Chapter 280 Do you have a dream?
"General Zhao, if you have any concerns, please speak up!"

Although Zhuge Liang found it strange that one sheep was being herded and two sheep were being herded. He was also curious as to why Zhao Yun, who had always been labeled as mature and steady, was so worried.

"Wait a minute, isn't General Zhao supposed to be setting up defenses in Youzhou right now? Why did he come back to Luoyang without authorization?" Zhuge Liang was a little confused, but he didn't say much and just looked at Zhao Yun.

"Kong Ming, just call me Zilong!" Zhao Yun had a wry smile on his face.

"Zilong, why did you come here?"

Zhuge Liang's eyes lit up when he heard Zhao Yun's words. At this stage, he was seeking to be recognized by others, especially being recognized by these battlefield warriors. This was what Zhuge Liang had been working hard for.

After all, after seeing the power of Han Xin, Zhuge Liang knew that if he wanted to defeat an enemy like Han Xin one day, he must find more generals who could fight together.

Not the kind of general who obeys because of orders, but the kind of general who recognizes his abilities and can cooperate with him.

As for Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang selected Zhang Song's comrade through Zhang Song's ability and became the most compatible comrade with him.

"Liaodong is experiencing drastic changes. The Northern Huns are taking over the Liaodong area under their banner. I sent the information to the emperor, who ordered me to choose a good minister from the government affairs office to follow me northward..." Zhao Yun looked embarrassed.

He was not very familiar with most of the counselors in the Government Affairs Office. Their abilities, personalities, etc., although most of these things were illusory, but if they really cooperated, it would be really fatal.

That's why he was so excited when he saw Zhuge Liang. He knew a little bit about Zhuge Liang's abilities. If Zhuge Liang came to recommend him, he would definitely be able to find a suitable adviser.

"What Zilong wants is quite simple! The person he wants is far away in the world, but right in front of his eyes!" Zhuge Liang's eyes were really dazzled at this moment, and Zhao Yun was just giving him a pillow because he was dozing off.

What could be more convincing than a war?

"Does Kong Ming want to recommend himself?" Zhao Yun asked with a wry smile.

"General Zilong thinks I'm not good enough?" Zhuge Liang didn't deny it, but asked instead.

"That's not the case. The emperor has ordered that Zhuge Kongming, Sima Zhongda, Pang Shiyuan, and Zhou Gongjin cannot be called upon. He ordered me to choose a good minister from among the other counselors!" Zhao Yun said eloquently.

Zhuge Liang was stunned for a moment, then pondered for a moment, wondering what Mu Yi meant.

But since a few of them have been excluded, the range of choices is very small.

Needless to say, Guo Jia and Xu Shu will definitely not be able to do it. They all have their own things to do.

Moreover, Zhao Yun should be able to handle the Liaodong matter by himself. Although Zhao Yun is humble, his mind is extremely flexible, so this military advisor should be checking for leaks and filling in the gaps, focusing on experience, which further narrows the scope of choices.

"Zilong, if you believe me, you can go to the city to find Fa Zheng and Fa Xiao... No, let me find the emperor!" After Zhuge Liang pondered for a moment, he stood up and said to Zhao Yun.

Originally, Zhuge Liang wanted to recommend Fa Zheng, Fa Zhi, Filial Piety and Uprightness, but Fa Zheng's whereabouts have been erratic in recent times, and the Government Affairs Office rarely comes, coupled with the disappearance of the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang in the city, and all kinds of weird things in Yizhou and Jingzhou. Here, Zhuge Liang smelled a strange smell.

When Zhuge Liang found Mu Yi, Mu Yi was dealing with Ma Chao.

When Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun entered, they happened to see Ma Chao half buried in the ground twitching.

"Dian Wei, pull him out!" Mu Yi saw Zhuge Liang and the others coming in, glanced at Ma Chao, and said angrily.

"Oh!" Dian Wei, who was acting as a guard on the other side, pulled Ma Chao out of the ground and threw him to the ground with a slight anger.

Mu Yi also didn't expect that he was doing research, but after Ma Chao came in, he ran straight to his thigh and hugged his thigh and refused to let go.

Neither Dian Wei nor Zhou Tai stopped Ma Chao, which made the two guards very angry. There was a stain on their bodyguard history because they relaxed when they saw it was Ma Chao.

So when Dian Wei knocked Ma Chao unconscious, he unconsciously used some strength. Mu Yi vaguely seemed to hear the whine of Ma Chao's neck bones.

Fortunately, Ma Chao was now a top-notch expert, and he quickly woke up. However, after looking at the two iron tower-like figures in front of him, Ma Chao smiled awkwardly.

He almost forgot that Mu Yi was not Zhuge Liang and was surrounded by guards. Without saying a word, he was not beaten to death by these two sect gods because he was one of their own.

"Emperor!!!" Ma Chao shouted loudly, and then looked at the fist stopped in front of his head with cold sweat.

Zhou Tai, the gangster, actually planned to knock him out with one fist. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been knocked out for a while.

"Tell me what's going on!" Mu Yi waved his hand, signaling Dian Wei and Zhou Tai to relax, looking at Ma Chao like he was looking at Erha who had torn down his house.

It is hard to imagine that not long ago, Ma Chao could actually lead a group of Qiang people through the freezing environment of ice and snow to destroy the Xianbei Royal Court. It is simply unimaginable that this is one person.

"Emperor, I want to invite Miss Eden!"

Ma Chao told the whole story. Mu Yi pondered for a moment and then shook his head. Eden would definitely listen after he spoke, but he couldn't speak on this matter. He felt that he needed to respect Eden and respect fairness.

If other places like Southern Xinjiang, Jingzhou, Jiaozhou and other places wanted to invite Eden in the future, he would be able to agree or not. Then he would transfer these tasks to Eden. So after Mu Yi pondered for a moment, he rejected Ma Chao.

"You should discuss this matter with Eden yourself!"

"But..." Ma Chao wanted to continue to pester, but Mu Yi signaled Dian Wei to take Ma Chao to the Golden Courtyard.

Looking at the grinning Dian Wei, Ma Chao was a little panicked. He had been bothering Dian Wei a lot before.

Dian Wei grinned ferociously, and the muscles around his body suddenly swelled. With a punch as fast as a phantom, Ma Chao's vision went black and he fainted before he could even see clearly.

Dian Wei, who knocked Ma Chao unconscious, bowed to Mu Yi and then carried Ma Chao out.

Mu Yi shook his head helplessly. Ma Chao's temper was too out-of-touch, which always gave him a sense of déjà vu, but it did bring him a lot of fun in his ordinary daily life.

"Kong Ming, Zilong, why are you here?" Mu Yi asked calmly.

"Emperor, I want to go north to Liaodong with General Zhao!" Zhuge Liang said simply and concisely.

"Oh? Zilong told you about this, you can't go, you and I have other arrangements!"

Mu Yi shook his head. The cooperation between Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun should indeed be very good, but Liaodong is a small problem after all. The real big head is Bingzhou and the Western Regions.

"How about the emperor's filial piety and uprightness?" Zhuge Liang frowned slightly, but didn't say anything. Liaodong is indeed not a big trouble. There are Zhao Yun and Baima Yicong in Youzhou, and the barbarians can't change the world.

"Fa Xiaozhi..." Mu Yi pondered for a moment, and finally did not hide anything from Zhuge Liang.

After all, Fazheng's whereabouts are erratic, which is a very strange thing in itself. Currently, the four kings of the Government Affairs Department, Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, Pang Tong, and Zhou Yu, each dare not say that they will win over Fazheng. However, Fazheng has often been away from government affairs recently. hall.

"He followed Liu Xuande to attack other worlds. He always felt that the battlefield was the most suitable place for him!" Mu Yi thought of the day when Fazheng found him.

Fa Zheng believes that handling government affairs in Chang'an is no different from handling government affairs in Fufeng County. It just jumps from a small cage to a large cage. For him, every minute is torture. He thinks that he should go to the battlefield and be in the battlefield. Find your own meaning on the battlefield.

So Mu Yi sent him to Liu Bei as a reinforcement, and Liu Bei really needed a mastermind.

Liu Bei took up the banner of reviving the Han people in the world of Wuhu Chaos, but it was difficult to do so. Although Mu Yi ensured Liu Bei's food supply, the basic situation of China during the Wuhu Chaos period was too poor, and he was surrounded by chaos. Government established by people.

Moreover, this world is not an ordinary world of chaotic China. There are endless demons and evil spirits. Coupled with the country that is like a hell on earth, even the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang have just conquered half of the state.

The banner carried by Liu Bei certainly brought a glimmer of light to the Han people in this era, but it also became a thorn in the side of other regimes.

In particular, the tyrant Shi Hu targeted Liu Bei everywhere and even raised troops to attack Liu Bei.

Although Liu Zhang and Liu Biao also joined Liu Bei's camp, the barbarians during the Five Barbarians' chaos in China were not weak. After breaking the blood suppression of the Wuhus in Yihan, these barbarians were extremely brave.

Coupled with the mixture of some evil spirits and ghosts, the power of these barbarians was greatly strengthened.

What's more, there are still the Xiongnu with strong roots and Miaohong, which makes Liu Bei's attack even more difficult. However, Fazheng enjoys it. Using the heaven and earth as a chessboard and all living beings as chess pieces is exactly the life he pursues.

"Is that so?" Zhuge Liang resigned sadly.

Mu Yi also sighed. Things were not going well with Wu Huan Hua, and even worse with Song Dynasty. Everyone knew that the essence of heaven and earth could prolong life.

But Mu Yi had never paid much attention to this before, and then Da Song gave him a good lesson.

A layman in foreign wars and an expert in civil wars. When a group of veterans were pulled out by the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty was like an iron turtle with no way to start.

Trivia: The Song Dynasty's winning rate in city defense battles was basically the highest among all dynasties.

When the Jin Dynasty went south, many cities fought for a long time, such as Shaanxi, Shanxi and other places, especially Shaanxi and other places. Even Jin Wushu led his troops but did not get much benefit, and almost died in the mountains and forests.

Of course, this is not an advantage in the first place. After all, the reason for the high victory rate of defending the city is that it is always beaten. As long as there is a unified dynasty, the attacks are from outside.

It’s hard to say what the identity of Emperor Sui Yang was, but they all went out to fight against Goryeo. As for the Song Dynasty, it’s really hard to describe.

After thinking for a long time, Xun Yu and others decided to use force to conquer, planning to use some external tactics to make the Song Dynasty destroy the Great Wall.

Although it is strange, after Xun Yu and others analyzed it for a long time, they found that the biggest problem of the Song Dynasty was actually none other than the improper victory of the country.

This makes them have a heartfelt fear of the general, fearing whether the other party will be covered with a yellow robe. After all, whether they want to and whether they can are completely different things. The Zhao family cannot understand the consequences of wearing a yellow robe on their body.

Regarding the founding of the country, you don't have to do anything else, but at least you have to fight it openly.

To move the Song Dynasty to the main world, at least it must be above the rest. The 80 imperial guards are really not a joke. Coupled with the armor wearing rate of the Song Dynasty, it might be possible to directly push the rest.

But then again, the problem of the Song Dynasty has never been with the soldiers.

If the Song Dynasty could have been normal, it would have killed Xixia, Dajin, and Daliao long ago. It's a pity that there was no such thing as if.

Xun Yu and the others experimented and sent a wave of achievements to the old general on the opposite side. Then they found out that the old general had been relieved of his military power and replaced by another general.

Changing generals on the spot, and changing them continuously, coupled with interference such as the chaos of the supervisory army, Xun Yu and the others felt that if they left the Song Dynasty alone, the Song Dynasty might kill itself.

The advantage of multi-threaded operation is that it can do many things at the same time, but the problem with multi-threading is that when one thread gets stuck, other threads will also be affected.

But even if he was affected, he was just striving for progress. Although Mu Yi felt a little irritated, he was generally prosperous after all, so he could only move forward bit by bit patiently.

"Kong Ming, what should we do?" Zhao Yun was a little depressed, and after going around in a big circle, he finally found that this task was still a bit difficult to complete, and he couldn't really just pick one.

"Hey, Kong Ming, do you want to go to the show? Today is the day when Miss Eden takes the stage!"

Just as Zhuge Liang was pondering for a moment, Lu Xun waved the theater ticket in his hand and shouted to Zhuge Liang.

"Oh! General Zhao, the person you are looking for is here!" Zhuge Liang laughed. After using Zhang Song's spiritual talent, he was able to filter the combinations.

For example, he and Zhao Yun are the best combination of gold, and Zhao Yun and Fazheng are also a combination of light gold. This generally means that the two can achieve the effect of 1+1 greater than 2 when paired together, and they can be regarded as great teammates.

Zhuge Liang has only seen Sima Yi, Pang Tong, and Zhou Yu who are stronger than gold, and they are all pure gold in color.

At this moment, in Zhuge Liang's eyes, although the combination of Lu Xun and Zhao Yun is only purple, it is purple with gold, which is also a harmonious combination.

"I remember him, Lu Boyan of the Lu family?"

Zhao Yun raised his eyebrows. It wasn't that he didn't trust Zhuge Liang, it was because Lu Xun looked more immature than Zhuge Liang. Zhao Yun could accept that a boy could be a monster, but he couldn't accept that there were so many monsters.

"Well, Zilong, don't underestimate Lu Boyan. He is also a counselor with spiritual talents, so don't underestimate him!" Zhuge Liang nodded.

Spiritual talent is a stepping stone, which is sublimated by experience, experience, accumulation, and talent driven by enough mental energy.

Lu Xun's spiritual talent was born despite insufficient experience and experience, which undoubtedly proved his talent.

It may not be enough in the battle of empires, but it is more than enough in Liaodong.

"Bo Yan, do you have a dream?" Zhuge Liang walked up to Lu Xun and asked deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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