Killing the US fear starts from the fatal bend

Chapter 188 I'm Ready to Take Off This Wave

Chapter 188 I'm Ready to Take Off This Wave

According to Luke's thinking, the prophecy wizard Gorkan and Lorena began to diverge their thinking and continue the discussion.

Why do clowns always appear on secluded and desolate paths.

According to the previous logic, the more witnesses there are, the more extensive the clown's influence will be. The place where the balloon clown appears should have as many people as possible.

It's not that it doesn't want to, it just can't.

Perhaps the way it appears has requirements for the flow of people, or maybe it can only deal with a single or a few people, and it has become a weak person in the face of a large number of people.

After all, the Beacon Country was originally full of martial arts virtues, and to be able to stay in the troubled Phoenix City, these residents basically have some dark and hard gadgets for self-defense. If the clown appears in the public, he cannot control the confusion Many people live.

Then it will soon be killed by the "enthusiastic masses" and "brave for righteousness", and the mystery and terror will definitely be greatly weakened.

After all, the greatest fear comes from the unknown and the inability to resist.

You clown can't even stop 7.62, why should we put this scumbag with the two of you?
At this point in the discussion, the idea of ​​​​solving the problem is already very clear. After all, no matter which time and space or country it is, the matter of covering up the cover and misleading the line of sight is an official feat.

The next step is to choose who will take the blame.

How to publicize it to the public.

There was a riot in a large mental hospital, and a large number of violent mental patients escaped?

Or a terrorist in a desert country played a new trick, pretending to be a clown to carry out terrorist attacks on our country?
In short, tell the citizens that the clown is not a horrible monster, but a person pretending to be it, and can be killed, so although there will still be a certain degree of panic.

But in the Great Lighthouse Country, terrorists are not as scary as evil spirits and monsters, right? This is the lighthouse of the free world!Even the weakest and most cowardly child in a class has the freedom to become a terrorist with a gun!

As soon as Fenris came back after going out to announce the news, he was assigned another task to contact the municipal people to hold a press conference to refute the rumors. Before he could sit down, he hurried out again.

Although this still can't solve the problem of the balloon clown from the root, at least it disgusts the enemy and hinders its plan, which is a good progress.

After that, everyone began to study the phrase "both in this world and not in this world".

After working together, I really thought of some other possibilities besides the restricted area.

For example, space gaps, some small spaces attached to this world.

Another example is the alien space, such as Luke's mirror world.

But these worlds are too difficult to find, even if it is clear here, there is no way to check.

Luke is a quick product, and his combat ability is not bad, but in terms of mastering all kinds of knowledge and common sense in the extraordinary world, he is number one in this room, and it is like a cliff. Therefore, like Albert, I can't speak at all.

Albert looked at Luke with a sneer on his face. I'm a reckless warrior. It's normal that I can't get in the conversation at this time. You are a mage, right? Why are you like me?
And you said you're not a fighter?
Let it be revealed!

Under Albert's long, speechless gaze, Luke deeply felt that he was insulted. He sank into the ability tree, ready to see his own ability, and what else could break the situation.

From this point of view, we have not found a way to break the game, but we have found a way to take advantage of it.

He coughed twice, attracting everyone's attention, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Just now, I have a way to weaken the 'fear', and maybe the effect will be better."

Looking at everyone's curious eyes, Luke said: "I have a special ability, which may be able to intercept fear, so that even if that clown creates a lot of panic, it can't absorb that energy."

After finishing speaking, Luke spread his hands, and the "Wanhua Mirror" appeared in his palm, and crows flew out of it.

"This mirror, you exchanged it from the warehouse last time, it is actually a control equipment, and it can store living things." Lorena said enviously.

Luke didn't explain much, he let the crows fall on the conference table or other places, and said: "This is my animal partner, the fear crow, they also feed on fear, the more fear they get, The stronger the strength."

"You mean, let these crows compete for fear with that clown in the dark?" Duster asked.


"Can they do it?" Lorena asked.

Luke nodded confidently: "I think there is a great possibility, and it may even limit the harvest of clowns more than reducing fear through publicity. After all, no matter how much publicity is made, the danger is real. may be completely eliminated."

Seeing Luke's swearing expression, Lorena said hesitantly, "Why don't you try?"

Albert finally interjected: "Try!"

Although the reckless captain usually doesn't speak, everyone still respects him for making a decision, so Fenris was called back again.

The press conference will not be held, but through other channels, in the form of "gossip", according to Luke's request, a fictional monster vest will be made for him, so that people's fear will point to Luke, so as to facilitate the competition with the clown for fear.

After things were arranged, everyone left the meeting separately, went home to find parents, looked for parents, looked through materials, and continued brainstorming tomorrow.

After all, no matter how well other tasks are done, if the clown is not eliminated, Phoenix City will not have peace for a day.

Luke recalled the crow to the mirror world and went to see his parents. They were arranged in a large guest room, and the living environment was more comfortable than at home.

Old Mason knew that Luke still had important things to do, so he didn't hold back too much, and let him go after a few simple chats.

At the door of the guest room, Daxter stopped him, handed him [Death Roar] and a small bag, and explained: "I have added the external charging system you requested, and the charging module can accumulate the energy of three launches at most , under normal circumstances, the full charge can be automatically completed within 24 hours."

"These are your original spells. I strengthened them all with pure gold. Now they can be reused, and they are also automatically recharged. They can be used once every 12 hours."

Luke took these things, summoned the "Wanhua Mirror" and a crow, stuffed them into the world in the mirror, and said, "I'm really sorry for you, I have finished these transformations in such a short time."

Dust's back teeth leaked out of his smile: "No trouble, no trouble, there is still a lot of fine gold you gave, enough for me to strengthen my spells, and if there are such good things in the future, just come to me gone."

After the two separated, Luke walked out of the dormitory building, summoned Harpy to the square, rode on, and rushed to Phoenix.

What he said just now, using fear crows to compete for fear, is of course nonsense. Even if he uses public opinion to brainwash the masses, if it is not his, it is not his. Crows can have a fart.

His trump card is a newly acquired skill - profane.

Through the effect of stealing the power of faith by blasphemy, after his vest became the "behind the scenes" in people's hearts, he could successfully concentrate all those fears on himself.

Hey hey hey.

Looking at his "fear" divinity and the skill of the dreaded crow, this wave involves the fear of the entire Phoenix City and more than a dozen small towns.

This wave, I really want to take off!

After returning home, Luke contacted Brett and asked him to inform the believers about the balloon clown so as not to damage his fledgling sect.

However, Brett sounded very confident on the phone, as if many capable people and strangers joined the sect, and now the combat power of the sect, especially the combat capabilities of ordinary mortals, has been greatly improved.

After hearing that he knew the ability of the balloon clown, he also swore that the safety of the church was fine, and Luke felt a little relieved. He, the Pope, was not a big talker.

However, the headquarters of the sect has been staying in Phoenix City, which is not the case.

One is that being too close to the city will make the sect lose its sense of mystery.

Secondly, due to the virtue of Phoenix City, if there is a big invasion from the abyss, it is not impossible to be wiped out by the group directly.

Therefore, in Luke's plan, the church headquarters will be moved out of Phoenix City in the future. The initial idea is to choose a hilltop not far or near, and buy it directly if you want a pleasant scenery and convenient transportation. It was built as the headquarters and holy place of the sect.

At that time, only one temple and some personnel will be left in Phoenix City for missionary work, and the rest will go to the Holy Land, and then missionary personnel will be sent to other cities according to the situation.

However, there are not many believers in the sect now, and donations are also limited. Most of the income still depends on Luke's blood transfusion. It is still a bit difficult to buy a mountain.

Still have to make money.

After he was busy with the affairs of the sect, Luke asked the crows to go out to guard and patrol, and he began to meditate that he hadn't started for a long time.

Although the increased mental power of meditation can't keep up with Luke's progress, continuous meditation can also help him better master his abilities and make his skill release smoother and smoother.

It was past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and the balloon clown reappeared in the remote alleys of Phoenix City.

Fortunately, the officials had already made preparations in advance. Although these clowns frightened some passers-by, they caused very little damage, and most of them were killed in time.

Luke's crows also wiped out several of them one after another, and the turbulent night passed like this.

The next day, Luke took Harpier to Waldburg again, and today their two plans will be launched.

A combination of curse + rumour.

Luke put Harpier away, and as soon as he walked into the office area, he saw Mrs. Lillian pulling a middle-aged man and chatting happily.

Lilian happened to be facing the entrance of the building, and immediately saw Luke, and quickly stretched out her hand to wave to him, beckoning him to come over.

Luke walked over quickly, and the man opposite Lillian also looked back curiously. His hair was slightly gray, but it was combed meticulously. Literally).

When Luke approached, Lilian took his hand and said: "This is your uncle, Wagner. Before he left, Phoenix City asked for help from the clan, so he came here on the way and happened to meet us. Wagner, This is Luke."

Looking at this uncle who looked more like a university professor than a wizard, Luke looked surprised.

Cursed wizard!
Shouldn't it be wearing a shabby black robe, gloomy and nervous all day long, and pulling out three-legged toads and half-meter-long centipedes from time to time?
That doesn't fit the stereotype at all.

Luke was thinking in his heart, but his face remained calm, and he shook hands with him: "Uncle Wagner, my mother has mentioned you to me several times, thank you for coming to pick them up personally."

Wagner smiled gently: "I haven't seen my sister for a long time. If it weren't for the great changes in Phoenix this time, I'm afraid my father wouldn't let me come out. You are right. It is true that ordinary people stay near Phoenix City. It's too dangerous, Black Spindle Town has a large formation set up by the family, which can guarantee the safety of my sister."

He looked at Luke, felt it briefly, and didn't notice Luke's current level of ability, and asked curiously: "I heard that you have the ability to completely purify the pollution of other worlds a month ago, is it true? I can't even see your current strength, you are living alone, you can improve so fast, you really deserve to be Lilian's son."

Ah this
This is an embarrassing boast.

Obviously mother is just an ordinary person without extraordinary abilities.

However, when distant relatives meet, it's normal to be embarrassed. It's much better than just asking about the job, salary, and whether you have a partner.

Luke nodded and replied: "I do have the ability to purify the pollution of other worlds because of some special adventures. As long as I kill the polluted supernatural creatures, they will all disappear, and the pollution energy in the body will disappear immediately. , will not form a polluted area in situ as in the general case."

Hearing Luke's determined and confident answer, Wagner's eyes lit up, and he said eagerly: "Actually, our family also has a small base similar to the official 'House in the Woods', where many polluted supernatural creatures we captured were imprisoned. , as the number is increasing, it is a bit difficult to control now."

In Luke's expectant eyes, he continued: "After the clown matter is over, if you have time, I will take you there and try to clean up those monsters. If all goes well, this is a powerful bargaining chip, The officials will definitely not be able to resist asking you for help, and when the time comes, the family will come forward to negotiate and get more benefits for you."

After speaking, he suddenly remembered something, and quickly asked: "Does your ability consume a lot? It can't be the type that consumes vitality. If it has a greater impact on your body, then forget it. We can build another one." Confine the base."

This relative is quite caring.

It has to be said that even though he had never been to Black Spindle Town once, Luke already had a good impression of them when he saw this uncle for the first time.

Hey, why is this world full of good people, so no one will come to my door to pretend to be a slap in the face?

Luke shook his head indifferently: "That kind of ability consumes very little, it just consumes mental power. After this matter is dealt with, I have time to clean up the monsters at any time."

Wagner waved his hand and said no, "I just know about this situation. Next time someone asks, I will say that every time I use it, it will consume a certain amount of life, so that we can ask for a price later."

If others want to give me experience, they have to spend a lot of money to invite me to go.

This is really Qin Shihuang touching the wire - winning numb.

I misread the person, this uncle looks elegant and easy-going, but he is actually a profiteer.

However, it is a profiteer on my side.

(End of this chapter)

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