Paranormal Investigation Notes

Chapter 361 Causal Inversion

Chapter 361 Causal Inversion
The grim reality made Lu Ming feel as if a thick cloud was covering the meeting room at this moment.

Thinking of thousands of families and thousands of innocent people who are destined to encounter various tragedies in the future, and even lose their lives in the misery, claiming to be the last line of defense of human civilization against supernatural forces, to protect It is his sacred mission for ordinary people not to be attacked by supernatural forces, but he has no way to do it. This situation fills Lu Ming with a sense of frustration.

There is really no way to think about it, and there is no plan to do it.

If even "closed in the base and under strict protection 24 hours a day" can't stop the bad luck from happening, what else can one's own side do?
Our side can't lock up all those families who haven't encountered bad luck in the base for a lifetime, right?
Even if our side overcomes all difficulties and really obtains the cooperation of those families to realize this plan, Lu Ming suspects that even if we are really locked up in the base for a lifetime, this bad luck will appear in some unexpected way. .

It doesn't make any sense.

After a long time, Lu Qingliang sighed quietly: "Those people who were cursed by Wang Quan and committed suicide inexplicably, even if they live to this day, seeing those closest to them die one by one, they will probably have a nervous breakdown and eventually commit suicide the way."

That is probably the case.

It is actually not as difficult as imagined to defeat the spirit of an ordinary person.When the family encounters bad luck, the situation is miserable, and there is no hope for the future, then it is very reasonable and logical to take the road of suicide.

He Wei also sighed.

Lu Ming originally felt heavy in his heart.But for some reason, Lu Qingliang's words suddenly made him realize something.

That feeling was fleeting, and before Lu Ming could grasp it, it had disappeared without a trace.Lu Ming frowned, and began to think hard, trying to get that feeling back.

"The cursed dead, even if they live up to now, because of the tragic situation, they may not be able to avoid the end of suicide... living up to now, living up to now..."

Lu Ming pressed his hands on the table and stood up abruptly.Zhang Dingshan, He Wei, and Lu Qingliang who participated in the meeting via video conference all set their sights on Lu Ming.

Lu Ming looked extremely serious.Facing the gazes of the three, Lu Ming maintained a serious expression for a long time, but did not speak, but sat down again.

The three were a little puzzled, but none of them asked.But Lu Ming pulled the notebook, retrieved the materials of those cases, and began typing on the keyboard quickly.

After a long time, Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief, turned the notebook around, and showed it in front of the three of them.

"I found something, but I don't know if it's a coincidence, if it points to a possibility."

Lu Ming said in a deep voice: "Take the Zhang Lu case as an example. Zhang Lu committed suicide more than ten years ago. Then, not long ago, Zhang Lu's family suffered bad luck and the situation was miserable.

So, according to the timeline, the chronological order is like this.

More than ten years ago: Zhang Lu committed suicide.

More than ten years later: Zhang Lu's mother was defrauded, her house was defrauded, she owed a large amount of debt, and her mind was not normal.Zhang Lu's father was addicted to alcohol and was drunk all day long, beating and scolding Zhang Lu's mother constantly.

And, judging from the relationship between Cheng Yu and Zhang Lu at the beginning, if Zhang Lu hadn't had an accident, there was a high probability that the two would get married.But Cheng Yu...was addicted to drugs. "

Lu Ming's tone became more serious: "Everyone knows what drug addiction means. After being addicted to drugs, a person can no longer be called a human being."

After drug addiction, in order to raise money for drugs, addicts can even kill their parents and steal their bank cards.For the rest, things like forcing wives to sell themselves, selling children and daughters are not a bit of a psychological burden.

They are not even as good as animals.

He Wei was a little puzzled: "Yes, what's the matter?"

The things that Lu Ming listed, several people know very clearly.This doesn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary except for the possibility of "diffusion of the curse".

The possibility of the spread of the curse has already been speculated by our side.

Lu Ming said slowly: "My idea is, is the real logic of the incident going to be like this..."

He turned the notebook around, operated it a few times, and showed it to several people again.

This time, what happened more than ten years later was brought to the fore.Things that happened more than ten years ago are put behind.

"Could it be... that what happened more than ten years later was the reason for Zhang Lu's suicide more than ten years ago? Zhang Lu's suicide seemed to have no reason at the beginning. The reason for her suicide is now more than ten years later. Did it appear slowly?"

He Wei was startled for a while, and then a feeling of absurdity emerged in her heart.

How can the effect of an event precede the cause?The effect before the cause?How can this be?

But after thinking for a while, she found that Lu Ming's speculation was at least logically valid.

Of course, it is only limited to logic.

Lu Ming continued: "Except for the Zhang Lu case, that..."

He quickly operated on the notebook for a while, and called up another case: "The Zeng Jian case.

Zeng Jian, the security officer of the Blue Lake City Public Security Bureau.Some time ago, it was revealed that he had beaten others a few years ago. If he was still alive, he would definitely end up being expelled, and he might even go to jail.

Not only was his father paralyzed, he was also mentally ill and had a violent temper.His house was affected by the load-bearing wall smashed by the neighbors on the lower level, and it became dilapidated, and it was almost impossible to obtain compensation.He himself has a genetic disease, and there is a high probability that he will develop it in the near future.

Combining various factors, assuming Zeng Jian is still alive, will he choose to commit suicide to seek relief? "

Zeng Jian, who loves the work of a security officer, must be depressed after being fired.

It is impossible for my father's illness to get better, so he can only endure torture all day long.The house was destroyed, many years of savings were destroyed, and the genetic disease occurred, which could only be controlled and had no hope of cure.

Under such circumstances, it takes enough courage to live.It is a relief to die by suicide.

So... is it possible that these things are the real reasons for Zeng Jian's suicide?
"And now Family 546 and Family 559.

In family No. 546, the mother of the deceased had a strong desire to control and was good at mentally suppressing family members, and even forced the father of the deceased to death.I checked, and in that rural area, traditional concepts are strong.As the only son of the deceased, if he is still alive, in this case, the two sisters of the deceased can choose to separate from their mother and sever their relationship, is impossible for him to separate from his mother. "

In many rural areas, there is a concept of "water thrown by a married daughter".Regardless of whether this concept is right or wrong, it exists in reality.The existence of this kind of concept prevents the daughter from getting too much support from the original family, but in fact it also allows the daughter to bear less responsibility to the original family.

Not so with the son.In particular, the son of family No. 546 was the only son.

He is destined to take on the responsibilities of the family.According to the traditional concept of filial piety, after his sister left the family and his father died, he could only be confined to his mother.

A mother who is good at mind control will not be restrained by her daughter's breakup and her husband's suicide.This kind of person doesn't realize that he is wrong at all.They will only think that it is the world that is wrong.

In this case, her mental control over her son will inevitably intensify, causing him to suffer more severe pain.

Then... It is reasonable for him to choose to commit suicide.

As for family 559.Investigations have shown that the son of family No. 559 is an honest man.After raising two children for more than ten years, and pouring all my heart and energy into them for more than ten years, I suddenly found that the two children I regarded as precious were born by my wife's cheating. My own son, then...

Honest people are not without temper.Honest people are just better at suppressing their temper.But once a major event occurs, once this temper breaks out, the result will definitely be devastating.

Lu Ming even believed that after suddenly learning the truth, this honest man would almost certainly do extreme things, with a high probability of killing his wife, adulterer, and then committing suicide.

In this way, his suicide was justified.

In fact, Lu Ming sorted out the cases where the families had already suffered bad luck, and found that all of them could be explained by this set of logic.

"Perhaps...the bad luck suffered by those families is not because the curse has spread, but because the 'cause' has happened? The cause and effect are reversed? The result happened before the cause?
The curse we think will spread from the victim himself to his close ones. Is it because we got the order wrong, and it is the tragic experience of their close ones that is the real reason for the victim himself to commit suicide?
This can also explain the reason why the curse on the victims without intimates did not spread...because the cause of their suicide came from other aspects, not from the intimates at all.

It was 'the intimate was miserable', or 'the intimate exerted too much negative influence on itself', that led to the 'suicide of the cursed', not the other way around, with the curse spreading from the cursed to his intimates on the person..."

Lu Ming muttered, telling his guess.

"In this case, then, we can also modify the definition of Wang Quan's curse. Whether, the final effect of Wang Quan's curse is not to make the cursed commit suicide for no reason, but, rather Let the future fate of the cursed appear in advance?
No, not right.The bottom layer of the universe is random, and the fate of people in the future cannot be predetermined.Since fate cannot be predetermined, how can future fate appear in advance?It's not right, it's not right..."

Lu Ming was lost in thought.

Zhang Dingshan said silently: "Those trees, that house, and that mountain that were destroyed by Wang Quan's curse had clear reasons, and there was no reversal of cause and effect."

Those trees were broken off by some random accident and thus died.The old abandoned house was washed away by the heavy rain.The mountain top collapsed due to internal water erosion.

No matter what the reason is, there is a reason anyway, and it is not destroyed for no reason.

This is not in line with the logic proposed by Lu Ming.

He Wei said: "I have noticed that those that do not conform to Lu Ming's logic are all without the ability to 'suicide'. However, those who have the ability to commit suicide, whether they are humans or pigs, all commit suicide for no reason."

Zhang Dingshan nodded.

And it is.Although few people know exactly what this means.

"Could it be because of 'economics'?"

Lu Qingliang made a guess: "For people or animals capable of suicide, letting them commit suicide is the most economical way to make their 'information' disappear, so they choose to commit suicide. And for those who are not For plants or objects with the ability to commit suicide, the most economical way to make their "information" disappear is to achieve it through some accidental factors? For example, the storm that destroyed the old house, such as the one that caused the mountain to collapse Water erosion."

Lu Ming shook his head slowly: "There is no way to be sure. At the same time, there is a high probability that my guess cannot be verified."

In the early stage, after the sudden excitement of this idea, at this moment, Lu Ming has slowly calmed down, realizing the many irrationalities in his speculation.

Unable to verify authenticity is one.The second is that although our side has conjectures about "economics", it is undeniable that there is indeed a phenomenon of "no causal inversion" above plants and dead things, which contradicts our own conjectures.

Combining the two, Lu Ming felt that his speculation was not of much value.He already planned to give up this speculation and continue to think about other possibilities.

At this time, He Wei suddenly said: "Wait, that's not right. The death of those plants and dead things, uh, in the process of 'information' disappearing, did there really not be a reversal of cause and effect?"

Lu Ming was startled: "What do you mean?"

"I mean, that house, that hill, those few trees, the reason for their 'information' disappearing, really happened before the result?"

Lu Qingliang was surprised and said: "Didn't it be confirmed at that time? The house collapsed because of the storm, and the hill was eroded by the water flow. Among the trees, the first tree seemed to be blown by the wind? The second one The tree was struck by lightning? I remember a few trees that were dumped with chemicals..."

"That's not what I mean." He Wei shook her head: "What I mean is, are the houses, hills, and trees already 'dead' before these reasons? Are these reasons also caused by them? Appeared after death? Is it also 'reversal of cause and effect'?"

Lu Ming was taken aback again.

He understood what He Wei meant.

There is indeed such a possibility... At that time, our side really did not delve into this issue.

After all, everything was so reasonable that there was really no need to look into it at the time.So, are there some details that have been overlooked by our own side?Is it true that what He Wei said, even in plants and dead objects, there is actually a phenomenon that the effect precedes the cause?

Lu Qingliang became excited in an instant, but depressed in an instant.

"It's too late. Those plants and houses have long since disappeared, so I can't go to investigate any more."

He Wei looked at Lu Qingliang like an idiot.Zhang Dingshan said solemnly: "Wang Quan is still in our hands. Just do another experiment."

Lu Qingliang was ashamed.He Wei said: "It's just a matter of experimenting to see if it is really a reversal of cause and effect."

Lu Ming thought about it and nodded.

Plants and dead objects have a "simple" environment.Things that cannot be confirmed from humans and animals may be verified from them.

(End of this chapter)

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