Killing the US fear starts from the fatal bend

Chapter 175 Little Rangna's Great Adventure in the Abyss

Chapter 175 Little Rangna's Great Adventure in the Abyss

Back in Waldburg, Luke accepted the message from the "Wanhua Mirror".

"Achieve Drum's wish, gain ability - mind power"

"Ability to repeat, transforming into strengthening the original thought power"

"Thinking power has a new effect-Iron Wall."

[Iron Wall]: When the mind force forms a shield, it gets an additional toughness bonus.

"Reverse Drum's fate and obtain a ray of divine 'mirror'."

The abilities of "Mirror" and "Destiny" in "Wanhua Mirror" were activated simultaneously, and through the ability tree, a big mouthful of energy was suddenly sucked in the void, and a ray of golden "mirror" divinity spontaneously formed, fell to the root of the ability tree, and turned into a root that penetrated into the void.

After the harvest was completed, the originally radiant mirror became slightly dimmed. Luke picked it up to check, but the ability to respond to prayers was temporarily unavailable. According to the information fed back from the "Wanhua Mirror", it took a week to cool down before viewing and responding to prayers again.

However, through the connection of the thread of fate, the ability to check the situation of the people related to him can still be used.

Luke's mind sank into the "Mirror of Wanhua", and among the thousands of threads of fate, he found the white and slender thread like a spider's thread. At the other end of the thread was the little friend Rangna who was given "Apocalypse" by him with the "spider" divinity.

Intermittent images came, and what Luke did not expect was that in the environment of the abyss full of killing and chaos, not only did Jeanna not die or get injured, she even felt like a fish in water.

Relying on his original keenness, coupled with the danger perception and physical strengthening brought about by the divine apocalypse of the "spider", he has escaped from the territory of the Skaven clan by avoiding powerful enemies and hunting weak prey.
Time went back to yesterday, and little Rangna was thrown into the passage between the two worlds.

The apocalypse of the "spider" divinity completed her strengthening and transformation just before falling into the abyss. She seemed to be in a special fit with the spider deity. Just a simple "apocalypse" possessed the three characteristics of "spider induction", "spider silk injection" and "body strengthening".

In a brief absence and dizziness, Jeanna was ejected by a powerful airflow from the passage between the two worlds, her body left the original world and entered a dangerous abyss.When she first arrived in this strange place, before Jeanna even had time to open her eyes to observe the appearance of the world carefully, her cerebral cortex was already deeply hurt by a strong sense of crisis originating from the "spider sense".

Seeing the living creature suddenly appearing from the darkness, the Skaven didn't even have time to see what it was. Driven by their murderous nature, they directly launched an attack, and more than a dozen crossbow arrows and sleeve darts flew from all directions.With the help of "Spider Sensing", Jeanna shrunk her body into a ball subconsciously. Her originally petite body shrunk into a small ball, rolled twice on the ground, and escaped the long-range attack.

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, the tingling sensation of the "spider sensor" crisis reminder kept coming like a tide.

Jeanna squatted on the ground, looked up, and saw seven or eight monsters not much taller than her, like big rats standing on their hind legs, rushing towards them with various weapons, and kept shouting "yes yes", which did not seem to be expressing friendliness and welcome.

Under the extreme sense of crisis, her body seemed to move without going through her brain.

She first used her hands and feet together, rolling and crawling to avoid several "tetanus knives" that were chopped over, then stretched out her right hand, pressed her palm down, and suddenly a slender and tough white spider silk shot out from her wrist.The spider silk unfurled in mid-air, forming a large web, binding the three skavens who were chasing up together, causing them to pull each other to the ground.

At this moment, she finally had a little bit of room to breathe, and Jeanna turned her head left and right, and took a quick look around.

This is a completely strange world, with heavy dark clouds above the head, a few strange red lights flashing in the dark sky from time to time, a trace of light seeping through the gaps in the dark clouds, and the air is filled with the smell of decay and stench.

The ground was pitted, full of sharp stones and broken bones, and the surrounding trees were twisted and withered, as if cursed.

In the Skaven camp, the filthy rat people are busy, some are making weapons, some are hoarding food, and some are playing with some weird devices.In the center of the camp, a huge altar stood, with all kinds of strange sacrifices placed on the altar, and a strong smell of blood filled the surroundings.

More and more ratmen were attracted by the movement caused by Jeanna just now. The slave rats guarding the tunnel between the two worlds had sharp teeth, skin covered with pustules and sores, and a stench was emitted from their bodies. They waved their crude weapons and started chasing them, trying to kill Jeanna and eat a small piece of fresh flesh.

Jean Na stood up, aimed at a direction where there were fewer ratmen, and ran wildly.

Although she was young and her body was not yet fully developed, the "physical strengthening" brought about by "Apocalypse" made her physically stronger than ordinary adult men. When she ran with all her strength, the clan rats and slave rats behind her couldn't keep up with her speed at all.

After avoiding the attacks of several ratmen head on, little Jeanna finally rushed out of the camp of the Skaven clan.

Before she could catch her breath, a faint light of a knife flashed from behind and stabbed straight at the back of her head.

The unprecedented sense of crisis made little Rangna's scalp tingle and her hairs stand on end. She bent down and lowered her head, dodging the sharp dagger within a fraction of a centimeter. She put her left foot on the ground and raised her right foot violently. A scorpion swung its tail and kicked its heel directly to the crotch of the death runner behind him.

Jeanne picked up the dagger and fled into the distance.

In the space tunnel, several other elite Shushu were ready to move and wanted to chase after them, but they were given a big fight by Stormshu Yishu and gave up their pursuit.

After all, it was just a small prey with very little meat, and across the passage was a whole world waiting for Shushu to conquer.

Thinking about the beautiful scene of fighting for the big horned rat, getting promoted and raising salary, winning the white rich rat, and reaching the pinnacle of rat life, the storm rat as the commander of the battlefield waved his hand, and countless slave rats began to pour into the space tunnel.

Little Jeanna ran fast for a while, and did not slow down until her legs became tired and weak. She repeatedly confirmed that she escaped from Skaven's pursuit, found a big black stone and sat down, curling her body tightly in the shadow of the big stone to rest for a while.

A period of nomadic life made her very adaptable, and she did not collapse because of being wandered into a different world, but leaving her brother for the first time still made her a little sad and worried.

After resting for a while, Jeanna recovered a lot of physical strength. She found the tallest tree nearby, climbed to the top along the dry trunk, and looked at the Skaven camp from a distance.

There, a large number of ratmen are swarming to attack the tunnel between the two worlds.


Rang Na, who is a little ghost, sighed, it seems that she won't want to go back in a short time, but she doesn't know how her brother is doing over there.

In order to prevent the rats from following the smell to find her, little Jeanna clenched the dagger she picked up just now, and walked slowly towards the Skaven camp.

The strenuous exercise just now consumed a lot of energy. After walking for an unknown amount of time in the barren abyss, the energy stored in Jeanna's small body was almost exhausted, and the feeling of hunger and thirst began to spread little by little.

Jeanna walked for a long time, but she didn't see any water source like a lake, nor a single wild animal. Looking around, there was nothing but sand, stones, and semi-dry trees.

She swallowed hard to soothe her thirsty throat, and wandered aimlessly, trying to find something to eat.

Suddenly, a damp and sticky breath rose from behind her, and the shuddering fear was like a wild beast licking the back of her neck.In fear, Jeanna stayed where she was and did not dare to move. A strong sense of temptation appeared in her heart, urging her to turn her head and take a look. Just by taking a look, she could become a member of the great existence and become one with Him.

Under that temptation, Jeanna's neck twisted a little bit stiffly, wanting to look back at that thing, but "Spider Sensing" crazily reminded her "Don't look back!", "Don't look!", "Don't think!".

The sense of crisis that was about to smash her brains brought her incomparable pain, and it also allowed her to maintain her sanity and control herself not to make any moves.

The power of the "spider" divine apocalypse was aroused to the maximum in danger, and it transformed into a huge phantom of a half-human, half-spider woman outside Rang Na's body, barely protecting Rang Na from looking back and being affected by that weird power.

Then, with a loud "bang", a huge tentacle wiped out the entire Skaven camp, and then disappeared into the air with satisfaction.

With the disappearance of the tentacles, the power of "Spider" Apocalypse also reached its limit. There was a sudden burst, and then it shattered instantly. Rang Na also fell to the ground with a "plop", and passed out in a coma.

In the higher sky, two looming figures showed disappointed eyes.

"That stupid octopus doesn't want to go back." A frivolous male voice.

Another coquettish and tired female voice asked: "Who will test it next? The ball of light or the black goat? What if they don't want to go back?"

"Then what else? You go? Or should I go?" The male voice was a little helpless: "That old man blocked his heaven in the middle, and I don't want to be illuminated by his disgusting holy light."

The female voice continued: "Then just wait, the power of the abyss cannot be carried down by a single god. In that world, the god system has withered, and there is no one to fight except the old man who shines the holy light. When his power is exhausted, we will pick this delicious fruit."

"I hope so." The male figure turned and left, revealing only black skin and six fingers on one palm.

Although he left, he still had doubts in his heart. With this woman's cunning, would she really be willing to wait slowly like this, and then compete with other abyss lords to carve up another world?

He shook his head and didn't think about it anymore. Anyway, he also had other plans. As long as he was more cautious, it shouldn't be a big problem.

The big deal, as she said, when the old man's power is exhausted and the world loses its last guardian, everyone will invade together, each according to his own ability. Anyway, with his own strength, he will definitely get a share of the pie.

The woman who stayed in place revealed her figure. She was a beautiful dark elf, the Queen of the Pit Demon's Web, Rose, Queen of the Spider God.

She glanced down, as if she found something interesting, covered her mouth and chuckled: "It's such an interesting little thing."

Then the figure was in a trance for a while, and came to the ground.

Rose raised her hand slightly, and Jeanna's petite body rose up in the air, and came to her side, and explored in Jeanna's body with divine power for a long time, but still found nothing.

She frowned and said to herself: "The strange power is not divinity, heroic spirit, or blood, but it is somewhat similar to these three. Is it some kind of weird spider species?"

Rose is cruel and capricious, and she likes to deliberately let her followers fall into endless infighting, but she also has a normal side in her mind, especially she will be very kind to the things she loves at the moment and give a lot of assistance.

And Jeanna's weird spider power, petite figure, and cute face obviously completely poked Rose's cuteness, which made her feel a little fondle admiringly.

She beckoned, hugged Xiaodouding in her arms, and took a random step forward, her figure disappeared without a trace, leaving only the sand and gravel blown by the wind from time to time in the open wilderness.

I don't know how long it has passed. At the original location of the Skaven camp, a huge horned rat crawled out of the ground. It is the most hated existence in the subspace of the Warhammer world, the enemy hated by the order side, the god that even the four gods of chaos despise, and the object of worship and awe of thousands of rat people - the big horned rat.

This giant horned rat brings together the worst aspects of the four gods of chaos, like the insidious and cunning of Tzeentch, the rags and ugliness of Nurgle, the bloody brutality of Khorne, and the arrogance of Slaanesh.

When the tentacles of the abyss captured the world of Warhammer, this cunning and evil thing was the first to turn against the water and directly became the leader, bringing the power of the abyss into the subspace.

After that, it also planned to bring the four gods of chaos into the water.

But although Khorne is the god of war and bloodshed, he is in charge of honor at the same time. Tzeentch is in charge of backstab and intrigue, but he is also the god of hope and wisdom. Nurgle is the god of decay and death, but also the god of contentment and rebirth. Although Slaanesh is indulgent, he also represents love and joy.

Afterwards, the four gods of chaos reached a rare tacit understanding with Sigma, and Nurgle stepped forward to trick the Horned Rat out, and then Sigma secretly attacked and threw it directly into the abyss through the world tunnel of the warp.

It also wanted to return to the Warhammer world many times after that, but the volume of that world was huge. After losing the leading party of the Horned Rat, the speed of the abyss invasion was 3 million times slower than that of downloading 100A games from the XX network disk without membership.And after becoming the leader of the abyss, the Horned Rat also deeply realized how unpopular he was in this world, and he was afraid that going back would be the result of being beaten by the gang.

Therefore, it set its sights on this new world that was recently discovered by the abyss.

He looked hatefully at the direction where Cthulhu was sleeping. This stupid octopus head was in vain for the big horned rat to make friends with him. The tunnel between the two worlds was finally opened. As long as the big octopus squeezes the tunnel by himself, the big horned rat can go to that world to spread his glory.

In the end, he didn't want to go back!
Does this broken abyss smell so much better than his hometown!
(End of this chapter)

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