Chapter 104
When his feet stepped on the solid ground again, Chen Chuanwang first felt a burst of soreness in his thighs.

When Boss Chu was on his back, it wasn't that he didn't want to stand up, but that after he jumped off the cliff, he was really too scared to stand up.

If it wasn't for his courage, his trousers would have been wet.

He didn't go back to Yuegang, except for a seal, a tortoise shell, and three copper coins, he had nothing on him, so he didn't need to go back.

Yu Shuang must have already made arrangements for the antique shop.

A moment later, the train station.

Chen Chuanwang was sitting in the waiting room, leaning on the chair, his eyelids were clenched.

Although he was used to staying up late, staying up all night was different. When he was on the mountain, he was in good spirits, but when he was free, Chen Chuanwang was sleepy to death.

If it wasn't for the train coming to the station in just a few minutes, Chen Chuanwang would have to squint for a while no matter what.

Don't ask him why he didn't take the "Chu Wu" home, he was afraid that he would be shot down by the plane while flying halfway.

When I got home, it was already a few hours later.

As soon as Chen Chuanwang entered, he found a bag of instant noodles and chewed them dry to cushion his stomach. After returning to his room, he bumped his head on the bed and fell asleep.

This sleep was in the dark, and after Chen Chuanwang became a little conscious, he stretched out his hand to feel around on the bed, but he couldn't find the phone.

He reluctantly opened his eyes, only then remembered that the phone was in his pocket.

He took out his phone and checked the time, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Although I am not hungry, I still have the idea of ​​three... two meals a day.

Chen Chuanwang went downstairs in a daze, ordered a bowl of noodles for himself, and heated up the leftovers in the refrigerator in the microwave.

20 minute later.

Chen Chuanwang, who simply washed up, sat alone in the living room, swiping his phone with one hand, and eating noodles with the other.

Whoa whoa whoa!
At this time, something opened the door.

Chen Chuanwang didn't need to think about it, he was already used to this sound, it was Xiao Hei scratching the door.

Fortunately, the door was still unlocked at this time, so Xiao Hei stood up and took a few shots, then opened the door.

However, it won't close.

Chen Chuanwang glanced at the open door, and scolded Xiao Hei, who came closer with his tail wagging and twisting his buttocks: "If you know how to open the door, if you don't know how to close the door, mainly in summer, mosquitoes will fly in."

Dogs may not understand human speech, but they can feel human emotions.

Xiao Hei was scolded, his ears turned into airplane ears, and then jumped up with a playful smile, his two paws resting on the bench, and the dog's head stuck to Chen Chuanwang's thigh.

This is its usual coquetry method.

If Chen Chuanwang didn't touch it at this time, it would have the cheek to stick out its tongue and lick Chen Chuanwang's clothes or arms.

In short, just a little licking dog.

"Ugh, ugh~~"

Not long after, there was another sound outside the door, it was a short cry.

Some people may think that a cat's meow should be "meow meow", but in fact, not many cats can meow such a standard mandarin meow.

Most cats' meows are "ah", "ahhh", "ahhh", "ahhhhhh"...

The fourth kind of cry, most cats are fighting or feeling upset, it is best not to touch it when you hear this sound.

The three-month-old short has already become a big cat. At this time, its individual size is no less than that of some raccoon cats and orange-white cats that are about to grow up.

The skeleton of this pet cat is really big.

He just squeezed in through the crack of the door, and when he saw Chen Chuanwang, he came over with his tail upright.

Chen Chuanwang patted his thigh, and the kitten moved its hind legs under the bench, then jumped and landed on his thigh.

Seeing Chen Chuanwang eating, he stretched his neck curiously and looked at the bowl on the table, but it didn't move.

The kitten has never been on a table until now.

Chen Chuanwang didn't know if it would eat noodles or not, so he cut off a section and threw it on the ground.

Before the cat could react, Xiao Hei licked his mouth and ate the noodles.

Chen Chuanwang was speechless.

This guy doesn't usually eat noodles.

But if there is something grabbing it next to it, it doesn't care what is on the ground, and it will take a bite first.

Chen Chuanwang laughed and scolded: "I'll give you half a bowl later, if you don't eat, I'll beat you to death."

Afterwards, he picked up the noodles, put them in the palm of his hand, and moved them in front of the short ones.

The kitten sniffed it and lost interest after a couple of licks.

Chen Chuanwang saw that it wouldn't eat, so he threw the noodles on the ground. As a result, the little black didn't eat it for a while, so he didn't eat it either.

Chen Chuanwang kicked it angrily.

Xiao Hei thought that Chen Chuanwang was playing with it, so he twisted his body and rubbed back and forth on Chen Chuanwang's calf.

A bowl of noodles was quickly settled, and after preparing some supper for the cats and dogs, Chen Chuanwang returned to the room.

He took out the seal, turtle shell and copper coins from his pocket.

Chen Chuanwang chanted the spell, and the harpoon and backpack turned back. These two things were put aside, and Chen Chuanwang looked at the thing that was transformed from the third copper coin.

This was the bronze sword that Chen Chuanwang had seen in an antique shop earlier.

The bronze sword was given to him by Yu Shuang.

The offspring of this big demon didn't care about hundreds of dollars, but in Chen Chuanwang's view, she simply couldn't sell it.

Yu Shuang didn't give the box that originally contained the bronze sword, saying that the box was worth more than the sword, and asked Chen Chuanwang to wrap the money in some newspapers after he got home.

The bronze sword looked bloodstained, and the gap on the blade was not known whether it was bumped on the battlefield, or it was corroded for a long time.

Chen Chuanwang does not have newspapers, but he has books.

Grandpa kept all the books from elementary school to junior high school, kept saying they would sell them, and kept forgetting them.

He found a junior high school exercise book, tore it off, wrapped the bronze sword, and put it aside.

Afterwards, my eyes fell on the purpose of this trip - the Flint Seal that carried half of the blood and fire.

It's hot to hold in your hand.

Chen Chuanwang had put it in his trousers pocket before, and then changed it to his clothes pocket on the way. There was no other reason, except that a place was accidentally burned.

"How should this fire be delivered?"

Chen Chuanwang fell into a difficult situation.

How did he find the giant paper boy in reality for the task he got in his dream?

Wait until the next time the sky is full of lanterns?
forget it.

Chen Chuanwang shook his head, it's not a good thing that lantern monsters appear, besides, he doesn't know when the next time will be, a few days, a few years, a lifetime?

In desperation, Chen Chuanwang had no choice but to pin this difficulty on his dream.

He wrapped the seal with the remaining paper from the exercise book, but he was afraid that the temperature would be too high and the paper would be easily ignited.

So I found some water and wet the paper.

After finishing all this, Chen Chuanwang got into bed holding the paper ball.

"Hopefully it will be useful."

"Then, good night."

(End of this chapter)

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