Paranormal Investigation Notes

Chapter 357 Deterioration

Chapter 357 Deterioration
After predicting that the business of this so-called restaurant was almost [-]% lost, the second action team decisively intervened.

The so-called franchise store brand was originally a shell company, mainly for the purpose of collecting money, with many internal loopholes.Under the order of the second action team, the local government directly raided the company. As expected, many loopholes were found, and then they were ordered to suspend business, and the person in charge of the company was directly arrested.

Such drastic action directly disrupted the plan of the deceased brother to open a restaurant, and at the same time successfully made him suspicious of this friend.

You said so much hype, but the franchise store brand you chose is so unreliable. If you really believed you and invested money, wouldn't you lose money now?Are you reliable?
This catastrophe was avoided by the family.

Similar things, the second operation team commanded the secret service teams, and did a lot during the half month.I don't know how many tragedies that can cause an ordinary family to lose all their savings, or even ruin the family, can be avoided.

At the same time, the many times of "bad luck" that was stifled in the bud also aroused the vigilance of the second action team.

Lu Ming felt that those close friends who cursed the victims... were really unlucky.

Think about it, how many tragedies would have occurred in these families if the second action team hadn't noticed that the situation was wrong and intervened decisively?

How could ordinary families, ordinary people encounter so many hidden misfortunes?

This seems to prove the authenticity of the spread of the curse.

"Right now, we still know almost nothing about the nature of the so-called curse. There is nothing we can do. It is already what we can do to prevent more innocent people from being violated. limit."

Lu Ming thought silently.

"Current data show that the time limit for the spread of the curse seems to be 7 to 12 years. If these families can survive 12 years after the death of the deceased under our covert protection, the effects of the curse may disappear."

If our secret protection can really completely eliminate the hidden dangers of these families, then Lu Ming believes that it will be worthwhile for our side to go to war and deploy a team of thousands of people to provide secret protection.

In this way, even if one's own side cannot find out what the essence of the curse is in the end, this ending is barely acceptable.After all, the victim has already been victimized, and new victims no longer appear.

In the face of supernatural forces, it is not easy to achieve this step.The particularity of our own work makes it impossible for our side to be like a young man full of youth and enthusiasm who can walk all the way to the black. No matter what, he has to check everything.

Real conditions do not allow it, no matter how much unwillingness is, you can only hold back.

Of course, it would be even better if the case could be finally found out.As long as there is hope, our side will also work hard in this direction.

Lu Ming had already almost accepted the imperfect ending of "finding out the essence of the curse, only cutting off its subsequent effects", but the development of the matter told Lu Ming that this ending was not the worst.

On this day, the secret service team, which has been in charge of secretly protecting family No. 259, reported the latest progress to the second operation team.

Lu Ming also had a certain impression of family No. 259.Knowing that the conditions of this family are not bad, the family has some businesses, the eldest son died because of Wang Quan's curse, and the second son is still alive.

Although there are some conflicts in the family, such as discord between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, these are all within the normal range.

But today, a piece of news broke out that completely changed the fate of this family.

"Recently, a popular public opinion has been reported on the Internet. The public opinion broke the news that the seasoning produced by the XX brand contains excessive additives, which is harmful to the human body. After verification, the public opinion is true. The company involved has stopped production for rectification, and the person in charge controlled.

Affected by this, the condiments on the market have experienced a certain unsalable phenomenon.The No. 259 family is in the condiment business.

Their family has just purchased a batch of raw materials from a bank loan, added a new production line, and is planning to take advantage of the recent good development momentum of the industry to expand the scale of the industry.However, because the current market is not optimistic about the prospect of condiments, previous orders have been canceled one after another, and banks have the intention to withdraw loans in advance.

If the momentum continues, the No. 259 family is at risk of going bankrupt, and decades of struggle will be wiped out overnight. "

Zhang Dingshan, He Wei, and Lu Ming looked at the report with complicated expressions.

"Then, is the quality of the condiments produced by this No. 259 family up to standard?"

He Wei asked a question.Lu Ming shook his head and said: "The factory of the No. 259 family is still law-abiding, and its products are qualified. But it's meaningless. Ordinary consumers don't know so many parameters and indicators. In order to avoid risks, consumers Just choose to treat all condiments equally."

To be precise, family No. 259 was affected and implicated.But no one in the market cares about whether you have been wronged.

Now, production lines have been expanded, raw materials have been hoarded, workers have been recruited, and bank loans have come in.As a result, the market trend has changed, and the condiments have become unsalable?
The additives exceed the standard only those few companies, we are innocent...

But no one cares about that.

"This can't be considered bad luck, can it?" He Wei felt a little uncomfortable: "This is... bad luck?"

Lu Ming said, "What should we do? Do we want to intervene?"

The condiment market is sure to recover.As long as the No. 259 family can survive this period of time and overcome this difficulty, it will definitely be able to develop again in the future.

But... From another perspective, this is a normal commercial market fluctuation.

In what year were there not hundreds of thousands of companies that went bankrupt due to unreasonable disasters?No matter how much money the second action team has, it is impossible to manage it, let alone this is not the responsibility of the second action team.

Since joining this business game, one should have the consciousness of a miserable end.

This question made Zhang Dingshan hesitate.Please help, something is not in compliance.Don't make a move, but what happened to the No. 259 family does have certain suspicions of bad luck due to the spread of the curse.

"What is your opinion?"

Out of instinctive sympathy, He Wei said: "Let's make a move. You can contact the bank and ask the bank to relax a little bit and provide support."

Lu Ming said, "I agree too."

Lu Qingliang was a little indifferent: "Yes."

"Okay, then help them get through this difficult time."

Zhang Dingshan picked up the phone.But before the call was made, a call came in.Zhang Dingshan got connected, and after hearing a few words, his face became serious.

He put down his phone and looked at several people.

"There's no need to support it. It's too late."

"what's the situation?"

Zhang Dingshan said in a deep voice: "I just received a report from the special service team. In family No. 259, the father of the deceased suffered a cerebral hemorrhage because of too much anxiety due to the changing situation. The doctor concluded that the best outcome would be a vegetable. Wake up The possibility is very low.

And, the younger brother of the deceased, that is, the second son of family No. 259, after his father had a cerebral hemorrhage and fell into a coma, he should have realized that he was completely helpless, so at the instigation of his wife, he transferred all the working capital of the factory and smuggled All the machinery, equipment and raw materials that could be sold were taken away.

At present, the bank is already contacting the court to seal up the factory.Workers with unpaid wages also began to gather to try to get their wages back. "

Lu Ming sighed.

This family, this factory, is completely over.Even if one's own side makes a move, it is impossible to help it up again.

But things didn't end there.In the follow-up, the second operation team received the report again.

After the second son of family No. 259 transferred the factory assets, under the instigation of his wife, he made another decision that shocked even Lu Ming.

He refused to continue to pay for the medical bills of his father, who was lying in the ICU and his life was uncertain.

"The younger brother of the deceased claimed that his father had no hope of waking up. Instead of becoming a vegetable and suffering, it would be better to die. There was not much money left in the family, and he had to support his family and children. He was also very sad, but He can't throw all the money he has left into the bottomless pit..."

Lu Ming is not good at judging whether this decision is right or wrong.He just felt that it was a little impersonal for the deceased brother to be so decisive just after the accident happened.Especially when the mother of the deceased begged the brother of the deceased to save his own father, but was scolded by the wife of the deceased brother to leave the house. After the brother of the deceased did not stop him, he felt that the brother of the deceased was cruel.

The situation of family 259 is rapidly deteriorating.The secret service team had issued a suicide warning to the mother of the deceased a few days ago, and made corresponding plans to prevent the mother of the deceased from really dying.

But in the face of a person who intends to commit suicide, unless she is completely controlled, it is basically impossible to really stop her behavior only by secretly protecting her.

The mother of the deceased was on the way to buy vegetables, and she didn't know whether she was in a trance or committed suicide on purpose, so she broke into the road directly.A car didn't have time to brake and hit it to death.By the time the Secret Service agents arrived in a hurry, she had already died.

Now that even the mother is dead, the younger brother of the deceased has no more scruples and directly unplugs the father's oxygen tube.After the hasty cremation, the family of the deceased brother moved out of the city overnight and settled in another city.

In just half a month, a family with better conditions disappeared in smoke.

Different from other families, all the changes in the No. 259 family happened under the close surveillance of the second action team.Lu Ming asked himself, his side has done almost everything that can be done, and eliminated all hidden dangers as much as possible, but the ending is still the same.

Market trends, sudden diseases, and people's hearts are really beyond the control of the second action team.

"Release the monitoring of family No. 259."

Zhang Dingshan made arrangements.

He Wei raised her head, gritted her teeth and said, "Just let that wolf-hearted guy get away with his life? No, I don't agree. I suggest that the evidence of the deceased's brother's transfer of property be handed over to the Public Security Bureau. Didn't their family still owe a lot of money?" The wages of the workers? Let the brother of the deceased pay compensation."

During this period of time, all members of family No. 259 were under the close surveillance of the special service team.The second action team naturally has relevant evidence in their hands.


Zhang Dingshan directly agreed.

Lu Ming knew that this time, the wish of the deceased brother to be alone was defeated.He will definitely lose his fortune, and if he fails, he may go to jail.According to the personality of the deceased brother's wife, divorce with him is almost inevitable.

His family went bankrupt, his wife and children were separated.

Of course, Lu Ming did not have the slightest sympathy for the deceased brother, and he also supported this decision.However, he also realized another point.

The younger brother of the deceased was also closely related to the deceased himself.But now it looks like, if one's own side does not take action, the deceased's younger brother can escape the disaster with a high probability.

Now that one's own side makes a move, the brother of the deceased will also usher in an extremely miserable situation.

Could this... be another way of presenting bad luck?
Could it be that our own side is also a part of the power that is still hidden in the dark to bring about bad luck?
Lu Ming couldn't think clearly, nor could he make a judgment.

After No. 259 family, a similar change happened to No. 284 family.

Under a series of accidents that the second team of operations could not interfere with even if they could mobilize resources of this magnitude, family No. 284 also came to an extremely tragic end.

All these changes made Lu Ming have to start to doubt whether his own interference and protection are really useful?
Could it be that the spread of this curse is really unavoidable?

"I still don't believe it."

He Wei gritted her teeth, and said viciously: "Select a few families, bring them directly to the base, restrict their movements, cut off their contact with the outside world, and protect them in all aspects. I don't believe that bad luck will come. to them."

"It's good to have a try."

All of them agreed to He Wei's proposal.So after special screening, the two most qualified families were selected.

The two families are Nos. 546 and 559, respectively.

In both families, the only son died under the curse of Wang Quan.They have one thing in common, that is, the time of death is relatively far away from now, and it has been 11 years and 11 months.

Except for these two families, the rest of the deceased who have been dead for so long have already encountered bad luck.Only these two families are still living a normal life until now.

According to the previous statistics, the time limit of 7 to 12 years, these two families who will leave the time limit in only one month, have the highest probability of encountering accidents in the remaining month.

With the cooperation of the local government, the second action team directly brought the two families, a total of nine people, to the base in the name of a sociological experiment, and arranged residences for them.

Under the temptation of money, the two families did not resist at all, and directly agreed to the request of the second action team.

(End of this chapter)

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