Chapter 539 Loyal licking dog

Lu Heng took a sip of tea, and then said: "This sudden news is like a basin of cold water, directly extinguishing the fire that has just been ignited in your heart."

"You were at a loss and immediately fell into a decision."

"On one side is the white moonlight in my heart, the first love that gave you emotional pain but gave you hope again."

"On the other side, there is a wife who has no emotional basis but is pregnant with your child."

"The dilemma makes you extremely painful."

"You don't know what to do. Is it to pursue your first love again and find your original regrets?"

"Or be a qualified husband and welcome the birth of your own child?"

"In pain, you locked yourself in a small hotel room."

"For two days and two nights, you didn't eat anything or drink a sip of water."

"Through these two days and two nights of thinking, you finally have the answer in your heart."

"You took out your mobile phone and called the former Bai Yueguang."

"The content of the phone call only contains two words - I'm sorry!"

"At this time, you are full of pain and have completely severed contact with your former self."

"You regain your composure and prepare to welcome your child."

"Next, your wife gave birth to a son for you."

"Your parents are very excited. After waiting for so many years, this day is finally here."

"But you are not as happy as you imagined. Watching the parents rushing to hold their children, you are very calm, even as calm as an outsider."

"You know, you can never forget your first love, the white moonlight."

"Afterwards, the children grow up year after year, and the conflicts between you and your wife become more and more."

"Although she has changed some of her bad habits, she is only unsatisfactory."

"In the end, with more and more conflicts, you are gradually heading towards divorce."

"The child is temporarily handed over to your wife, and you are back to being single."

"Every lonely night, you lie in bed, tossing and turning, thinking about whether the choice you made back then was right or wrong."

Lu Heng has finally finished talking about Yang Qing's future.

In fact, although Yang Qing is divorced, her relationship with her children is very good.

It's just that Yang Qing has never let go of his first love that brought him emotional pain.

In his heart, he always pretended to be his first love, and it was difficult to tolerate the wife he later married.

Although his wife has corrected some minor problems in the future, she is still a bit sloppy and continues to drink.

The combination of the two of them can only be said to be a mistake!

After listening to Yang Qing's story about the future, water friends had different reactions.

"Old Yang, you are such a licking dog!"

"As soon as the woman who has caused you emotional pain for more than ten years appears, you stick to her obediently?"

"What a dog! Even if it is abandoned by its owner, when the owner appears, it will still stick out its tongue and lick it enthusiastically!"

"No wonder Lao Yang has been on a blind date for five or six years without any results. It turns out that he can't let go of his first love!"

"Dogs are man's most loyal friends, don't hurt any puppy!"

“Who wants to be a dog if they don’t really like it?”

"In the blind date story Lao Yang just told, he always met all kinds of weird blind dates. But now that I think about it carefully, isn't he himself weird?"

"Yes, the woman he first fell in love with has always been lingering in his heart, so when he looks at the woman on a blind date, he will always subconsciously look for traces of his first love in her body."

"Made, you are harming others and yourself!"

"If he had forgotten that first love earlier, why would he have been dating for so many years?"

"Of course there are some weird and wonderful ones in blind dates, but it's been five or six years since Lao Yang found anyone suitable. It's also his own problem!"

"Lao Yang, I advise you to either let go of the first love in your heart, or wait for the other party to divorce."

"How is it possible to let go of your first love?"

"Didn't you hear what the old Taoist said just now? This old boy is still thinking about his first love more than ten or twenty years later!" "The best thing is the thing you can't get!"

"I also agree to let Lao Yang wait for his first love to come back!"

"Let the two of them be tied together, but don't let Lao Yang come out and harm the blind date women who are serious about getting married!"

"Ahem...what if? What if the woman doesn't get divorced and doesn't return to China? Who else is he waiting for?"

"Then I'll be single! In his situation, whoever he marries will be harming someone!"

"If you pretend to be someone else in your heart and then marry someone you don't like, will this marriage last?"

Barrage after barrage flashed across the screen.

At this time, Yang Qing was a little abnormal.

When he listened to Lu Heng talk about the future before, he would get some feedback on his expression.

Such as being dumbfounded, being surprised, or scratching one's head.

But now?

There was no expression on his face.

A pair of eyes also lost focus, and I didn’t know what I was thinking.

After more than ten minutes, Yang Qing's eyes finally regained some brilliance.

He didn't pay attention to the barrages, but looked directly at Lu Heng.

"Old... old Taoist priest..."

He hesitated, but finally said: "Old Taoist Priest, are you sure she will divorce?"


Lu Heng nodded slightly and softly uttered a word.

He was sure that Yang Qing's first love would get divorced.

As for why?
Very simple!

Because Yang Qing's first love could not bear the domestic violence and cheating of her foreign husband all the time.

No matter what deviations occur in the future, this woman will most likely choose divorce.

"That's fine...that's fine..."

Hearing this answer, a smile appeared on Yang Qing's face.

What he was waiting for was this answer!

After waiting for so many years, he also waited for his answer.

After a moment of silence, Yang Qing spoke again: "Old Taoist Master, thank you for your advice."

"Next, I won't go on a blind date."

"I understand now that I have never been able to let go of her, so when we go on a blind date, I always compare the girl on the blind date with her."

"This is very unfair to the woman on the blind date."

"But I can't control myself and think about her."

"Now with your advice, I have decided to give up going on a blind date and pursue her again!"

Speaking of this, Yang Qing's face was filled with hope.

This appearance was in sharp contrast to the initial decadence and loneliness.

"Go ahead, I hope you can get together in the end!"

Lu Heng replied with a smile.

He thought to himself, there are really not many licking dogs like Yang Qing!

After more than ten years, there is really no one who can still lick so weakly!

However, in the future he had seen before, Yang Qing's first love may not have the intention to accept Yang Qing again after returning to China after divorce.

Therefore, he sincerely offered his blessings.

(End of this chapter)

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