Chapter 133 Chen Gong's thoughts

Winter is long and boring, and it is still the case in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Even from the perspective of Eastern Han people, winter is quite idle.

Zhou Tong was so busy that he was picked up by Huang Tianji when he was old. The two worked together to produce a detailed skill training manual, and then distributed it to every elder.

Start the big military training in winter to prepare for the war after the spring.

Then the schedule for the training of recruits is full, and if they can't hold on, they will come to find wood and shoot the golden pill to refresh themselves, and they will work around the clock for almost 24 hours.

The most important thing is that Zhou Tong never tires of it, and has a sense of accomplishment of planting the future with his own hands.

Even if Mu Yi forced Zhou Tong to take a few days off, Zhou Tong would still use this time to give lessons to other generals and schools, imparting their own experience in the art of war.

Guo Jia and Xu Shu couldn't see the beginning and the end. If they didn't ask Huang Tianji to simulate the deduction every day, Mu Yi was afraid that the two of them would be in a corner that day.

Jia Xu, on the other hand, completely infiltrated Tong Guan's camp, staged a Mission: Impossible, and used fame and fortune to fool Tong Guan.

Even an eunuch like Tong Guan can't refuse the life dream of being a Marquis. That's the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, who can't be tempted, especially a guy like Tong Guan who was once passionate.

In this boring and busy day, Mu Yi had nothing to do. Except for practicing with Zhou Tai twice a day, the rest of the time was basically walking around the streets and going deep into the grassroots.

Only in this way can he feel the meaning of his own existence, instead of sitting on the clouds and pointing the country like a clay puppet.

"Yuzhi, remember that the research and development of air conditioners must be put on the agenda!" After Mu Yi walked out of a farmer's house, he casually said to Guo Youzhi who was following him.

As a clerk, Guo Youzhi perfectly helped Mu Yi get rid of the complicated information that Huang Tianji presented every day. It was a transfer station, refining Huang Tianji's complicated information, which greatly improved Mu Yi's government affairs processing speed.

"Yes!" Guo Youzhi nodded, took out a pen and paper and made a mark.

Although the spiritual talent has not yet been born, but the photographic memory is already a basic skill, as long as there is a mark, it can completely recall the whole process of the incident.

Mu Yi looked up at the sky. The winter in Qingzhou is a comfortable winter. He used his personality to adjust the climate of Qingzhou to a lot more comfortable.

But even so, winter is still a relatively difficult time for most people, and keeping warm is a problem. For the young and strong, they can move to warm their bodies, but it is a bit difficult for the old, weak, sick and disabled.

The heaven and earth energy driving technology analyzed from Song Shijie's Thunderbolt before is actually a super large system, which Mu Yi only discovered later.

Using etching patterns to drive the essence of heaven and earth sounds very scientific, similar to circuit boards or something, but in fact, it has reached the limitless level of black technology.

They don't need to understand that thing so thoroughly at the moment, they just need to research and develop it according to their own needs.

Huang Tianji's current most successful research result is the Explosive Crossbow. After warming up, this kind of crossbow can deal explosive damage in a small area.

Even if it wasn't a vital point, the moment the crossbow exploded, it was enough to completely injure the enemy, and it could be regarded as a very violent equipment.

But the only problem is loading. At present, as long as one arrow is shot, the etching on the single-bolt crossbow will be destroyed, which means it can only be used as a one-time consumable.

At present, it is only equipped with Mu Yi's personal guards.

Mu Yi's personal guards are actually the rotation of soldiers from the Huangtian Army. There is a big competition every week. The soldiers who have not been there before fight each other, and those who can fight to the end can get the status of personal guards for a week.

For civilian use, the air conditioner that Mu Yi mentioned has already been put into use. This kind of etching has already been used in Mu Yi's mansion, but it is still an old problem and cannot be popularized.

Mu Yi's current request is to allow priests in every village to master this technology so as to serve the entire village.

However, the current research and development progress is slow, and Huang Tianji has too many projects to research and develop.

This is also the reason why Mu Yi went around the streets and made private visits in microservices. He needs to know what is urgently needed and what things can be postponed for a while.

"My lord, the envoy from Bingzhou has arrived!" Just as Mu Yi was thinking about where to go next, Ma Er descended from the sky and reported to Mu Yi.

Mu Yi turned to look at Guo Youzhi, and Guo Youzhi replied calmly.

"Three days ago, Lord Huang Tianji reported that you said that you would personally receive the reception." Mu Yi suddenly recalled Guo Youzhi's answer.

There was indeed such a thing, and after two or three days of shopping, I almost forgot about it.

"Let's go, go back and have a look!"

Mu Yi shook his head, obviously he also has the ability of photographic memory, but he seems to have gotten used to relying on Huang Tianji and Guo Youzhi.

Mu Yi, Mu Yi, how can you be so depraved.

The envoy of Bingzhou was still Chen Gong, but this time Chen Gong was followed by a heroic female general.

"The state shepherd arrives!"

Hearing the voice outside, curiosity flashed in the woman's eyes. She was Lu Bu's daughter Lu Lingqi.

After Chen Gong returned to Bingzhou, she kept talking about Mu Yi and Qingzhou every day, so she left a letter and sneaked into Chen Gong's emissary team. When Chen Gong found out, they were almost in Qingzhou. .

Chen Gong could only "open one eye and close one eye" and took Lu Lingqi to Qingzhou as an envoy.

"The young master must not act recklessly. Although the Qingzhou pastor is kind, he is also a state pastor. Don't ruin our covenant with Qingzhou and Bingzhou on the spur of the moment!"

Chen Gong pretended to instruct Lu Lingqi, but in fact he was clear in his heart, there were not many outstanding young men in the world, but Mu Yi was the one who achieved success at the moment.

If even Mu Yi couldn't get into Lu Lingqi's eyes, who else in the world could get into Lu Lingqi's eyes.

Moreover, he was familiar with Lu Lingqi's temperament, she was a young lady who was spoiled by Lu Bu, and it would be a good thing not to fight with Mu Yi on the spot, and it would be better to expect Mu Yi to fall in love with Lu Lingqi at first sight than to expect her not to make trouble.

His purpose is to cause conflict between Lu Lingqi and Mu Yi, how to treat each other like a guest can enhance the relationship, only when you come and go can the relationship heat up.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that Mu Yi didn't have a marriage contract and kept a clean life, Chen Gong wouldn't be thinking about it.

But Mu Yi is such a good son-in-law, it would be a lie for Chen Gong to say that he is not tempted. If Bingzhou and Qingzhou get married, then the general trend of the world will be clearly visible.

"Hmph, Cao Mengde, wash your neck and wait for you to die!" Chen Gong thought darkly in his heart.

He did so much, not only for Lu Bu's future planning, but also for revenge on Cao Cao. He must not let people like Cao Cao occupy the world, that is irresponsible to the people of the world.

"I've seen Qingzhou Mu!"

Seeing Mu Yi come in, Chen Gong got up and saluted Mu Yi. Anyway, Mu Yi is also the state shepherd, so the etiquette should be thoughtful.

"This is Qingzhou Mu?" Lu Lingqi was taken aback, she was so young and handsome.

Appearance is useful no matter what age you are in, even if you are talented and too ugly, it will be affected even when you become an official, such as Pang Tong and Zhang Song...

With the breakthrough of inner qi separation, Mu Yi's appearance itself has been optimized a lot, not to mention that after obtaining the heaven and earth fruit status, the whole person has an indescribable nobleness.

Just one glance can make people feel good.

Mu Yi looked at Lu Lingqi, who was standing still, with some surprise. To be honest, he had forgotten when people would be rude after knowing his identity.

That is to say, only when he visits privately on Weibo, can he talk to other people on an equal footing, otherwise the other party will be somewhat restrained.

Chen Gong got up and saw Mu Yi and Lu Lingqi sizing each other up, his face was calm, but he laughed in his heart.

A fair lady, a gentleman is so good, Mu Yi and Lu Lingqi are both in their prime, so it's just right.

"Cough, cough, Qingzhou Mu, let me introduce, this is my young master!" Chen Gong coughed twice, and then introduced to Mu Yi with deep meaning.

At the same time, he looked behind Mu Yi with a little regret, but it was a pity that Jia Xu was not there, otherwise he might have gotten engaged today.

"Please!" Mu Yi nodded, and then sat on the main seat.

Chen Gong pulled Lu Lingqi to sit down, and then straightened his expression. He didn't come here for engagement, it was just incidental, he came here for business.

"I've heard about the strange things of Qingzhou saddle and stirrup, but I don't know if Qingzhou Muke is willing to sell it to me and the state soldiers!"

Chen Gong got straight to the point. He knew Mu Yi from various channels, and he knew that Mu Yi was not a person who liked to talk nonsense, so he and Lu Bu got along very well in this regard.

"Changshi Chen is straightforward?" Mu Yi was stunned for a moment, although he knew that this thing could not be hidden, but it was exposed too quickly.

It stands to reason that it is fine for Cao Caojun to know, but why even Bingzhou knows.

But since it was exposed, it was exposed, and I didn't expect this thing to be eaten for a lifetime.

"Mr. Chen, let's make an offer!" Mu Yi waved his hand casually, without going into the reasons behind it, and directly asked Chen Gong to make an offer.

"My lord is in the northern border of Bingzhou, wanting to fight with blood. If we can get the help of this strange thing, it will definitely make the barbarians dare not go south and herd horses. I hope that the state shepherd will take pity on me and save the people of Bingzhou from the fire and water!"

Chen Gong didn't open his mouth and didn't ask for a price, it was just a combination of emotions. Jia Xu's absence had the advantage of Jia Xu's absence. Last time he felt that Mu Yi was quite talkative. get greater benefits.

This time when Jia Xu is not here, he will kill Mu Yi severely. Anyway, if they can get married, the two families will become one family.

"Wenhou Flying General's name is like a thunderbolt. Everyone in the world speaks of his virtues, making people live in peace, and keeping the people on the frontier from being invaded by Hu bandits. In my eyes, such virtues are a hundred times and a thousand times better than those who talk freely!"

Mu Yi praised Lu Bu greatly. In fact, he also felt that Lu Bu's behavior of fighting against foreign enemies was much better than wandering around the Central Plains.

Chen Gong laughed lightly, this Qingzhou Mu is indeed young, he seems to have been tricked by provoking him, he likes to deal with this kind of straight-hearted people.

"Qingzhou Shepherd's words are serious. Although my lord has good morals, the people of Anyizhou, Qingzhou Shepherd, are as virtuous as my lord!"

Chen Gong quickly blew on two rainbow skins, this is what he wanted.

"Although I admire Bingzhou Mu in my heart, but when it comes to business, Chief Chen will make an offer!"

Hearing this, Chen Gong was stunned, and looked at Mu Yi in disbelief, as if looking at a sinister and cunning fox.

You said that you are young and impulsive, even if you don’t give it away for free, you have to give me a [-]% discount, right?

"Mr. Chen is not feeling well?" Seeing Chen Gong's expression changed, Mu Yi asked with concern.

He really didn't hear Chen Gong's subtext, and thought that Chen Gong was ashamed to talk about merchants, so he exchanged a wave of rainbow farts to set the scene.

The corner of his mouth twitched twice, and Chen Gong had no choice but to offer his own extra price. Since the prostitution failed, let's do business honestly.

It's not that they can't make stirrups and saddles, but they need a lot of them, and Bingzhou won't be able to gather so much iron ore for a while, and they won't be able to spare the manpower to make them.

So after thinking about it, it is more cost-effective to purchase directly from Qingzhou. They can also save time on horse breeding and animal husbandry. Compared with other industries, this is their advantageous industry in the state.

"Five thousand new wolf riders!" Chen Gong set out his own price.

If there is one, there will be two. Basically all the army spirits trapped in the battle are spent on this, but fortunately there is no war in winter, so they can use this as a bargaining chip to make deals.

"..." The corner of Mu Yi's mouth twitched, it's really amazing to have a military spirit, continuous and renewable new energy, right? That thing is actually used as a bargaining chip.

"At this price, I can give you [-] cavalry!" Mu Yi linked to Huang Tianji and quickly calculated a suitable shipment.

"Zhou Mu, can you add more, now in northern Xinjiang..."

Chen Gong nodded inwardly, the price is reasonable, but his face is still embarrassed, and he wants to squeeze a little more wool.

Lu Lingqi looked at Chen Gong with the expression of seeing a ghost, she is not a famous person in ordinary times, but now she looks like a businessman.

Of course Chen Gong could sense Lu Lingqi's eyes, but he could only bite the bullet and be shameless.

If you are not in charge, you don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. The poor place in Bingzhou itself is notoriously cold, and it has been neglected by the Southern Huns for a long time. Now it is almost a poor and useless construction from scratch.

Lu Bu is another shopkeeper who throws his hands away, only grasping the military power, and the rest basically falls on him, the second-in-command of Bingzhou.

Lu Bu had been thinking all day about how to go north to fight the Xiongnu, and he didn't care about the underlying things. Chen Gong brought Lu Lingqi out this time, also because he wanted to save the country with curves.

Chen Gong had a lot of needs during his trip, food, refined salt, cloth other than stirrups and saddles...

It can be said that Bingzhou lacks everything, except soldiers, cattle and sheep.

The negotiation can be said to be very harmonious, at least Chen Gong is very satisfied, he got more things than expected, and it is not in vain for him to make such a trip.

(End of this chapter)

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