Chapter 598 The Third Marriage

"Her surname is Qi, and she is seven years younger than me. Let's call her Xiao Qi."

"Xiao Qi and I met because of a business trip to the south."

"During that business trip, after I finished discussing the relevant business with my partner, I rejected the other party's arrangement and prepared to drive out alone for a walk."

"It's a pity that God was not kind to us, and it suddenly started raining on the way."

"Just as I was about to drive back to the hotel, I saw a young girl running forward despite the rain."

"There was no place to take shelter from the rain nearby, so I took the initiative to park the car next to her and let her get in the car to take shelter from the rain..."

Mentioning the past events, Xu Jie's face showed a bit of nostalgia.

He smiled and continued: "This young girl is naturally Xiao Qi."

"Xiao Qi kept thanking me, saying that he came out in a hurry and forgot to bring an umbrella."

"I said you're welcome, and then asked her where she was going, and prepared to send her there."

"At first, she said there was no need to go to such trouble and she could just get out of the car when the rain stopped."

"However, the rain outside is getting heavier and heavier, with no sign of stopping."

"Her face was very red at the time. She must have been very embarrassed. I still remember that scene to this day!"

"At this time, I asked her where she was going, and she blushed and named a place."

"But I am in a strange city after all. How do I know how to get around? So I asked her to help me show the way."

“And after she learned that it was my first time coming to this city, she introduced me to many famous local attractions and delicacies.”

"In this way, we quickly eliminated the unfamiliarity with each other and chatted freely, just like friends."

"It was also during this process that I learned that she was not a local, but went to college here."

"After I sent her to college, we added each other's contact information and agreed that she would take me around the city tomorrow."

"I felt very happy during the time I spent with her, without any of the awkwardness I had with other young people before."

At this point, Xu Jie paused habitually.

After drinking water to moisten his throat, he continued: "The next day, she took me to visit many unique local attractions and eat a lot of unique food."

"Although I left the city on the third day, the relationship between Xiao Qi and I has never been broken."

"As time goes by, our feelings for each other have not only not faded, but have become stronger."

"At the beginning, I was a little evasive. After all, I am almost a round older than her."

"But she is a courageous person. She will never give up easily when she sees something for sure, even if she knows that I have been divorced twice."

"So with her continuous efforts, my long-closed heart began to slowly melt."

"I stayed with her for her last two years of college, and she also stayed with my company from its rise to its decline."

"Although a lot has happened in the past two years, the relationship between us does not seem to have changed at all."

"After she graduated from college, I proposed to her, and she was so excited that she cried."

"We received the certificate smoothly, and I stepped into the tomb of marriage for the third time..."

Listening to Xu Jie's story, the water friends suddenly felt a lot of emotion in their hearts.

"You're not going to divorce Xiao Qi, right?"

"I guess this third marriage will end in divorce."

"I can also guess that although this time it is an old cow eating young grass, there is no result."

"Why did such a good girl get divorced again?"

"What else could be the reason? Of course it's because I can't have children!" "It's not me, but why do I feel like this Xiao Qi came here just for Brother Xu's family property?"

"Brother Xu's move immediately shocked the female college students who had never seen the world before."

"Don't say she's a female college student. Even when I saw Brother Xu, my heart was pounding."

"Mind your gender!"

"Let's not even talk about money or not. My temperament and appearance alone are enough to capture a female college student."

"It's true. Brother, the vicissitudes of life are so overwhelming, it's hard for a little girl to bear it."

"It's a pity that no matter how hard Xiao Qi tried, she still failed in the end because she couldn't have a child."

"Brother, I really feel like you're a little crazy about having a baby!"

"Are children really that important? If you like children, you can definitely adopt a few!"

"The adopted ones are not our biological ones after all!"

"Then there is no solution! There is nothing wrong with my brother's health, and there is nothing wrong with the woman except for her second ex-wife, but why can't she have a child?"

"That's why Brother Xu stubbornly wants to have a child!"

"The less you have, the more you need. This is human obsession!"

"Damn it, if I had my brother's appearance and temperament, would I be afraid that I wouldn't be able to find a girlfriend?"

"If I have my brother's family background and wealth, it doesn't matter whether I have it or not..."

Xu Jie briefly read everyone's comments and smiled calmly: "What you said is good!"

"The final outcome for Xiao Qi and I is divorce."

"Then I summarized the reasons why this third marriage failed. There were two main reasons."

"The first point, everyone knows, is that you can't have children."

"Xiao Qi said that she is young and wants to play for two more years and doesn't want to have children so early."

"She is young and still has time, but I am already old and cannot afford to wait."

"This is the point of conflict between us."

"Every time the subject of having a baby comes up, we get into fights."

"If you keep arguing, no matter how close the relationship was, it will fade away."

Xu Jie said, sighing softly, and added: "As for the second point, it's because of her college classmates."

"After we got married, she still maintained a good relationship with two college classmates and kept in touch frequently."

"Her two college classmates also got married one after another about half a year after graduation."

"But within a year, they were both divorced."

"Under the influence of these two college classmates, Xiao Qi gradually changed."

"I can clearly feel that she is mentioning the issue of safety more and more deliberately."

"At that time, I was very curious about what she meant by sense of security?"

"She told me that since I was so rich, handsome and elegant, I could easily provoke other girls, which made her feel very uneasy."

"So, she asked me to transfer the house, car, and other assets in my name to her name."

"In this case, even if I want to go out and hook up with women, I don't have money to squander."

"After I heard this, I felt very puzzled. Why did a girl who was once so innocent become like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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