Chapter 348
The death of the family brother of the chief official of the Zhou family's eldest son, the death of the housewife's aunt's sister, the death of the captain of the Zhou family's village protection team, the death of the Zhou family's second son...

The causes of death for these individuals varied.However, it is doubtful whether the historical records about the causes of these people's deaths are reliable or not.

For example, the death of the captain of the Zhou family's village protection team was recorded in historical records as being drunk and falling into the water.It seems to be an accidental death, but is it possible that he committed suicide?
After drinking, he jumped into the water and committed suicide. With the criminal investigation technology at the time, it was impossible to tell whether he fell into the water accidentally or jumped into the water voluntarily.Combined with common sense, it is normal and reasonable to make the final judgment of being drunk and falling into the water.

According to historical records, the eldest son of the Zhou family's family, the brother of the chief official of the state capital, was pushed down from downstairs and fell to his death.Similarly, based on the criminal investigation conditions at the time, it was still impossible to tell whether it was pushed down or jumped off voluntarily.Combined with common sense, with the power of the chief official of the state at that time, let him believe that his brother committed suicide?

Anyone who dares to tell him this reason will definitely be considered as a fool by him.The person who told him this reason must not end well.

There must be a murderer in this matter.As a result, historical records have become the conclusion of "being pushed down the stairs and falling to death".

According to historical records, the second son of the Zhou family died of illness, and Lu Ming believes that there are many things that can be questioned.Maybe it was because the cause of his death was too bizarre—for example, he committed suicide for no reason, and the Zhou family deliberately concealed it, so he said he was ill?

The truth of these things, because too much time has passed, it is impossible to fully restore.Of course, Lu Ming didn't have enough evidence to prove that their deaths were really weird, but the possibility of "weirdness" cannot be ruled out, and the probability is quite high.

If the speculation is true, who is the murderer behind the unnatural death of these key figures?
Lu Ming and He Wei agreed that it was the master who told the Zhou family to retaliate against the evil spirits and ordered the Zhou family to build an archway to suppress them.

In this way, everything is easy to explain, and all logic is also straightened out.

The truth is, there is no such thing as bad luck in the Zhou family.All these misfortunes were intentionally promoted by this master by causing the deaths of those key figures.Until the Zhou family was tossed to death, he stood up and told the Zhou family the solution of "revenging the wronged souls and building an archway for suppression". After the archway is built, he doesn't need to do anything—just stop , the bad luck of the Zhou family was naturally lifted.

In this way, the illusion of "as soon as the archway is built, the bad luck will disappear immediately" is created.The truth is just that he no longer targets the Zhou family.

As for the master's motive for attacking the Zhou family, it is also easy to understand.

According to historical records, the first deceased of the Zhou family was the second son of the Zhou family who forced the peasant girl to death.This incident started the Zhou family's journey of bad luck.

Also, historical records and information from interviews all prove that the Zhou family was rich and unkind, and oppressed one side.

In the end, the master came forward and told the Zhou family that besides building an archway, there was also a saying that "let the Zhou family do good deeds to accumulate virtue, use good deeds as offerings to the unjustly dead and unjust souls, and calm their anger".

Since then, the style of the Zhou family has really changed, and they no longer dare to bully goodness. The life of the villagers around the Zhou family has become much easier.

Lu Ming believes that at least judging from the logical chain and the existing data, punishing the Zhou family, making the Zhou family correct their evil ways, and preventing the villagers from being oppressed are the real purpose of this master.

His purpose was clearly achieved.

The master turned his hands into clouds and turned his hands into rain.Under his behind-the-scenes operations, half of the Zhou family's property was dispersed, the peasant girl who was forced to death and the rest of the people got a big vengeance, the Zhou family's family style changed, and they no longer suffered from bad luck.

In fact, Lu Ming believed that the master's targets might have been deliberately selected.Needless to say, the second son of the Zhou family, the family brother of the chief official of the state where the eldest son of the Zhou family lives, the captain of the village guard team, the aunt and sister of the housewife of the Zhou family...

These people are probably not good people, so they were chosen by the master as targets.

After sorting out all this, there was only one problem left for the four members of the second action team.

What method did the master a hundred years ago kill all the target missions in key positions?

This is a problem, but not a problem.Because there are ready-made references here.

Wang Quan.

Wang Quan cursed a person to make that person die in the most economical and reasonable way.However, the most economical and reasonable way is undoubtedly suicide.

Just involve yourself alone, and don't involve anyone else.

And, although the existing data can't prove that those who died were suicides, they can't be falsified either.Moreover, the possibility of suicide is greatly implied.For example, being pushed down from upstairs and falling to death, such as falling into the water and dying.

The final answer, then, is obvious.


That master, like Wang Quan, also mastered this method of cursing people to death, and he also has this ability.

This is Lu Ming's discovery, the logic Lu Ming sorted out.

"Wang Quan is not the only one who possesses the ability to cause death with this curse..."

Based on the existing information, few people can only believe this result.But this result also filled several people with worries.

That master was a character hundreds of years ago, and should have died long ago.However, if there is one, there may be two.God knows if there is anyone else who has mastered this ability besides Wang Quan in this era.

Judging from his behavior, the ancient master was obviously upright and pursued, and he acted quite chivalrously.But Wang Quan in modern society is just a lunatic who has no concept of good and evil.If someone else has this ability, who knows what kind of person he is?

If it is a normal person who only uses this ability to seek some benefits for himself, that's okay, after all, it doesn't cause much social harm.But if it is the same as Wang Quan, wouldn't hundreds of people lose their lives inexplicably?Or even crazier than Wang Quan, and even found a wider use of this ability, wouldn't that mean more serious consequences?
The current experiment has proved that Wang Quan's ability is limited to Blue Lake City.Even if the scope of the ability of the person who also mastered this ability is a city, the destruction of a city is also a shocking thing.

If there are really capable people other than Wang Quan, then they are veritable time bombs, and big troubles will break out at any time.

This possibility made He Wei a little restless.

Zhang Dingshan was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "The situation may not be as serious as we imagined. The reason why Wang Quan has this ability is that he is special, and the second is the specialness of Blue Lake City. Once he leaves Blue Lake, he will not have this ability .

And, when the master exercised this ability hundreds of years ago, he was also in the current Blue Lake City area.

Of course, it is impossible to absolutely deny the possibility that there are people with this ability in other cities and other areas, but at least the probability may not be high.

First continue to investigate the affairs of Wang Quan and this master, and check whether there are other capable users in Blue Lake City.

Investigate whether there are people with this ability in other cities, and wait for the conclusion of the matter on the Blue Lake, and then see if it should be carried out according to the situation. "

He Wei nodded silently.Lu Ming said: "I think it is not only necessary to check the present, but also to go back to the past."

"It is indeed necessary." Zhang Dingshan nodded: "Then there is no time limit. As long as it is within the scope of Blue Lake City, check it out."

The three quickly made a division of labor.He Weicha modern times.Zhang Dingshan and Lu Ming checked the previous era.

In comparison, He Wei's job is easier.

If you want to confirm whether there are other people in Blue Lake City who have the ability to curse like Wang Quan, you must start with the suicide case.

In the preliminary work, our side has screened out a large number of suspected abnormal suicide cases.A considerable part of these cases found supporting evidence from Wang Quan, and it was confirmed that they were killed by Wang Quan.The rest of those who failed to find evidence in Wang Quanchu were dismissed by their own side as normal suicide cases.

However, under the speculation that "there may be other people in Blue Lake City who have the ability to curse and cause death", these suspected abnormal suicide cases that have been returned will be called out again, undergone rigorous review.

Action Team Two will put more effort into these cases, trying to figure out if they are normal or not.Once it is confirmed that it is abnormal, it will follow the similar thinking of arresting Wang Quanshi, and try to find out the hidden ability users.

The work of Lu Ming and Zhang Dingshan was a bit more complicated.They want to trace the past, investigate those suicide cases that happened in the past 20 years to the past 100 years, and analyze whether their deaths are normal, so as to speculate whether there were people with this ability in the past.

There is no doubt that the investigation of the case decades ago is very difficult.Especially in the older era, the data records were not perfect, and even the people who knew the parties may have died of old age, so it was even more difficult to check.

Maybe some events need to be investigated from folklore and ancient records.

But no matter how difficult things are, you still have to bite the bullet and do it.This is the meaning of the existence of the second action team.

If things are very simple, what else do teams like the second action team do?Disband immediately.

But this time, Zhang Dingshan and Lu Ming did not mobilize large-scale investigators to visit the local residents of Blue Lake City.Because this kind of action has already been organized once before, a large number of "strange things" and "spiritual events" that the residents said have been included.

At this moment, search directly from this database.

This time, the search keyword was "suicide."

Immediately, a multitude of strange facts about suicides emerged.

Zhang Dingshan and Lu Ming plunged in and began to analyze the suicide cases one by one.

Suicides from decades ago must be topical if they want to be passed on to modern times.An ordinary, normal suicide case, such as a family ruined, a person hanged himself in a desperate situation, or a serious illness that could not be cured and committed suicide due to unbearable torture, this kind of thing will not be passed down to modern times.

What's the point of such a thing?There is no topic, no story, and no one spreads it at all.

The ones that can be spread are all suicide cases with certain special characteristics.

As it happens, if it is a case where a person commits suicide inexplicably because of a curse, it happens to be special and has the potential to be remembered and passed down to modern times.

This means that the passage of time naturally made a screening for Zhang Dingshan and Lu Ming.

At this moment, what appeared in front of Lu Ming was a slightly weird suicide case.

Wild boar homicide.

Thirty years ago, Blue Lake was small.Most of the places that belong to urban areas today were rural areas 30 years ago.

There is such a village on the edge of the mountainous area to the south of Blue Lake City.There is a man in this village who is very good at hunting wild boars.He does not use guns or knives, and can repeatedly capture wild boars with traps alone.So this family lived well in that generally poor era.

No matter how unpalatable wild boar is, it is still meat, and it can still be sold for some money.The family has money to spend and meat to eat, so life is naturally good.

But this trap is more cruel.

Ordinary hunters would kill wild boars with a few shots if they had a gun, or stab or hack them to death if they didn't have a gun.Only in this kind of trap, after the wild boar falls into it, it may have to cry for a whole day before dying, and it will be tortured before it dies.

So there were rumors that this person tortured the wild boar in such a way that he was hurting the peace of heaven, and he would suffer retribution sooner or later.

This person heard the rumors, but never took it seriously, and beat him as he wanted.Just by hunting wild boars, he supported his children to go to school, and built a big tile house at home.

But the good times didn't last long.One morning, as usual, the man went into the mountain to check the traps to see if he had caught any wild boar.But after this trip, he never came back.The villagers searched together and finally found him in a valley.

When they found him, he was hanging like that on a tree with a crooked neck, and he had died long ago.

Not far from under the tree was a trap he had set.There was no wild boar in the trap, only a leg of pig.A hundred meters away from the trap was the corpse of a wild boar missing a leg.

It seemed that the wild boar managed to escape by biting off its own leg that was trapped by the rope.But it didn't get far before it died.

The scene was terrible.

The villagers called the police, and after investigation, the security officers who came confirmed that he had committed suicide.

As a result, rumors of wild boars killing themselves spread.It is said that this person angered the pig god in the mountain and was killed by a wild boar, so he hanged himself next to the trap for no reason.

Of course, Lu Ming didn't believe in wild boars claiming their lives.But there is a key point in this rumor.

For no reason, everything was fine at home, but he hanged himself.

This is similar to those in Blue Lake City who chose to commit suicide after being cursed by Wang Quan.

And, 20 years ago, there was evidence that Wang Quan had not acquired the ability to cause death with this curse.

"This case deserves attention and needs to be investigated."

Lu Ming memorized it.

(End of this chapter)

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