Chapter 454 Cheng Wan
"Master Xuan Dao? Master Xuan Xin?"

Li Xun tried calling the other party's name.

The two heads of the humanoid monster showed confusion at first, and then their eyes became clearer.

Seeing this, Li Xun continued: "Master Xuan, Master Xuanxin, I am Li Xun. We have met several times before..."

His call seemed to really have an effect.

Xuantong and Xuanxin frowned slightly and fell into thinking.

"I am Xuantong..."

"How did I become like this?"

Xuantong murmured to himself.

Just as he finished speaking, there was a "bang" sound, and his head exploded instantly, like a watermelon that had been stepped on by an elephant.

Xuanxin on the side saw this and was about to say something.

But there was another loud "bang", and his head exploded, scattering red and white all over the floor.

This scene made Tie Xiong and others dumbfounded.

Li Xun's expression was very embarrassed.

He originally thought he could call back the human reason of Xuantong and Xuanxin.

The result was that their heads exploded!


Tie Shanshan wiped the blood spattered on her face and slowly exhaled, "The only ones left now are Dean Zhang and Sun Jie!"

Team Leader Xu and Captain Fu looked solemn.

Although they haven't seen Sun Jie and Dean Zhang yet, in their hearts, they have already announced their death sentences.

Who said that the root cause of everything tonight lies with these two people?

If the top management of Hemei Hospital hadn't treated ordinary cancer patients as terminal cancer patients for the sake of fame and fortune, how could the series of accidents tonight have happened?

"Let's go!"

"I feel like the truth is about to emerge!"

Tie Xiong took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

In fact, tonight, he felt unprecedentedly frustrated.

He originally thought that after gaining the power of his original blood, he could do something great.

But now it seems that he is still weak!
Hearing this, the others nodded and followed Tie Xiong's footsteps up the stairs to the sixth floor.

The inpatient department of Hemei Hospital has only six floors in total.

This is the highest and final level.

The mastermind behind the scenes is hidden on this floor!
The truth also remains on this level!
After a few people arrived on the sixth floor, their eyes suddenly lit up, and the originally empty sixth floor suddenly became crowded with people.

"Nurse, may I ask where the oncology department is?"

"Doctor, how is my wife's condition?"

"My brother is vomiting blood again, doctor! Doctor!"

"Ms. Nurse, my dad is lying on the bed again. I need your help to clean up."

"I've finished injecting the vial, please help me take out the needle!"

"How do you take this medicine? How many times a day, how many times at a time?"

"Can my disease still be cured?"

"Doctor, I beg you, please save my wife quickly..."

The scene that appeared in front of Tiexiong and others seemed to be the daily life of Harmony Hospital.

"Is this a hallucination?"

"Why does it feel like the real thing?"

Tie Shanshan said in confusion.

After saying that, she walked carefully to a patient and touched the patient with her finger.

Her fingers went straight through the patient, proving that everything in front of her was an illusion.

At this moment, two female doctors came towards them.

One is about thirty years old, with a graceful figure and a young woman's temperament.

The other one is about 24 years old, wearing a pair of glasses, his eyes are clear and stupid.

"Xiao Wan, I have something to do tonight, so please help me with the night shift!"

"When you work the night shift tomorrow, I will hang out with you..." the young woman said with a smile.

"No problem, Sister Yu!"

The bespectacled female doctor heard this and nodded happily.

"Cheng...Cheng Wan?"

Team Leader Xu's eyes instantly locked on the bespectacled female doctor, and then he exclaimed.

The same is true for several others.

They had read relevant reports before and knew that the shady story of Hemei Hospital was exposed by Taoist Priest Shenxian after a young female doctor named "Cheng Wan" committed suicide.

It can be said that if it weren't for Cheng Wan, this long-hidden shady story would have lasted until the next person exposed it.

Everyone's eyes were locked directly on Cheng Wan.

Time passed quickly.

It was bustling with people just now, but it suddenly became quiet and quiet again.

After Cheng Wan said hello to the other doctor on duty, she began to inspect the wards at night.

When she returned from her inspection, she discovered that she had lost her office key.

After searching to no avail, she called another doctor on duty.

Unfortunately, the place where the phone rang was in the office.

Cheng Wan shook her head helplessly and had to turn around to look for the other party...

Seeing this extremely familiar scene, Team Leader Xu suddenly took a breath.

Isn't this what Cheng Wan went through before committing suicide?

as predicted!

Next, Cheng Wan met Sun Jie, the vice president who suddenly returned to the hospital.

And Sun Jie began to have an affair with Zhang Hongjie, director of the oncology department.

"What a hot eye!"

Tie Shanshan, who was equivalent to watching a short movie live, couldn't help but complain.

"Close your eyes!"

"Is this something kids can watch?"

As a father, Tetsuo spoke in time.

"I'm not a child anymore!"

Hearing this, Tie Shanshan curled her lips, but still followed her father's words and closed her eyes.

But when she closed her eyes, she still left a small gap.

After the short movie in the office ended, Sun Jie asked with a smile while getting dressed: "How is Song Feifei's condition?"


Zhang Hongjie lit a cigarette and continued with a smile: "I'm going to operate on her next month."

"According to the normal plan, she will continue to be hospitalized for half a year."

"But who told me to receive a phone call yesterday?"

Sun Jie heard this and asked curiously: "What's the phone number?"

"A secretary from Wuhai Group called."

"It seems that their chairman also suffered from lung cancer and asked me what the chances are that it can be cured."

Zhang Hongjie said with a seductive look on his face.

After hearing this, Sun Jie nodded with great satisfaction, and then said: "Then arrange for Song Feifei to have surgery as soon as possible."

"After all, she is just an ordinary tumor, so the treatment will be over soon."

"We must not let her delay the chairman of Wuhai Group!"

Zhang Hongjie smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know."

The next conversation between the two was about how to use the "cancer treatment project" to further build the reputation of Hemei Hospital and gain more cancer patients.

After Tie Xiong and others heard this conversation, their faces turned white with anger and their teeth clenched.

They have witnessed the evil of human nature.

For fame and fortune, Sun Jie and others will do anything they can!

No, it should be said that this type of people are no longer worthy of being called human beings!

(End of this chapter)

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