Chapter 568 The Poisoner
  Qin Zhen and You You were even more confused.

There are actually two poisoners?
  But they couldn't even think of a single person who was suspected of the crime!
  The water friends were also very surprised after hearing what Lu Heng said.

"There are two other people who poisoned my two wives?"

"What are these two poisoning guys doing?"

"Who knows! But there are no big problems with the two young ladies and the customers buying cakes. Could it be a prank?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! If it's just a prank, is there any need to keep poisoning?"

"It's been so long, I don't think it's a prank."

"As the great detective Volmo Kun, I say that although this method of poisoning is a little disgusting, it doesn't hurt too many people."

"Well, the only ones injured are Miss Qin and Miss You."

"The question is, if the two poisoners didn't want to harm anyone, why did they choose to poison?"

"Could this poisoner simply want to drive them away?"

"Why? They didn't hurt anyone, and they didn't harm anyone. Why should we chase them away?"

"In my opinion, there is only one kind of person who wants to drive them away!"

"Who? Superman?"

"I know! It must be a companion!"

"Damn it! When you said that, I suddenly realized that my colleagues are enemies!"

"We really can't rule out this possibility! According to the law of conservation of business, business will not arise out of thin air, but will only be transferred from one merchant to another."

"Brother, you are really a heifer crying for an old cow - the cow is dead!"

"I understand too! If the business of my two wives is so good, there will definitely be other cake shops or bakeries whose business will be robbed, and then the other party will be jealous and choose to poison them quietly, trying to drive them away."

"This inference is very reasonable! This method of poisoning will not really harm people, it will only disgust them. It indirectly drove away the customers of the two ladies' shop and forced them to change places."

"Invincible! The water friends in our live broadcast room are all so smart and talented. No wonder they are unique on the Douhu platform and even the entire live broadcast industry!"

"Brother, thank you, thank you!"

"You're welcome, if you praise me like that again, I'll be proud..."

Qin Zhen, You You, and the two policemen all nodded after watching the comments from the water friends.

Although this group of water friends are outrageous at normal times, I have to say that they are quite reliable at this time.

The owners of other cake shops or bakeries do have motives for poisoning.

After all, the better the business between Qin Zhen and You You, the more business they do, they will gradually take away other people's business, causing other people's business to get worse and worse.

If you can't compete head-on, you'll have to resort to some despicable means.

Poisoning like this is a very suitable method.

The unknown poison they cast will not cause harm to the human body, but will only make people feel sick.

In this way, the customers in Qin Zhen and You You's stores can be slowly driven away.

If Qin Zhen and You You can't find the reason, they definitely can't let the cake shop continue to suffer losses.

Therefore, they will most likely choose to close the store directly and then move to other places to open stores.

If this is the case, it will play into the mind of the poisoner.

At this time, the middle-aged policeman spoke.

He asked Qin Zhen: "Xiao Qin, I remember that there are five similar cake shops and bakeries on this commercial street, including you, right?"


Qin Zhen nodded slightly, and then added: "But just a week ago, a cake shop closed down."

"Currently, including us, there are four left." You You added on the side: "There is one on the street and one at the end of the street."

"Our family, and there is also one in the shopping mall opposite us..."

"Okay, I know!"

After hearing this, the middle-aged policeman showed a look of understanding on his face.

He looked at Lu Heng in the live broadcast room again and asked: "Old Taoist Priest, are the two poisoning murderers among the other three families?"

When Lu Heng heard this, he shook his head slightly and said, "No!"

"No... no?"

Seeing him shaking his head in denial, the four people in the cake shop all had stunned expressions on their faces.

Everyone's inference is obviously normal, how could it not be?
  So if it wasn't the evil hand of a colleague, who was the one who poisoned her?

"Old Taoist priest, please explain to us!"

Youyou requested sincerely.

Although she didn't say much, she understood.

Just looking at the inferences of the water friends in the live broadcast room is useless!
  In the end, we still have to let the old Taoist priest speak!

Qin Zhen on the side suddenly laughed.

She felt that even though the old Taoist priest was older, his bad taste had not diminished.

Every time, the old Taoist priest would remain silent and let the water friends use their imaginations to guess and make associations.

Then when everyone was confident and asked the old Taoist priest, he shook his head in denial.

Such bad taste seems to have persisted throughout the old Taoist's entire live broadcast career!

Lu Heng gently stroked his long beard and said calmly: "As I said before, there are two people who poisoned you."

"As for these two people, in fact, Xiaoyou Qin and Xiaoyou You all know each other."

Upon hearing this, Qin Zhen and You You exchanged glances with each other, and then nodded slightly.

They all know this too.

After all, how could someone poison them if they weren't a familiar person?
  Moreover, the poison was so secretive that they searched the entire store but found nothing.

Lu Heng continued: "The first person to poison is your cake shop. The owner of the current rented store is your landlord!"

The heat was almost over, so he stopped trying to make excuses and directly named the first poisoner.

"It's actually the landlady. is this possible?"

When they heard the identity of the first poisoner, Qin Zhen and You You's eyes widened with disbelief.

The two of them didn't want to believe that the landlady would poison them!
  In their eyes, the landlady is a good person, a very good person!
  When they first started their business, business was not very good.

The money the two of them had on hand was only enough to buy some raw materials, not enough to pay the rent.

After learning about their embarrassment, the landlady was very understanding and directly postponed their rent for half a year.

It can be said that without the understanding of the landlady, their cake shop would have closed down long ago.

And in the days that followed, the landlady often brought the two of them some fruits and snacks.

The relationship between them is very good.

If it were anyone else who said that the landlady was the poisoner, they would definitely not believe it.

But these words came from the mouth of the immortal Taoist Priest...

(End of this chapter)

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