Chapter 426 is too difficult to handle!
"woo woo woo woo……"

"Xiaowan, Xiaowan, why are you so stupid?"

"What's the matter? Why don't you tell me?"

"You obviously know that I will bear everything with you..."

After hearing this, Xiao Chen burst into tears instantly.

Seeing Xiao Chen in such pain, the water friends felt very uncomfortable and could understand his pain at this time.

"Oh, Cheng Wan is such a good girl!"

"It's a pity that good people don't live long!"

"Haha! What's the use of being a good person? Cheng Wan couldn't resist the condemnation in her heart and wanted to be a good person, but she was forced to death by Hemei Hospital!"

"You can't say that! Cheng Wan's intention is good, but it's a pity that she thinks too much!"

"Judging from the current media situation, if she directly exposes it, Harmony Hospital may not be able to cover the sky with one hand!"

"I have to say, that vice-president is so audacious that he dared to forge medical records!"

"These scum! Scum! Bastards! They simply don't deserve to be called doctors!"

"No wonder Hemei Hospital has become more and more famous in the treatment of cancer in the past three years. It turns out there is such a big trick behind it!"

"Diagnosing benign tumors as malignant tumors and then curing them to gain fame is such a trick!"

"Male Gobi, I'm going to call and report this damn hospital right now!"

"Let's all go together, we must not let Cheng Wan die in vain!"

"Yes, yes, let's go to report to Hemei Hospital together! Let's see if they can really cover up the sky with one hand!"

"Water friends, work together to kill these scum who are cheating and deceiving society!"

Of course, there is no need to ask about the position of water friends.

Everyone unanimously stood on Cheng Wan's side, that is, on Zheng Yi's side.

Who made Hemei Hospital go so far?

It was a deliberate misdiagnosis, a fraud, and it forced Cheng Wan to commit suicide...

If these damn bastards don't die, who will?
On the other side, after crying bitterly, Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and asked with red eyes: "Old Taoist Priest, those bastards killed Xiao Wan, how can we get them to the punishment they deserve? "


"Big shot!"

Lu Heng stated two conditions slowly.

"If you want to prove that it was the vice president of Hemei Hospital and others who forced Cheng Wan to death, you must provide sufficient evidence."

"Although Cheng Wan knows what happened, she doesn't have any real evidence."

"However, if we only have evidence, we don't care about ruining these people's reputations."

"You also have to find a big shot with enough weight to help and help you speak out."

"Only when the evidence and the big shots are complete can it be what you think..."

From Cheng Wan’s experience, it is not difficult to find that behind Harmony Hospital is Harmony Medical Group.

The power of Harmony Medical Group is quite huge.

Just as the vice president said, any member of the group's board of directors can stir up troubles.

With such a huge influence, if he does not have enough power to speak out for Xiao Chen, even if he has enough evidence, it will still be of no avail.

And maybe, Harmony Medical Group will backhand you with a false accusation and frame-up.But how difficult is it to find enough evidence and find a big shot who is willing to speak out for justice?

The vice president of Hemei Hospital and others dared to deliberately misdiagnose and falsify medical records, how could they act on their own initiative?

Behind the bold behavior of these people, there should be the tacit support of the dean and even the group directors.

If he wants to compete with the entire Hemei Medical Group, Xiao Chen simply cannot do it!
More importantly, once the content of today's live broadcast spreads online, the vice dean and others will definitely destroy all evidence.

Although Cheng Wan understood the truth of the incident, she did not know how many cancer patients who participated in the "cancer treatment project" in the past were deliberately misdiagnosed.

At present, only "Song Feifei" meets this condition.

If the vice president, director of the oncology department and others act in a hurry, they might find an excuse to silence "Song Feifei" and then take the body for cremation.

In this case, there will be no evidence whatsoever.

No matter how capable you are, you can't tell whether a person has cancer from a pile of ashes, right?
"Evidence, evidence..."

After listening to Lu Heng's words, Xiao Chen kept mumbling the word "evidence" in his mouth.

He was not a doctor at Hemei Hospital, so how could he have access to real evidence?
At this time, he finally realized the powerlessness his girlfriend felt when she was alive.

Without evidence, how could it be possible to get the vice president and others to plead guilty?
How can we defeat such a huge Hemei Hospital without evidence?
Without evidence, there really is nothing!
Even if everything he said was true, so what?

Without the support of evidence, how can the relevant departments launch relevant investigations?
After thinking for a while, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a headache.

Finally, his eyes fell on Lu Heng.

He asked: "Old Taoist Priest, you know everything, and you are a well-known big shot in our country!"

"Once you confirm it, the relevant departments will believe it, right?"

Hearing this, Lu Heng shook his head helplessly and said: "Although I think I am accurate, I can't provide evidence."

"Perhaps the relevant departments will believe me and launch an investigation into Hemei Hospital."

"But if there is no evidence, how can we convict those people?"

Are you kidding me?
As the saying goes, "catch the traitor and the couple, and the thief and the stolen goods"!
There is no actual evidence. Even if he invites relevant departments to investigate Hemei Hospital, what will happen?
Will Harmony Hospital honestly admit its crime?

Certainly not!
So, without enough evidence, everything is nonsense!
Even if he is willing to be the big shot who speaks out for Cheng Wan!
When the water friends heard Lu Heng's words, they also nodded and began to send barrages to express their opinions.

"The old Taoist priest is right. Without evidence, there is no way to convict those people."

"Even if the relevant departments launch an investigation, what can they do if there is not enough evidence?"

"Then if the deputy dean destroys all the evidence, wouldn't Cheng Wan's death be in vain?"

"Alas! The difficulty lies in the evidence!"

"Indeed, if Cheng Wan could find evidence, he wouldn't be forced to commit suicide."

"I think this evidence should be in the hands of the hospital's senior officials. How about arresting them first?"

"Are you stupid? You just arrest people without any evidence?"

"What if they sit on the confession chair and are willing to confess everything?"

"Then if they refuse to admit it, wouldn't it be a slap in the face to themselves?"

"This matter is too difficult to handle!"

"How could an outsider like Xiao Chen collect evidence?"

"Can we go find those cancer patients who have recovered?"

"This is a way, but except for the people at Hemei Hospital, who knows the current situation of these people?"

(End of this chapter)

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