Video: Collectors Flying in the Heavens

Chapter 1915 Come on, come on, make room for me!

Chapter 1915 Come on, come on, make room for me!

Intricate Noumia,

After leaving the border, Lu Yan, Zong Dawei and others continued to head forward.

After driving for three days, the car finally arrived at a small town.

However, after seeing all kinds of damage happening around them, everyone became more courageous.

Because it's really too dangerous here,
But this does not include Lu Yan, because just like what Marshal Zhang said, I have been among the dead, how can I still be afraid of this?
Lu Yan: As long as you can’t kill me, then I’ll come over and you’ll die!

Just as Lu was yawning leisurely, he suddenly heard the sound of gunshots.

"Fire, fire!"

Sticking his head out, Lu Yan observed the street.

But at this moment, bullets rained down like a torrential rain.

Following the child's mahjong, Zong Dawei led everyone to find Bai Hua and the others. Here, there are still nearly 150 compatriots who have not yet evacuated.

"Stop it, now is not the time to joke!"

Lu Yan: I can make phone calls during the war. If your friend doesn’t reply, he must be dead!

"Let's rest here first. Let's wait until daybreak. Running around in the middle of the night can easily get shot!"

Dragging Cheng Lang, Wadil and Zong Dawei quickly said: "Lu Yan, Lu Yan, are you okay?"


Looking at Zong Dawei and others, Lu Yan gestured to the abandoned building nearby.

The war seemed to have subsided for the time being,
After coming down, Zong Dawei discovered that a child was actually wearing a mahjong hat.

You know, this is definitely a signal from our compatriots,
Because you can't expect that mahjong has been spread here, right?

Even though Wadir was a local, how could he pass through the hail of bullets and drive away in a car quickly?

Otherwise, how do you think so many people disappeared? Did they really run away?
Hiding in a nearby building, Lu Yan led everyone to the second floor near the load-bearing column.

"Me? I'm fine, but this position is not very comfortable!"

Inside the overturned car, Lu Yan was slowly climbing out in an extremely awkward posture.

Don't ask why you chose this place, because if you sit next to a window, you will die.
Even if there are no stray bullets flying around, the missiles that have strayed from the target can kill you, you unlucky thing!

Letting out wails, Zong Dawei climbed out of the car in embarrassment.

Because he knows that in the dark, the most dangerous person is not necessarily the enemy, but may also be his "teammates"!
After all, you can never expect someone to ask you who you are when they shoot, right?
And this kind of thing has happened in the armies on the other side of the ocean, quite a few!
But what if the wrong gun is fired and the wrong person is shot?
That would be easier, just put on the enemy's clothes and report him missing!

But in the dark environment, unable to distinguish the situation, the car finally accidentally rolled over somewhere.

The next morning, the sun was rising,

But just after he stuck his head out, he immediately looked at Wadil and said: "Friend, your driver's license must not have been taken from Southwest. You can overturn your car on this kind of road. It's really scary!"

Hearing that Lu Yan was still in the mood to tease Wadil about his driving skills, Zong Dawei was speechless for a while.
Because this guy, no matter how dangerous the situation is, can always talk about a few irrelevant words.

Get out your satellite phone and call Veronica and Josephine in New York,
Lu Yan was talking to them about the situation in the past two days, which was full of twists and turns and ups and downs!
But seeing that Lu Yan was still in the mood to chat at this time, Zong Dawei became speechless.

Thinking of this, Zong Dawei immediately decided to take everyone away,

But before that, they need to find some medical supplies and food.

Seeing that Zong Dawei and others planned to go out to search at night, Lu Yan took the initiative to ask Ying to help.
Because he has always been very skilled at this kind of thing,
Following Lu Yan, Zong Dawei asked curiously, "Have you ever been a soldier?" "Not only have I been a soldier, I have also been promoted from a slave to a general!"

Looking at Zong Dawei with a smile on his face, Lu Yan started teasing,

Looking at Lu Yan speechlessly, Zong Dawei complained: "When you get back, you should talk to me about where you were a slave!"

"It's Qin Chao! Let me tell you, Bai Qi looks so majestic. A single word can make your whole body feel cold!"

Explaining to Zong Dawei, Lu Yan picked up the crowbar and opened the medical cabinet on the side.

Looking at Lu Yan, Zong Dawei didn't want to talk at all.
Archaeologist and mercenary, he also worked as a slave and became a general in the Qin Dynasty
Isn’t this nonsense?
"There's nothing, why are you sealing it so tightly?"

Just after the medical cabinet was opened, Lu Yan found that there was nothing here.

Looking at this scene, Zong Dawei turned around and started rummaging through the ruins.
But looking at him, Lu Yan knew that this was not going to work. He had to do something professional.

"You look here first, and I'll go next door and have a look!"

As he spoke, Lu Yan took the crowbar in his hand and ran all the way to the local garrison.

Following the darkness of the night and sneaking into the camp, Lu Yan wrapped himself in a scarf and went to the medical room. He "borrowed" something here and ran back immediately.

According to his original character, he should be empty-handed, but he should keep a thin line in his life so that he can borrow it again in the future.
When Zong Dawei found a copy of One Thousand and One Nights from the ruins, he was about to go find Lu Yan, but suddenly he saw two people coming towards here with slander.

Hiding in the corner, Zong Dawei desperately hoped that Lu Yan would not come back.

But it seems too late now,
Coming from outside, Lu Yan looked at the two people in front of him with doubts in his eyes: "What are you two doing at this late hour?"

Upon hearing the unfamiliar language, the rebels immediately raised their guns and
But at this time, Lu Yan threw out the crowbar with his backhand and smashed one person's head directly. Then he rushed forward, grabbed the other person's neck with one hand, and pressed it directly against the wall.

After struggling wildly, the other party seemed to want to get rid of Lu Yan, but at the next moment, a sharp dagger pierced his neck,

Turn the dagger and let the blood drip,

Lu Yan's eyes flashed with indifference and said: "Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, death is a beautiful experience, it can remind you of a wonderful life!"

Just as Lu Yan finished speaking, the man completely lost his breath and fell heavily to the ground.

After pulling out the dagger, Lu Yan pulled out the crowbar and said, "Hey, Zong Dawei, we're back!"

Walking out in horror, Zong Dawei said in disbelief: "You put them..."

"I sent them back to their hometown!"

Lu Yan spoke calmly, turned around, put the dagger back on his waist and said, "Being alive here is more important than anything else!"

After saying this, Lu Yan squatted down and took the gun away from them.

Because next, if he encounters a large number of rebels, he will really become a "general"!

Back at the temporary base, Zong Dawei used the medicine brought back by Lu Yan to bandage everyone. After looking at the satellite phone that he couldn't contact, he finally had no choice but to go to Dilat!
It's not like he never thought of borrowing Lu Yan's satellite phone, but his phone also completely ran out of power yesterday.

Lu Yan: This is something I never expected!

Seeing Zong Dawei's decision, Cheng Lang became silent.
Because he knew that Dilat had no rescue at all,

But there is no way now. They must take these expatriates away from here, otherwise the danger will be too great.
Two days later, when everyone was ready to cross the desert to Dilat and leave from there,

At this time, Lu Yan came to the back of the team and said, "Come on, come on, make room for me!"

Looking at Lu Yan with a gun on his shoulder, Liu Minghui swallowed his saliva and did not dare to say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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