My kaleidoscope pupil technique is dark blue with dots

Chapter 176 Sasuke: It's a showdown, I'm a digital life faction!

Chapter 176 Sasuke: It's a showdown, I'm a digital life faction! (two more)

In the middle and back section of a canyon in Konoha, in an artificially shaped and closed valley, the roars of countless beasts echoed in it,


A huge, strange-looking beast was knocked into the air, and slammed into the cliffs of the valley standing straight up.

The gravel splashed, cut through the air and made a piercing whistling sound, and cracks spread out to the rock wall.

This monster with a strange appearance, a dragon head, a tiger body, a snake tail, and alligator claws, and a fish-like scale armor all over its body, hissed and roared,
With a random wave of claws, it leaves claw marks on the hard rock wall, which are as fragile as tender tofu and can be broken by blowing bombs.
The tail of the snake swayed on the ground behind him, unintentionally flying huge and heavy rocks like millstones, and flying everywhere with a sharp whistling sound!

And the opponent who fought with it and knocked it into the air was another huge beast that looked like a dragon.

Snake body and dragon head, majestic and sacred, except that there are no dragon horns on the dragon head, only a pair of claws under the belly, and the bare snake tail is also a bit of an eyesore.
The overall image is closer to the legendary real dragon,
"Ho Ho!", "Ho!"

The two giant beasts looked at each other for a moment, their eyes were full of fierce light, and their figures shot up from the spot,

They broke through the speed of sound almost instantly, smashed through the air, and were surrounded by pure white sonic boom clouds. They collided together and began to fight again.

There are more than one such battle scenes in the huge valley. At a glance, there are nearly a hundred strange beasts fighting together in twos and threes.
There was a lively mess, the earth roared and shook, rocks pierced through the air, and loud explosion-like noises rang out in the air one after another.
It seems that we have come to the prehistoric prehistoric era suddenly, everything is ignorant, and giant beasts are rampant on the earth...

If you look carefully, you can find that all the strange beasts in the valley have more or less the characteristics of creatures in mythology.
True dragon, basalt, unicorn, phoenix, nine-tailed fox, etc.,

But it is plausible, incomplete, and simple and crude. It seems to be some drafts made by the Creator before shaping the mythical creature.
The most conspicuous common feature is that they all have strange black marks all over their bodies.
It's like the logo mark left by the creator on them, the "barcode" engraved with their own information!
"The experimental creations are not very successful! It seems that my craftsmanship is indeed a bit rough!"

Da Renyi stood tall on the top of the rocky cliff at the top of the valley, looking down at the results of his research during this period,
Some are dissatisfied, and the eyes are a little disgusted,
After all, they just imitated the principle of the "wedge" of the Otsutsuki clan, and implanted the mythical creature information that they fabricated and woven into the body of the beast with chakra.

After "unfreezing", Wei overwrites and modifies the beast's body according to the implanted data information, and gradually transforms the ordinary beast into a mythical creature constructed by himself.

But after all, Da Renyi does not have the specific information of those mythical creatures in his hands, so he can only make up fictions by himself, using various ninjutsu principles to weave and reorganize information,

Then implant it into the living body, try the probability randomly, and use the creation of life to conduct further "feasibility" and "stability" screening experiments on the information,
After repeated revisions and completions, batch after batch of experimental products died,
The final result is nearly a hundred strange beasts in the valley,

It is still far from a real mythical creature, it is only the strength of the "Fourth Raikage" of the average beast,

The level of intelligence is basically only the level of ordinary human children of six or seven years old!
"It's already amazing!"

Naruto standing next to Da Renyi sighed, carefully looking at the black mark on the strange beast below,
He was deeply impressed by the "wedge" on Cixian's body, and he himself had experienced the feeling of "barcodes" all over his body, and he was keenly aware of the key points of Da Renyi's research.
"The strength of these strange beasts is actually not important, the most important thing is the research and exploration of the Datongmu clan, right?"

Turning his head slightly, Naruto asked Da Renyi in a very firm tone.

"Not bad!"

Da Renyi nodded in approval, reached out and touched Naruto's head, with a smile on his mouth, very happy,
"In this regard, I have indeed gained a lot, and I also have new ideas for the arrangement of these fantasy worlds!"

The smile on Da Renyi's face made Naruto a little flustered, he opened his mouth and was about to continue asking,
"Don't worry, I think Sasuke will take the initiative to speak first, and you will understand my thoughts later!"

Da Renyi interrupted Naruto's inquiry, and looked up to the distance outside the valley, where a small figure was rushing towards him at a high speed.
It's Sasuke!
In a short while, Sasuke climbed to the top of the valley, came to the side of the two, looked up at Da Renyi, hesitated to speak,

"When you came to us these days, you always looked like you wanted to say something but couldn't say anything,"

Da Renyi stretched out his other hand, rumpled Sasuke's neat and smooth black hair, and encouraged the little guy with a smile,
"Just say what you want to say! There's no need to be embarrassed. Even if I say something inappropriate, I won't be angry.

At most, I will beat you up...A grown-up can't do anything to a child, can he? "

Sasuke's face turned black, and his cheeks puffed up with anger, do I still want to be beaten up by Hokage?

I am no longer a child of two or three years old, I am over seven years old...

After a moment of silence, he spoke,

"Naruto's world was completely broken, he only saved some people,

I don't have his special pupil technique, but I don't want a person in this world who has his own consciousness and become an independent individual to die.
I understand that the fathers, mothers, and clansmen in this world are just people derived from their past thoughts. They are them, but they are not the real them.

Even so, I don't want them to die! "

When Sasuke lowered his head and said this, there were crystal tears in his eyes rolling down,

Falling into the dirt and dust of the ground, disappearing,

He once had everything, then lost everything, and now in the world of half-truths and illusions, he has everything again,
Even if it is not completely true, he is already reluctant to let go,

Looking up at Da Renyi, he begged,

"Brother-in-law, I don't want this world to collapse, I want this world to last forever,
I want to let the parents and clansmen in this world live on like normal people, and not dissipate in the middle!
They all have their own consciousness, their own emotions,

They are real people, not just a dream, a hallucination! "

"Not bad! It seems that after being Hokage for a while, you have grown a lot in all aspects!"

Da Renyi commented that before Sasuke opened his mouth, he had already guessed what Sasuke had been wanting to say but failed to say these days.
He was prepared for this request, and just got inspiration and creativity from the research of "Wedge" of the Otsutsuki clan,
Lowering his head, his face became serious, and he asked Sasuke seriously,

"Then are you ready? If you don't want to let this world dissipate, you have to pay the price yourself.
Sasuke, are you ready to carry a world on your back? "

 "Wandering Ninja World II" started filming,
  "Digital Life School" Zuo Tuhengyu Zhu: I want to give Yaya (Uchiha) a complete life!
  ps: Thank you big brother for the reward of "you brought the devils here", I am flattered! ! !

  I am ashamed, my update is so weak, and the boss is still so loving, I am very embarrassed, I feel very ashamed,
  There are also many other book friends and big bosses who support and encourage me. I feel ashamed of many people if I don’t write well.

  This part is a bit stuck, the update is slow, and it will be smoother later, and it will definitely be updated and added.

  Turn shame into motivation, code word code word...

(End of this chapter)

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