Conquering Myriad Worlds from the Mythical Three Kingdoms

Chapter 300 The silver dragon cuts through the sky

Chapter 300 The silver dragon cuts through the sky

Zhao Yun rode the Yezhao Jade Lion, circling in circles anxiously in his heart. The more than 5000 white horses had all dispersed to find the battlefield, but Zhao Yun himself was still a little disturbed.

Under Zhao Yun's order, the team has been divided into [-] teams led by Shi Chang and is looking for the battlefield.

After receiving the order, Zhao Yun did not hesitate and rushed directly to Liaodong with Baima Yicong.

But most of Liaodong has been traveled through, and the carpet-like reconnaissance search still found nothing.

An ominous premonition lingered in Zhao Yun's mind. According to the previous battle reports, Gan Ning and Tai Shi Ci should have fully captured this area, but along the way, there were almost no people.

And Zhao Yun couldn't help but put his hand on his chest. For some reason, there was always a feeling guiding him, telling him that great changes had taken place in this land.

But every time he tried to grasp that feeling, it was like the moon in the mirror, with no gain at all.

"General, nothing unusual was found!" Not long after, Bai Mayi returned one after another, but still found no clues.

"Report, general, there are traces of ruins sixty miles northeast!" Just when Zhao Yun was about to continue moving forward, Baima Yi came to report.

Zhao Yun was galloping all the way, but before he even got close, he could smell the smell of blood in the air. Looking at the ruins, the dead bodies, and the obvious signs of looting, Zhao Yun The frost on my face has surpassed the cold winter.

Regarding the Hu people's style, Zhao Yun had witnessed such inhumane tragedies when he had just replaced Yuan Shao's army in Youzhou. Although he made the Hu people pay a bloody price, the village was plundered and it was irreversible.

From then on, Zhao Yun led the White Horse Yi Cong and became the second generation White Horse General. He defeated the barbarians who did not dare to go south to Youzhou.

Any barbarians who dared to cross the border and extend their claws were all bloodbathed by Zhao Yun and Baima Yicong. In the process of guarding and killing, Zhao Yun began to gradually understand Baima and his military soul.

Although the villages in Liaodong were being destroyed now, in Zhao Yun's eyes, those who committed such atrocities should be punished by heaven.

War is war, and atrocities are atrocities. Zhao Yun absolutely does not agree with the behavior of confusing the two.

"The scouts dispersed fifty miles away to continue reconnaissance, and the rest will dismount." Zhao Yun, who has always been gentle, said sternly.

Pulling out the saber around his waist, the silver-blue brilliance flashed by, and directly blasted a large hole more than ten meters away from the village, and then swung it several times, cutting out a hole enough to bury the entire village. Human graves.

After the soldiers buried all the corpses, Zhao Yun erected a monument for these villagers. Liaodong had been Hanized for a long time, and there were obvious traces of Han life in the villages. This was also the reason for Zhao Yun's anger.

Different generals have different styles of behavior. Li Que and others may not have any feelings about this kind of atrocities, but for Zhao Yun, this has touched his nerves.

Standing silently in front of the tombstone, Zhao Yun promised the murdered villagers that he would make the thugs pay in blood.

Blood debts must always be paid with blood!

"Everyone mount up!" Zhao Yun cleared his chaotic thoughts.He led his men towards the distance.

The village had not been destroyed for too long, and coupled with the traces of looting in the village, Zhao Yun judged that the enemy should be active not far away.

"Report! General, traces of unknown Hu people have been found fifty miles ahead!" A scout reported back shortly after Zhao Yun's march.

"The other party is carrying a large amount of property and prisoners, so it should be a plundering team!"

"The crossbow is cocked, the sword is unsheathed, and no one is left alive."

Zhao Yun's calm voice appeared in everyone's ears. It was not loud, but the cold murderous intention made all the soldiers stand in awe.

For Baima Congyi, the fastest soldier in the world, the distance of fifty miles is just a stick of incense, after the white wave appears.

Hundreds of small Mongolian and Yuan troops who were excited about the supplies they had looted had no time to react. They were greeted by a hail of arrows, followed by a flash of swords, and hundreds of Mongolian and Yuan soldiers died immediately.

"Absolutely the elite of the Hu people! They dared to draw their swords to resist when they were fighting against the many. This is definitely not something that an ordinary Hu people raiding team can match!"

Zhao Yun leaned over and picked up the weapons of the Meng Yuan soldiers on the ground. They were well-kept and the quality was quite reliable. Even the new sword in the hands of Baima Yicong would definitely not be much better than it.

You know, Baima Yicong enjoys the treatment of the Military Soul Legion, and uses specially customized equipment, which is more complex and sophisticated than that of ordinary soldiers.

However, Zhao Yun was a little confused. These soldiers were almost as good as double-talented soldiers, but why they only had excellent weapons. Although the leather armor on their bodies was also tempered, it was not at the same level as the weapons.

"Northern Huns?"

Zhao Yun frowned, then shook his head.

"No, not the Northern Huns!"

Although he had never seen the Northern Huns with his own eyes, his intuition told him that these soldiers were not the Northern Huns, but other barbarians from another force.

But what is certain is that the opponent is definitely not simple. Faced with Baima Yicong's surprise attack, not only did he react, but his first reaction was to fight back. This is not what ordinary elites can do.

If it weren't for the fact that the thousand white horses behind him were military spirits, it might have been a bloody battle.

"Huh?" Zhao Yun suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky. There was a small black spot rising into the sky at high speed.

"Scouting Eagle? I'm afraid it will fly several thousand feet high. Is this to gather troops?" Zhao Yun reacted quickly. This unique communication method full of barbarian colors basically means that the opponent's large troops are over there. .

"You immediately start gathering the troops here. I'll go over and take a look first!"

After ordering the troops to assemble through the connection between the military spirits, Zhao Yun immediately galloped towards the war eagle.

Speaking of which, there is indeed no scout more suitable than him. Baima Yicong's speed is unparalleled in the world, but Zhao Yun's speed is several floors above Baima.

He flew up without taking two steps and turned into a small dot after a while.

Zhao Yun's Night Light Jade Lion also understood Zhao Yun's mentality on his back, and immediately accelerated desperately, even pulling a vacuum channel in the sky.

"Hiss!" Zhao Yun, who was in mid-air, took a breath. He actually saw the space door!
In just a moment, Zhao Yun realized that the matter was serious. This was no longer a war between countries, but a war between the world.

He finally understood why Gan Ning and Tai Shi Ci overturned in Liaodong, and where the super powerful Hu troops suddenly appeared.

And it seems that the space gate has not just appeared, but has been there for some time, and a large-scale camp has been set up around the space gate.

With just a casual glance, Zhao Yun found a large number of slaves in the camp, including Liaodong people, Hu people, and even Han people. At this moment, they were whipped like cattle and horses and engaged in heavy transportation work.

Zhao Yun's eyes turned cold, and he couldn't help but tighten his grip on the gentian gun, revealing a trace of murderous intent. "Who! How dare you spy on our camp!" A loud shout rang out, and clouds rose into the sky in the camp, followed by several sharp arrows that pierced the sky, bringing up a sonic boom cloud and shooting towards Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun stretched his hands with an expressionless expression, and four consecutive silver-blue arrows shattered the bows and arrows that came towards him.

"A chain of arrows?"

Zhao Yun watched as the arrows from both sides collided and turned into flying ashes. Several dark gray inner energy arrows flew out from the ashes, like streams of light. There was a touch of fighting spirit on his calm face.

Masters, absolute masters of archery, hide their inner energy in physical arrows. Generals who are not keen enough in observation and perception will definitely suffer big losses.

However, he is Zhao Yun, one of the most powerful archers in the world.

Zhao Yun opened the bowstring, and a buzzing sound gathered on the bowstring. He let go, and the silver-blue filaments went upstream, defeating the dark gray, and went upstream along the path traced by the arrow.

"Interesting! An opponent worth fighting!" Battelle Alslen laughed and casually broke Zhao Yun's attack. If there was no cloud energy, he might have been a little embarrassed. Unfortunately, he stayed in the camp shrouded in cloud energy and had no physical attack. The power is greatly reduced and can be easily broken.

But what really concerned Alsleng was the opponent's archery, which was enough to be called Zhebie's archery.

In the Mongolian and Yuan Empire, powerful warriors were called Battle, which meant heroes.

The powerful archers are called Zhebie, which means sharpshooter.

Alsleng was a rare hero in the Mongolian and Yuan Empire named Battle and Zhebie, that is, a hero who was good at swords and arrows.

Just like his name, Alsileng means lion. He is a strong man like a lion, and he is also well-known in the entire Mongolian and Yuan Empire.

Alslen laughed and looked at Haksu. Although he was more powerful in combat, Haksu was the commander here.

Haksu looked at the lion-like man in front of him with a helpless expression. He just couldn't get along with these reckless men.

But there is no way, the other party's status is even higher than his after the Meng Yuan Empire. The other party is willing to obey his command, which is already a great honor. If he still insists on the so-called military discipline, then he is ignorant.

"Alslen, leave it to you!" Haksu waved his hand, indicating that Alslen, who could no longer hold himself back, could challenge the opponent in a one-on-one duel.

"Tell me your name, unknown strong man!" Before the Arsileng people arrived, a powerful roar accompanied by a huge arc blade came towards Zhao Yun through the air.

Alsileng's roar was transmitted through mental power. Even if the two sides spoke different languages, Zhao Yun could clearly perceive what the other party meant.

"Zhao Yun, Zhao Zilong!"

The tip of Zhao Yun's spear touched the huge arc blade, and then directly bounced it back.

"Hahahaha, Zhao Zilong, what a good name! I am Battle of the Meng Yuan Empire, Alsileng!"

Alsileng roared with fanatical fighting intent in his eyes, and his ferocious aura spread out to directly challenge Zhao Yun.

"Using power to suppress others?"

Zhao Yun thought of Marquis Wen, who was holding a Fangtian painted halberd and exuding a golden-red luster. The opponent's fighting style was also the same, but the opponent was stronger.

Like a violent lion, with a dull thumping sound, it does not require too much skill or too high speed, and it displays its momentum to its heart's content. Alsleng's broadsword slashes at him like a violent storm. Zhao Yun's body.

The powerful power caused red flames to roll out of the surrounding air. Coupled with the indomitable momentum, Alsileng frantically vented his power.

"Is that all?"

Zhao Yun dodged the attack of Alsileng's violent storm as if taking a leisurely stroll, not even getting the slightest dust on his body.

Alsileng was stunned, unable to believe that Zhao Yun could be so relaxed under his own offensive.

"Not bad God's will, but it's a pity that I have seen stronger ones!"

Zhao Yun has an expressionless face and is very powerful in overpowering others without focusing on skills, but it also depends on who uses it.

If Zhao Yun is calm under normal circumstances, Alsleng will be a difficult opponent, and the two sides may only be able to fight [-]-[-].

It's a pity that Zhao Yun is so angry now, and when Zhao Yun, who has always been calm, breaks his indifferent mentality, is the moment when he can truly exert his full combat power.

"That's it for the warm-up! If that's all you can do, go underground and repent for the crimes you have committed!"

Zhao Yun roared, and Alsleng's stormy attack was stopped. The gentian gun seemed to suddenly become a hundred times heavier, and as if the air became thicker, it hit Alsleng's sword slowly and really quickly. above.

As if Alsileng was struck by lightning, he almost lost his grip on the sword. The originally flawless attack had a loophole due to this moment of pause. Zhao Yun's spear directly penetrated through the loophole as if it had been stretched without limit. No matter how hard Alsileng struggled, he was still missing a tiny bit, and this tiny bit was like a chasm.

"Hmph! I hate divine cultivators!"

Zhao Yun looked at Alsileng who fell into the camp like a meteor, with a look of disgust on his face.

Every one of these divine cultivators who have reached the realm of breaking through the realm is a deadbeat. They have obviously been stabbed through the heart by him and opened a big hole in the chest.

As a result, when the opponent fell to the ground, it was as if nothing had happened. He directly relied on God's will to forcibly rewrite reality and erase the reality of his own death.

Alsileng stood in the camp and looked up at Zhao Yun high in the sky. His expression was extremely ugly, but he knew very well that if it weren't for the special nature of the divine cultivator, he would have died just now.

"Prepare for a volley!" Haksu glanced at Alsleng, then waved his hand and gave the order, and the clouds rose into the sky along with the rain of arrows.

For Haksu, Alsleng's defeat was unexpected, but after all, it was just personal force. If the opponent dared not to leave, then he would be surrounded and killed by an army. Compared with personal force, the army was more trustworthy.

Facing the attack with the army's cloud energy, Zhao Yun could only turn around and leave. Once suppressed by the cloud energy, even he would be in trouble.

"The Meng Yuan Empire..." Zhao Yun hid his knowledge in the secret method. A silver dragon flew out of Zhao Yun's hand and flew across the sky towards Chang'an.

"I hope it's not too late!"

Thinking of the camp he just saw, Zhao Yun's face became a little ugly. Although he won the duel, it was undeniable that it was a powerful army.

Even with the white horse, he was not completely confident that he could suppress the opponent, but no matter what angle he started from, he had to curb the opponent's expansion.

 Maybe there is a second update?
(End of this chapter)

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