Starting from selling lunch boxes at the construction site

Chapter 266 Drawing big cakes is a must-have skill for bosses!

Chapter 266 Drawing big cakes is a must-have skill for bosses!

[Secretary Li, the blog post 'Hezibao Mushroom Encyclopedia' released yesterday received a good response. There are many netizens who are interested in mushroom soup packs. I have drawn up a cooperation plan here. Please take a look at the specific content. If you think it is okay, let's talk about this plan in detail. 】


With previous sales planning experience in lo-mei sales, this time the mushroom soup sales planning was completed at ten o'clock this morning.

Xu An flipped through the proposal, and found that all kinds of situations were considered thoroughly, even the sales method and procurement model were taken into consideration, and there was nothing that needed to be modified.

Li Sixin spent most of his time sitting in front of the computer except for the necessary work these days, keeping an eye on Koukou, mailboxes and mobile phones. Therefore, he saw the news sent by Xu An almost immediately.

After reading the proposal sent by Xu An, Li Sixin couldn't help but sigh with emotion, as expected of a young man, the action is fast!
This idea just appeared in my mind and had a vague prototype. Boss Xu even sorted out a complete sales plan. Judging from the completeness of this plan, Boss Xu paid attention to this situation much earlier than himself!
The rules and regulations listed in the planning book have certain constraints on both parties, but they do not harm their respective interests, but maximize the interests of both parties.

Researching this project with an extremely critical attitude, they couldn't find any terms that were not conducive to Hezibao's weaker side. It can be said that the cooperation is full of sincerity.

[Boss Xu, is it convenient for you now? I want to communicate with you by phone for specific details. 】

The message was sent, but Li Sixin did not receive a reply from Xu An, but instead received a call from Xu An.

"Hello, Secretary Li, you can speak up if you have any questions about the project, and we can discuss and communicate together." Xu An said politely.

"Hello, Boss Xu, I don't have any questions about planning. I mainly want to ask about purchasing."


"Yes, I have roughly calculated that the dried mushrooms accumulated in Hezibao this year are about [-] catties. From now to late October, we can still produce another [-] to [-] catties. I wonder if Boss Xu will buy them all at once and transport them to Haishi for processing, or does he have other plans?"

"The processing must be carried out at Hezibao. In this regard, I have to ask Secretary Li to help organize the work. As for the procurement," Xu An pondered for a long time before saying, "The current plan uses a three-day pre-sale plan of deposit + final payment, so let's submit the purchase quantity once every three days. How about you, Secretary Li, be responsible for the coordination?"

"Okay, then Boss Xu, you can just give me the purchase quantity in three days." Li Sixin agreed to this extremely tedious task, and then asked in a drawn-out tone: "In terms of workers' salaries?"

"What's the current wage in Honghe City?" In view of his understanding of Li Sixin during his trip to Hezibao, Xu An chose to ask directly.

"The daily salary is 30 yuan per person." Li Sixin replied very straightforwardly without concealing or exaggerating.

The daily salary is 30 yuan, and the monthly salary is only 900 yuan. No wonder there are more than 300 families in Hezibao. They come and go every day to see old people, women and children, and rarely see young people.
"Okay, after confirming the first batch of purchases, I will transfer the labor expenses and the purchase price of the mushrooms to the account of the village committee in Hezibao."

After talking about serious matters, before hanging up the phone, Xu An casually asked where the villagers of Hezibao had gone in the reporting process for greenhouse applications.

".It has been submitted to the Poverty Alleviation Office. After the Poverty Alleviation Office signs it, you can officially enter the funding application process."

While Li Sixin was speaking, a villager walked into Li Sixin's field of vision with a basket full of peanuts on his back. Li Sixin's eyes moved with the movement of the villager, and he subconsciously sighed: "It would be great if other crops here in Hezibao could be sold to the outside world like mushrooms!"

"Secretary Li, do you mean peanuts, potatoes, and brown rice?" Xu An thought that Li Sixin was talking to him, so he continued the conversation.

"That's more than that. There are a lot of wild walnuts in the mountains here, and there are also a lot of pueraria with thick thighs. If it was a few months earlier, there would be a lot of wild vegetables such as bamboo shoots and bracken."

Now that Xu An had answered, Li Sixin simply continued.

"Those cabbage, spinach, etc., in other cities, basically cost more than four yuan a catty. Here, we sell them at the market for one yuan a catty. When the vegetable dealers come to buy them, they can give them fifty cents a catty. They are extremely kind. The daily purchase price is as low as forty cents a catty, and it is not uncommon for them to be thirty cents a catty."

Li Sixin was talking about it, and Xu An's brain was running quickly following Li Sixin's thoughts. How to sell the common crops in Hezibao?

Although peanuts and potatoes are common crops on the market, Xu An has tasted them himself. The peanuts and potatoes grown here in Hezibao are slightly better than those on the market in terms of texture and taste.

Especially the small potatoes of Hezibao, washed and steamed in a steamer, peeled and deep-fried until the skin is golden and crispy, put down chili powder, cumin powder, pepper powder, cooked sesame and thirteen spices and stir-fry evenly, and finally sprinkle with soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate and salt, stir-fry evenly again, add millet pepper, minced garlic, green onion and coriander, and the freshly hot crispy potatoes are out of the pan.

Take a bite, and the aroma explodes in the mouth. The crispy outer layer makes a 'click' sound between the teeth, and the soft inner layer melts in one sip.
However, netizens don't know that this little potato is so delicious!

No matter how loud I am, the netizens will only think of me as a yellow woman selling melons—let’s sell myself and boast!

Unless, netizens can taste the peanuts and potatoes produced in Hezibao with their own mouths, how can netizens be willing to try it?
While thinking, Xu An's eyes quickly moved over the items placed on the table, and finally fixed on the mushroom soup packets that Aunt He and the others voluntarily helped to pack.

The weight of a bag of mushroom soup is 2 grams. The courier fee is 3-[-] yuan. The courier fee is more than [-] catty, and the courier fee is [-] yuan per catty.
The first weight is one catty, which is five hundred grams!As long as the weight of the courier is controlled within [-] grams, the cost of the courier will not change!
The weight of the soup pack is only 430 grams. Even with the packaging and promotional posters, the weight will not exceed [-] grams, so there is still a surplus of [-] grams!

A gleam of light flashed in Xu An's eyes, this margin can make a big fuss!

"Secretary Li" Xu An interrupted Li Sixin's long speech, and asked directly: "I have an immature idea on the promotion of Hezibao's crops, do you want to hear it?"

"Huh?" Li Sixin was stunned for a moment, then immediately answered, "I would like to hear more about it!"

"The potatoes grown in Hezibao are all miniature potatoes, each weighing between 20-50 grams, right?"

"Yes, the small one is the size of a fifty-cent coin, the largest one is the size of an egg, and most potatoes are just right for a bite." Li Sixin confirmed.

"If you were asked to provide free potatoes, peanuts, kudzu root and other crops for publicity in the early stage, would you be willing?"

"Free?" Li Sixin's tone was full of doubts and puzzles, and he repeatedly confirmed: "Boss Xu, you mean to give Hezibao's crops to netizens for free?"

"Yes." At this point, Xu An didn't continue to play tricks, and clarified the answer: "Hezibao is a very strange place to the outside world, and crops such as potatoes and peanuts are common. It is unlikely that it will arouse netizens' desire to buy like mushrooms, but"

There was a pause of two seconds at this point, Xu An quickly organized his words and continued.

"However, if you take advantage of the boom in the sale of mushroom soup packs and give other crops as gifts to netizens for early adopters, there may be many netizens who are willing to buy them after eating them."

After Xu An confided all the feasible solutions he thought of in one breath, he immediately gave Li Sixin a vaccination.

"This plan is theoretically feasible, but there is currently no reliable data to support it. It is difficult to ensure that netizens will buy it or not. If netizens don't buy it, then giving away these early adopters for free is equivalent to being in vain, and there will be no return."

"As for whether to try it or not, it depends on you, Secretary Li, and the villagers of Hezibao." Xu An changed the subject and handed over the decision to Li Sixin.

Li Sixin's thoughts have been following Xu An's words for thinking, almost the moment Xu An's words fell, Li Sixin had a choice in his mind.

Not to mention the amount of a few hundred catties, even if it is a thousand catties, if it is shared among the [-] households in Hezibao, the average amount for each household is more than three catties.
Even if this attempt fails, at most it will be an empty joy, far from the point of hurting the muscles and bones
What's more, I have tried so many times before and failed so many times. What is the difference between this one more time and one less time?

That being the case, what is there to worry about?
"Boss Xu, I agree with your proposal"


Afterwards, the two discussed in detail which types of mushrooms to put in the mushroom soup package and how much each type of mushroom should be put in.

The soup packs that were given away before, some weighed 60 grams, some weighed 65, 70 grams; some packs contained seven types of mushrooms, and some contained six or eight types of mushrooms, but because it was free, it was impossible for everyone to disagree.

But now, these soup packets are going to be sold online, so naturally they have to be accurate enough to put the types of mushrooms and the amount of each mushroom.

After confirming the specific mushroom weight and weight of the mushroom soup package, a new round of discussion on the weight of the gift was launched.

Li Sixin listed all the crops that grow in Hezibao, can be found in the mountains, are abundant, edible, and taste good.

With so many crops, there are always one or two that can catch the eyes of netizens!

In view of the poor culinary skills of modern netizens, Xu An also gave Li Sixin a small suggestion, write down the cooking menu of all the above crops, preferably with photos of the finished products, and it would be great if the cooking process can be photographed.

Li Sixin naturally accepted Xu An's suggestion.

After the communication with Li Sixin was over, Xu An walked happily to the No. [-] shop, went upstairs, and walked to the office.

The moment the doorknob of the office door was turned, Tang Wen's right eyelid twitched, and her heart felt a palpitation.

The next second, the door of the office was opened with a 'click', and a young man appeared in front of everyone. The young man's eyes swept over everyone in the office, and finally fell on Tang Wen. The clear and bright voice of the young man was like the whisper of a demon at this moment.
"Tang Wen, I would like to ask you to make two blog posts today. One is to tell netizens that mushroom soup packs will be available at Xu's Braised Taobao store at 19.9:[-] tomorrow night. The price is [-] yuan per pack. Orders during the pre-sale period can get an additional souvenir from Hezibao. The souvenirs include but are not limited to peanuts, potatoes, and kudzu."

"The second article is to introduce the beautiful mountains, rivers, and scenery of Hezibao to netizens. The focus should be on the two aspects of 'poor villages' and 'farmer assistance activities'. The most important thing is to emphasize the mushroom soup packs we put on the shelves. The main purpose is to help the villagers of Hezibao to open up market sales and increase their income. If this blog post cannot be completed today, you can do it tomorrow and send it out before 02:30 in the afternoon."

"By the way, Secretary Li's story can also be told in detail. This is a positive example, and it will be a good publicity stunt. I have already asked Secretary Li about this, and he doesn't mind."

". Later, Secretary Li will send some food photos, process and videos of Hezibao's crop cooking and production. There should be as many as seven or eight. Then you can look at the amount of content and the length of the final blog post. If it is too long, the food part will be separated into a separate blog post."


As Xu An issued mission orders one after another, the resentment in Tang Wen's eyes became more and more intense.

She really wanted to stand up and let Xu An see clearly that she was just an ordinary person with two arms, two legs, and one head. She was neither Avalokitesvara, nor Sun Dasheng, who could become a clone by pulling out a hair, nor was she the protagonist of a novel who had 48 hours a day.
cough cough——

Facing Tang Wen's resentful eyes, Xu An silently looked away, pretending not to see, and used the skill of drawing big cakes in time before Tang Wen broke out.

"The furnishing store is estimated to be finished next week. After everyone moves in, we will immediately recruit and add new manpower to everyone. At that time, Tang Wen, you will be the director of the marketing department's operation team!"

As he said that, Xu An's voice raised his voice once, and his pancake painting skills changed from one-to-one to one-to-many, and he also drew pancakes for other people in the office.

"At that time, Gu Jiayi, you will be the director of Taobao Store, Lu Ziyue, you will be the director of the logistics department. Wang Fulong, you will be the director of the project department. Any administrative department, financial department, accountant, cashier, etc. will be recruited. At that time, someone will share your work, and you will no longer have to take on several roles. Not only will your position be promoted, your salary will also increase, and you will be equipped with five insurances and one housing fund. As long as you are a regular employee in the store, you will have all of them."

In front of such a big, round, fragrant and sweet cake, not only did Tang Wen's newly born resentment dissipate, but everyone else in the office was also excited.

It has only been two months since I joined Xu's fast food restaurant, and I have become a supervisor again. When the development here is getting faster and faster, and there are more and more people under me, wouldn't it be easy for me to be a department manager and other positions, and it is a matter of course.
Seeing that everyone's grievances dissipated quickly, Xu An took advantage of everyone's imagination and tiptoed out of the office. After closing the office door with his backhand, he let out a long sigh of relief.

It was really too risky just now. Sure enough, a boss who can’t make cakes is not a good boss. Proper painting is still very necessary
But, Xu An is a bit different from those bosses who only know how to draw pancakes. The pancakes that Xu An draws will become reality, the kind that can really be served on the dining table for everyone to enjoy together.

Back behind the cash register, Xu An opened the recruitment website, logged into the company account, and posted a series of recruitment information, including but not limited to administrative, accounting, financial, art, operation, design and other positions. There are nearly [-] positions in total.


The reception room of the Qianhai Town Government Building.

"Boss Lu, you have visited the paper mill in the southeast corner a few times. I don't know what you like." The middle-aged man in the striped shirt said with a smile, "The location of this paper mill is really good, but it's a bit close to the seaside. The requirements for sewage discharge are relatively strict. Otherwise, it's a sought-after place. Who doesn't want to be tired from work and see the blue sky, white clouds and the boundless sea when they look up."

"Boss Lu, your leased factory is mainly used for seafood classification, processing, packaging, etc. We are very relieved about sewage discharge."

The middle-aged man in the striped shirt drank all the tea in the cup in one gulp. Seeing that Boss Lu was still in a state of reluctance, he immediately became a little anxious, so he stopped making detours and asked directly.

"Boss Lu, do you have any concerns that prevent you from making a final decision?"

"I have concerns! Of course I do." Boss Lu finally said after hearing the words: "This paper mill occupies too much land, and I don't need so much space."

"It's not too big!" The leader in the striped shirt quickly answered, "This empty place looks really big, but when Boss Lu moves in the machinery and equipment, parks the big truck, and the employees start working, it will be ready!"

"The rent is not low! More than 200 million a year, hiss—"

"Hey, Boss Lu, more than 200 million yuan a year, and less than 20 yuan a month. You can rent a factory with three hectares, factory buildings, water and electricity. It's a good deal!"


The two of them are like Tai Chi, you come and go for dozens of rounds, no one can do anything to the other, no one can gain the upper hand, on the contrary, they talk dry and upset.

"Leader, I don't make any lies, I'll show you the truth." In the end, Boss Lu couldn't sit still first, and said directly: "This factory has obvious advantages, but also has many shortcomings. I just thought, can I have a short-term lease first, such as a one-month lease, and if it is suitable, we can sign a long-term contract?"

Short Term Rentals?a month?

The smile on the face of the middle-aged man in the striped shirt froze for a second before he answered the conversation with a haha: "Boss Lu, you are joking. The machinery and equipment in this factory are not small. It takes time, effort and money for you to move them around. It is not easy for employees to arrange anything."

"It is because of the reasons you mentioned that I have to think carefully! After all, once the contract is signed, it will be for five years or ten years. If I find out that something is wrong at this time, it will really be called "every day should not work, and the land will not work!" Boss Lu added: "I am a rough person, and I speak more straightforwardly. The leader, don't mind it!"

After being choked up by the sentence "every day should not be called, and the land is not working", he was choked by the second half of Boss Lu's sentence.

After drinking two mouthfuls of tea in a row, the middle-aged man in the striped shirt managed to escape from his dissatisfaction, but this time, his tone became stiff.

"Boss Lu, to tell you the truth, this paper mill is registered in the city, and no matter what the procedures are, the city will intervene."

As he said that, the middle-aged man in the striped shirt spread his arms out in a helpless look.

"If it were a few other factories, maybe I would just turn a blind eye and let Boss Lu give you a short-term rental for a month. Only this paper factory really can't do it. It's not suitable for emotion or reason!"

Hearing that the paper mill was registered in the city, Boss Lu immediately lost his temper.

I wanted to spend 30 to [-] yuan to make it easier to operate or something; but this paper mill is actually registered in the city. If this is revealed, wouldn't it be evidence of my crime?
Now even if the middle-aged man in the striped shirt can agree to a short-term rental, it is impossible for him to rent it himself. We must not let this matter come true.

It seems that there is no way out on the bright side, so we can only come in the dark!

"In this case, it seems that this paper mill has nothing to do with me!" Boss Lu sighed, with a look of great disappointment on his face: "I'd better look at other factories and think about it!"

Although he said to look at other factories again, his body left the chair and stood up.

"Leader, I really bothered you today. Next time, next time, if you have a chance, please go to the newly opened Haishi Hotel for a meal!"

After all, Boss Lu didn't say a few words of politeness, and walked straight away from the government building in Qianhai Town, and sat in the car. Before he could sit still, Boss Lu took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, help me find two reliable, tight-lipped people who have something important to do."

 Two chapters in one!

(End of this chapter)

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