Chapter 517 General Schneider
"That's good!"

Tetsuo smiled and nodded.

Although Wenma Monglatch Ong was confident in what he said, he did not believe it completely.

But no matter what, it is better to evacuate the crowd than not to evacuate.

If the monster really eats more people and then grows to hundreds of meters, then there is really nothing he can do.

"Commander Wenma, please prepare a car."

"I'm ready to take action now..."

Tiexiong made his request to Wenma Menglachaon.

"No problem, I'll send someone to prepare an armored vehicle for you!"

Wenma Menglachaon did not hesitate for a moment and nodded directly in agreement.


He glanced at Lieutenant Daniel and the three men standing aside, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Tie, after the monster is injured, a red and white pus will flow out of the wound."

"This pus is volatile and highly toxic. Once you inhale too much, you will feel dizzy."

"So I advise you, Mr. Tie, to bring some gas masks from my side before taking action."

After hearing this, Tie Xiong looked over.

It seems that the reason why the special operations team of Eagle Country was almost wiped out was probably due to inhaling an excessive amount of poisonous gas!
Thinking of this, he said with a smile: "Thank you Commander Wenma for your advice!"

"You are here for our Taran. If there are any special circumstances, I will naturally tell you frankly."

Wenma Mengraja Ong smiled and said.

He was still counting on Tetsuo to get rid of the monster. How could he hide too much?
If he really concealed some circumstances and caused Tie Xiong and others to fail, then he would have no place to cry.

We can't let Yingguo directly drop an H-bomb and destroy Sheng Mei along with it, right?

After receiving the gas masks, Tiexiong and others took the armored transport vehicle arranged by Wenma Mengratchaon and left the headquarters.

"I hope he can take care of the monster!"

Wenma Menglachaweng said silently in his heart.

On the other side, watching the armored vehicles getting further and further away, Consul General Fu stepped forward to shake hands and said: "Commander Wenma, my mission here has been completed."

"Next, according to the requirements of the Banco Embassy, ​​I will leave Shengmai."

"See you later!"

"Goodbye, Consul General Fu!"

Wenma Menglachaweng sighed softly when he heard this.

After sending away Tiexiong, he sent away Consul General Fu.

The people from the Dragon Kingdom have left, but the people from the Eagle Kingdom still stay in the headquarters.

After Lieutenant Daniel returned to the temporary room, he immediately asked his two remaining Eagle Country soldiers to go out and stand guard.

After the two left, he unbuttoned his clothes.

This is a miniature communicator. It had some problems before, but after many adjustments, it finally works now.

"Hey, hey, hey... I'm Daniel..."

"Hello, Lieutenant Daniel! This is Changji Naval Base!"

After Lieutenant Daniel tried calling a few times, the other party finally responded.

"I have important information and require a dedicated line to contact General Schneider!"

Lieutenant Daniel demanded immediately.

"Okay, please wait a moment, Lieutenant Daniel... beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

After beeping for a while, the dedicated line was connected.

"Lieutenant Daniel, I'm Gavin Schneider!"

"What's the situation with you now? Why can't I contact you?"

General Schneider asked a little testily.

Daniel's special operations team was sent out by him.

As a result, this special operations team has been out of contact since arriving in Shengmai.

"General Schneider, due to Tallan's intelligence error, the special operations team I led failed the mission..."

Lieutenant Daniel explained bravely.

He naturally knew how angry General Schneider was at this time.

So when explaining the problem, the blame was directly placed on Taran's side.

"Hmph!" After listening to Lieutenant Daniel's explanation, General Schneider snorted coldly: "Lieutenant Daniel, you need to take full responsibility for the failure of this mission!"

"Take your explanation to the judge of the military court!"

This mission is actually very simple.

After arriving at Shengmai, we will observe the situation of the Tallan monster.

The results of it?
With such a simple task, the entire special operations team was almost wiped out?
"No no no..."

After hearing these words, Lieutenant Daniel started sweating on his forehead.

He quickly continued: "General Schneider, I am willing to atone for my sins!"

"I got an important piece of information from the Talan Northern Shengmai Command..."

"What information?"

General Schneider asked calmly.

"The Dragon Kingdom has sent assistance to Shengmai!"

"And the one who performed the mission this time was still the same Tiexiong..."

Lieutenant Daniel did not dare to hide anything and directly told everything he saw and heard at the headquarters.


"Is that the man from the Dragon Kingdom who gained extraordinary power?"

General Schneider's tone was no longer as cold as before.

Obviously, Lieutenant Daniel's words attracted his interest.

"Yes, that's Tetsuo!"

"I'm pretty sure!"

Lieutenant Daniel lowered his voice and said: "General Schneider, I have a plan..."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now!"

"If this plan succeeds, you will be promoted, my awesome boy!"

After listening to the other party's plan, General Schneider seemed very happy.

On the one hand, he ordered Lieutenant Daniel to stay at the headquarters to collect the latest information on the situation.

On the other hand, he called his subordinates together to study Lieutenant Daniel's plan and fill in the loopholes.

After the plan is complete, it’s time to execute it!

Tiexiong and others left Shengmai in an armored transport vehicle.

Before driving far, everyone in the car smelled an unpleasant smell.

"It's fishy and smelly. What does it smell like?"

Although Tie Shanshan wore a gas mask, she still couldn't stop the smell from entering her nostrils.

This disgusting smell made her stomach churn and she couldn't help but want to vomit something.

"It should be the pus and poisonous gas oozing out from that monster!"

"From now on, this gas mask cannot be taken off!"

"No matter what, we have to wear it on our faces..."

Li Xun remembered the previous warning from Commander Wenma, so he warned the people around him again.


Tie Shanshan responded in a muffled voice.

The other three retired soldiers have much better physical fitness than Tie Shanshan and Li Xun.

Even though the disgusting smell makes people feel uncomfortable, they can still bear it.

At this moment, the driver responsible for driving the armored transport vehicle suddenly stepped on the accelerator.

Li Xun and others almost collided directly with each other due to inertia.

"what happened?"

Tie Shanshan asked hurriedly.

"Let's get out of the car!"

"That monster is right in front..."

Tiexiong replied in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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