Chapter 153
back home.

Chen Chuanwang saw his grandparents sitting in the yard with the peaches he brought back and half a watermelon on the table.

"Did you buy watermelon?"

"That's right, the watermelon at home hasn't grown up yet." Grandpa nodded and asked Chen Chuanwang to sit down: "Where did you buy this peach? It's so big... it cost a lot of money, right?"

Chen Chuanwang said: "A friend gave it to him. His family grows peaches. This is a new variety with a lot of nutrition. Eating it is good for your health."

Grandma said: "Then you eat."

"I've eaten them all. I ate several of them when I was at his house, and I'm tired of them. I brought them back for you. Eat them quickly, one for each person. You can't keep this stuff for too long."

Chen Chuanwang said: "I also sent two peaches to my parents, and when the time comes, I will call them and let them each eat one."

He picked up the fruit knife on the table, cut open a peach, and gave the pulp to grandma.

Grandma has bad teeth, so biting a peach is not easy.

Everything is delivered to the mouth, and you can eat it if you don't eat it.

Grandpa also picked up the peach and bit it off.

"Hmm~ It's so sweet, it's really delicious, Awang, do you think this peach pit can grow into a tree?"

Chen Chuanwang was stunned: "I don't know, it should be fine."

Grandpa thought of planting a tree after eating only one mouthful, but he didn't expect this, and it is true, if this peach tree is planted, even if it is not as good as the old tree in Mount Scale, it is at least better than ordinary peaches more.

"Grandpa, after eating the peaches, leave the pits behind. I'll plant them sometime and see if they can germinate."

I cut a piece of watermelon for myself, and my mouth was reddish after eating it.

As Chen Chuanwang ate, he suddenly remembered his wine gourds. Counting the time, the syrup should be ready.

Throwing the watermelon rind to the chicken coop, touching his face by the sink, and washing his hands, Chen Chuanwang thumped upstairs.

In about two months, the surface of the wine gourd has been covered with a layer of dust.

Chen Chuanwang took out the gourd, tore off a piece of paper and wiped it, then shook the gourd gently.

The sound of the liquid sloshing came into my ears. Based on the feel, Chen Chuanwang guessed that there should be only sugar water left in it.

He went to the kitchen, fetched a spoon, opened the gourd, and poured himself a spoon.

Smell the smell, nothing.

Open your mouth and swallow.

So sweet!

This sweetness is very complex, a bit like the sweetness of fruit, but also like honey, and after swallowing, it is like malt sugar.

In short, this thing really cannot be drunk directly, because no one can stand the sweetness.

Chen Chuanwang thought of a word - puree.

No matter what the puree is, the taste is extremely strong, so it needs to be mixed with water or other liquids to drink normally.

Take two demons, Chen Chuanwang first takes half a spoonful, rinses it with hot water, and stirs it evenly with a spoon.

After taking a sip, the sweetness is not too much. If he drinks it, the sweetness is far from enough, but it is enough for grandparents and grandma to drink it.

He also made himself a glass of sugar water, but instead of drinking it directly, he covered it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator.

He is not used to drinking hot water in this hot day.

It is his experience that the heart is cold and the heart is flying.

After bringing out two cups of warm sugar water, Chen Chuanwang said to his grandparents: "My friend gave me honey, you can taste it, I think it's okay."

First it was a very sweet big peach, and now it is honey water, all given by friends.

Grandpa said: "Honey? Could it be peach blossom honey?"

"Uh... I don't know, maybe."

Grandpa picked up the bowl and took a big sip.

Still sweet!

Because it has been mixed with water, it is far inferior to the sweetness of peaches in terms of sweetness, but it has a unique style and complex taste. At the same time, the residual fruit sweetness of peaches in the mouth will not cover the taste of this sugar water.

After Grandpa drank this sip of water, he felt a little hot in his stomach and felt a lot more comfortable.

Grandpa nodded, and said flatteredly: "Tsk~ what a good thing, but it's too sweet, I can't get used to it."

"Is this still sweet?"

Chen Chuanwang thought for a while and said, "You should rinse your mouth first before drinking. Just after eating that peach, your mouth is full of sweetness."

Grandma took small sips to relieve the sweetness in her mouth a little.

"My grandson can only bring us good things when he goes out..."

Chen Chuanwang pouted.

He knew that grandma was showing off, but his grandma's mind was not clear, and she would probably repeat a sentence after she said it, which made people headache after hearing it.

Every time he came back from high school, he was tortured by nagging.

Chen Chuanwang is not a stingy person. If he has something good, he will naturally think of giving it to someone he has a good relationship with.

In the village, the person who has the best relationship with Chen Chuanwang is the second master. Watching him grow up, the dogs he raises basically play with Chen Chuanwang, so the relationship will not be bad no matter what.

The gourd was originally not big, but after being modified by Grandpa Turtle, Chen Chuanwang didn't know how big the internal space was.

He found a small bottle and tried to pour out some puree, but the bottle was full and the weight of the gourd was not much less.

Chen Chuanwang felt at ease, capped the bottle, and took it to the second master's house.


There is a saying that goes well, pets follow their owners.

This short body looks a little like Chen Chuanwang, that is lazy.

It slept under an orange tree, its body rolled into a cake.

The second master's dog, Xiao Huang, couldn't sleep. He was very energetic. He lay on his stomach in the dirt pit that he didn't know whether it was digging by himself or the chicken, tearing the yogurt box in his mouth.

"What are you eating? Ah!"

This sudden sound startled Xiao Huang, he yelled suddenly, swung his butt and turned around, then stopped.

"Call me? You idiot, you don't know anyone!"

Chen Chuanwang stepped forward and patted Xiao Huang on the head lightly.

Xiao Huang stuck out his tongue, and swept his tail back and forth in the pit.

"What were you eating just now?"

"You can't eat indiscriminately, don't you know?"

"Don't eat yourself to death."

Chen Chuanwang wanted to claw off Xiao Huang's front paws, but the puppy was really not happy. It opened its mouth, and when Chen Chuanwang stretched out his hand, it stretched out its head.

This dog is a bit protective of food, but it doesn't really move its mouth.

Chen Chuanwang laughed and scolded, "Open your mouth again, and open your mouth again."

Xiao Huang did not change his nature, and continued to protect the food.

Chen Chuanwang put the bottle aside, pinched Xiao Huang's mouth tube with one hand, and took the opportunity to pull out the yogurt box with the other hand.

"You also eat this stuff?"

"What if you eat the straw?!"

Chen Chuanwang patted Xiao Huang on the head several times to make him remember.

Xiao Huang's ears drooped immediately, but the tail wagging from side to side still proved that the dog was happy.


Shortly after waking up, he yelled softly and rubbed against Chen Chuanwang's arm sideways.

"You little lazy pig."

Stepping on the yogurt box under his feet, Chen Chuanwang pushed Shorty to the ground with both hands swimming on the kitten.


He squinted his eyes for a short while, and let out a snort that represented comfort.

(End of this chapter)

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