

Baron Brooke ignored the other party's provocation and simply walked out of the conference hall.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Behind the Austrian Empire mission came the wild laughter of the British representatives, but these Austrians had experienced the world and were almost immune to such low-level ridicule.

Only old Atiles was a little aggrieved.

"Damn British guys! I will terminate all business with them when I get back and see if they can still be arrogant!"

There are still a small number of national capitalists like old Arties and Böhm-Bawerk. Although the others are closely connected with the Austrian royal family, and many of them were even supported by Franz, they will not make such overly impulsive decisions. the behavior of.

Baron Brooke was still as serious as usual, but he was worried inside. After all, he was here to negotiate, but Archduke Franz asked him to talk like business.

The British have no sincerity. Not only the success rate of negotiations is low at this time, but the price will also be lowered by the British. Terminating negotiations and waiting for subsequent developments is the wisest approach, but can international issues really be treated as a business?

The Austrian Imperial Mission did not pack up and prepare to leave immediately after returning to Claridge's Hotel, which further confirmed Palmerston's suspicion.

He couldn't help but feel a little proud, but the situation facing him and the Whig Party at this time was not optimistic.

(End of this chapter)

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