The Industrial Giant Reborn.

Chapter 269 Investment that benefits the whole people

Chapter 269 Investment that benefits the whole people

After staying in the western suburbs for a few days, the old man Chen Tianfu wandered around with his brother and bought a bunch of imported goods. Later, the house couldn't fit and the electricity supply was not enough, so he went to buy a house again.

Chen Tianshou still disagreed at first, but then the old man strongly insisted, and finally bought a large apartment with an area of ​​about 80 square meters in US dollars.

The current house cannot be traded, but foreign exchange purchase is basically no problem.

Many people in later generations thought that before the 80s, there was only a shortage of goods and houses in China, but it was not the case. The average living area of ​​most houses in China, especially in cities, was not as good as that in Hong Kong.

Land in this era may not cost money, and the government can build it anywhere. But building a house requires a lot of materials. Even if the quality of the house is not comparable to that of Hong Kong, you must use some steel bars and cement, right?These are all materials, and the production consumes a lot of energy, and the transportation also consumes fuel.

Therefore, in China, the per capita living area is only 3.6 square meters. In cities, unlike in rural areas, you can build houses by yourself. The funds also come from the state or state-owned enterprises, and 10% of the country’s fiscal revenue is consumed in this field every year. The pressure Very big.

The new home was quickly put in place, and everyone came here. This is an 80-square-meter one-story building with a yard attached. There is no common booth, and with all kinds of electrical appliances, it is definitely a rare luxury house type in China at present. Yes, the only downside is that the air conditioner can't be installed, because I can't buy it. This thing is an absolute luxury. However, the summer in Tianjin is not very hot at present, and the air conditioner is not a necessity. A refrigerator and a fan are enough. It's completely different from decades.

One afternoon, Chen Zhiwen was basking in the sun and reading newspapers. During this period of time, he had nothing to do but read various domestic newspapers. This was not to kill time, but a lot of policy information was actually hidden in these newspapers.

"Zhiwen." Chen Tianshou's voice came from behind, and Chen Zhiwen turned around and said, "Uncle."

Chen Tianshou also sat down on the bamboo chair next to him and said, "Zhiwen, I have a question for you. Do ordinary people in Hong Kong have such a quality of life?"

"In terms of quality of life, it can only be said that some people have this level, and most of them still can't reach it. The main reason is that the house is expensive. From the perspective of food, basically half of them can reach our level these days." Chen Zhiwen thought for a while want to say.

In addition to living here these days, other Chen Zhiwens also live here. The food is also prepared by the uncle’s family. Normal meat and vegetables are basically the daily consumption of ordinary families in Hong Kong. At least the workers of Midea and Red Bull want to have Such a standard of living is not difficult, but those at the bottom cannot compare.

"Half? That's pretty good too. For me, these days are equivalent to Chinese New Year." Chen Tianshou said with a smile.

"Now that the reform and opening up is starting, the domestic economy is also mainly developing, and the lives of ordinary people will definitely get better and better in the future." Chen Zhiwen said.

"Yeah, it's too bad now. I work in agriculture and often go to the countryside. Many ordinary people may not be able to afford a meal of meat even during the New Year." Chen Tianshou said with emotion: "Zhiwen, you are the big brother of Hong Kong. Capitalist, I also know that you have a lot of investment in Shenhai City and can hire a lot of workers, but I want to ask, is there any way to help farmers get rich quickly?"

"It is difficult for farmers to get rich, basically they can only rely on industry." Chen Zhiwen thought for a while and said: "Only when there are a large number of industries in the country and the number of existing workers is not enough, then a large number of farmers can become workers, and the income can be increased." Considering the population of our country, this time is relatively long, and it will take at least 20 years to be possible.”

In the original history, until the 90s, the number of domestic workers has been too large, and the economy has been in a deformed state, which also led to a large number of unemployed workers. It was not until after entering the WTO that the mainland gradually became the world's factory, and began to absorb a large number of rural people. work in the city.

"This time is too long. Don't talk about getting rich, at least let them live a better life first? At least the families who farm and produce food will not go hungry." Chen Tianshou said.

"Yes, there are. During this period of time, I have seen some of the surrounding environment." Chen Zhiwen paused and asked: "There are more rivers in Tianjin, and there are more people raising ducks, right?"

"Yes, most families keep some duck eggs, mainly to make some money by selling duck eggs, and they are generally reluctant to eat them themselves." Chen Tianshou said.

"How did you deal with the duck feathers and duck down?" Chen Zhiwen asked.

"How to deal with it? Throw it away?" Chen Tianshou replied strangely.

"It's too wasteful. Duck down is the material of high-end down jackets in Europe and America. In Europe and America, many breeding industries rely on duck down to make money." Chen Zhiwen smiled and said: "Down jackets are winter clothes that Europe and the United States like in winter, similar to domestic military universities. But the price is much more expensive, estimated to be ten times that of similar cotton products.”

"Ten times, so high? Duck down is indeed able to keep warm, but how many ducks are needed to make up a set of winter clothes. In terms of warmth, is it far inferior to cotton?" Chen Tianshou asked in shock.

"At home, people only want to keep warm, so cotton is better, but it's different abroad. They are more after light weight, and the production capacity of down is very low. Even tens of thousands of ducks can't make many down jackets, so they can only The main material is chemical fiber extracted from petroleum, but it is not as good as pure down in terms of warmth retention and wearing experience. Pure duck down jackets or quilts are very expensive in Europe and the United States, or pure goose down is equally expensive." Chen Zhiwen explained.

When there is a problem with heating, ensuring life is naturally the most important thing. Therefore, in China and some developing countries with relatively cold winters, they all use cotton-based winter clothes. After all, cotton is grown in the ground. The production capacity is much higher than that of raising ducks and geese. In this era, cotton winter clothes and quilts are the cheapest, but it is difficult for ordinary people to afford them because of their low income.

As for clothes made of cotton in the Mainland after a few decades, it will be more expensive. That is because of the development of the petrochemical industry, which makes it possible to split chemical fiber materials from petroleum on a large scale. The production capacity is much higher than that of cotton, but it can be achieved. There are not many countries at this level. In industrialized countries, industrial products are cheaper.

Of course, chemical fiber cannot absolutely replace cotton and velvet, so that the latter two still have a certain market space, especially the certain combination of cotton and chemical fiber, so that clothing has common advantages in many aspects. As for velvet, the heating effect is still better than that of cotton. Compared with chemical fibers, the evolutionary achievements of nature are stronger than human science and technology, but in developed countries, many people still pursue down jackets with down cotton, down back, pure down, or less down, down jackets.

This naturally leads to a very high demand for velvet in the entire market, and when capitalists take advantage of this, velvet products become high-end commodities, even with the extra value of high-end brands.

"Then you mean to encourage farmers to raise more ducks? But raising ducks also costs money. Not only are ducklings expensive, but they also need to be fed a lot of food. Although there are many rivers in Tianjin, it is impossible to let ducks go out to find them by themselves." Food." Chen Tianshou said.

"This is not a problem. I will discuss the details with the municipal party committee leaders of TJ City in a few days. Simply put, I can prepay a certain amount of funds to the people, and then they raise ducks or geese. The ducks grow up. , you can take the fluff repeatedly, and when the duck grows bigger, you can have meat after slaughtering. I think this piece will naturally be sold in the mainland, but there will still be a certain amount of fluff. Although the value is not as good as duck meat, it is pure profit. .” Chen Zhiwen said.

The duck down of the later generations is actually an added value generated by the duck industry, but this added value is purely earned. Even if the price is only 10% of duck meat, it is still a high income for duck farmers.

Of course, if laying ducks are raised for a long time, they can be plucked at regular intervals, just like wool. The fluff is not enough for wages, but for ordinary people in the mainland who do not have a job, there is no other cost, and it is pure profit. Anyway, ordinary people have nothing to do most of the time.

"That's okay, it can increase farmers' income a little bit." Chen Tianshou nodded and said.

"If you want to greatly increase the income of farmers, you can't rely on any company, not even the richest man in the world. It is only possible if the whole country develops together. My method can only be said to let more farmers in one place For extra income, you can eat more rice or meat. From the perspective of improving farmers’ income in the first step, the popularization of chemical fertilizers is still the most important.” Chen Zhiwen analyzed.

There are at least a few million farmers in Tianjin, and tens of millions in other provinces. With such a large base, the entire GDP of Hong Kong is not enough to give everyone an average amount of money. It can use its own industry to provide millions of people. It is already the limit of his ability to increase his income a little bit. If he wants to do better, it will take another ten years. When he controls the purchasing power of a part of the US retail market, the employment capacity in the country will be as high as hundreds. Only at the [-] level can countless domestic people obtain higher incomes.

"It's very good. The main reason is that the products can be exported, so that farmers can be helped all the time. I'm afraid the country can't afford to rely on the state for assistance for a long time." Chen Tianshou said that in recent years, the country's industrial development has become worse and worse. Living in an urban economy, the central government had to lower the prices of grain and other commodities in the city. As a result, farmers’ income from selling grain would naturally decrease. The central government subsidized 100 billion a year for this, which in turn led to delays in many infrastructure and housing constructions.

"Win-win is the best, and I can also benefit from it." Chen Zhiwen nodded and said, of course he doesn't care about this income, but it is indeed beneficial to him, at least it can revitalize the economy of some areas.Moreover, there is a high demand for cashmere products overseas. If the inland area relies on the free-range breeding model with 0 labor costs and can lower the cost of the concentrated breeding model abroad, it will open up a new industry, not only in Tianjin, but in many parts of the country. Everywhere can be imitated.

Of course, this may only exist for more than ten years, because when the industry develops, the labor cost will increase, but at the level at that time, it is not impossible to develop centralized breeding technology.

As for now, it is not feasible. There is no large-scale centralized breeding technology in China. If you try blindly and the sanitation technology is not up to standard, a bird flu can kill all the poultry.

After staying at Uncle Chen's house for a few more days, Chen Zhiwen and his party came to the TJ City Hall again.

"Secretary Wang, what do you think of this investment?" Chen Zhiwen asked after expressing his thoughts.

Secretary Wang didn't answer, but instead asked, "Mr. Chen, is there a big market for this duck down overseas?"

"Absolutely, it's just that the channels I have mastered have annual sales of at least tens of millions of dollars. Down underwear, down jackets, down blankets, down quilts, etc. have a huge market, and they all need a lot of down." Chen Zhiwen said.

Costco and Wal-Mart alone are naturally not of this scale at present, but the current main customers of Galaxy Trading are Celtic and some other European and American supermarket chains. With a large number of cost-effective light industrial products and high-quality services, Galaxy Trading has become Founded one of the world's largest light industrial products trading companies. The previous business also involved winter fleece products, but they were all purchased directly without investment. But if the country has the ability to do well, then it can be done for the country. It's okay. Drive hundreds of thousands of farmers to increase their daily income a little.

"Ten million dollars?" Secretary Wang felt his heart beating and asked, "Then how do we cooperate?"

Chen Zhiwen said: "Building a new factory is too troublesome. It is best to choose a large textile factory in TJ City, which has the ability to make winter clothes, and then I will inject US dollars to buy some overseas equipment, or give it away. Overseas similar factories to study, I will open up the relationship in this area, you can find some English-speaking people who want to go abroad.

As for the shares, we can follow the 51:49 stipulated by the central government, and we can discuss how much capital is needed, how about it? "

"Okay, I will report to the leaders of the municipal party committee, but there should be no problem." Secretary Wang promised.

Since the implementation of the reform and opening policy, almost all cities with a certain scale and industry in the country have begun to contact overseas companies, intending to cooperate, but with little success. Even if there are talks, there are many conditions. The most unacceptable domestically Foreign capital wants to enter the domestic market to earn domestic money.

The initial purpose of the opening was to allow foreign capital to invest and then export to earn foreign exchange. However, overseas capitalists all want to sell their products to China to earn foreign exchange that is scarce in China. The purpose is completely different, and there is no way to reconcile it.

"But I have one more request." Chen Zhiwen said again.

"Mr. Chen, please tell me." Secretary Wang said.

"I have been to some Friendship Stores in TJ City. There are many imported household appliances, usually Japanese brands, and I also have a company in Hong Kong that produces home appliances. Can my home appliances be sent to Friendship Stores in TJ City? " Chen Zhiwen asked.

"If it's a Friendship Store, it's fine. I'll take care of it." Secretary Wang said that the Friendship Store itself requires foreign exchange to purchase goods. It is acquiesced in the whole country. People who have foreign exchange sent back by relatives and friends overseas, of course, have their own right to use it. These consumptions do not affect domestic foreign exchange reserves. Some people even use foreign exchange to buy domestic goods, such as meat, and the country also earns money. .

"Okay, thank you Secretary Wang." Chen Zhiwen said with a smile.

If you want to enter the friendship store in China, it is relatively easy for Coke and Red Bull, but it is more difficult for electrical appliances. Of course, it is not impossible. If Chen Zhiwen makes this request to the central government in the future, it should not be a problem, but it will consume a favor Yes, but in TJ City, it is a incidental requirement when investing.

As long as there is a breakthrough, it is an opportunity. In terms of cost performance, Midea's electrical appliances far surpass Japanese brands. Besides, Japanese brands are determined to make money in China, but he is not in a hurry, at least not now.

As long as the price-performance ratio is high, people will naturally find business opportunities, and the products in Tianjin will naturally be sent out. If it takes a long time, the Friendship Stores in various places may take the initiative to deliver them to their doorsteps.

In the afternoon of the same day, Secretary Wang reported Chen Zhiwen's proposal to the leaders of TJ City. A project with an export amount of tens of millions of dollars can also increase the income of countless people in the city. Is there any reason not to agree?
The next day, Chen Zhiwen followed Secretary Wang and his party to a large textile factory located in the northwest of TJ City.

"Mr. Chen, this second wool spinning factory mainly makes military coats and winter quilts. It has been supplying Northeast and North China for a long time. It has rich production experience and has always done a good job in terms of quality." Secretary Wang said. He introduced Chen Zhiwen as he inspected the workshop.

"How big is this place?" Chen Zhiwen asked.

"The factory area is about 300 mu. If you count the primary school, nursery school, vegetable market, etc., it is about 800 mu." Secretary Wang said.

"Okay, let's go here. I will arrange for people from Hong Kong to come and confirm the details." Chen Zhiwen nodded and said, in the future, there will be 800 acres of land in the urban area of ​​TJ City, what other bicycles are needed!
(End of this chapter)

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