He Wei stared at Han Rui motionlessly.She saw that Han Rui had changed his posture from squatting to sitting. After putting on the white paper hat, he also closed his eyes, and there was no other movement.

Zhang Dingshan, who had already rushed to the vicinity of the scene and joined Lu Ming, also saw this scene through surveillance.

Lu Ming looked at him and asked him with his eyes if he wanted to do it now.But Zhang Dingshan didn't seem to notice Lu Ming's eyes, nor did he express anything else.Lu Ming had no choice but to look back, and then focused on Han Rui again.

Under the night, the insects chirped softly, the night wind blew slightly, and there was silence.

The weather is fine today, a crescent moon hangs in the sky, casting a little light.But in the silence of the world, there is this slightly weird thing happening at this moment.

Two or 300 meters away, Horford and Zhao Zonghai's fishing positions are more than ten meters apart, but at this moment they have already got together, watching the movement of the float, chatting casually, sometimes taking a sip of beer, and sometimes picking up a piece of cooked meat and throwing it into their mouths.

"Old Wu, how should I put it, it's not bad, or a group of us guys can't take care of his business all the time. That's right, he's a bit petty."

Horford chatted casually with Zhao Zonghai: "That time I went to buy fishing line, fishing clothes and so on, and it cost more than 200. Let him send some fish food, I will feel sorry for him..."

On the contrary, Zhao Zonghai was more lenient: "The whole family lives by pointing to this shop. My son is in his late twenties and he can't talk about a partner. I'm anxious."


Chatting one after another, Horford suddenly frowned, and calmed down after a while.After a while, the brows frowned again.

This time, he seemed to have finally made up his mind: "Old Zhao, I feel a little pain in my stomach and feel a little uncomfortable all over. How about I withdraw first and you fish by yourself?"

Zhao Zonghai was a little dissatisfied: "It's agreed, you leave me alone."

Horford begged for mercy: "Old Zhao, brother Zhao, can I call you brother? It's my fault this time, I really don't feel well. I felt it more than an hour ago, and I was thinking about how I could bear it, but now I feel really bad. I'll leave you all the wine, okay?"

Zhao Zonghai had no choice but to say, "All right, all right, this coward."

Against Zhao Zonghai's complaints, Horford packed up his things, pushed the tram and left in a desperate manner.

He passed at least 50 people along the way.There are more than 50 pairs of eyes looking at him at the same time.But he found none.

His "historical mission" has also been completed.Now is the time for him to exit.

At this moment, He Wei could clearly see that the situation had developed exactly as she had predicted, exactly.

Horford is gone, Zhao Zonghai is the only one left here.But Horford's wine remained, and there were still seven or eight cans left.Before that, the two had each drank less than three cans, which could be considered slightly tipsy.

For some people who are not interested in drinking, if they are left alone, they may not think of drinking once in half a year.However, as long as you drink the beginning for some reason, you will want to keep drinking it later.

Obviously, Zhao Zonghai is such a person.This has a criminal record, and the investigation of Zhao Zonghai's background information clearly shows this.

Sure enough, after Horford left, under the light of the fishing lights, through surveillance, Lu Ming clearly saw him pick up the half can of beer on the small table next to him, and took a big gulp by himself.

After that, he took out his mobile phone and put it on the small table, tapped it a few times, and the sound of cross talk came out.

In this way, he started his night fishing journey by catching fish, eating meat, drinking wine and listening to cross talk.

Now, all conditions are in place.As long as Han Rui, who is highly suspected of being the manipulator behind the scenes, uses an unknown method, waits for Zhao Zonghai to drink more, and gently manipulates Zhao Zonghai into the water, then a seamless case of drunken drowning and drowning will be completed.

No holes, no loopholes.Even if the best detective came to investigate this case, it would be impossible to find any clues that anyone was involved.

At this moment, under He Wei's gaze, Han Rui seemed to have accomplished something just a few meters away.He tore off the white paper hat from his head, rolled it up, and threw it away.

He seems to be planning to leave here.

At this moment, Zhang Dingshan, who had been silent all along, uttered two words decisively.


He Wei had already accumulated all the strength in her body.At this moment, with the appearance of these two words, she jumped out in an instant, and in less than two seconds, she had already rushed behind Han Rui.

Han Rui seemed to have heard the movement, turned around suddenly, and was shocked to see a soldier in camouflage uniform rushing towards him with lightning speed.

He made a gesture to stand up, but before his legs had time to exert strength, He Wei pushed him hard, and he fell directly on the ground in front of him, letting out a dull cry of pain.

He didn't struggle to stand up immediately, but reached out and touched his backpack, as if he wanted to find something.

Lu Ming suddenly raised his heart.

Until now, our side knows nothing about this Han Rui, except for some information on his surface, and nothing about his hidden information.

What's in that backpack?Why is he touching the backpack?What he wants to take out, what he wants to do after taking it out, and what kind of consequences it will have are all unknown.

This means great risk.

At this moment, He Wei is facing this risk alone.

Although all the guards have silently activated at this moment and are rushing towards here, except for He Wei, the nearest one will take a few seconds to arrive.And in a few seconds, too many things can happen.

Don't let him touch the backpack!

This thought flashed through He Wei's mind for a moment.

At this moment, she had neither sadness nor joy on her face, neither anger nor tension.Although Han Rui accidentally escaped from her hands twice before, which made her teeth itch with hatred, but now that she started to carry out the mission, she lost any emotion in her heart.

After making up her mind not to let Han Rui touch the backpack, He Wei didn't stop at all, but just knelt down, put her knees on Han Rui's back, clasped her hands together, and locked Han Rui's arms behind her back.

Han Rui struggled with all his strength, and his legs thrashed with great force.

At the same time, He Wei also noticed that this Han Rui should have received special combat training.His struggle does not rely solely on brute force, but also has some skills besides brute force, such as anti-joint techniques and the like.

Moreover, his body is extremely flexible, and he can do many movements that ordinary people can't do at all, or forcefully do.

If it is an ordinary person, even if he occupies such a favorable form at this moment, he will be reversed in an instant.

Even He Wei felt that several times her entire body was about to be pushed up by Han Rui, about to be overturned.

Lu Ming was clearly aware of He Wei's situation, and his heart was full of worry.Although he believed in He Wei's fighting power, what he was facing at this moment was after all a person who was involved with supernatural power.

Looking at the many guards running towards the two of them, Lu Ming even forgot to breathe at this moment, and only two words echoed in his mind.

hurry up!
At this moment, the expression of He Wei who was confronting Han Rui head-on remained unchanged.She locked Han Rui's arms tightly behind her back, suppressing his body with her weight, and then she didn't know how to move, Han Rui's two arms were all within the control range of her left arm. After that, her right arm stretched out like a poisonous snake, and quickly wrapped around Han Rui's neck.

The hand wearing the combat glove stretched out, grabbed Han Rui's chin fiercely, squeezed it down hard, and pushed it up hard.

Immediately, Han Rui was like a steel bar that was bent to the extreme, unable to move anymore.At the same time, the mouth was pinched and had to be opened.

At this moment, the guard No. 1 came to support just rushed in front of the two of them.He did not go to help control Han Rui as Lu Ming expected, but pulled out a small flashlight from his waist, squatted down, turned it on, and shone it into Han Rui's mouth, and then carefully observed Han Rui's mouth with the light like a small searchlight.

The next second, No.2 guard also came here.He also squatted down, and also did not help He Wei control Han Rui, but directly started to touch Han Rui's head with his hand to check his hair.

Three seconds later, the two nodded at the same time.

There was no conversation at all.

After that, a guard took out a thing that could prevent Han Rui from biting his tongue and stick to his mouth so that he couldn't howl.Another guard directly put Han Rui in a hood.

No.3 and the guards who arrived after that finally started to assist He Wei.Four guards controlled his limbs respectively, and the remaining guards tied him firmly with ropes.

At this time, He Wei left the battle group, stood up beside her, pulled off her hat, and snorted.

"I thought you were so powerful, but that's all."

At this moment, a few guards carried Han Rui who couldn't move, and walked away in a hurry.He Wei looked around, and then walked away calmly.

There was no movement during the arrest operation involving dozens of people.Only two hundred meters away, Zhao Zonghai, who was fishing while listening to cross talk, didn't notice anything the whole time.

"Go. Interrogation immediately."


The two also withdrew.

After everyone evacuated, an ordinary civilian car drove over from Xiaoshu Village with its headlights on.The bright light caught Zhao Zonghai's attention, and he finally turned his head and took a look here.

So he saw the car parked on the side of the road, the door opened, a young man got down, took out fishing boxes, fishing rods and other equipment from the trunk, and walked towards his position.

Zhao Zonghai sighed in his heart.

He knew that he had to share today's fishing spot with this strange fisherman.

The young fisherman didn't seem to have just seen Zhao Zonghai until he got close. He let out a surprised cry, and then came over: "Brother, it's quite early. How many fish have you caught?"

"Seven or eight, the fish situation is not bad. You also stay overnight?"

"Tongbai, there's nothing to do tomorrow."

"You go there, my buddy just left, the nest is ready."


The young fisherman put away all the equipment and started the night fishing trip.

But I don't know why, maybe it's an illusion, Zhao Zonghai always feels that the young fisherman is constantly observing him secretly.Whenever he turned his head, he could always see the young fisherman staring intently at the water.

"It's weird. This guy, can't he be a bad guy?"

Zhao Zonghai muttered in his heart.Fortunately, nothing happened until dawn.After staying up all night, Zhao Zonghai finally had enough of his addiction.

"It's time to go home and sleep."

He stretched himself, looked at his catch in the fish guard, and felt that it was not worth much, so he picked two for himself to eat, and released the rest directly.

It is now four or five o'clock.

"Let's go, brother?"

Seeing Zhao Zonghai get up, the strange young fisherman next to him asked a question.

"I'm getting old, I can't stand it."

"Okay, bye."


Zhao Zonghai carried the fishing box and various tools, and pushed the trolley away.

He didn't see that after he left, as soon as he walked away, the young fisherman immediately took out a communicator: "Report, Target No. [-] has left safely."

After the report, he quickly packed up his things and left.

Back in time a few hours ago.

Haiyuan City, a temporary base.Behind the heavily guarded gate, a row of cars lined up to enter the interior.After stopping, dozens of guards jumped out of the car and closely guarded the surrounding area.After that, the minibus in the middle opened, and six guards pushed a push bed down.

On the push bed, wearing a hood and being fixed, Han Rui was still struggling from time to time.He also kept trying to make a sound in his mouth, but at most he could only make some whimpers, which couldn't be heard a little further away.

The trolley was rolled into an interrogation room.Under the watchful eye of many guards armed with live ammunition, Han Rui was released from the restraints, and then forced to push and push him to fix him on the interrogation chair.

Handcuffed and fettered, waist and abdomen fixed, all the guards felt as if they were facing an enemy.

After confirming that it was impossible for Han Rui to escape unless he could transform, the guards finally took off his hood and the tape on his mouth.

Then, Han Rui saw a somewhat familiar figure.

It was a young woman.The appearance can only be said to be beautiful but not stunning, her skin is not fair, but slightly wheat-colored, and she looks like a heroic woman.

He Wei looked at Han Rui with a half-smile: "Do you still recognize me?"

Han Rui was taken aback.At this moment, countless scenes and pictures flashed through his mind.Afterwards, he screamed loudly: "Who are you? Why kidnap me! Don't kill me, I have money, I have a lot of money, give it to you, don't kill me! I understand the rules of the road, I will not call the police!"

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