Chapter 592 Disappearance

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their eyes and looked at the corpse.

Even though he has been mummified, it can still be seen that the man has a darker complexion.

And it can also be seen that he has a big brain... No, there is a big hole in his head. He must have been shot through the head at close range.


At this moment, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

It’s just as expected!

After the kidnappers kidnapped everyone on the fishing boat, why didn't they call their families to extort money?

The reason is that the kidnappers are not for money, but for killing people!

This corpse named "Bukao" is the best evidence!

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but look sad.

Bukaw is dead, so the other kidnapped personnel will not be much better.

It is possible that they were among the shriveled corpses.

"That's strange, where is the blood-red building on the island before?"

Among the crowd, Captain Paul frowned. After looking back and forth, he spoke in confusion.

Yan Jun, who was hearing the words from the side, suddenly felt a chill running down his tailbone and directly to his forehead.

His eyes couldn't help but open wide.

An emotion called "fear" instantly enveloped his heart.

No wonder he always felt like something was missing just now.

It turns out that the weird bloody temple is missing!

Yan Jun looked at the shriveled corpses again.

If he remembered correctly, according to fifth sister Yan Tong's previous account, this was the location where Lars and others used corpses to feed the bloody vines.

But now the body is still there, but there is no trace of the bloody temple.

The Blood Temple suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly. What on earth was going on?

Are Lars and others in the temple alive or dead?

The more Yan Jun thought about it, the more fear he felt in his heart.

On the other side, the coast guard has begun to collect the shriveled corpses on the ground.

Fortunately, there are no wild dogs, rats or other animals on this island. Although the body has lost its flesh and blood, it still maintains the appearance before death.

But as these shriveled corpses were laid out one by one, everyone who came to look for them was a little confused.

Because among the corpses that appeared here, it seemed that only the young man named "Bukao" was the only one.

As for the other kidnapped people, they don't seem to be here.

Where did everyone else go?

Why did Bucaw only die here?

Everyone's minds are full of questions and confusion.

After another ten minutes, the support force called by the coast guard had successfully arrived at the island.

Other people on the rescue boat also followed this group of supporting coast guard to the island.

At the request of the coast guard, everyone carefully identified the body.

As everyone thought, among these corpses, only "Bukao" had been kidnapped before.

The identities of the many remaining bodies have yet to be determined.

On this uninhabited and unknown island, so many people died and many others disappeared. Such a major case was enough to attract the attention of Southeast Asian countries.

The coast guard packed up the bodies and transported them away, preparing to take them back to investigate the identities of the deceased.

On the other side, they were fully armed and began to search the island.

The island is not big, so it took less than twenty minutes for the coast guard to complete the search.

However, the results of searching the island made everyone feel incredible.

There is no living thing on the island except the birds that live there.

Not even a living rat, let alone a living person.

Then the question arises, where are the kidnappers?

Where have all the kidnapped persons gone, except Bucao?

And...    According to Captain Paul, why did the bloody temple that the kidnappers wanted to explore suddenly disappear?

More and more questions seem to highlight the unusual nature of this case.

Especially the bloody temple that suddenly appeared and disappeared inexplicably. No matter how you look at it, it seems to involve extraordinary power!

Everyone who returned in vain had to return to the rescue boat again.

As soon as Yan Jun got on the boat, he quickly got back into his cabin.

After seeing him coming back, Yan Tong couldn't wait to ask: "How is it?"

"Did you see Lars and others? And where is Zhang Songkang? Is he dead..."

Yan Tong asked more than a dozen questions in a row, leaving Yan Jun confused.

"The bloody temple has disappeared!"

Yan Jun ignored these questions and replied directly.

"What? That temple disappeared?"

Hearing this, both Yan Ya and Yan Tong showed surprise.


Yan Jun nodded vigorously and continued: "Fifth sister, didn't you say before that Lars and others used dead bodies to feed the vines on the gate of the Bloody Temple?"

"After we disembarked, we quickly found the mummies whose flesh and blood had been sucked."

"But there were only those mummies at the scene, and the bloody temple disappeared without a trace..."

After Yan Tong and Yan Ya listened, they looked at each other.

The two sisters saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

This is unbelievable!

But strictly speaking, this is considered normal.

After all, the bloody temple appeared very suddenly.

According to the crew on the cruise ship, there was nothing on the island the day before.

However, the next day, such a special building suddenly appeared.

"The Blood Temple has disappeared. What about the other people who stayed in the temple before?"

"Did they escape? Or did they all die inside?"

Yan Tong frowned slightly and murmured to himself.


Where did the Blood Temple go?

Of course, it has been taken back into the system space by Lu Heng.

As for Lars and others?

I'm very sorry, these unlucky guys triggered some mechanisms in the temple and their lives were left in them.

If you really don’t seek death, you won’t die!

In fact, Lu Heng didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to see what was in this small blood temple.

For this reason, he even went to an uninhabited island in Southeast Asia.

But things are so coincidental.

Not long after he was released from the Blood Temple, he was bumped into by Lars and others who came to the island to kill people and dump their bodies.

This temple that suddenly appeared was naturally regarded as a treasure by Lars and others.

The legend of Tiexiong has spread throughout Southeast Asia.

Who doesn’t want to be like Tiexiong, gain extraordinary power, and become a guest of a great country?

Even if you are unwilling to cooperate with big countries, you can still find a place in Southeast Asia to dominate.

The same is true for Lars et al.

With the yearning for extraordinary abilities, Lars and others began to explore the Blood Temple.

Even for this reason, they deliberately kidnapped Yan Tong and others, hoping to use these people as experimental subjects to test the danger.

Lu Heng also discovered Yan Tong's existence by such a coincidence.

He had met Yan Tong before at Mr. Yan's birthday party.

If he hadn't helped, how could Yan Tong have left the Blood Temple unharmed?

(End of this chapter)

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