Paranormal Investigation Notes

Chapter 323 Numbers Don't Lie

A total of one year and nine months.A total of 520 people committed suicide.

According to this data, on average, the number of suicides in Blue Lake City reached 24.7 per month.Calculated on the basis of 10 people per year, the average number of suicides per 10 people per year is about 15.6.

This number far exceeds the global average of 12.6.

Although this kind of statistics, different cities must have highs and lows, but those regions and cities with high suicide rates have clear reasons, whether it is environmental factors, economic factors, or cultural factors.

Moreover, those places have always been so high and stable from beginning to end.

Here in Blue Lake City, the number of suicides has only increased sharply in recent years.

Even though Feng Guozhu was thinking about it, he couldn't think of any factors that caused this phenomenon in recent years.

After thinking about it for a while, but getting nothing, he shook his head and focused on the writing case in front of him.

He did not direct his subordinates to analyze these cases with him.Because the criteria he selected were more idealistic, and he couldn't make a clear definition, so he had to do it himself.

Fortunately, this kind of screening is not complicated, otherwise, more than 500 suicide cases would not be able to be analyzed in a year.

These dossiers are usually very thick.It contains dozens of pages of background investigations, pictures of the crime scene and analysis reports, visits and investigations, etc.But what he paid attention to was only a few key points of the rough identity background of the deceased and the investigation of the suicide motive, and he didn't even look at the rest.

"Age, 17, puppy love... obstructed by teachers and parents, and the family is not harmonious, his father has a tendency to domestic violence, and the financial situation is poor. The motive is to commit suicide by jumping off the viaduct..."

Looking at the two bloody corpses in the photo, as well as the handsome and introverted photos of the two deceased, Feng Guozhu sighed in his heart.

This is a very clear case of suicide without the slightest doubt.

He flipped the case over and ruled it out.

The second one was a middle-aged man.The family is harmonious, the children are filial, and the economic conditions are good.Unfortunately, he suffered from cancer, which is the most dangerous, painful, and worst-prognosis pancreatic cancer.

After the cancer was diagnosed, he organized a family trip, took his wife and children, and spent more than a month playing around.After that, without waiting for symptoms to appear, he left a suicide note, found a tree in a certain mountain corner, and hanged himself to death.

This is also a very clear case of suicide that does not require any further investigation.

It only takes a few minutes for Feng Guozhu to rule out such an extremely clear case.In just two hours, he had watched more than twenty cases, and the progress was rapid.

When he saw No. 20 nine suicide cases, he discovered the first suicide case whose motive was unknown.

The deceased was a middle school physical education teacher.He committed suicide by taking a drug overdose one night.

The records and video images of the deceased's purchase of drugs are complete.No trace of the second person was found at the scene of the death.The fresh fingerprints of the deceased were found on both the medicine bottle and the water cup, and the cause of death was clearly caused by drug overdose.

This is an ironclad suicide case with a complete chain of evidence.

The description of the suicide motive is "failed in the selection of professional titles and failed to get better treatment".


The deceased's family background described the patient's economic conditions as relatively good.At the time of his death, he still held millions of dollars worth of stocks.He drives a large SUV and has a large flat in the city center at home. He usually likes traveling, fitness, football, self-driving, barbecue, fishing, etc., and has a wide range of hobbies.

The deceased graduated from a famous university majoring in sports science. After graduation, he gave up the opportunity to enter a large human body science research institution, and was willing to return to an ordinary middle school in Blue Lake City, a small and medium-sized city, to work as a physical education teacher in order to have more Take your own time to do what you like.

After all, physical education teachers have the highest probability of getting sick and being unable to attend class, right?
In this way, once he is "ill" or "something", he doesn't even have to go to school. The teachers of other subjects not only take his place in class, but also thank him for his cooperation.

Such a person who is obsessed with his hobbies and only regards his career as a social status, will commit suicide by taking medicine because of "failure in the selection of professional titles"?

How to see how unreasonable.

However, after a rigorous investigation by the security officers at the time, this seemingly absurd event was the only "setback" he had encountered recently.

The reason for his suicide can only be because of this incident.Otherwise why?
Couldn't it be because five days before the suicide, he was slightly scratched by someone while driving?It's not because the boss sold him a box of fake cigarettes when he bought cigarettes, right?

Feng Guozhu was thoughtful.He took out the case separately and put it in a separate folder.

Then he continued to read.

After watching three more normal suicide cases, another case came into his sight.

This time the deceased was a company white-collar worker.After being reprimanded by his superiors, he turned around and jumped from the window to end his life.

In this case, the motive for suicide appears to be relatively clear.After all, you just got reprimanded by your superiors, right?In addition, the salaries of ordinary employees of the company are not high, and the family conditions of the deceased are not good, and the pressure of life is relatively high.

His motive for suicide seemed plausible.

However, the employees of the company generally said that the superior had a cold face and a warm heart, and took great care of his subordinates.Not long before the deceased committed suicide, the superior was still pushing to promote the deceased. At that time, the promotion announcement had already been made public, and he would take up his post soon.

Moreover, the incident that the superior reprimanded at that time was indeed the deceased who made a mistake.

Also, the deceased was usually kind and showed no signs of extremes.

According to the investigation by the security officers, although the family conditions of the deceased were not good, his father had recovered from a serious illness and had seen the dawn of recovery.My younger sister is graduating from university soon, and has received an offer from a large company, so she will be able to be independent soon.

Just when everything is going well and the suffering is about to pass, just because of the reprimand from the old superior who promoted him, is the reason really because he committed suicide because he did something wrong?

This cannot be justified.

His suicide also implicated his old superior who was forced to resign and had to leave the post he had dedicated for decades. job opportunities.

Feng Guozhu also took out this case alone.

This is his screening criteria.He will bring up any case that makes him feel that the motive of suicide is unreasonable.

In this way, after his daily work, he devoted all his spare time to this matter.After a full month, he finally completed the screening of these more than 500 cases.

Among them, a total of 82 suicide cases were screened out by him.

Feng Guozhu subtracted these 21 cases from the total number of suicides in the past 520 months, that is, 82, and got 438.

Using the figure of 438 to calculate the number of suicides per 10 people per year in Blue Lake, he got a figure of 13.2.

His pupils suddenly tightened.

On average, 10 people commit suicide per 13.2 people per year. This figure is only 12.6 people higher than the global average of 0.6, which is only 4.76%.

That hasn't ruled out some ambiguous cases.In those cases, if the motive of suicide was reasonable, it could barely be considered.But it's not that convincing anyway.

There were 24 such ambiguous cases.Even if only half of it is taken, that is, only 12 pieces are taken, plus the 82 pieces that were screened out before, this is 94 pieces.

If a total of 94 cases are excluded, then the average number of suicides per 10 people per year in Blue Lake City is only 12.8.

This number is only 12.6 people higher than the global average of 0.2 people, which is only 1.59% higher.

However, when these people were not removed, the figure of 15.6 was a full 12.6% higher than the figure of 23.81.

Numbers don't lie.So what do these numbers mean?
Doesn't this mean that after removing those obviously unreasonable suicide cases, the suicide rate in Blue Lake City is clearly in line with the global average, but it's actually not high at all?
But if these obviously unreasonable suicide cases were added, the suicide rate in Blue Lake City would be much higher.

So, those apparently unreasonable suicides, are they really... suicides?
Or, was there another reason behind their suicide?

Could it be that in these suicide cases, were the so-called motives for suicide forcedly pressed?

After all, when a person commits suicide, there must be a reason, right?Under the premise of "there must be a reason", these only things that may be the cause become the cause of suicide.

This is what created this unreasonable situation.

Among these suicide cases, there is another one that is quite special, and that is Zhang Lu's suicide case.

For the rest of the unreasonable cases, if you insist on finding a reason, you can barely find one or two unsatisfactory things in your life before suicide.For example, quarreling with your son, such as being reprimanded by your boss.

Only in Zhang Lu's suicide case, no real reason could be found.No matter where you look at it, this young girl is too happy, and her life is too perfect.

It was precisely because of Zhang Lu's suicide case that he had the idea of ​​in-depth investigation, and finally screened out these cases.

Feng Guozhu vaguely smelled a bit of conspiracy.He seemed to feel that there was an invisible hand behind these events, conspiring to play some ghostly tricks in a place that his side hadn't noticed.

He felt that this incident was beyond his control.

If my guess is true, what factors are really behind these apparently unreasonable suicide cases, or there are manipulations, then how big is this case?

The lives of hundreds of people were involved!The fate of hundreds of families is involved!
Once the matter is exposed, I am afraid it will shock the whole world!

A little cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He didn't hesitate any longer, but picked up what he had discovered during this time, went directly to the superior's office, and photographed it in front of the superior.

The superior looked cloudy and uncertain.After a long time, he slowly said: "Old Feng, you are an old criminal. You told me clearly that you think that there is a large criminal organization hidden behind these figures. It is this criminal organization that manipulated all this and created These suicide cases? These suicide cases are actually homicides, are they criminal cases?"

"Yes. Leader, although my grades were mediocre when I was in school, I also know that numbers can't lie!"

The superior said slowly: "Numbers are indeed not deceiving. But...the same number has different interpretation methods. How do you ensure that your interpretation is correct?"

Feng Guozhu's face darkened: "Isn't this obvious? Besides this possibility, what else is possible?"

"Then, why did so many people investigate hundreds of cases without finding any clues? What kind of criminal organization can commit hundreds of crimes in a row without leaving any mistakes?"

This is indeed an unexplainable point.

Feng Guozhu had been investigating Zhang Lu's suicide case for a long time, but no sign of a criminal offense was found.

"Is it possible that this is just a coincidence?"

The tone of the superior seems to be asking Feng Guozhu, but it is more like explaining his own point of view: "The numbers are indeed quite suitable, quite a coincidence. But there is no sign of criminal offense, and it is also real. Just because of some numerical analysis, restart The investigation of hundreds of cases? Is this...reasonable?"

Feng Guozhu was dissatisfied, but he still could only admit that it was unreasonable.

"In any case, this indicates a possibility, right? Shall we investigate this possibility?"

"To check, but not the kind of check you think."

The superior said his decision: "You contact the Academy of Social and Psychological Sciences, find some public psychologists and suicide psychologists, come to our Blue Lake City to do a sociological survey, and look at the people in our Blue Lake City , What is the reason why it is so easy to break down emotionally and make unreasonable actions."

The meaning of the superiors is obviously that they still don't think there is a possibility of criminal offenses.He thinks there may be something abnormal in it, but it should be something at the level of public psychology.

For example, some regions have a long-standing suicide culture, and when they suffer great humiliation or make huge mistakes, they have a tradition of apologizing with death.Or in order to show determination, in order to wash away grievances, they will also show their will with death.

Or when they realize that they have not made any contribution to society or their families, but instead are a drag, some elderly people in economically backward areas will also choose to commit suicide.

Sometimes social culture restricts individuals too much, causing people to be under too much psychological pressure, and they are prone to collapse. They often end their lives impulsively because of trivial matters.

All kinds of reasons are too numerous to enumerate, but probably the answer can be found from social psychology.The most direct reasons are nothing more than culture, economy, and environment.

The suicide rate in Blue Lake City is too high, and there are a considerable proportion of "unreasonable suicide" cases. Maybe this is also the reason?

Could it be that the urban economic growth has slowed down recently, but the price rise has not stopped, and the suicide rate has increased due to excessive economic pressure?

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