Chapter 524 Loves to eat big bananas

Unexpectedly, these sand sculpture water friends have a sense of justice!
Under everyone's righteous siege, the senior college student left the live broadcast room in despair.

Lu Heng also said at this time: "Okay, the time has come!"

“You don’t have to give gifts now!”

"Let's start drawing two lucky water friends tonight..."

Upon hearing this, the water friends immediately stopped typing and waited for the birth of two lucky water friends tonight.

Lu Heng lightly clicked the lottery draw button in the live broadcast room.

In just the blink of an eye, two lucky water friends were drawn out.

He glanced at the names of the two water friends and said with a smile: "Let us congratulate 'Big Banana Lover' and 'Lolly Love Lollipop' for becoming the lucky water friends tonight!"

The water friends naturally gave warm applause to the birth of these two lucky people.

"Bah bang bang...welcome welcome...warm welcome!"

"Just by looking at the names of these two lucky water friends, you can tell that they are people who can make things happen!"

“It’s still the same, I didn’t win, but I’m even happier!”

“Watching other people’s fun makes you naturally happier than others watching your own fun!”

"I hope these two lucky water friends can keep up their efforts and do some good work for the water friends!"

"Brothers, have you noticed that the prices of snacks have increased recently?"

"I've discovered it a long time ago. When I used to watch the old Taoist Master's live broadcast, I also had some snacks, dried fruits and so on. Now I just drink tea."

"Mad! It's understandable that the prices of bulk commodities have increased, and your snacks have followed suit. But even if the prices of bulk commodities have dropped, the price of food will not drop, you are a profiteer!"

"When the price of pork increased before, our roujiamo, tenderloin patties, etc. all increased by one or two yuan. Now, even though the price of pork has dropped, the prices of these items have not dropped."

"It took a lot of effort to make some money, but can it be lowered for you? Just dream!"

"Everything is rising, but wages have been stable without any ups and downs."

"Not necessarily! I have always been fined by the company for reasons, and the fines have made me give up my job."

“As wages rise, consumption also rises. If wages don’t rise, consumption continues to rise… It’s helpless.”

"If a businessman makes money, how can he spit it out to you?"

"Only my value has fallen instead of rising!"

"Ooooooo, I'm crying, brother!"

Lu Heng looked at the barrage flashing on the phone screen.

Looking at the topics everyone was discussing, some started to go off the rails.

Lu Heng had no choice but to speak out again: "Let's invite the first lucky water friend tonight - 'Big Banana Lover'!"

After saying that, he sent an invitation to the first lucky water friend tonight.

In less than a minute, Lian Mai's invitation was accepted.

A 27-year-old young man appeared in the live broadcast room.

He is of medium height, and although he has gained some weight, he does not look bloated, but gives people a close feeling.

A very friendly smile filled his round face.

There is a crooked smile in the corner of the eye, which makes people feel happy after looking at it.

"Good evening, little friend!"

"I don't know what to call my little friend?"

Lu Heng asked with a smile.

"Hello, old Taoist priest!"

"My surname is Han, just call me 'Xiao Han'."

The young man also smiled and said his name.

"Okay, little friend Han!"

"I wonder, little friend Han, what do you want me to help you figure out tonight?"

Lu Heng asked again. "that……"

Xiao Han scratched his head and bit his lip again, looking a little hesitant.

But in the end, he made up his mind and said directly: "Old Taoist Master, I would like to ask you to help me calculate my future marriage!"

"of course can!"

Hearing this, Lu Heng nodded slightly and said, "I wonder if little friend Han can tell you about your current situation?"

Xiao Han hesitated for a while, then nodded slightly.


He sighed softly at first, and then recounted with memories on his face: "My current girlfriend and I were introduced through a blind date."

"When we first met, she was still an intern and her monthly salary was only 2000 yuan."

"But just renting a house costs her a thousand and a half."

"Her family, for some reason, didn't support her at all."

"After we established our relationship, I almost shouldered her daily expenses and gave her nearly 3000 yuan every month."

"Later she moved to my place, and she saved her salary by herself."

"But not long after, she asked me for money. It wasn't much, just five hundred."

"I was very confused at the time. You had obviously saved all your salary, so why did you still ask for money from me?"

"After asking, I found out that she lent all the money she had saved to her brother."

"After learning the reason, I was a little reluctant. In such a long relationship, she has never bought me anything."

"She also noticed my displeasure, and we had a quarrel, and we had a cold war for nearly a week."

At this point, Xiao Han couldn't help but sigh again.

At this time, he seemed to have found someone to talk to, and he no longer resisted telling his situation as before.

He continued: "After the Cold War, our relationship returned to what it was before."

"Just half a month ago, we were getting married."

"She told me that she wanted to go home and tell her parents about the wedding, and then she asked me for another five hundred."

"I was preparing to get married at that time, and the cash in my hand was almost spent."

"But even so, I still transferred 500 yuan to her."

"However, this time I briefly talked about the current situation in the prestige."

"Unexpectedly, she had another quarrel with me. She thought that since we are all a family, why not be more comfortable with giving money?"

"You don't even want to give me 500 yuan. Do you still want to get married?"

"Then she started calling me like crazy and wanted to quarrel with me."

"I was driving on the highway and I didn't answer her call."

"After that, she blocked me directly..."

Hearing these stories from Xiao Han, Lu Heng frowned involuntarily.

If all this is as Xiao Han said, then this girl has gone too far.

Xiao Han picked up the water glass on the table and took a big sip to moisten his throat.

Then, he continued: "We were renting a house until we decided to get married."

"It's not that I can't afford it, so let her suffer with me."

"It's just that I bought two houses at that time, both of which were off-plan and have not yet been delivered."

"At home, there are two shops in the shopping mall in the county town, and the economy is pretty good."

"I wanted to tease her at that time, so I told her, if you can lend the money you saved to your brother, can you pay some of it when we rent a house now?"

"After listening to what I said, she told me directly that it was impossible!"

"If she is asked to pay, then she will break up..."

(End of this chapter)

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