Paranormal Investigation Notes

Chapter 354 Brain Disease

Chapter 354 Brain Disease
At this time, Lu Ming really felt that he had nothing to do.Not only was there no way, but there was no way of thinking.

How to proceed with the investigation, I don't know at all, I don't know at all.

The previous few cases, even if they were equally bizarre, were also hidden under heavy fog, making people puzzled, but at least, when the case could not continue, at least there were still clues—whether there was a breakthrough in the clues or not , at least the clue itself exists, right?
But now, there are no clues.

This incident was so rigidly placed on the line of investigation of one's own side.It is like a piece of tempered glass, without any gaps, there is no opportunity to take advantage of it, but it is extremely strong, and there is no hope of breaking it.

At this moment, Zhang Dingshan, who held the highest decision-making power of the entire second team of the operation, also had to start thinking about a problem very seriously.

Do you want to close this case?
The case has not been fully investigated.And, this is a major case that lasted at least a hundred years and probably caused more than 2000 deaths.Closing the case here seems very irresponsible.

However, there is a clearer fact that manpower is sometimes poor.The overall strength of human civilization lies there. Some things can be found out without your determination, regardless of the cost, or how much resources you spend.

Like FTL technology.With the strength of human beings at this stage, even if tens of billions of people in the entire civilization do nothing, study for a lifetime, and devote all their resources to this research, it is almost impossible to make a breakthrough.

Sometimes, it is also the responsibility of the action team to stop losses decisively and not waste resources on investigations of cases that are obviously impossible to produce results.

Of course, Zhang Dingshan did not decide to close the case right now.He was just seriously thinking about the necessity of this option.Specific decisions can only be made after comprehensive consideration and weighing of multiple factors.

There was a long silence in the conference room before Zhang Dingshan calmly said: "Let's disband first. Everyone can take a rest first, and then think carefully."

Lu Qingliang sighed, turned off the camera, and his figure disappeared from the computer screen. Lu Ming stood up silently and packed the documents in front of him.

He Wei scratched her head, and asked tentatively, "Do you want to find something delicious? I've asked, and the fish here in Blue Lake City is quite famous..."

Lu Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why, do you really think that I can get inspiration after eating?"

"Try it, maybe it will be useful. Anyway, I have nothing to do now, and I'm just idle when I'm idle."

"I'm not going, I'm not interested."

Lu Ming directly refused.

Where is he in this mood now.

He Wei looked at Zhang Dingshan: "Captain, look at him."

Zhang Dingshan paused for a moment, as if after serious consideration, he said, "Forget about it today. Go tomorrow."

He Wei looked at Lu Ming again: "The captain has spoken, but you still don't listen?"

Lu Ming had no choice but to say, "Okay, then go tomorrow."

After finalizing tomorrow's affairs, several people dispersed separately.

From the Blue Lake City Public Security Bureau, Feng Guozhu came to his office with a sullen face.

After waiting for ten minutes, a phone rang on time.

"Hello. We are from the investigation team, and we came to check with you about Zeng Jian, a security officer of the Blue Lake City Public Security Bureau. Excuse me, Zeng Jian has passed away, right?"

Feng Guozhu was very upset.

Zeng Jian is his direct subordinate, and he was also very optimistic about him at the beginning.For Zeng Jian's death, Feng Guozhu was particularly heartbroken.

However, for such a smart, responsible young man who died in the line of duty, his superiors want to conduct some investigation, saying that he was involved in some injury case... It's ridiculous!
Isn't this an insult to the reputation of the deceased?
However, although he was upset, Feng Guozhu could only reply patiently: "Yes. Comrade Zeng Jian died in the line of duty a few months ago..."

After answering several questions from the investigation team and verifying Zeng Jian's situation, Feng Guozhu tentatively asked, "Comrade Zeng Jian, what case is he involved in? Can you disclose it?"

On the phone, the person in the investigation team sighed: "Originally, it couldn't be disclosed. But now that the person has died in the line of duty, there is no need to keep it secret. The situation is like this..."

With the narration of the investigation team members, Feng Guozhu gradually understood the whole thing.

Before Zeng Jian joined the job, when he was a student in a public security academy, he once encountered a young woman being harassed by a drunk at night.

It was late at night, and there were no pedestrians on the street.The drunk man yelled at the woman, and even tried to drag her into a side alley.The woman shouted for help, but Zeng Jian couldn't ignore it when she saw it.

Zeng Jian has always had a strong sense of justice, and Feng Guozhu knows this.Otherwise, he would not have insisted on investigating the current case.

Zeng Jian stepped forward, knocked down the drunk man with one punch, and then sent him to the Public Security Bureau.But when he turned around, the woman ran away and disappeared.

It's not easy to do without a victim.Zeng Jian had no choice but to teach the drunk man a lesson and let him go.

"These things were reported by Zeng Jian's classmates during our later investigation. At that time, the environment was relatively remote and there were no cameras.

Originally, this matter was nothing. As security officers, we also believed in Comrade Zeng Jian.But the key problem is that the drunk man returned home in a daze, and the next day he found that he had broken a bone, and also had a secondary infection, which eventually developed and had to be amputated.

The family members of the drunk man refused to let it go, insisting that the drunk man had been beaten and seriously injured.

Of course we have to investigate such an injury case.However, the biological samples collected from the scene at that time were seriously damaged, and it has been impossible to compare the murderer.The drunk man was so drunk that he couldn't recall who beat him.

It was not until a few years ago that the technology was upgraded, and the biological testing materials were comparable.That's right, it is Comrade Zeng Jian.

We asked Comrade Zeng Jian's classmates at the time, and the classmates said that Zeng Jian said that he beat a drunk man who harassed a woman, but because the victim fled, there were no witnesses, and the drunk man could not be turned over to the Public Security Bureau.

Of course, we believe in Comrade Zeng Jian's character, and we also believe in what Comrade Zeng Jian's classmates said.However, Bureau Feng, you should also be aware that there is no evidence or witnesses as to whether the drunk man harassed the woman at the time.However, there is solid evidence that he beat a drunk man, caused serious injuries and finally amputated his limbs. "

Feng Guozhu could no longer suppress the anger in his heart: "Xiao Zeng has acted bravely! He should be rewarded, how can he be said to be involved in the injury case!"

Feng Guozhu believed [-]% in Zeng Jian's character.If Zeng Jian beat others for no reason, he would not believe it if he killed him.

"Unless the woman who was harassed can be found to testify, otherwise, the matter will not be clear. But you also know that after such a long time, it is impossible for people to find it."

"This is an insult to the reputation of a martyr! Xiao Zeng... Zeng Jian died in the line of duty! He is a martyr!"

The investigator said slowly: "Boss Feng, I understand your feelings. Please rest assured that your superiors have made a decision. Since Comrade Zeng Jian has died in the line of duty, this matter will not be pursued. The victim's family learned that Comrade Zeng Jian has died in the line of duty. , and after the poor family conditions, he has already stated that he will not pursue it."

Although the investigator had stated that he would not pursue this matter any further, this inquiry was just a routine verification of the situation, Feng Guozhu still felt as if he was holding back a fire.

Feng Guozhu sneered and said, "If Xiao Zeng hasn't died in the line of duty, are you still planning to fire him? If not, he will have to be sentenced and compensate the rapist?"

The investigator was silent for a moment, then said, "Director Feng, you should be clear about the procedures and the legal regulations."

He acquiesced to Feng Guozhu's statement.


Feng Guozhu snorted and hung up the phone.

Zeng Jian loves the profession of security officer so much. If he is still alive, he will be fired from his position, go to jail, and have to pay compensation if he doesn't know how sad he would be.

His whole life would be ruined by it.

Recalling Zeng Jian, who had passed away for a long time, and the figure of that young man full of vigor and sense of justice, Feng Guozhu couldn't tell what it was like.

"It doesn't matter if you die in the line of duty... at least you don't have to bear these bad things anymore. What's the matter..."

Feng Guozhu shook his head sadly.

After taking a break in the office, he got up again and left.

He didn't go home, but came to the nursing home, intending to visit Zeng Jian's father.

Zeng Jian's father's dementia symptoms seemed to be getting worse.Not only was he confused, but he became very irritable.At the same time, due to unknown changes in his body, his lower body was paralyzed, and he could not defecate independently, but his upper body began to become very strong.

What it means to be a cranky, non-communicative Alzheimer's patient who is upper body but strong, it's easy to ask.

"Master, I'm Xiao Feng, I'm here..."

A piece of cold steamed bun hit Feng Guozhu's face directly, causing his eyes to stare, and he almost fell down.Going to see Zeng Jian's father again, he saw the old man yelling fiercely: "You want to eat my meat too, don't you! You evil ghost, get out, get out!"

Next to Feng Guozhu, several medical staff were afraid to step forward.After a long time, a few strong nurses came up and forcibly fixed old man Zeng on the hospital bed.

But even so, Mr. Zeng still kept cursing.

Feng Guozhu held a wet towel to cover his face that was hit by the steamed bun, and smiled wryly as he talked with the attending doctor of Mr. Zeng.

The condition of this nursing home is better, and it is also equipped with hospitals and doctors.At the beginning, Feng Guozhu won a large amount of pension for Zeng Jian, plus the retirement pension of Mr. Zeng, and medical insurance, the three items added up will only be enough for him to enjoy his old age here.

"Grandpa Zeng..."

"Alzheimer's disease can't be cured. It can only be delayed through rehabilitation." The attending doctor sighed: "However, there are other reasons for becoming so irritable like Mr. Zeng."

Feng Guozhu was startled: "What is the reason?"

"A relatively rare genetic disease, a brain lesion." The attending doctor said a long name of the disease before continuing: "People with this disease usually develop the disease before the age of 30. Mainly headache, follow-up may lead to confusion, irritability, etc., if no intervention treatment is given, the patient will eventually die from brain complications."

"Is there a cure?"

There are many rare diseases for which there is simply no cure.

The attending doctor gave an answer that relieved Feng Guozhu: "It can't be cured, but it can be relieved, and it can relieve the patient's pain to a certain extent."

"Then treat it."

The doctor was a little embarrassed: "It's very expensive. You have to go to a big hospital."

"how much is it?"

"At least 50."

The doctor in charge persuaded: "With the physical condition of Mr. Zeng, he can live for another two or three years at most. There is not much therapeutic significance. It is better not to bother and save some money. Don't end up with nothing in the end. Some time ago The nephews and younger brothers of Mr. Zeng came to see him, and they also have the same opinion."

A sneer appeared on Feng Guozhu's face.

Mr. Zeng's son died, and his wife died too. When Mr. Zeng passed away, there would be no one in the family.He still has a flat under his name, and Mr. Zeng is gone, who will own the house?
Definitely his brother and nephew.

To treat Mr. Zeng, he had to sell the house.

In this case, how could Mr. Zeng's younger brother and nephew treat him?

But Feng Guozhu certainly cannot tolerate this kind of thing happening.

What happened to people and money?At least the old man will suffer less in the last part of his life, and this house will not be given to outsiders.

Presumably Zeng Jian had a soul in the sky, and he would definitely choose this way.

As Zeng Jian's superior, Feng Guozhu felt that he had the obligation to take care of Mr. Zeng.

At this moment, Feng Guozhu had already conceived several ways to stop those who coveted Mr. Zeng's inheritance.

After finalizing this matter, Feng Guozhu was just about to say goodbye and leave when something suddenly occurred to him.He stopped, turned around, and looked at the doctor again: "You said... Mr. Zeng's brain disease is hereditary? And it usually occurs before the age of 30? It can't be cured, but it can only be relieved?"

The doctor looked at Feng Guozhu in surprise: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Is this... a high incidence rate?"

"Very high." The doctor nodded: "Actually, it's rare for someone like Mr. Zeng to develop the disease at such an old age."

Feng Guozhu nodded silently.

He didn't stay any longer, but went directly to the downstairs of Zeng Jian's former home, wanting to make a rough estimate of how much the house could sell for.

Although this house is regarded as a haunted house because of Zeng Jian's "suicide", it is a house after all, and it is quite valuable.

But before he entered the community, he saw many police cars parked here, and a cordon was pulled up at the scene.

Randomly called a security officer over, asked about the situation, and the security officer said: "Just received a report, there is a renovation in this community, the load-bearing wall was smashed, and it was only after someone found a crack in the wall of the house that it exploded." of."

"Smash the load-bearing wall? Has the family convulsed?"

"Who said no?"

The security officer sighed: "We have already checked, and the house that was being renovated was so poor that even the down payment and the money for the renovation were borrowed, and the house was bought forcibly for the sake of the child's marriage.

Now this whole building has become a dangerous building, how many houses, how much money, how can it afford to pay... how should it end. "

A house may be the hard work of a family for decades.

Now, it's all ruined.

Feng Guozhu's heart suddenly trembled.

Could it be the building where Zeng Jian's family is located?

"What building is the house that hit the load-bearing wall?"

"Building No. [-]."

Feng Guozhu's heart sank rapidly.

Zeng Jian's house is Building No. [-].

(End of this chapter)

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