Second Eagle Banner Legion, Trajan's Legion, Legion Commander Camillo stared at Li Que. Just by looking at him from a distance, he could feel the heavy pressure from the opponent.

The opponent is definitely a strong enemy, and it can be seen from the previous battle modes that the opponent is definitely the type to restrain Trajan's army, but it doesn't matter, even if there is restraint, you can still fight.

"It's really troublesome, if only it was a real war!"

Li Que sneered. To be honest, this kind of semi-sparring life and death fight is not friendly to the Xiliang cavalry.

The fighting mode that Xiliang Iron Cavalry is best at is exchanging injuries for lives, relying on defensive cover to fight the enemy desperately, but after all, they are on their own territory, and many things cannot be done too much.

"General Li, if you have other means, you might as well use them all. I can promise you that even if Camillo dies, he will never be held accountable!"

Penilens suddenly spoke to Li Que through a message.

Li Que glanced at Penilens in confusion. Listening to this, he was asking him to kill the guy opposite. Has the internal political struggle in Rome become such a mess?

Li Que understands politics, not because of his IQ, but because after experiencing a series of turmoil in Luoyang, Li Que understands even if he doesn't understand. Even if he doesn't expect some things, he knows the consequences after experiencing them once.

With a grim smile, Li Que turned around and motioned to the Flying Bear soldiers to take out all their crossbows and javelins. Not only did he plan to use them as whetstones, but also as knives?

Then he would have to teach the boy opposite him a lesson.

Like thunder crashing across the ground, both sides started charging without any warning.


The galloping cavalry held a spear in one hand and his single-shot crossbow in the other hand.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The moment Trajan's army approached, the powerful crossbow bolts were directly nailed out by the cavalry.

The flashing light on these specially-made crossbow arrows made Penilens look completely serious. This thing... is not simple.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

He had already noticed the stirrup saddle on the Flying Bear Sergeant's mount and the horseshoes on the horse's hooves, and understood the purpose of these things in the shortest time.

Although Rome was an empire with heavy infantry as its main force, the importance of cavalry was naturally self-evident.

That's why he specially sent a message to Li Que, not really intending to kill Camillo, but while beating Camillo, he hoped to see something new from Li Que as much as possible.

But now, he saw what he wanted. At this moment, the Roman senator had already opened the wisdom link and condensed his thoughts into a whole thinking.

The moment the crossbow arrow was fired, they were able to analyze it in various ways, but the combination of all these things made the hearts of the Roman senators suddenly become heavy.

Every new technology represents the opponent's lead over them, and this is only part of the opponent's lead over them. The more basic it is, the greater the lead.

No one spoke, even the senators who had been watching the fun before could not laugh at this moment. They thought Ganassis's statement was alarmist, and the senators who watched the war between Guishuang and Xinghan thought it was nothing more than that.

But when Rome was temporarily unified and they reached an apparent agreement, they suddenly saw many things from Li Que that could only be seen by considering the whole.

"Kuishan didn't force out Xinghan's true strength at all, and the other party didn't take Kushan seriously at all!" A Roman senator sighed.

The other Roman senators nodded. Based on what Li Que has shown now, he is much better than the Xinghan on the southern battlefield of Guishuang.

At this moment, Rome has not received the news that Zhuge Liang's troops suppressed Anxi, and it has not yet known that the Xinghan army on the southern battlefield is just some temporarily organized field soldiers.

However, they considered themselves, and compared the spirit of their own army with the flying bears, they easily concluded that the Xinghan regular army was definitely not inferior to, or even stronger than, their own Eagle Flag.

This discovery made their hearts even heavier.

The glory of Rome has not been lost, and they are still proud of the power of Rome. But now they find that their own family may not be the strongest, and a fire suddenly arises in the hearts of all the senators.

Penilens felt the changes in the momentum of the senators, and a smile appeared on his lips. Compared with the loss of face in Rome, this kind of real appearance was more important.

The crossbow arrows approached the soldiers of Trajan's legion with thunderous force.

Trajan's army naturally waved their spears and tried to sweep away the crossbow bolts at a speed that normal people could not react at all.

However, the moment the crossbow bolt touched the spear, it exploded, and the shock wave reverberated among Trajan's soldiers.

Several of the affected soldiers were pierced by the subsequent crossbow arrows and instantly killed. The vast majority of the remaining soldiers were almost completely fine.

And the next moment, the flying bear collided with the knights of Trajan's legion.

As a three-talented army, Trajan's Army's three most outstanding abilities are charging, super-speed reaction, and undefeated idealism.

Trajan's army, which was completely serious, had already entered a state of over-speed reaction. The speed of the flying bear's charge dropped to one-third in their eyes, and their speed also entered the same state. During this over-speed reaction, Next, the world seemed to them to be slow.

This state gave them too much time to make precise movements, and the super high speed brought by the sudden charge became a weapon in their hands.

Unlike other people who find it difficult to control their precise movements at ultra-high speeds, for them everything is just slowing down when entering this state.

In this world where the playback speed is one-third, everyone in Trajan's army can still think and adjust their movements. Their honed movements will not be out of shape because of the slow playback, and they can fully exert their intended effect. .

The living soldier of Trajan almost perfectly avoided the attack of the flying bear, and at the same time, he stabbed his most perfect blow.

Although the Flying Bear soldiers tried their best to rely on their own intuition to stab in possible directions, the gap in skills between the two sides was almost obvious.

In an instant, the number of people stabbed by Xiliang's cavalry was almost as many as the number of people stabbed by Trajan's army. However, the moment the two sides met, it became clear that this stabbing had no meaning for both sides.

Not to mention that almost all of Trajan's legion stabbed the Flying Bear soldiers, nor that almost all of Trajan's legion evaded the stabbing of the Xiliang cavalry.

Simply speaking, when Trajan's soldiers arrived at the Flying Bear, they understood why the previous attacks of the two Eagle Banner Legions were completely ineffective.

The opponent is not afraid of any normal mode attack at all.

At the moment when Trajan's army and the Xiliang cavalry passed by each other, Camillo's face was extremely solemn. He had previously thought of relying on his skills to break through the opponent's defense, but the feeling of his hand just now told him that the opponent's defense did not exist at all. Possibility of defeating with skill.

Not only is the opponent's own defense, but there is also an expanding repulsion field on the opponent's body. The attack's power has already been reduced by three points before it lands on the opponent.

Camillo's expression was gloomy to the extreme, and his resentment towards the Thirtieth Eagle Banner was at its peak. If the other party did not hold back, their third talent of Trajan, Ideal for Invincibility, and if they went one step further, they would definitely be able to break through the Flying Bear's defense. . As long as the defense can be broken, the opponent can be worn to death, but it is a pity that there is no time.

The current situation is that the Flying Bears can make countless mistakes, but Trajan will suffer serious consequences if they make one mistake.

Li Que turned his horse's head, his expression equally ugly. He had been summoned at the moment, and at least three spears were stabbed at his body. It didn't cause any damage, but luckily he didn't knock him to the ground.

"This kind of opponent is worth fighting!" Li Que's face gradually became excited. The opponent was very strong, which was perfect for Feixiong. What they wanted was a strong opponent.

Li Jue directly pulled out the short spear on his horse and threw it towards Trajan's position. All the cavalry did the same.

"Is this?" Alessandro, commander of the First Auxiliary Corps, looked more serious.

As a legion walking on the road of power, he instantly realized how terrifying the power of Li Que and the others was.

The moment the short spear was thrown, the gravity was distorted. The five-pound short spear was only three ounces in Li Jue's hand, but when it was thrown out, it almost reached the power of a hundred-jin heavy spear at the same speed.

The distortion of gravity caused the short spear to shoot at a rapid speed. Although Trajan's soldiers blocked the short spear, the power attached to the short spear made Trajan's soldiers feel tight in their chests.

Although Trajan had the skills to move a thousand pounds, and also had the reflexes to display perfect skills, the gravity distortion attached to the short spear still caused them to suffer a hidden disadvantage.

The two sides charged and collided again, and the distorted gravity field made Trajan's soldiers extremely uncomfortable.

When the two sides passed each other again, two more soldiers fell on Trajan's side.

Just as Camillo thought, they could not afford any defeat.

"Humph, has Trajan fallen to this level now?" Alessandro snorted coldly.

Duke Albinus of the North, who heard Alessandro snort, echoed.

"The once truly invincible legion has now degenerated into this. How can a mere military soul legion make Trajan's legion so embarrassed?"

Northern Duke Albinus looked at Alessandro, the commander of the first auxiliary legion, with interest.

"Alessandro, why don't you go get back the flag that once belonged to you?"

"We don't need that flag now!" Alessandro glanced at Albinus and said expressionlessly.

"That's really a pity. Will the Second Augustus Legion only exist in history?"

Penilens also glanced at Albinus. As a powerful man who broke through the world, he knew everything on the field well, so he naturally heard Albinus's words.

The Duke of the North, Claudius Albinus, was a strong competitor of the current Roman Emperor Severus. If Ganassis hadn't worked with him to cooperate with Severus, he would have won the opponent in the Senate.

Whether Severus can defeat the opponent or not will only be known in a real fight.

The second Augustus mentioned by the other party was the predecessor of the first assistant.

This involves a public case, that is, the ownership of the second eagle flag.

At that time, he tore apart the Parthian Holy Legion with his own hands, and marched all the way into the invincible legion of Ctesiphon, undefeated by Trajan.

When he went there, he was a double-talented legion. When he came back, he carried the flag of the Parthian Holy Legion and the symbol of the Parthian capital. It was a miracle legion that surpassed the three-talented army.

When he came back that year, he directly selected the Second Augustus Legion and snatched away the Second Eagle Banner.

The Second Augustus disappeared, leaving behind only the First Auxiliary Legion, which had been strengthening and advancing for decades.

"Hmph! I'll do the next one!"

Looking at Trajan's legion that was judged to be defeated by Penilens, Raklilec of the 30th Eagle Banner stood up angrily and said.

The 30th Undefeated Legion, which had the same origin as Second Trajan, could not accept Camillo's defeat. Even if the opponent wanted to lose, it could only be defeated at their hands.

"No, I'll do the next one!" Alessandro's hand pressed on Rakleleke's shoulder, pushing Racleleke back onto his seat.

Even though he no longer thought about the Eagle Flag, watching Trajan's legion lose to others, the first auxiliary was even more annoyed than the 30th undefeated legion.

Just when Raclelec was about to burst out his inner energy and plan to engage in a full-scale martial arts show with Alessandro, Penirens and Su appeared beside the two of them and suppressed them respectively.

"That's almost enough. Let the 10th Legion play in the next game!" Penilens said coldly, pressing down on Raklilek.

"Me?" Virgilio, who was sitting on the sidelines watching the show, didn't expect that he would be called out suddenly.

"Trajan can't even beat him. It's all for nothing if we go up. I'll give in immediately!" Virgilio simply lay down flat on his back. However, looking at his appearance, everyone knew that the opponent was definitely not afraid of the flying bear, but simply found it troublesome.

Penirence took a deep breath, but there was nothing he could do about Virgilio.

The Tenth Knight is a peculiar existence in Rome. Every member of it is a Roman noble and occupies almost one-third of the seats in the Roman Senate. If the other party had not turned to Severus, Severus would not have been able to directly ascend the throne. Ascend to the throne.

If you really push the opponent into a hurry, the Duke of the North will definitely be happy.

"Alessandro, come on!"

Penilence issued the final verdict. After all, Laklilec was Severus's direct descendant, and Alessandro was the party they needed to win over now. He thought that this evil person had hated Laklilec, and the other party also stood by it. Severus' side.

Although Rakli Lake was a little reluctant, he had no choice but to give up in the end.

He is not ignorant of the general situation. He was just nervous for a moment, but now he has calmed down.

Twisting his shoulders to get rid of Penilance's suppression, he crossed his arms and stared at Li Que and others. Even he had to admit that the first assistant was indeed very strong.

Even if their Thirty Undefeated and Second Trajan were fused together, they could not withstand the First Auxiliary Legion. The opponent's number was even greater than theirs, and it was the most powerful legion in Rome at present.

It is also the wall of Rome's last sigh. (End of chapter)

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