Paranormal Investigation Notes

Chapter 342 Depression

During this long interrogation, many questions that troubled the second team of the operation were answered one by one.

Somewhat beyond Lu Ming's expectation, this Wang Quan, although mentally abnormal, has an excellent memory. Even though it has been a long time, he can still remember it clearly, and even remember every detail.

A monitor was also sent into the ward where he was held.The interrogator operated, showing a picture of a girl in front of him.

This is a photo of Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu has been dead for a long time.But until now, Zhang Lu's parents are still brooding.His boyfriend at the time, Cheng Yu, is still single now.

"This person also bullied you?"

Wang Quan looked at Zhang Lu's photo, and his expression became unhappy: "Yes! She bullied me, so I killed her!"

"How did she bully you?"

"I want her to be my wife and marry me, but she looks down on me and despises me! She refuses to even give me my contact information! Isn't she despising me for being poor, short, and ugly! People who look down on me and bully me like this, I must To kill her!"

Lu Ming clenched his fists tightly, and a surge of anger burst out of his heart.

If he could, he really wanted to rush to the ward and beat this ugly, vicious guy severely, preferably directly to death.

To kill a man just because he rejected his courtship?Are you going to destroy a family?Is it to end a person's life?

But now is not the time to kill Wang Quan.

"What about this person?"

This time it was Shi Ruiwu who appeared in front of Wang Quan.

Shi Ruiwu delivered gas tanks to the shops on Nanlin Street.His suicide led to the death of his child without money for medical treatment, his wife remarried, and his parents had nothing to support them.

Seeing Shi Ruiwu, Wang Quan looked angry again: "He also bullied me! I saw that he gave gas to the nearby shop and he didn't ask for money, but if he gave me gas, he charged money! I killed him!"

In the interrogation room, people were silent for a moment.

This is really a disaster.

Shi Ruiwu is just a gas worker, how can he have the right to decide whether to take money?It must be that the shop owner settled the settlement directly with the boss, so he didn't pay the money on the spot. In Wang Quan's eyes, he was bullying him.

The interrogator checked Wang Quan's photos one by one, and listened to Wang Quan's recollection of the reasons for killing everyone.

These reasons are all very absurd. Anyone with a normal mind can tell that no one bullied him at all, but in Wang Quan's mind, this is bullying, and it is bullying that makes him unable to live, and it becomes his reason for killing .

The security officer Zeng Jian who was unfortunately killed during the investigation of the case also had a similar reason.

At that time, Wang Quan thought that another customer was bullying him, quarreled with that customer, and refused to let people leave.Zeng Jian, who was investigating the case, happened to pass by, and when he saw it, he acted righteously, pushed Wang Quan away, scolded him severely, and let the customer go away.

As a result, the customer and Zeng Jian became the ones who "bullyed" Wang Quan, and were hated by Wang Quan.Soon thereafter, the customer and Zeng Jian became suicide victims one after another.His sketch head also appeared in Wang Quan's box.

Zeng Jian's death became the root cause of his family's breakdown, and it also became a thorn in Feng Guozhu's heart that could never be removed.

After all the victims had been verified one by one, and the interrogation team found that it was impossible to dig out new information from Wang Quan's mouth, the next procedure started.

Up to now, in an absolute sense, the second action team has not grasped the absolute evidence that Wang Quan is the murderer.

This requires further experiments to confirm.

Under the "pacification" of the experts in psychology and psychiatry, Wang Quan obediently agreed to carry out this experiment.

The selected experimenter this time is a pig.

A pig that has been examined and determined to be in good health.

At the moment, it is humming in the cage, turning around looking for food.The interrogator sent its photo to the screen in front of Wang Quan.

"Friend, can you help me? This pig just bumped me and I was hurt. But I can't offend its owner. Can you avenge me?"

"Do you want to kill it?"


"You are a good person, I will definitely help you."

Wang Quan readily agreed.

"Give me paper and pen, and the idol, and the needle."

"it is good."

After detailed inspection, it was confirmed that it was very common. A4 paper, pencils, idols, and sewing needles without any abnormalities were sent to Wang Quan's ward.

Wang Quan looked at the image of the pig on the screen, picked up a pencil, and concentrated on drawing on the A4 paper.After more than ten minutes of sketching, he got up from the hospital bed and knelt down in front of the statue on the table.

After closing his eyes and praying silently for a moment, Wang Quan picked up the needle and stabbed at the portrait of the pig with great concentration.

Several kilometers away, the pig was still humming in the cage.Many life monitoring devices have been installed on it, and several veterinarians surround it, staring at the data seriously.

"There's a pig that's bullying me too! It bites me. I'll bring it for you to see."

"it is good."

Wang Quan agreed again.

This time, the pig was taken directly to Wang Quan's ward.

It had been injected with stimulants before it came, and it was very manic at the moment.Two guards who were fully armed, wearing full-body protective clothing, and wrote a suicide note pushed the cage, brought the pig to Wang Quanquan, and then opened the cage.

The two guards complied with the requirements of the second action team, and did not have any unnecessary interaction with Wang Quan, nor did they speak, but just watched quietly.

The fat pig groaned and plunged into Wang Quan's ward, jumping wildly.Wang Quan became angry, kicked it, beat it, scolded it, and wanted to drive the fat pig out.But his strength was too weak, not only failed to drive away the fat pig, but was kicked by the fat pig.

Seeing that the situation was about the same, the two guards shot immediately, forced the fat pig into the cage, and then pushed it away.

The mechanically synthesized voice sounded again: "It's this pig! It's disgusting, right? It always hugs me, and I wanted to kill it a long time ago! But I dare not, can you help me?"

Wang Quan frowned, and suddenly said sharply: "You are lying to me!"

There was an instant silence in the interrogation room.A heavy breath spread uncontrollably to the surroundings.Some of the interrogators even had beads of sweat on their foreheads.

Of course our side is lying to him.Anyone with an IQ knows that his side is lying to him.But Wang Quan is abnormal, didn't he believe it the previous time?Why did you wake up this time?

Facing Wang Quan, a person who might have mastered supernatural powers, no one dared to take it lightly.No one dared to ignore the warnings and threats from Wang Quan.

At this moment, Lu Ming's brain began to run at high speed.He was already thinking about which method he should use to make Wang Quan continue to cooperate with his experiment after this method failed.

But before he could figure it out, in the picture, Wang Quan sternly said again: "Just now you said it bit you, but now you say it hit you, is it biting or hitting?"

Lu Ming secretly wiped off his cold sweat, and cursed secretly.The interrogator who was in charge of the action at this moment shuddered, tried to calm his voice, and said, "It bit me, and it also punched me. It's simply too hateful. I must kill it."

Wang Quan was thoughtful: "So that's how it is. It really is abominable. I'll kill it for you."

Wang Quan picked up the pen and paper and sketched again.After a while, he drew the pig, knelt down in front of the statue, and pierced the paper with a needle.

These are two different experiments.In the first experiment, Wang Quan only saw the image of the pig, but did not touch it personally.This time, I came into contact with it personally.

"Okay. Thank you so much, my friend. I have some food here, and I'll bring it to you."

Some more exquisite dishes were sent to Wang Quan's ward.When Wang Quan finished eating, the mechanically synthesized voice sounded again: "There are still some fat pigs who bully me, please help me kill them too."

Wang Quan yawned: "I'm too tired today, let's do it tomorrow."

"it is good."

After Wang Quan fell asleep, Lu Ming's attention immediately shifted to the two pigs.

Both pigs are under extremely strict surveillance at the moment.

As night fell, the two pigs gradually became slightly different.

Lu Ming saw that the first pig was still relatively active.It is constantly walking up and down in the cage and seems to be in good spirits.But the second pig seemed more tired, just lying on the corner of the cage, as if taking a nap.

It also didn't eat the pig food and water placed next to it.

Lu Ming could confirm that these two pigs were transferred from standardized pig farms.They are the same batch, the same age, both are eight months old.They have the same living environment. Usually, they eat the same food and drink the same water, and even their weight is almost the same.

After being caught, their food and water are also the same.Even, to ensure the same, when the second pig was injected with doping, the first pig was also injected with the same dose.

But now, their status is not the same at all.

"The suicide curse from Wang it working? Is this pig committing suicide? And, the curse will only work on creatures that have been in contact with Wang Quan and interacted with him, but not those who just watched the video? "

People are still closely watching the status of the two pigs.

One night passed, and the next morning, the second pig still had neither water nor food.It looked a little weak, but even if delicious food was put in its mouth, it refused to take a bite.

After a while, it stood up unsteadily, then exerted strength suddenly, took a few steps to run up, and slammed into the iron cage suddenly, making the cage crash loudly.

The experimenters watched quietly, without interfering in the slightest.

So the pig made a second bump after the first bump.

It hit like this again and again until its head was smashed and finally fell to the ground.

After a few more hours, it died.

It committed suicide.

The first pig was still doing well, eating well and sleeping well, without any abnormality.


Zhang Dingshan gave the order.Several professional veterinarians immediately put the suicidal pig onto the dissecting table and began to check for abnormalities in its body.

Inspection results appear quickly.In addition to the hunger, lack of water, and trauma caused by the impact, the experimenters were surprised to find that the brain structure of this pig also had certain abnormalities.

"The size of the hippocampus of this pig is reduced, and the number of neurons in the hippocampus is much smaller than that of normal pigs. In addition, its brain-derived neurotrophic factor has abnormally decreased, and its endocrine is disordered. The adrenals are showing signs of being overactive..."

Listening to the experimenter's report, Lu Ming felt a little familiar.After thinking for a while, Lu Ming hesitated and said, "If I remember correctly... Humans seem to have similar manifestations and organ changes when they suffer from severe depression?"


Lu Ming felt very absurd: "You mean, this pig suffered from depression, so he committed suicide?"

Several veterinarians looked at each other and said: "Most of our current human research on animal emotions is blank, and we cannot determine what these changes in this pig's body mean.

But...pigs are actually very similar to people.You should have heard that there are even studies on transplanting pig hearts into human beings to replace human hearts.This is the most obvious manifestation of the similarity between pigs and humans.According to this similarity, we believe that the possibility of this pig committing suicide due to severe depression is very high. "

"So, what is the source of this major depression?"

"It can't be determined. The modern medical and psychological circles attach great importance to human depression and have done a lot of research, but up to now, the cause of human depression has not been determined, let alone the cause of pig depression. The source. At present, it is only speculated that it may be related to genetics, sociological factors, psychological factors, and the environment.

If this pig suffers from severe depression, the reasons are very likely to come from these aspects.But what is strange is that the current environment should not cause such a big image on it.And, when it was caught for experimentation, it was obviously very healthy..."

The veterinarians who participated in the experiment were puzzled.

Lu Ming nodded silently and did not continue to dwell on this issue.

Even if you struggle, you can't find the answer.

But he thinks the answer for major depressive disorder should be plausible.

Then, if this is the case, our side may be able to make some changes to the expression of Wang Quan's special ability, from the curse that caused the victim to commit suicide, to the curse that caused the victim to be severely depressed, and because of the severe depression, he chose to commit suicide.

In other words, Wang Quan's curse is not directly related to whether the victim committed suicide, but only related to the victim's severe depression.

It doesn't affect the behavior of the victim, it just somehow changes the victim's brain.

But this is still very absurd, and still can't find any reasonable explanation.

Keep this discovery in mind for now, the experiment on Wang Quan is still going on.

This time, another ten pigs were captured and participated in the experiment.

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