Chapter 259

"Master, what did you say at the meeting today?"


After a long silence, Zhang Daniu finally spoke up: "The boss from Haishi wants someone to help him grow that ghost. After signing the contract, he will buy it for 62 yuan a catty when it grows."

"Ah! Such a high price, isn't it good, have you signed up yet?"

"But only fifty households are needed, and greenhouses need to be built. The first batch will be produced before the Chinese New Year this year."

Another moment of silence.

"Daughter-in-law, how much money does our family still owe the villagers?" Zhang Daniu took the water pipe that was leaning against the wall and covered with starch due to frequent use to him.

"Twenty-three thousand two hundred and forty-six yuan, no, I sold some vegetables this morning and paid back 240 yuan to Zhang Chun's family, and now I still owe twenty-three thousand two hundred and thirty-one yuan."

"Great shed, one mu of land costs [-] to [-] yuan."

While speaking, Zhang Daniu's bony fingers landed on a milky white plastic bag, and twisted a handful of golden shredded tobacco from it.

"Why are there so many, I went to the market today to inquire about it, a large shed is [-] to [-], why is it doubled?" Zhang Daniu's daughter-in-law's voice was full of suspicion, and her eyes showed some meaningful expressions: "Is it possible"

"What are you thinking about? Secretary Li said that there are [-] to [-] greenhouses, but the ones that are not resistant to snow, once it snows, all the things in the greenhouses are gone. We have to use greenhouses."

The golden yellow color is stuffed into the mouthpiece of the hookah.

"Then, what do you think?"

Zhang Daniu picked up the matchbox, took out a match, and rubbed it on the red and black sandpaper. The flame ignited on the match lit up the shredded tobacco. As soon as he inhaled, there was the sound of 'hululu' from the hookah, and a few wisps of white smoke overflowed from the corner of Zhang Daniu's mouth.

"Daughter-in-law, let's go to Secretary Li to sign up!" Zhang Daniu exhaled a long puff of smoke, and said resolutely: "Our family, build a greenhouse, and give ghosts to the boss from Haishi!"

"...but...but, out of the dozen or so plants you dug out from the mountain, only one survived. If something is wrong, then we will have to bear a debt of more than 6 yuan!" Zhang Daniu's daughter-in-law said emotionally. Although a little excited, he still didn't say the word 'failure'.

"It doesn't itch if you have too many lice, and you don't worry if you have too many debts. If you owe 2 yuan, you are owed, and if you owe 6 yuan, it is also owed. There is not much difference." Zhang Daniu paused, and there was a trace of enthusiasm in his slightly cloudy eyes: " But just in case, if the planting is successful, even if the success rate is only half of what Secretary Li said, it will take more than a year before we can repay all the debts!"


There are no cameras in the village branch office, and everyone has never noticed who has entered or left the village branch office. The matter of who sent the chicken and fish has become an unsolved case.

However, Li Sixin didn't have time to worry about this problem. Less than an hour after eating, villagers came over one after another.

Zhang Daniu, Li Mutou, Li Hai.
The first wave of villagers who came to sign up were all poor households without exception, and they were burdened with debts, a total of 11 people;
The second wave came from poor households in the village. Although they had no debts, they did not have the slightest savings, a total of 27 people;
The third wave came in all kinds of people, including Li Yanfu, who was considered the richest in the village, and villagers with a middle-level living standard in the village, a total of eight people;
At 8 o'clock in the evening, Li Sixin sent a villager who came to the village branch office at 2:[-], stood outside the door for [-] minutes, and stepped into the room to sign up in the last [-] minutes. Only the figure of the villager left, but no one who came.

The time is up, the deadline for registration, the number of applicants, 49 people, one person short of full.

Li Sixin watched the light with the flashlight get farther and farther away, and finally completely disappeared from the field of vision. Before the world was completely dark, a few small fireflies were flying on the field, and the faint light flashed flash.

After sighing deeply, Li Sixin turned and walked into the room, turned on the old computer that was beeping, put his hands on the keyboard, and kept typing until two o'clock in the morning.

The next morning.

Hongshan City Poverty Alleviation and Development Leading Group Office.

"Comrades, keep busy, I'll just say a few words!" A middle-aged man closed the office door and walked slowly between the desks.

"It is now late September, and there are only ten days before October, and there are more than two months left before the end of this year, but our poverty alleviation tasks this year are far from meeting the expectations at the beginning of the year. Everyone must pay close attention to these last two months. It took more than a few months to reflect on and summarize whether there were any omissions in the work of the first half year, and to check for omissions and fill vacancies in time.”

The middle-aged man's tone was very calm, and his attitude was very gentle, but these words fell on everyone's hearts, but they were a bit heavy.

If you are poor, you want to change. No one wants to be poor for a lifetime.

But when it changes again and again, but no hope is seen, everyone's hearts will become cold and their enthusiasm will decrease.

When the poverty alleviation team was established, everyone was full of fighting spirit, and the villages in Hongshan City, large and small, also actively cooperated.

They say that by planting fruit trees, the barren hills will be cleaned up, and seedlings of fruit trees will be planted; they will plant peppercorns, and countless pepper trees will grow in the fields; There are a few more chicken pens, duck pens, and goose pens in the yard.
Pepper crops have grown, chickens, ducks and geese have grown year after year, roads have been built one after another, and fruit trees have grown fruitful. Many villages have been lifted out of poverty, but villages still struggling on the poverty line And many, many more.
"There are a total of 2234 villages in Hongshan City. Before our poverty alleviation team was established, the proportion of poor villages was almost half; after years of hard work, 221 villages have escaped the poverty line, but Hongshan City is still There are 862 villages that have not taken off the name of [poor villages].”

The eyes of everyone in the office fell on the middle-aged man.

"The more than 800 villages are all hard bones. We cannot rely on inertial thinking and solve problems by building roads and bridges. We have to understand the situation of each village in depth and find practical ways to help them get rid of this name. A hat for [poverty]"

Sure enough, the task came. It seems that the main task in the second half of the year is to visit more than 800 villages and write more than 800 reports.
In less than two and a half months, there were more than 800 reports. The team consisted of 32 people, each responsible for 26 villages on average, and visited at least three villages a week to complete this task.

"Okay, that's all I have to say. Next, everyone can do what they should do. Time is tight and tasks are heavy, so hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man picked up the water glass on his table and threw a few goji berries into it. After receiving sufficient moisture, the shriveled body of the goji berries gradually became rounder, and the color changed from dark red to bright red. , the transparent and colorless warm water is stained red

Putting down the water glass, the middle-aged man turned on the computer. The moment the computer was turned on, various software automatically logged in, and the sound of "ding ding dong dong" information kept playing.The most eye-catching one is the pop-up box for the email reminder, which just appeared on the bottom right of the screen.

The sender of the email is - Li Sixin of Hezibao.

An email from Secretary Li of Hezibao?
The middle-aged man opened the email without hesitation. A blank webpage appeared in the center of the computer, and the lines of information were loaded quickly.

Shabu Shabu spicy?The restaurant owner from Haishi? The purchase price of 62 yuan a catty?

No matter how you look at it, it feels like a scam!
"Xiao Song, you are a native of Hongshan City. Do you know what shabu shabu is?" The middle-aged man raised his head and asked a young man in the office.

"Shabu Shabu hot?" The young man called 'Xiao Song' turned his head to look at the middle-aged man blankly: "Have you never heard of it?"

"Come here." The middle-aged man beckoned: "The secretary of Hezibao said that this is a special plant here, and he also attached a photo. Look at the photo and see if you recognize it."

Xiao Song put down the signature pen in his hand, walked straight to the middle-aged man, bent over to the computer screen, and carefully observed the photos on the screen, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Ah!" A fragment of memory appeared in Xiao Song's mind, and his tone was full of excitement of discovering the new world, and he said briskly: "This is indeed a plant from our Hongshan City. When I was young, I could see it occasionally when I went to the mountains Come on, we are called ghosts here."

"This shabu. Guijianchou is not poisonous, can it be eaten, can it be used in vegetables?"

"Impossible!" Xiao Song's eyes were full of panic: "I haven't seen anyone eat this thing before. Everyone went up the mountain and saw that they either avoided walking or smashed it."

"Can't you eat it?" The middle-aged man clicked the mouse, and a document appeared in front of the two of them: "But this catering owner from Haishi wants to cooperate with Hezibao to grow this ghost, mainly for cooking braised meat."

Xiao Song's gaze did not follow the middle-aged man's mouse movement, but directly landed on a certain part of the file.

Xu's Braised Meat Shop, the name is so familiar!

"Brother Zhang, did you buy some lo-mei from an online store?" Xiao Song suddenly straightened up and asked loudly, "What's the name of that store?"

"Xu's braised meat!" Brother Zhang replied without raising his head.

"The shop's signature taste, what... what hell flavor, what ingredients are used?" Xiao Song continued to ask.

"I don't remember the name, but it seems to be the hottest pepper in China."

The most spicy in China?
The middle-aged man entered this keyword in the browser with two fingers, and the webpage jumped, and there were many reports of all kinds. Finally, he found relevant information in Du Niang's library.

Among the top five hot peppers in China, No. 1 is Shabu Shabu.

(End of this chapter)

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