Chapter 403 Tie Shanshan

At the junction of Minma Kain State and Dragon Kingdom, there is a dense mountain forest that stretches as far as the eye can see and is full of dangerous atmosphere.

Here, sunlight can barely penetrate the dense canopy of trees, and only a faint ray of light shines on the ground.

Leaves and vines intertwine to form a green wall, blocking the view of the outside world.

The ground is covered with thick leaves, hiding countless poisonous insects and snakes.

Even locals from nearby villages are unwilling to go deep into the dense forest.

Once you are accidentally bitten by a poisonous snake or insect hiding in the dark, the only thing waiting for you is death.

But today, a group of people suddenly broke into this dangerous jungle.

There were seven of them in total, four men and three women.

Their clothes had long been torn and torn from walking in the woods for a long time.

Everyone's face was full of exhaustion, and they were breathing heavily.

But even so, they still gritted their teeth and moved forward with all their strength.

"Shanshan, I can't do it anymore!"

"You'd better leave me behind!"

"I can't drag you all down!"

At this time, a young man with a strip of cloth wrapped around his thigh suddenly spoke.

His injuries were already serious, and the original white strip of cloth had already been soaked with blood.

The pain during the action made his face turn frighteningly pale, and sweat like soybean grains kept sliding down his face.

The injured young man was supported by a man and a woman next to him.

After hearing his words, the short-haired girl on the left frowned and said, "Zhang Shuai, if you hold on for a little longer, we won't abandon you."

"It's better for me to carry him!"

After seeing the pain of the injured young man, the short-haired young man on the right suggested.

"Shanshan, come and help me!"

As he spoke, the short-haired young man bent down.

With the help of the short-haired girl, he finally prepared the injured young man.

The two girls walking in the middle saw this and stepped forward to help.

The two young men at the front showed a hint of impatience at this time.

Because of the injured young man, the group of people who were originally moving at a slow speed were now much slower.

"If you ask me, I should have left Zhang Shuai where he was."

"With him on our back now, can we still escape?"

Among the two young men, one with a rounder face complained unhappily.

"Yes...I'm sorry...I've dragged everyone down!"

After hearing the complaint, the injured young man, Zhang Shuai, apologized with guilt on his face.

The short-haired girl on the side raised her eyebrows and said with great dissatisfaction: "Kong Lin, Zhang Shuai was injured not because of you?"

"If you hadn't insisted on catching the rabbit, how could we have been exposed?"

"I've been eating wild vegetables for several days!"

"Is it wrong to want to catch a rabbit and eat it?"

The round-faced young man Kong Lin said in anger.

"Forget it, everyone is on their own, stop arguing!"

Another long-faced young man gave Kong Lin a look to signal him not to argue.


Kong Lin gave his companion some face, snorted coldly, and then stopped making any sound.

"With Zhang Shuai and those three women dragging us down, I'm afraid we will be overtaken by Wu Xinhua's people soon."

The long-faced young man lowered his voice.

"Yeah, yeah, brother Qiao, you're right!"

When Kong Lin heard this, he nodded repeatedly in agreement.

"So, it's best for the two of us to leave this team, return home early, and then find someone to rescue them later."

The long-faced young man, Brother Qiao, said in a low voice.

"Brother Qiao, why not bring Xie Bing with you?"

"This boy knows how to hunt and is familiar with this kind of mountain and forest terrain."

"With him leading the way, we will definitely be able to escape."

Kong Lin scratched his head and replied. "no!"

Brother Qiao shook his head very decisively, and then explained: "Xie Bing likes that Cao Rui, and Cao Rui is good friends with Tie Shanshan."

"If we tell Xie Bing, Tie Shanshan and the others will definitely know."

"This way, we can't even think about leaving!"

"Uh...Brother Qiao, what you said makes sense..."

Kong Lin glanced sideways at Xie Bing, who was carrying someone behind him, and nodded.

At the same time, Xie Bing, who was carrying Zhang Shuai on his back, could no longer bear it.

Big beads of sweat pitter-pattered to the ground along his cheeks.

His breathing became more and more rapid.

Traveling in this kind of mountainous terrain is inherently very energy-consuming.

Now carrying another person on his back, the energy consumed has increased several times.

Even Xie Bing, who grew up in the countryside and was used to working and going up the mountains, was a little unable to hold on at this time.

"Let's rest for a while!"

Tie Shanshan saw that Xie Bing's energy was about to be exhausted, so she quickly suggested.

"Thank you, let's take a rest!"

Cao Rui and another girl also spoke together.

"All right!"

After Xie Bing hesitated for a moment, he finally nodded in agreement.

Kong Lin and Brother Qiao in front heard this and exchanged glances with each other.

They knew the time had come to break away from this encumbrance.

"Shanshan, Xie Bing, you can rest here now."

"Kong Lin and I went to the front to look for water and food..."

Brother Qiao turned around and walked to Tie Shanshan and others with a smile on his face.

Tie Shanshan glanced at him, as if she had guessed the other person's intention, her face looked a little unhappy.

Xie Bing on the side smiled and nodded: "Okay, then it's all down to you, Brother Qiao!"

"It's okay, we are all our own people, as we should!"

Brother Qiao replied with a smile.

Then, he waved to Kong Lin in front of him.

Kong Lin understood the situation, waved goodbye to Tie Shanshan and others, and quickly disappeared into the forest with Brother Qiao.

After seeing the two people disappear, Tie Shanshan frowned and said: "These two bastards must have discussed it and planned to leave us here and run away!"


Hearing this, Cao Rui said with some disbelief: "Brother Qiao is in the park and takes good care of us all."

"There is also Kong Lin. Although he gets angry easily, he is still a pretty good person."

"Ha ha!"

Hearing her friend's words, Tie Shanshan sneered and said, "You know people, you know faces, but you don't know hearts!"

"I bet they won't come back."

Xie Bing, who was breathing heavily, glanced at the direction in which the two disappeared and agreed: "It is indeed the same as Shanshan said."

"They've gone far and won't come back."

Seeing that both Tie Shanshan and Xie Bing said this, Cao Rui and the others had nothing to say.

The three of them sighed softly, the feeling in their hearts was indescribable.

When they first escaped from the park, how united and friendly were the seven of them?

As a result, when they were about to flee back to the country, everyone fell apart.

"Don't worry, Ruirui!"

"I will not abandon you."

Tie Shanshan glanced at her friend and comforted her with a smile.

"Me too!"

Xie Bing on the side also nodded vigorously.


Cao Rui smiled sweetly and felt much better...

(End of this chapter)

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