Fogel was a veteran of the Napoleonic period. He had followed Blücher in his northern and southern campaigns and made many contributions, but he was always considered to lack creativity and initiative on the battlefield and only knew how to obey blindly.

However, King William IV of Prussia needed this kind of talent at this time. After all, he was really afraid that if he was not careful, Prussia would get into trouble if the two sides clashed with each other.

The Danish and Swedish coalition forces are certainly terrifying, but the threat from the British cannot be ignored, and the most terrifying thing is the attitude of the Russians.

Although Nicholas I did not send a single soldier to Schleswig at this time, it was a real big stone pressing on William IV's heart, making him breathless.

However, the nationalists in Prussia refused to let him go, and William IV's spirit was completely destroyed by this constant swing.

In fact, Nicholas I was really in no mood to deal with Prussia at this time, and Imam Shamir's rebellion became almost unstoppable with a little help from Franz.

In fact, even Franz did not expect that the Chechen rebellion could last so long. It seems that Russia's internal problems are indeed not small at this time, otherwise the equipment and materials of 10,000 or 20,000 people would not have such a big impact.

However, compared to domestic rebellion, Nicholas I wanted to realize the glory and dream of the Third Roman Empire, but he still needed a little help.
After William IV signed the order to replace his brother Prince Carl with the veteran Fogel, he slumped in his chair.

"If it were Frederick the Great, he would definitely laugh at his incompetent descendant. But in order to prevent the tragedy from happening again, I have to do this."

William IV's soliloquy did not attract the attention of the attendants. After all, His Majesty has been depressed since he ascended the throne, and talking to himself is normal.

At this time, there was the sound of rapid footsteps, and then the door was knocked.

"Report! Urgent report from Neuchâtel."

"Come in!"


The attendant took the military newspaper and inspected it carefully, then carefully placed it in front of William IV.

William IV felt his scalp numb immediately after watching it
"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that William IV's expression was not right, the attendant immediately asked carefully.

"Why are my two brothers so worried?"

William IV sighed with emotion and handed the general newspaper to his old attendant.

Neuchâtel was just a place for Prince Shotgun to relax. Even if you include the canton of Jura that was divided up in the Swiss Civil War, the army and police together only have more than 3,000 people. What can they do?

When thinking of William IV's sentimental character, most likely he was feeling sorry for himself over some trivial matter.

The old attendant unfolded the letter and glanced at it.

“Blessed King of Prussia, my brother William IV personally declares:

It is with great honor and joy that I report exciting news to you. A week ago, through my planning and the efforts of the soldiers, our army successfully raided the arsenal and material warehouse of the Expeditionary Force of the Second French Republic in Vaud, annihilating 38 enemies, capturing more than people, and seizing weapons. , countless baggage.

After this battle, not only did the siege of Friborg resolve itself, but the French army was also unable to continue its eastern expedition.

This victory is not only a victory in a battle, but also a proof of the courage and courage of our army. These Neuchâtelites succeeded in proving their loyalty to Prussia and their courage no less than that of us Prussians.

I am convinced that this victory will bring us greater honor and respect, unite the people of Neuchâtel, and ultimately consolidate your rule here.

To this end, I will personally lead the army to cut off the French army's retreat, destroy these invading enemies, capture Emenabre Pellissier alive, and enhance the prestige of our Great Prussia.

your brother,

Shotgun William. "

The old servant never knew what to say. His elder brother had been trying his best to avoid the battle. As for the two younger brothers, one asked for instructions and took the initiative to attack but was held down by His Majesty. The other attacked first and then asked for instructions.
William IV took off his reading glasses with trembling hands and put them on the table. The atmosphere in the room was so terrifyingly silent that the old waiter couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

William IV had been trying his best to prevent Prussia from being involved in the chaos in Europe at this time, but Prince Shotgun's actions made all the former's efforts in vain.

The victory in the Mediterranean naval battle made Louis Philippe extremely excited, but what made him more excited than the victory in the naval battle was that the Great Eastern Fleet actually chose to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side. It seems that our Orleans Dynasty still has loyal ministers!

Baron Pasquière was also very excited, and his face turned red. He even thought for a moment of Louis Philippe's return to Paris, and the days when he was the royal steward with great honor.
However, since the Second French Republic invaded the Duke of Orleans, his men have been running away. Even those who have not escaped are often caught by the Austrians and accused of being collaborators and traitors.

At this time, the intelligence agency of the Orleans Dynasty had long been paralyzed, and Baron Pasquière had no way to judge the authenticity of these messages, and he did not dare to raise objections to the Austrians responsible for protecting them.

He suddenly thought of an extremely terrifying possibility
Louis Philippe did not have so many distracting thoughts. Since his abdication, he had seen many things clearly. Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria, these powers did not seem to be his biggest enemies.

His biggest enemies are the vampires who think they are supporting him. On the one hand, these two-faced guys hollow out his country and make the people miserable; on the other hand, they send the extracted funds abroad, and finally regard him as a victim. Kick your feet away.

As for what Baron Pasquière was worried about, Louis Philippe was not worried at all.

Because at first he planned to exchange the Duke of Orleans for Algeria, but Franz's words later made him change his mind.

And the most important thing is that Louis Philippe has announced that the Count of Paris will inherit the Duchy of Orleans, and he is just the regent in the territory.

With that woman's character (the birth mother of the Earl of Paris), if she could not go back, she would definitely declare a regency as soon as possible. In addition, the Austrian Empire does not border it, so the Duke of Orleans will not become a trophy of the Austrians. .

The biggest problem now is the inheritance dispute within the family. The Earl of Paris is just a child, and his behavior in Paris is too embarrassing, and his biological mother fled to England with him.

At this time, the most hated thing among the Orleans faction was the British, because there were various signs that the Second French Republic had an unclear relationship with them.

Moreover, the colonies that the Orleans Dynasty has worked hard to build over the years are also being threatened by the British. If it were not for two consecutive Mediterranean naval battles, I am afraid that the colonies of the Orleans Dynasty would have been plundered by the British by this time.

On the other hand, the Duke of Omer (the fourth son of Louis Philippe) was the governor of Algeria at this time. He already had 100,000 battle-hardened colonial troops under his command. Now coupled with the powerful Grand Eastern Fleet, I am afraid he would not be willing to let it go. His nephew succeeded him as the patriarch of the Orleans family.

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