Paranormal Investigation Notes

Chapter 389 Virtual Goods

Now that the investigation has progressed, Lu Ming has become more and more sure that Han Rui must not be acting alone.There must be an organization behind him.

The reason for making this judgment is simple, and the evidence is intuitive.

First of all, our side has reviewed Han Rui's general course of action in the past few years. Through comparison, we believe that among his previous course of action, there are several similarities with the course of action aimed at Zhao Zonghai at this moment.

That is to say, they are all the kind of places that can be called tourism on the surface, but in fact, they are all small remote places, or places that are obviously not tourist areas.

It can basically be concluded that he is attacking the rest of the targets.But most of these goals did not appear in Hu Shan's dream.

The second point is that when the other protagonists in Hu Shan's dream died, except for Zhao Zonghai, there was also definite evidence that Han Rui was not here and did not have the conditions to commit the crime.

From this, the first point can prove that "Han Rui's targets are not limited to those people in Hu Shan's dream", and the second point can prove that "the perpetrators of those people in Hu Shan's dream are not only Han Rui."

Combining the two, it can be concluded that there is an organization in this world. There are many perpetrators like Han Rui in this organization, and many people are the targets of this organization.

Different perpetrators frequently commit crimes for different targets.What Hu Shan dreamed was just the tip of the iceberg.

But these cases are all hidden in the dark, with a perfect appearance on the surface as a cover, and they are not known to the world at all.If it wasn't for Hu Shan's dream, then until now, the second action team and the Planetary Security Bureau would not know that such a thing still exists in this world.

"Then... why did Hu Shan dream about these things?"

Han Rui is dead at this moment.The clues that were finally found were interrupted again, and the investigation of the second operation team was once again deadlocked.

After thinking hard, Lu Ming said slowly, "I tend to think it was an accident."


He Wei chewed this word carefully, and said with some uncertainty: "It's like what happened to you in the mountain god case?"

"Yes. An accident." Lu Ming nodded: "It can be seen that this secret organization is not at all prepared for the early exposure of the matter. It is highly probable that they did not know that Hu Shan had dreamed of such a thing. At the same time, Hu Shan himself was one of the targets of the crime, and he was spared because of our intervention. I tend to think that there was an accident due to some unknown reasons."

"so what?"

Lu Qingliang spread his hands: "So what if it was an accident? We have no way of confirming what this accident is, and why it happened to Hu Shan."

In the Shanshen case, by comparing the genes of the victims, it was confirmed that the victims had a certain gene in common, which further confirmed the criteria for the X organization to select targets.

But in this case, including Hu Shan, the victims have nothing in common.Moreover, Hu Shan was the only one who encountered an "accident", and there was no way to count and compare the conditions for such an accident.

"Who said Hu Shan was the only one who suffered such an accident?"

Lu Ming looked at Lu Qingliang, and said slowly, "Maybe...others have suffered the same accident as Hu Shan?"

He Wei frowned, trying hard to think about this possibility: "However, if the person involved doesn't take the initiative to report the crime, we won't be able to find him."

Just like at this moment, if Hu Shan didn't take the initiative to report to the Public Security Bureau because of fear, and the security officer named Xu Qing who received the police happened to witness the death of a prophesied person, so he believed Hu Shan's dream and reported it layer by layer, his side would never know about the case.

There are too many accidents and coincidences in this, which are basically irreproducible.

Think about it, under normal circumstances, even Xu Qing would probably only regard Hu Shan's report as mentally ill.

Zhang Dingshan immediately made a decision: "Qing Liang, find the information analysis team to carry out a comprehensive investigation. The investigation focuses on two points. First, check whether there are relevant records in the global alarm system. Regardless of whether the case is filed or not, even if it is confirmed that the reporter has a mental illness and the case is not filed, it must be screened out.

Second, the global Internet system checks whether there are people who claim to have encountered this kind of dream, or achieved similar effects through other means. "

This is undoubtedly a large project.Even if there is a dedicated information analysis team, even if there are advanced intelligent information troubleshooting tools, it is not easy to do.

However, for the second action team, this level of investigation is just a routine method.

"I'll do it right away."

Lu Qingliang agreed and immediately went offline.A few minutes later, he went back online: "According to preliminary estimates, it is expected that there will be a conclusion within three days."

"Okay, then we'll wait."

While waiting for the information analysis team to start an investigation, on this side, several people are not idle.

Although Han Rui is dead, his things are still there.Whether it's the paper hat, or the rest of his backpack, or the contents of his residence, could mean clues.

Among them, paper hats and backpacks have been sent for scrutiny.Zhang Dingshan went to investigate Han Rui's source of funds, hoping to find clues about the secret organization through this.

He Wei and Lu Ming went to different cities to conduct a detailed investigation of Han Rui's numerous footholds.

Especially his fixed residence is the top priority of detailed investigation.

Lu Ming hoped that through this method, he could find out more clues about that secret organization.It would be even better if we could find out how Han Rui communicated with that secret organization, as well as the contact information and stronghold of that secret organization.

But sorry.After three days of busy investigation, the three failed to find any valuable clues.

Gathering in the conference room again, He Wei seemed a little distressed.

"This Han Rui, work and life are well separated. Those around him, including his relatives, even his own parents, don't know anything about him."

Regarding Han Rui's death, the official statement is that he "fell into the water and died", which is the same as Zhao Zonghai's original death method.

His relatives were heartbroken, but they could only accept the result.However, using the excuse of investigating the case, He Wei thoroughly checked Han Rui's hometown and social relations.

But the final result was not as expected.

It was impossible to find out when Han Rui joined this organization, how he kept in touch with this organization, where the equipment he needed came from, and when he performed what tasks.

This seems to only show that the secret organization has made great efforts on how to conceal its own existence, and has conducted strict training for mission executives like Han Rui, and put forward extremely strict requirements.

Apart from further proving that the secret organization does not want to be exposed and does not want to confront the world government head-on, which is good news, the rest is bad news.

"Don't waste any more effort on this."

Zhang Dingshan shook his head, and stopped trying in this area: "Just wait for the test results of the blank paper and the backpack to come out."

"That's right." He Wei said again: "During the investigation, based on Han Rui's action route, several suspected victims were found. Some of them died in car accidents, some were hanged, and some died of natural old age. Well, before they died, Han Rui had appeared in certain key places or around key people. I included these deceased victims in the victim comparison list, but there was nothing in common."

"Record it temporarily, let's see it later. When will the inspection results of the blank paper and backpack come out?"

"It's not until tomorrow."

"Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow." Zhang Dingshan paused: "During this period of time, I went to comprehensively sort out the source and flow of Han Rui's funds, but I didn't find any valuable clues."

Lu Ming was immediately disappointed.He thought he could find something out of it.

After all, the flow of funds is well documented for every transaction.At most, it's a little troublesome and cumbersome, as long as you are willing to work hard to check, how can there be no reason why you can't check it?
With the power at the hands of the second action team, no matter how high the level of financial fraud, money laundering and other means are useless.The result is nothing?
He Wei was also a little puzzled.

"This organization is very cunning." Zhang Dingshan whispered: "I found out that Han Rui's main source of income in the past few years is not self-media, but the sale of virtual goods and services."

"Virtual goods and services sales? How to say?"

Lu Ming was taken aback.

"Han Rui has opened several online stores to undertake some businesses that do not involve physical objects such as drawing, paper polishing and editing, animation editing, and film editing. Of course, he himself does not have the slightest ability to provide such services. I suspect that after receiving the business, he will send it to that secret organization through some kind of secret channel. After the organization completes the service, it will send the finished product to him.

Most of his money comes from the operating income of these online stores. The source of funds is completely clean and can withstand any investigation. "

"Is there such an operation? Running an online store? He, he doesn't bother?"

Not only Lu Ming, but even He Wei was taken aback.

"Han Rui hired a customer service agent to deal with customers, and he was only responsible for receiving and fulfilling the needs. He didn't care about the rest, just be a hands-off shopkeeper."

This is really unbelievable, and she couldn't think of such a way of paying remuneration even after thinking about it.

This is really impossible to check.

Lu Ming was speechless.But apart from lamenting a few words about the cunning of the enemy, there is no other way but to temporarily abandon this clue.

On the second day, a detailed inspection report on the blank paper and the backpack was presented to the three members of the second operation team.

"Sample 4 is A6 paper for ordinary office use, and the raw material is fast-growing poplar. Through detailed inspection of the process, it is confirmed that the manufacturer is Longxiang Paper Mill, and the production date is one year ago. A total of [-] tons of paper were produced in this batch..."

The test report listed the ins and outs of this A4 paper in detail, including the manufacturer and sales channels.No matter where you look at it, it is so normal that it cannot be normal anymore, and it is completely worthless.

There was only one thing that caught the attention of a few people.

"After testing, the paper has traces of being soaked by a certain liquid. However, the substance has completely evaporated or volatilized, leaving no traces, and it is impossible to detect the specific liquid."

Seeing this, He Wei's eyes narrowed slightly, and she immediately recalled certain details.

"Beside Xiaoshu Village, when Han Rui committed the crime, the piece of paper was wet! I didn't pay much attention at the time, but in retrospect, it seems that he finished the crime. After Horford claimed that he was not feeling well and left early, the piece of paper seemed to have dried up!"


Lu Ming thought about it: "So, what matters is not the paper, but the liquid that once soaked the paper? Is this paper just an insignificant carrier?"

Zhang Dingshan frowned for a moment, and said, "Han Rui also rented a house in the Hongye community where Horford is located. When inspecting that house, he found a crumpled A4 paper in the wastebasket. The test results at that time showed that the paper had also been soaked."

"Hongye District... that should be used when manipulating Horford. Judging from Han Rui's casual attitude of throwing it away and not paying attention to it, it seems that the white paper really has no value."

This can also testify that it is the liquid that matters, not the blank paper.It's a pity that the liquid has completely disappeared, and samples cannot be obtained and analyzed.

"Sample 159 is an ordinary rucksack, the brand is Yequ, the production date was one and a half years ago, the price is [-] yuan, and the purchase channel is e-commerce..."

Examination of the backpack also yielded no valuable findings.

"Sample three, an Anzhuo mobile phone. Sample four, a laptop computer. After information retrieval and web browsing records, no sensitive information was found."


The test reports of the evidence obtained from Han Rui were listed one by one, and each one contained no valuable information.

Faced with this situation, all three of them felt a sense of helplessness.

"No wonder that secret organization dared to kill Han Rui so quickly. They expected that we would not be able to find any clues."

He Wei sighed: "Now, we can only wait for Qing Liang to see if we can find any clues."

After another period of waiting, the analysis report of the information analysis team was presented to the three of them via Lu Qingliang.

"During the investigation of the existing information, I did not find any reports of detailed predictions of death information similar to Hu Shan's dream. None. No one reported the case, and no one claimed on the Internet that he or anyone he knew had such a dream."

Lu Qingliang's expression was a little helpless: "I tried to relax the screening criteria and screened again, and then...there were too many information that met the criteria, so much that we couldn't sort it out at all."

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