Chapter 175 Is That Immortal Daoist?
Taking advantage of Li Hui's rush, Xiao Sun leaned over to hide, and went directly behind him.

Then he went up and kicked Li Hui's ass fiercely, kicking him like a dog.

"CNM! I'll kill you!"

Li Hui's eyes were red and his face was full of anger.

He quickly got up from the ground, bared his teeth and claws, and rushed towards Xiaosun again.

Seeing his ferocious appearance, Xiao Sun immediately panicked, subconsciously took a step back, and retreated himself to a corner.

"No, what are you doing?"

"Can't you all have something to say?"

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be crazy, the burly young man frowned suspiciously.

When Li Hui was about to throw Xiao Sun to the ground, he took a step forward and grabbed Li Hui's collar directly.

Compared with Xiaosun's size, Li Hui is fat and strong, more than a circle bigger.

But in front of the burly young man, Li Hui looked short and fat.

In terms of strength, Li Hui, who was obese and frail, was even more incomparable.

Taking advantage of this time, Xiao Sun hurried out and hid behind the burly young man.

"Fuck! Old Song, what are you doing grabbing me?"

"This little bastard stole my phone!"

"Release me quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Li Hui shouted more and more angrily.

Seeing that the phone can be snatched back, but someone suddenly stabbed it horizontally and made the cooked duck fly away. Who would not be angry if it was replaced by this?
"What are you two still doing in a daze? Why don't you come over and hold Li Hui down for me?"

The burly young man looked at the other two roommates, and said badly.

The two roommates were watching the excitement. Hearing this, they rushed over and took the place of the burly young man and held down Li Hui.

As the burly young man turned around, he frowned at Xiao Sun and asked in a cold voice, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"You came to our dormitory just to grab Li Hui's phone?"

"Xiao Sun, if you can't tell the reason today, I will go to the head of the department and talk about it tomorrow..."

Xiao Sun didn't panic at all when he heard the words, but instead sneered: "Brother Song, ask Li Hui to see if he dares to speak up?"


Seeing this, Li Hui rolled his eyes again and again.

He is not a fool, seeing that Xiao Sun is so calm, he already guessed that something happened!
Does he still dare to say it?

Don't dare!
Li Hui pursed his lips and lowered his head, thinking of a way to break the situation.

Seeing him pretending to be cowardly, the burly young man immediately understood.

This black fat man must have caused trouble outside!
Otherwise, how could there be such a big commotion just now, but now they can't even let out a fart.

"Xiao Sun, come and tell Brother Song, what's going on?"

The burly young man looked at Xiao Sun again, and his tone softened immediately.

Xiao Sun gritted his teeth and said, "This bastard bastard not only cheated on the Internet, but also cheated me of 5000 yuan!"

Internet fraud?

5000 yuan?

Hearing this, the burly young man couldn't help but gasped.

Good guy!
This Li Hui is really courting death!

The other two roommates also had shocked expressions on their faces.

In their impression, although Li Hui looked a little wretched and greasy, he usually had a pretty good personality.

So the relationship between everyone is still very good.

Otherwise, Xiao Sun would not have gotten so close to Li Hui.

But no one would have thought that this Li Hui would secretly engage in online fraud, and even deceived his own friends?
Rabbits still don't eat grass at the edge of the nest!
You lie to your friends directly, isn't that too inhuman?

Thinking of this, the two of them exerted their strength together, causing Li Hui to gasp in pain.

"You're wronged, Old Song!"

"I have no idea what he's talking about!"

"It can't be that he said that I cheated money, so I cheated money, right?"

Li Hui hastily argued.

It's a pity, the appearance he showed at this time is so guilty that he can't be more guilty, even a fool can see the clues.

"I came to you tonight, so I must have the evidence."

"Why are you still quibbling here?"

Xiao Sun sneered, and took out the cell phone that Li Hui had found under Li Hui's bed just now.

It's just that when he pressed the power button, he found that there was actually a combination lock on it.


For a moment, Xiao Sun was stunned.

This shit can't be opened, how can you prove that there is something wrong with the other party?
"The man is right in front of you, use his fingerprint to unlock it!"

Lu Heng in the live broadcast room, after witnessing the whole process, said softly.

"Oh oh oh!"

Only then did Xiao Sun come to his senses, and asked the burly young man, "Brother Song, do you know which finger this kid used to use to unlock his phone?"

"I know!"

The burly young man immediately understood what Xiao Sun meant.

He turned around and walked in front of Li Hui, expressionlessly said: "Li Hui, prove that your time has come."

"If you think you're innocent, unlock your phone and let's see what's going on."

"If Xiaosun is deliberately slandering you, then I will go to the head of the department tomorrow and give him a serious punishment!"


Li Hui's face turned red.

He is a guilty conscience, how dare he unlock his phone?
"Then let me help you!"

"I remember you used your right thumb a lot, didn't you?"

Seeing this, the burly young man reached out and grabbed Li Hui's right hand.

Li Hui struggled hard, trying to break free from the grasp of the two roommates.

But the harder he tried, the more the two of them knew that there was something wrong with him, they gritted their teeth and refused to let go.

Pulled by each other, the puffy Li Hui was quickly defeated.

The burly young man grabbed his right hand and unlocked the phone in Xiao Sun's hand.

"Hey! You fat black man, how dare you lie to me!"

After Xiao Sun scolded, he happily started looking for evidence.

"Don't look for it, I admit that I lied to you!"

"I thought the scam was pretty good, how did you realize you were scammed?"

Li Hui was dejected and didn't struggle anymore.

He directly confessed his crime, but he was a little curious about how Xiao Sun, who had a love IQ of zero, suddenly became smarter.

"You should all have heard of the Immortal Daoist of Fighting Tiger Live, right?"

"Tonight, I was lucky enough to be drawn by the Taoist priest, and I counted my fate. Only then did I realize that I was deceived by that bastard Li Hui!"

Xiao Sun took out his mobile phone, turned off the bluetooth mode, and shook it in front of everyone.

"It's actually that immortal Taoist priest?"

The burly young man glanced at it, then grinned and said, "Master Dao, I'm also your fan!"

"If I hadn't just sent my girlfriend back to the dormitory, I would definitely be watching your live broadcast now!"

Hearing this, the water friends in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Good guy! Our Daoist's fans are everywhere!"

"What's the point? Almost the entire department of my university watches the live broadcast of the Taoist priest!"

"My father and mother have become Daoist fans now."

"I don't think it will be long before we meet anyone in the Dragon Country, and they will all be friends in the Daoist's live broadcast room."

"Tomorrow I'll go on a blind date and ask the other party if they know about our Taoist leader!"

"If you're not a Daoist fan, then let's divide up quickly, those who don't have a common language..."

(End of this chapter)

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