Chapter 706 Zhao Kangda’s Friend
"Compared to Zhao Gengshi, who is addicted to eating, drinking, prostitution, gambling and smoking, Zhao Kangda can be said to be loyal and honest."

"Except for some necessary social activities, he almost never hangs out with women."

"However, this situation changed a year and a half ago..."

Lu Heng gently stroked his long beard and slowly recounted: "A year and a half ago, a good friend of Zhao Kangda asked him to go out for a drink at night."

"If it were a normal friend, he would have found reasons to shirk it long ago."

"But this friend has a good relationship with him and has an extraordinary family background. His family business is also cooperating with the Zhao Group."

"Zhao Kangda didn't want to offend this good friend, so he had to leave home for the appointment."

"This night, my friend seemed to be happier than before. I just asked for a dozen of the escort girls."

"I saw him hugging him from left to right, and there was even a girl who was responsible for feeding him wine sitting on his lap."

"When Zhao Kangda arrived at the nightclub, he was really shocked by the scene."

"He still remembers that three months ago, this friend was still troubled by the man's unspeakable secrets."

"The other party also asked him if he knew any old miracle doctors or folk remedies with special effects."

"How could he know these things? He could only shake his head helplessly."

"But at the same time, he also kept these in mind, and after returning home, he began to look for relevant medicinal materials or folk remedies for the other party."

"In the next month, he got a lot of things for this friend."

"Such as deer antlers, deer blood, seahorses, fur seal kidneys, sea dragons, protosilk moths, etc."

"Then after my friend tried them one by one, he told him with a grimace that nothing worked."

"Zhao Kangda was a little overwhelmed when he saw this. Then he asked the other party about the effects of taking western medicine."

"When my friend heard this, he smiled helplessly and said that he had tried drugs such as sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil, etc., but unfortunately they were all ineffective. As expected."

"Otherwise, he would not seek medical treatment in a hurry and ask his friends around him for relevant home remedies."

"After learning that even sildenafil and other drugs were ineffective, Zhao Kangda estimated that this friend was almost hopeless."

"In the next period of time, this friend really died down."

"In the past, this friend, like Zhao Kangda's eldest brother Zhao Gengsan, was both a famous nightclub prince."

"However, after having an unspeakable secret, this friend seemed to have withdrawn from the world..."

At this point, Lu Heng paused as usual.

After taking a sip of the spirit tea, he continued his sermon unhurriedly: "This meeting is the first meeting between the two parties in two months."

"My friend at this time no longer felt lonely and decadent before, but instead became full of smiles and joy."

"Zhao Kangda is very confused and confused. He doesn't know why this friend suddenly became like this."

"Has the other party solved his unspeakable secret?"

"With puzzled speculation in his heart, he sat down next to his friend."

"After my friend got drunk, he left the two most beautiful escort girls behind and asked them to go to the hotel opposite to get a room, take a shower and wait for his arrival."

"Seeing this scene, Zhao Kangda finally had the answer in his heart."

"It turns out that this friend's unspeakable secret has really been solved!"

"This makes him a little curious, what kind of miracle doctor can cure his good friend?"

"At this moment, my friend hugged Zhao Kangda's shoulders and told him drunkenly that he had met a master!"

"'What master?' Zhao Kangda asked with some confusion and curiosity."

"'An omnipotent master!' My friend replied with a flushed face." "Zhao Kangda couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and asked his friend carefully what happened."

"It turns out that just a week ago, my friend met a master after being introduced by someone."

"At first, my friend didn't have much hope. After all, he had seen many doctors, including Western medicine, Chinese medicine, etc. He didn't know how many he had seen."

"However, when the master learned about his friend's unspeakable secret, he took out the elixir he had refined."

"Faced with this elixir, which is completely black and is as big as a soybean grain, my friend can't help but hesitate."

"He really doesn't have the guts to eat such a three-no product."

"But the master said that he only needs one pill to solve his current troubles."

"After hearing this, my friend gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and swallowed a pill."

"After the elixir entered his stomach, it didn't take long for him to feel it."

"After that, he took a pill almost every day, and he was still as good as before."

"That's why my friend took the initiative to contact Zhao Kangda, and that's why we met tonight..."

When the water friends heard this, their eyes began to sparkle with curiosity.

"Is it true? Is this Laoshizi elixir so effective?"

"According to the old Taoist priest, this so-called 'master' should be a liar. How come his pills are effective?"

"I don't know, maybe the pill is mixed with sildenafil?"

"Definitely not. Didn't Zhao Kangda's good friend say that he had taken sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil, but the effect was very little and unsatisfactory."

"Then this elixir is real?"

"Damn it, I'm a little curious too!"

"Looking at how curious you all are, do you think you have something to hide?"

" is that possible? I'm just out of curiosity!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just curious too!"

"Brothers, if you really have something to hide, I suggest you try a medicine called 'Qingtian Pill'."

"Is it easy to use? How effective is it?"

"Wai Ruigude! It's great!"

"This medicine is said to be a prescription provided by a friend of the old Taoist Priest. It is very effective and does not cause any harm to the human body."

"Really or not? Does the old Taoist priest have such a friend?"

"Qingtian Pill, right? I made a note of it and will buy some to try later."

"I'm also going to give it a try, and let everyone know what they think after eating it when the next time Lao Tao Zhang starts broadcasting."

"A mere Qingtian Dan actually caught so many fish?"

"When you reach middle age, you have no choice. When you reach this age, you will know that being a man is... difficult!"

"Alas, thousands of words have turned into a sigh..."

Seeing these comments from water friends, Lu Heng suddenly remembered.

This "Qingtian Pill" is probably the first Qingtian Pill he provided to the Religious Affairs Bureau.

Unexpectedly, within a few months, the Religious Affairs Bureau was already eager to start selling medicine...

(End of this chapter)

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