Conquering Myriad Worlds from the Mythical Three Kingdoms

Chapter 136 Integrating into the New World

Chapter 136 Integrating into the New World

"Woo...a strange ceiling!"

Eden opened his eyes again and roared. He first smelled the calming fragrance, the walls and ceilings that were completely different from the past, and the quilt covering himself.

Shaking his drowsy head, Eden tentatively sat up.

"Are you awake?" A gentle male voice sounded.

Eden was taken aback. She followed the voice and saw a familiar figure. She had a little memory that it seemed to be an alien creature she summoned.

"You are safe, drink some, your body is still weak!" Mu Yi got up and put a bowl of warm gruel with Xunmu leaves in front of Eden.

Eden took a sip of the warm gruel, and the warmth of the moderately temperature liquid sliding down her throat to her stomach made her feel much more comfortable.

She wolfed down the porridge, and instantly became much more energetic.

"Thank you, kind Mr. Other World!"

"Just call me Mr. Mu." Mu Yi stared blankly at Eden, whose breath of life suddenly became stronger.

Although Xuanyuan had detected several kinds of power in Eden's body before, Mu Yi was a little surprised that just a bowl of Xunmu porridge could directly produce obvious changes.

It seems that there is no loss, and it is directly absorbed [-]%, which is daunting.

"What's your name! My child!"

"Eden!" Eden shrank subconsciously.

"So Eden, what happened and why are you here alone!"

Eden froze for a moment, and then memories flooded in like a flood.

"Mother... Yunqijun..." Eden choked up, and she remembered everything, those painful and deep memories.

"Mr. Mu...Thank you for saving me, please help me eliminate those Yunqi Army and Fengrao people! My parents, the villagers in the village...they were all...they were all killed!"

Eden was sad, and sad with anger.

Although he was still terrified, Mu Yi could feel firm belief from Eden.

"Don't worry, Eden, you summoned me, you are safe!" Mu Yi comforted Eden.

Seeing Eden's pale appearance, he couldn't help but sigh slightly, then patted the girl's head, without continuing to ask.

The misfortunes in the world are often the same. The scouts sent out have explored the surrounding area and found the village in ruins.

A lot of things have come to the fore with brain supplementation, and Eden's words have also verified their conjectures.

Villages will be destroyed, and relatives will be killed. This is very common in troubled times, or it is everywhere.

It's just that the bandits and bandits are replaced by monsters and demons, there is no difference.

"Sleep, dear Eden, you have found someone who can help you, now you need to rest! Only by resting can you complete your revenge!"

Mu Yi touched Eden's head and covered her with the quilt.

Eden looked at Mu Yi, felt a little warmth, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The reality is too cruel, and only a deep sleep can make her feel at ease.

Mu Yi released the fairy art of calming the gods on Eden, and then walked out of the room with a pensive face.

"Preliminary judgment, this little girl from another world named Eden should be the son of heaven and earth in that world. Only human beings who are loved by heaven and earth can possess so many different powers in their bodies at the same time..."

Before Huang Tianji finished speaking, she was interrupted by Mu Yi.

"Huang Tianji, mobilize Yujin's No. [-] Star Corps!"

"I'll talk about those things later. Now, what we need is to understand that world!"

Mu Yi understands that he can't treat misfortune with too much compassion, and he has to be responsible for the lives of many people.

Eden's world is vast, and just by taking a quick glance, he can understand that what he encountered this time may be an extremely terrifying world.

He has sorted out the information he got in that world.

Those huge figures are called Star Gods.

star god...

A kind of god full of concepts, affecting the world, or in other words, there are countless planes!

Every plane, that is, a planet, or a world with a round sky, will be a place where intelligent creatures live.

And the power of these star gods affects tens of thousands of planes, and the world they arrived in is just one of them.

Mu Yi didn't know whether the information came from the world of the main world or his own fruit status, but what he could understand was another thing.

His talent is not traveling through worlds in the ordinary sense, not just those parallel worlds, or another planet.

What he traveled through was a more macroscopic world.

Just like Journey to the West and Mahabharata, they represent two completely different system worlds.

If the world of Cheng Ji and the Three Kingdoms is a leaf born on a tree named Three Kingdoms, Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a thick branch on the tree.

And this world full of star gods was another tree, and he wasn't sure if those planes were the many leaves of another tree, or just one of the leaves.

But those things are things that he should worry about in the future. What he has to do now is to integrate into that world and gain benefits from it.

Only he is capable of this task at present, and people other than him cannot even communicate.

At least Xuanyuan couldn't understand Eden's words.

But Mu Yi is hesitating. He is still responsible for the lives of many people, and even the whole world.

If he didn't understand how terrifying this world is before, then now that he knows that there is a powerful existence in that world, he is weighing the pros and cons, whether he should take this risk.

In the end, Mu Yi decided to go. The emptiness that Xuan Yuan had acquired already explained a lot of things. If those star gods could really make a move, or would make a move, would they let him run back.


A little bit of inspiration floated down, and Mu Yi felt something in his heart. This was the message given to him by the Heavenly Dao of the main world.

Although the Heavenly Dao of the main world seems unable to make him ninety-nine with one click, it also gave him a lot of intangible support.

Just like now, Tiandi told Mu Yi that the Star God had actually been assimilated by Tiandi and became the manifestation of the rules, going from the material world to a higher dimension.

The main world can only be influenced according to the rules, as if revenge is completed, the hunting star god will bestow a gift, allowing this person to go one step further on his destiny.

It seems that the Lord of Pleasure can only lower the reward if it triggers joy. Besides, they can't affect the material world.

The Star God can only be touched if the rules are touched. This is the rule.

And theoretically, Mu Yi and the Star God are related to the rules, Mu Yi is still one level higher than the Star God, and the Star God is trapped by the rules, Mu Yi can still control the rules, but his ability cannot keep up temporarily.

In a word, what Mu Yi has to face is still the forces in the material world, and he will not encounter any perverts who will destroy the world in a snap of his fingers.

Even if there is such a perversion, the main world can bring Mu Yi back to life, and the status of heaven and earth is not just a status symbol.

Of course, when the soldiers who traveled through the past died, they really died. At least Mu Yi can only be kept in the world.

After getting rid of his worries, Mu Yi decisively chose to attack.

Both the journey of the main world and the journey of the Song world have come to a standstill. If you don't continue to explore, it will be different from salted fish.

People don't get rich without windfall, horses don't get fat without night grass, stud!

After Mu Yi brought Yu Jin and the First Star Corps to the Star God World, he found that Yun Qi could still be used, which made Mu Yi feel a little bit better.

Maybe there is no such thing as a tree, or what he thought was a tree, just different branches of the same tree.

Only in this way can it be explained why cloud gas can be used in another world.

"In this case, the situation seems to be getting better!" Mu Yi lowered his head in thought.

Clouds and no clouds are two different things.

Without cloud energy, it meant that a boundary-breaking level enemy would be able to blow them up. With cloud energy, it meant that Mu Yi and the others didn't need to be afraid of super individuals, and they needed to pay more attention to their forces.

"Be alert!" Yu Jin shouted loudly, and several cavalry-like figures came from afar.

This yellow-faced man was shocked by everything in the new world, but they, who had witnessed Mu Yi's miracles, attributed all of this to Huang Tian under Mu Yi's guidance.

When they got closer, Mu Yi realized that it was not cavalry, but centaur.

"Who are you! Please report your identities! This is the territory of Xianzhou Kingdom!" the leader of the centaur asked politely.

They are members of the Hunting Church responsible for the aftermath. The cloud cavalry army reported that the place has been eroded by the abundance, and they must come here to completely purify everything here to prevent the breeding of abundance.

In Xianzhou Kingdom, a country dominated by the Hunting Church, almost 60.00% of the people are believers of the Hunting Church, and even the national nobles are mostly members of the Hunting Church.

However, they do not exclude members of other churches, and they can coexist peacefully with other churches. There are only some disputes in belief, which is why there are other 40.00% of people in the country.

Hunting is only for abundance, this is the iron law engraved in the life of hunting.

All evil things that are rich and fertile will be cut down and rooted out.

Like Eden, if it weren't for the love of the world, it would be impossible to escape under the nose of the Cloud Cavalry Army.

This is not a rare thing. Every once in a while in every world, there will always be some existences with great luck.

There are many such existences in the Patrol Church, and there are even more in the Abundance Church, which is why the Abundance Church is still all over the world even though it is frantically hunted down by the Patrol.

There is only one reason for being chased by a crazy enemy and still surviving for a long time, and that is stronger.

"We are travelers from other planes, who were caught in a space storm and appeared here!" Mu Yi boldly weaved lies according to the background of this world.

"My Lord of the Patrol, that's really bad!" The headed centaur showed deep regret on his face.

"The Lord of the Yellow Heaven is above, can Your Excellency guide us on a path?" Mu Yi said imitating the appearance of a centaur.

"Lord of the Yellow Sky?" The centaur showed hesitation on his face, he seemed to have never heard of this Lord of Destiny, but he didn't dare to question it.

In this world of God's Mansion, if you doubt the existence of other Destiny Lords, then wait for the shopping.

They are not lunatics who want to destroy the church. They want to bite anyone they catch. They just want to kill the followers of the Lord of Plenty. This is the revelation given to them by the Lord of the Hunt.

Of course, some people are also for the power bestowed by the Lord of the Hunt.

When one thing is tied to interests, it becomes an iron law.

For hunting, Feng Rao is almost completely equivalent to the Xiongnu for the Han Dynasty, which is an engraved hostility in the bones.

"I am Gols of the Hunting Church! If you wish, you can temporarily settle down in Xianzhou Kingdom. Xianzhou Kingdom is happy to receive travelers from other planes."

After weighing for a long time, the centaur Gors chose to offer an olive branch to Mu Yi. He was very interested in Mu Yi.

"It's an honor!" Mu Yi stroked his chest and saluted.

The centaur responded with a strange etiquette, at least in Mu Yi's view, it was very strange, what the hell is it to stretch its arms to the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Then, under the witness of Mu Yi, the centaur drew their bows and shot arrows, and razed the village that had been turned into ruins to the ground with a method similar to a legion attack.

"In the name of hunting!" Gores took out an arrow that was shining with cold light, and shot it onto the flat ground.

Mu Yi could feel that a kind of power was continuously released from the arrow, a power that repelled the power of life.

"The places that have been ravaged by abundant evils, if they are not purified, it is very likely that other abundant evils will be born!"

The centaur Gors lamented sadly.

The corners of Mu Yi's eyes twitched, and he didn't make any comments, since it had nothing to do with him anyway.

Along the way, the exchanges between the two sides were also superficial, and they didn't have too in-depth chats.

However, Mu Yi got the news that these centaurs are the God-chosen followers of the Lord of the Hunt, because everyone who has seen the Lord of the Hunt knows that the Lord of the Hunt is the image of a centaur holding a bow.

In addition, the Pope of the Hunting Church, the God of Hunting, was born as a centaur, so the hunting also defaulted to the special status of the centaur.

And the centaur is also striving for success, and the geniuses who shine on the hunting journey emerge in endlessly, which further confirms the fact that they are the best choice for hunting.

In the end, Gores promised to apply for a loan to give Mu Yi a territory, so that Mu Yi can establish a church to preach the teachings and survive in Xianzhou Kingdom.

Mu Yi didn't refuse either, it was indeed a good choice to become a church and integrate into the world of the West Fantasy God Mansion.

Moreover, many things from their predecessor, the Taiping Sect, can be used immediately to increase their credibility.

Lord of the Yellow Heaven, Taiping Church!
That's what Gores ended up reporting.

"The Lord of the Yellow Sky... is the new god who caused the disturbance before?" When it comes to such a big event of the church, it will naturally be reported to the high level of the Hunting Church.

"It's not clear yet, but Gores has already tested it secretly. These people have nothing to do with the rich evil!"

"If that's the case, then treat it according to the standards of the new church!"

"We welcome any existence that removes the evils of abundance."

"Fun and Rao, all damned!"

 Many book friends are worried that I will be out of the main line, but don't worry, this is a short-term dungeon, and it may return in the future, but it will not account for too much at present, it is just a short-term dungeon.

  Another issue is the update. It is currently estimated that after two cycles of treatment are completed on the 20th, it will change back to two updates (8000).

  Thank you for your support, I will read everyone's comments, I hope you will comment more, seeing your interaction is the source of my inspiration!

(End of this chapter)

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