This star is too fierce

Chapter 158, Investigation

Chapter 158, Investigation
"It seems to be a troublesome thing." After listening to Lu Bu, Gu Tianle thought for a while and asked again: "What about the funds?"

Lu Bu said: "It depends on the situation. If you donate to a school, if you consider those remote areas, the number of students is generally dozens, so the teaching building does not need to be too large. The fund is about 10. If it is a town or county A school with a larger number of students will have a larger teaching building, and the corresponding cost will be higher."

Gu Tianle nodded and said, "Choose a remote area."

Lu Bu followed, "That's the mountainous areas in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing, and Guangxi."

Gu Tianle said again: "I want to visit the local area, preferably the school, can you contact me?"

Lu Bu smiled slightly and said: "I guessed that you would have this idea, but I just asked my assistant to find a few schools with a relatively difficult environment. I haven't contacted the school or the local education bureau for the time being. Just go directly."

Gu Tianle said embarrassingly again: "Can you accompany me for a walk? Of course, if you are busy filming, forget it, just give me the address."

Lu Bu thought for a while and said, "I'll take two days off to accompany you to see it."

Gu Tianle said gratefully: "Thank you, I will trouble you."

Lu Bu successfully asked Xu Jinliang for two days off.

They set off immediately.

Destination, Xinhua Township Primary School, Ningnan County, Liangshan Prefecture, Shuchuan.

Liu Liang was called by Lu Bu from Yanjing, and this place was one of the few schools he found with a relatively difficult environment.

They rented a few motorcycles, carrying people and goods.

They are all dirt roads, steep and narrow, and it is difficult for small cars to walk.

"Why don't you find a hotel here to stay and wait for us to come back?" Lu Bu said to Zeng Lai.

She hadn't played for five days in a row, and when she heard that Lu Bu was going to inspect the school, she came along when she was free.

Lu Bu heard from Liu Liang that the road conditions were bad and the journey was long, and he was worried that she would not be able to make it as a girl, so he asked her if she wanted to stay in the county and wait.

"It's already here, I want to go with you." Zeng Lai shook his head and said firmly.

"Okay." Lu Bu couldn't help her either.

I bought some stationery and daily necessities for the children to study in the county seat, and several motorcycles for the group, and they left in a mighty way.

The county road at the beginning was okay, not too bumpy.

When you enter the country road, good guy, your bones are about to fall apart.

Fortunately, there has been no rain in the past few days. If you encounter muddy road conditions on rainy days, it will be even more difficult to walk.

Among the few people, only Lu Bu's expression and mentality were as calm as usual.

What is this? In the past, marching and fighting were much more difficult than this.

But having said that, he would rather ride a horse than ride a motorcycle. It is indeed more uncomfortable to sit.

Depart from the county seat at nine o'clock in the morning and arrive at noon.

"Dizzy?" Lu Bu came up to Zeng Lai.

"Well, a little bit." Zeng Lai patted his chest lightly.

She had already calculated that Gu Tianle and Liu Liang were throwing up by the side of the road.

Lu Bu unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and handed it to her, saying, "Drink some water and take it easy."

At this time, several masters of Momo came over and asked, "Boss, where are the things unloaded?"

Lu Bu glanced around and said, "You can find an open space in the school, and just unload it."

After Mo's master left, he patted Zeng Lai's back again and said, "Is it better?"

Zeng Lai let out a long breath, forced a smile at him, and said, "It's much better than before."

Daily morning exercises are still useful. In the past, I am afraid that I would not be able to persist for a third of the journey.

Lu Bu walked towards Gu Tianle and Liu Liang, and said contemptuously, "You two big men can't even compare to a young girl."

Gu Tianle is like this because he gained weight.

Liu Liang was purely vomited, and it was like that the last time he came.

After resting for a few minutes, they entered the school.

It was a row of low tile-roofed houses, the walls were piled up with loess, and the top was uneven. There were windows, but no glass, and they were all sealed with plastic sheets.

There is a muddy space in front of the house. At the far right is a four-meter-high flagpole, and at the far left is a simple basketball hoop built with wooden blocks.

This is the whole picture of the school.

The principal of the school was a little surprised and surprised by the arrival of this group of brightly dressed uninvited guests.

After expressing his purpose, the principal seemed very excited, and introduced: "There are not many students in our school. There are a total of 43 students in grades one to five, and 90.00% of them are left-behind children."

Hearing this, Zeng Lai wondered, "Is there no sixth grade?"

The principal showed a wry smile, and said, "Our teachers' skills are limited, and the sixth grade has to go to the county seat."

Lu Bu asked, "How many teachers are there in the school?"

The principal replied: "With me, there are three."

Zeng Lai said again: "Isn't it true that a teacher has to teach many grades and many subjects?"

The principal nodded.

Lu Bu then asked, "What's the situation with the house now?"

The headmaster had a helpless look on his face, and said: "The walls of the house are okay, but it's been a long time, and the tiles are not good enough. They have been repaired several times. It's okay when it rains lightly, and there are not many leaks. Half of the classrooms can't be used when it rains heavily. .”

A memory appeared in Lu Bu's mind. The orphanage was like this when he was a child. It rained heavily outside and lightly rained inside. The bedding, sheets, and clothes were either wet or moist.

"Abu, Abu..."

Pulled back from his thoughts by Zeng Lai, Lu Bu asked, "Are the children out of school?"

The headmaster replied: "It's past school time, but most of them have lunch at school and go home after school in the afternoon."

At this moment, Gu Tianle, who had been silent all this time, interjected, "Can we go and have a look in the classroom?"

The principal didn't understand his Cantonese, so Lu Bu repeated it before saying, "Yes, yes, follow me."

If you don’t enter the classroom, you won’t know it. It looks like a house from the outside, but the inside is miserable. It’s just an adobe room, and the blackboards, tables and stools are also very old.

I saw that a little boy was grabbing a few handfuls of white powdery stuff from a plastic bag and pouring them into a bowl, then picked up a water bottle on the side and poured some water into it, and finally mixed the two things evenly with chopsticks.

Zeng Lai couldn't help asking: "Little friend, can you tell my sister what you are eating?"

The little boy was short, thin, yellow-faced, and looked very afraid of people.

Lu Bu said, "It looks like cornmeal."

"It's cornmeal." The principal nodded and said, "For younger children, usually cornmeal or rice flour mixed with water and salt is eaten for lunch. For older children, they will bring firewood and rice from home and steam them in the school kitchen. Mix some lard and kimchi to eat."

Looking at this scene and hearing these words, Zeng Lai's nose felt sour, and he turned and left the classroom.

"I'll go and have a look." Lu Bu chased him out.

"I'm fine." Zeng Lai said it's fine, but tears flowed more and more.

Lu Bu reached out and gently wiped away the tears on her face, then stroked her hair, and comforted her softly, "Have you forgotten why we came here?"

(End of this chapter)

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