Conquering Myriad Worlds from the Mythical Three Kingdoms

Chapter 391 The Disadvantages of the Northern Song Dynasty’s Military System

In fact, other generals in the Northern Song Dynasty were not without legion talents. They also activated their own legion talents, but their legion talents were far less effective than Li Hong.

The legion talent effects of General Zhu Jue and General Lin Xi are to strengthen the reaction ability of his soldiers and the soldiers' ability to grasp the surrounding environment respectively.

To be honest, these two legion talent effects are quite good blessing effects. For Xinghan, they are definitely used to lead the assault cavalry. As long as they are developed to a certain extent, they are definitely not weak.

These two talents are actually comprehensive enhancements to reaction and response. What the cavalry lacks most during the charge is these abilities. If they can control the landing point of the attack, they can cause very powerful damage by charging and accelerating. Array effect.

It can be said that they are all very powerful blessing effects, but how to put it, no matter how good the talent is, it depends on who uses it. There is no problem with these two generals themselves.

The problem lies in the military system of the Northern Song Dynasty. The cavalry they came from was not weak in the Northern Song Dynasty, but there were not many places to produce horses. Almost all of them were heavy infantry and archers.

It's not that this kind of configuration is not good. Ordinary cavalry may not be as effective as them in pushing through a city wall with such momentum.

But for General Zhu Jue and General Lin Xi, they can only lead infantry and not cavalry, which is a complete waste of their legionary talents.

It is precisely because of their mismatched expertise that they cannot become commanders of the army.

But no matter what, General Zhu Jue and General Lin Xi deployed their legion talents, which meant the beginning of the entire army's assault.

At the moment when the forwards of both sides were intertwined, the archers on both sides released the bowstrings of their strong bows in an instant.

However, it was just a wave of arrows, but it clearly showed the difference in the quality of the soldiers on both sides. Although Yu Jin also used bows and arrows, the arrows were almost sent out in one wave, and the arrow rain formed was also the same. Intensive, without any clutter.

Although the Northern Song Dynasty was also very dense, the time gap caused by the messy intervals made it possible for their arrow rain to be avoided.

However, the forwards of both sides had no intention of evading. The huge shield in the hands of the shield-wielding guard could withstand an attack of the level of a crossbow without any damage. The rain of arrows of the level of a crossbow could also be withstood without any damage. The steel plate in the center of the large shield could also be withstood without injury. hurt.

Although the imperial guards in the Northern Song Dynasty were slightly inferior, they were the purest defensive force and they also had no intention of avoiding them.

The rain of arrows fell on both sides, with almost no effect.

"Continue to fire arrows!" Yu Jin commanded his soldiers to shoot three waves with a calm expression.

The defensive power of the Imperial Guards of the Northern Song Dynasty was no longer a secret, so he did not expect the arrow rain to cause any serious casualties. He just wanted to plant a seed for these Imperial Guards to make the arrow rain ineffective.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

There is no shortage of veterans in this world who are too lazy to plant land and are born to go to the battlefield. The blood and murderous intent on the battlefield can give them the real feeling that they are still alive.

This is true even in the world of the Song Dynasty. These veterans are all elite veterans who followed Yue Fei and pushed the Jin and Liao countries equally.

They were forced to retire due to age restrictions, but after the restrictions were later relaxed, they joined the army again and became soldiers in Yu Jin's hands.

They like Yu Jin's training method, which allows them to clearly feel that their own qualities are constantly being strengthened.

They were in the first row, holding large shields with both hands, roaring and charging forward.

Their fighting method is very simple. It is enough to shrink behind the shield, bump into them directly, sneak in, and kill the opponent with melee combat.

Their gauntlets and steel-covered cowhide boots, combined with their strength, would break the opponent's tendons with just one blow.

Relying on the powerful defense and power explosion that left the Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Guards completely unresolved, the shield-wielding Imperial Guards directly knocked away the Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Guards' forwards.

However, it was only limited to the collision. Both sides were solid iron lumps, and there was no way to tell the winner in the melee.

But under the outbreak of the shield-wielding guards, the situation is slipping towards them little by little. Although this process may take one to two days before there is an obvious result, they do have a slight upper hand.

"Hey!" Zhu Jue waved the long knife in his hand, trying to use the height of his war horse to cut off the head of the shield-holding guard in front of him.

However, the opponent just shrank slightly and raised the big shield in his hand slightly. His long knife fell directly on the big shield. The next moment, the sparks bursting out from the shield made him feel what it meant to be chilled.

"Where are these equipment produced from?"

Zhu Jue felt suffocated. The equipment of the Northern Song Dynasty imperial guards had always been better than that of the rebels. Even the Jin and Liao countries were far away from them in terms of equipment alone.

But these enemies in front of them are different. Not only the equipment, but also the average quality of the soldiers seems to be much better than them.

In this regard, when they were under Han Shizhong, they heard Han Shizhong's sorrow more than once.

Things like strategy and tactics can be solved with wisdom, but things like national strength and war material reserves really cannot be solved.

Especially when their equipment is already very good, the opponent can still be a level better than them. This gap is enough to make people who really understand war feel chilling.

This is also the reason why Han Shizhong was holding back before. Without enough troops, he was not sure of victory.

To put it bluntly, the art of war can be summed up in just four words: the strong bullies the weak. He was not sure of defeating these rebels named Xinghan.

It was this stability of staying put that became one of the reasons why he was replaced. The reason why he was replaced was not only Zhao Gou's problem.

Once the powerful generals were stationed on the border for too long, the emperor named Zhao would always feel uneasy.

The yellow-robed family's history of rebellion always makes people have huge doubts about the loyalty of the generals.

Just when Zhu Jue was distressed, he had already understood that the opponent's powerful shield-wielding guard had shrunk directly behind the large shield. He used the steel layer on the shield to directly bear the opponent's attack, and he held the handle with both hands and lunged with his front legs. He pressed his hind legs down and made a parrying movement while shouting in his mouth.

"Here I am! Here I am! Enemy general found"

As good veterans who have experienced more than a dozen wars and are still alive, their combat experience is actually very rich. Maybe they are not too good at close combat, but they are good at defense, parrying, and capturing fighters. The excellence of these soldiers is impressive.

Facing the internal energy that was suppressed by the cloud energy, the veteran knew that he was unable to defeat him in the first fight, so he decisively used a large shield to withstand the opponent's attack and called for support.

This was also something Yu Jin had told them from the beginning.

The easiest way to defeat the Imperial Guards and Shield-wielding Imperial Guards of the Northern Song Dynasty is to use powerful individuals to break through, or to use heavy weapons to attack and directly attack the interior of the Imperial Guards through defense.

For both of these methods, Yu Jin has prepared corresponding countermeasures.

"Throw a spear!"

The centurion behind the veteran roared loudly, and before the centurion finished shouting, the soldier behind him had already thrown his short spear in the direction of the veteran.

Dozens of short spears were thrown at Zhu Jue's vital points. With the blessing of the burst of power, these short spears were all thrown at Zhu Jue at extremely fast speeds.

Zhu Jue reacted quickly and immediately turned over and dismounted. Although the internal energy leaving the body was powerful, it was not without the possibility of being killed under the cloud energy. Zhu Jue was able to hide under the war horse, but the unlucky horse was instantly stabbed by a short spear.

The pain prompted the horseman to stand up, and then fell to the ground weakly.

Zhu Jue angrily slashed out with his backhand, relying on his sword and physical strength to directly smash the large shield in the veteran's hand.

After the internal energy separated from the body only broke through the big shield, it left traces on the veteran's chest. Even after being blocked by the big shield, it still almost cut the veteran open.

But at this moment, the rest of the soldiers behind the veteran had rushed forward in a swarm. Yu Jin had said before that those who kill enemy generals will be promoted to one level.

They pulled the veteran away from the ground, and then several shields formed a shield wall and crashed towards Zhu Jue.

"Pfft~" Zhu Jue spat out a large mouthful of blood. The extreme burst of power was too much for him.

At this distance, there is no room to dodge, and unless he attacks with all his strength, he will not be able to break through the ridiculous defense of the large shield.

Zhu Jue conscientiously chose to retreat and meet with his personal guards, intending to reorganize the defense line, but what he did not see was that the others also made similar choices to him.

The originally relatively orderly formation suddenly turned into a jumbled situation due to the concessions of the generals and colonels.

"Charge the whole army! Attack me!" Yu Jin was overjoyed.

If this kind of thick military formation remains in a stalemate, it will really take some time to break through, but the other side seems to be fighting independently without a unified commander.

There was nothing wrong with the choices they made, but partial correctness does not mean overall correctness. If they could unify the front under the arrangement of the commander-in-chief, then the problem would not be exposed.

But at this moment, their respective fronts unconsciously shrank, giving way to several gaps.

"Charge me!" Yu Jin controlled the cloud energy and completely blessed the archer's body with the cloud energy.

A round of arrows rained down, and this time it was no longer like before, unable to penetrate the defense of the guards.

This time, with the blessing of cloud energy, the arrow could even directly penetrate the armor of the imperial guard. Even though the cloud energy was consumed a lot, it was at this time that the cloud energy erupted.

Many of the guards, who had been paralyzed by the previous arrow rain, were instantly hit hard, and the already exposed lines became even more messy.

The shield-wielding guards roared and rushed forward, knocked down, knocked over, blocked the opponent's attack, and pushed hard. Relying on this purely violent attack mode, they directly and arbitrarily opened several holes in the Northern Song Dynasty's front line, and continued The hole was torn open even more.

"Apart from the expense of money, this unit is indeed very good."

Yu Jin sighed. To be honest, he didn't understand why such a powerful empire in the Northern Song Dynasty could be so rigid in terms of military system.

Since there are famous generals like Yue Fei and Han Shizhong, there must also be some generals who can develop elite talents.

He did not believe that Han Shizhong could not see the flaws of the Imperial Guards of the Northern Song Dynasty, but Han Shizhong had no intention of changing them and just allowed the flaws of these Imperial Guards to exist.

He can make the imperial guards to a higher level. Can't these researchers of the imperial guard system do this?

To be honest, the biggest difficulty with the Guards unit is the heavy armor. This thing is completely a bottomless pit, eating money and armaments like crazy, but this thing is really useful.

The biggest difficulty has been solved, and Yu Jin doesn't believe that no one in the Northern Song Dynasty can modify the elite talents.

Even according to Yu Jin's speculation, the complete body of the Northern Song Dynasty imperial guard should modify the fearless talent according to the situation, so as to deal with the enemy in a targeted manner.

After all, the foundation of the Imperial Guard is defensive blessing, which is the thick and thick armor on their bodies, and their physical strength.

They are positioned as basic arms, as long as they can deal with all arms under the military soul, it is enough.

To deal with Rui Shi, just hit attack and rebound!

To deal with opponents in the form of strength, just use explosive force attacks!

Strictly speaking, as long as the guards are connected together, even if the military spirit army rushes in, they will have to peel off their skin.

The opening opened by the shield-wielding guards was quickly taken over by Yu Jin's five armies. They marched straight through the opening and penetrated deep into the opponent's formation without encountering much resistance.

Yu Jin originally planned to take the initiative to open the loophole and allow the Northern Song Dynasty army to penetrate into his military formation.

But now, he took the initiative to infiltrate into the Northern Song Dynasty army, which allowed him to take better initiative.

Being defeated and defeating the opponent are two different kinds of morale.

At this time, Li Hong had already noticed that something was wrong. After the opponent broke through their line, they did not expand their advantage contrary to common sense. Instead, they mobilized their soldiers back and forth, and the shield-wielding guards began to attack their formation. plug.

The soldiers of both sides were completely mixed together, and Yu Jin did this deliberately, causing the forces of both sides to fall into a chaotic entanglement.

Li Hong wanted to do something, but he couldn't do anything.

"It's over!" Yu Jin looked calm.

In everyone's shocked eyes, the cloud above everyone's heads collapsed.

"My legion's talent is called chaos, and my legion's elite talent is called chaos. The combination of the two can relieve the legion's organizational power. Of course, this kind of relief requires the army to penetrate into the opponent's formation, or the legions of both sides mix. Together."

Yu Jin looked at the void in front of him and muttered to himself. He knew that this was not the right path.

He was lucky enough to receive guidance from Han Xin. After he shattered the clouds, Han Xin happily integrated the army faster than he did, and then used the military situation to smash his arrangement into pieces.

Since then, he has understood the limitations of his command method. Once he encounters a strong man and directly cuts into pieces his canine and toothy front, his methods will be sharply reduced.

However, the current Northern Song Dynasty obviously cannot do this.

Before the internal energy of the Northern Song Dynasty could react, the sky was filled with clouds from Xinghan again.

The war is over. If there is cloud energy, there will be no cloud energy. This kind of war will not be lost even if you close your eyes.

Although this hastily integrated cloud is very thin, it is enough. The gap of close to 30% is enough to smooth out all other problems.

"Beat the drums, attack with the whole army, and completely defeat the enemy." Yu Jin said with a little arrogance. (End of chapter)

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