Chapter 140 Fighter Offline
The last chapter was blocked because of too much interaction with the leaders. After the change, the pronouns were changed. Everyone knows what's going on.
After the brigade commander and the headquarters completed the radio communication, Zhang Shijie took the brigade commander back to the alternate airport again.

"Zhang Ning, pull out all our planes as the background, and take a photo with my elder brother!"

"Yes! Captain!"

Afterwards, Zhang Ning ordered the ground crew to pull the plane out of the hangar and park it in a row on the apron.

The sight of dozens of planes lined up in a row brought great visual shock to the brigade commander, but then he heard Zhang Shijie say: "We will have more planes in the future, and we will let the little devils know what is overwhelming Pressure!"

The brigade commander nodded when he heard the words, stood with Zhang Shijie, and took a photo with Zhang Shijie with his back to the plane behind him and a smooth runway.

The next day, the brigade commander returned to the brigade headquarters of the 386th Brigade with the teachers of the Artillery and Air Defense Academy dispatched by Zhang Shijie to the Eighth Route Army with various emotions. Along with them returned were various artillery teaching equipment provided by Zhang Shijie.

The teaching equipment mentioned by Zhang Shijie includes nine Type 9 54mm howitzers, two artillery directors, and supporting teaching materials, ammunition, vehicles, etc.

At this time, the brigade commander was sitting in the vehicle supported by Zhang Shijie, happy and worried at the same time.

The things that his brother Zhang gave are good, but it is really hot to hold so many high-value weapons and equipment in his hands for nothing!
"Where can I find some compensation for Comrade Zhang?"

The core area of ​​Dagushan Base.

Zhang Ning watched the brigade commander lead the convoy away, and asked Zhang Shijie: "Regiment commander, are we giving these equipment to the Eighth Route Army for nothing?"

Zhang Shijie said indifferently when he heard the words: "Actually, I want to give it away for nothing. What we give is the allowance for equipment procurement. But I want to give it away for nothing. The Eighth Route Army can't take it for nothing. I don't know the Eighth Route Army. What will you give us next time?"

After such a long period of contact, the relationship between the Red Police Force and the Eighth Route Army has almost become a family.Except for Zhang Shijie's most secret core area, the entire Dagushan base area is already defenseless between the two sides.

Regarding the close equipment exchange between the two sides, Zhang Shijie never raised money from the Eighth Route Army, nor did the brigade commander.

But every time Zhang Shijie delivered weapons and equipment to the Eighth Route Army, the brigade commander would look around for Jin Dayang to fill in the shortfall for Zhang Shijie.

Everyone is an adult, and the brigade commander knows very well that none of the equipment and materials are blown by the strong wind!Although Zhang Shijie never mentioned money, the brigade commander knew it well.

For the brigade commander, Zhang Shijie's support plan this time is actually very difficult.

After all, unlike the light weapons and equipment Zhang Shijie gave before, the equipment Zhang Shijie gave this time is too expensive!

The value of nine 9mm caliber howitzers is already more than a heavy artillery battalion with a bald head, not to mention that Zhang Shijie also provided a complete set of teaching equipment!

These things cannot even be bought by the Eighth Route Army!

"This time, I owe you a lot of favors!"

On the other side, both the bald head and Yan Laoxi sent heralds to the Ping'an County area to look for Zhang Shijie's Ping'an County Security Team.

Because Zhang Shijie, in order to confuse the little devils after going through the cold gun campaign, deliberately moved the communication unit that sent the telegram to the Pingan County area first, and then sent the telegram.

As a result, the bald head, Yan Laoxi, the little devil and other forces all thought that the activity area of ​​Zhang Shijie's Ping'an County Security Corps was near Ping'an County****** An County Security Corps sent a telegram near Ping'an County, and sent people to find .

There was nothing wrong with it.

But because Zhang Shijie, the sixth child, not only deceived the little devil, but also deceived "his own people"!
So now Ping'an County is full of bald search personnel and intelligence agencies of little devils.

But even after staying in Ping'an County for so long, there was still no trace of the Ping'an County Security Corps.

And Zhang Shijie returned to 2018 again with the purchase list recorded by Zhang Ning and others.

Seeing Sun Zhipeng again, Zhang Shijie couldn't help feeling that the plan was not as fast as the change.Zhang Shijie, who originally thought that there would be no large-scale procurement plan in the short term, never expected that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

At this time, in an aircraft factory in Bingcheng, with the successful development of the engine requested by Zhang Shijie, Wu Yue re-mapped and improved the P51, Il-10, and Mosquito bombers that were equipped in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Piston engine aircraft officially rolled off the assembly line.

Fortunately, when Zhang Shijie proposed these three aircrafts, he considered the design cost of remanufacturing, so Zhang Shijie formulated these three aircrafts as the main models of the Eighth Route Army Air Force equipment in the future when Zhang Shijie made the request.

Zhang Shijie's decision greatly reduced the time and cost of the entire aircraft design and construction.

However, due to the replacement of engines and weaponry, the designers of the military industry still made certain modifications to the construction of the aircraft.


The new engine is smaller and has an output of 2300 horsepower.This allows Zhang Shijie's newly ordered aircraft to be equipped with more powerful weapon systems and a larger combat radius.



Since the Mosquito bomber had high-speed defense penetration as the main design goal in its initial design, it was only equipped with one 1mm cannon and varying numbers of 23mm machine guns according to operational mission requirements.

The reason why Zhang Shijie strictly required these types of aircraft to be uniformly equipped with 23mm machine guns and 12.7*108mm machine guns is to maximize the unification of the logistics force of the Eighth Route Army Air Force in the future.

The ammunition of the 23mm machine gun is not only equipped in large quantities in China, but also has an inherent advantage in the procurement of ammunition, and the ammunition of this machine gun is also common with the ammunition of the 85-type double 23mm machine gun of the air defense company of the Red Police Battalion.

The size of all 12.7 mm caliber weapons and ammunition equipped by the entire Red Police Force is 12.7*108 mm caliber.

This means that the air force's ammunition logistics supply selected by Zhang Shijie can be used in common with the army. No matter where the air force's aircraft are in any synthetic battalion's defense area, the support company of the synthetic battalion can provide ammunition supplies and a series of job security.

If the original weapons and equipment were still used, then Zhang Shijie would have to prepare at least two sets of ammunition production equipment and two sets of supply systems.

After all, the versatility of weapons and ammunition is not like games. One caliber of ammunition can satisfy all the weapons of this caliber. The size indicators of ammunition include not only the caliber of the bullet, but also the length of the shell, the type of primer, and the angle of the cone.


If Zhang Shijie equips the plane with the original 12.7*99 aviation machine gun, it will cause the logistics supply system of the army and the air force to be parallel.Once there is an emergency, you can only stare blankly.


This is unacceptable to the fledgling Red Police Force and the poor Eighth Route Army!

Wu Yue looked at the newly rolled off-line aircraft, and said to the engineer beside him, "Gong Li, calculate the cost of our engine design and mass production this time, and I will ask someone to reimburse it later!"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Yue received a call from Zhang Shijie.

"Look, Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, and the person who reimbursed us is here!" Wu Yue said to the engineer again, then turned around and walked to the corner to answer Zhang Shijie's call.

"Brother Zhang, it's a coincidence that you came sooner than later! I was just about to call you to tell you a surprise and you came back! What? You brought a new purchase item? Okay! I'm also in Ice City. I'll pick you up first, and we'll talk about new purchases after you've finished watching the surprises. Okay, see you later!"

After Wu Yue hung up the phone, he asked the people from Bingcheng Aircraft Manufacturing Factory to arrange a test flight, and then asked his assistant Zhao Lei to drive to pick up Zhang Shijie.

Due to the replacement of new engines, all three aircrafts have to undergo flight tests.The modified Il-10 and Mosquito bombers are good to say. Basically, they just changed the engine and weapons on the original basis, and did not change the body structure and aerodynamic layout. A few days are enough to test the equipment.

But the improved p51 will not work!
Since the improved p51 has been changed to a forward-swept wing, the aerodynamic layout of the entire aircraft has changed, so the entire test flight process will last a little longer in order to collect more flight data and improve the performance parameters of the entire aircraft.

As for the combat performance of these types of aircraft, Wu Yue is not worried about it!
What are you kidding? In 2018, the World War II aircraft reformed by China will worry about performance issues?
This is really a bit of a shame.

So in the test flight base of the Bingcheng Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, the three aircrafts flew into the air in full view, and began to conduct various test flights.

This kind of old aircraft does not need to be kept secret even if it is modified. This test flight has become the easiest test flight project of Bingcheng Aircraft Factory since its establishment.

(End of this chapter)

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