Reborn in the fiery age, I am a salted fish in the mountains

Chapter 236: Encountering a respected boss by chance

Chapter 236: Encountering a respected boss by chance

Who would have thought:
In the land of Sanxiang, there is actually a village that is completely different from the surrounding production teams?
The people living in this village have migrated here from their ancestors and have lived here for thousands of years.

These people are very persistent. After thousands of years, they still maintain their own beliefs and living habits.

These people are very hard-working and like to grow fruits and vegetables.

Gradually, it became a well-known professional planting and production team of melon and fruit seeds.

The fruits grown in this village are very sweet.The grapes have large grains and high sweetness. They burst with juice when you take a bite, filling your mouth with the taste of happiness and joy.

The people in this village are very friendly.

The premise is as long as you don't piss them off, otherwise, their 40m sword is really not maintained by using grass juice.

Cars puffed out black smoke as they drove into the village.

The houses in this village are different from those in the Yunnan-Guizhou Sichuan villages. Most of their houses are built according to the mountains and are crowded at the foot of the mountains.

The houses in the village in front of me are neatly arranged and orderly.

In front of every house there is a large yard with grape trellises built in it. Fruits such as pomegranates, pears, apricots, peaches and pumpkins are planted in the yard.

Throughout the year, there are always different attractive fruits hanging on the branches, which makes people feel comfortable looking at them.

The car drove on the wide road in the village, but it did not arouse curious onlookers from the villagers.

It is very different from other villages where when a car comes, adults and children will run to see it.

One of the villagers here has a very high degree of self-discipline, and the other is that they have seen too many things like cars and are not curious about them.

When the car arrived at the small square in the middle of the village, it was already filled with cars of all sizes.

Looking at the license plates, some of these cars are local, some are from neighboring counties and cities, and there are even many cars from other provinces.

For example, the license plate number [Hunan 08-652] must be a jeep from another city in Hunan Province.

[Wan-0012], needless to say, must be from a certain unit in Hui Province, and it is also the kind of unit with a great background.

The food in this village is famous far and wide.

Before we even got out of the car, there was already a strong aroma of food in the air, which was hard to describe, but very tempting.

Wait until Master Wang took Han Xiaokang and Xiao Ma into a large dining hall.

I saw that this large dining hall, covering an area of ​​about 200 square meters, was already packed with people and all seats were occupied.

This scene actually made Han Xiaokang secretly surprised!

You know, during this period.

Everywhere, the larger restaurants are state-owned, or at least collectively run.

To eat in this restaurant, you need to pay and food stamps.

But everyone's income is generally not very high, so there are really only a very small number of people who can afford to eat in restaurants and are willing to spend money to eat in restaurants.

People who eat here don’t seem to care about this!
The golden roasted naan was placed on the table, emitting bursts of tempting food aroma.

What's even more rare is that here, almost every table of guests orders several kilograms of kebabs.

Among them were many guests wearing the uniforms of four cadres, and on their tables were grilled lamb chops.
Grilled lamb chops!

After calculation, Han Xiaokang had hunted a lot of blue sheep before and after, but he had never dared to be so extravagant as to enjoy a few kilograms of roasted lamb chops.

The lobby was packed.

the innermost.

One side is semi-open-air and is a place specially used for grilling mutton skewers.

There was only a roof over there, no walls around it, and several long iron grills were densely packed with hundreds of mutton skewers.

Several men with mustaches stood there grilling meat.

Girls wearing colorful clothes and distinctive square hats shuttled back and forth like butterflies among the flowers, constantly serving mutton skewers to everyone.

Next to the kebab.

There is a tall "stove" on which about 10 young people are kneeling, busy baking pancakes and lamb chops.

This special grilled naan pit is very large and deep.

Under the small opening, which is about 60 centimeters in diameter, is a pit nearly 2 meters high and 1 and a half meters in diameter.

The fire inside is booming.

I saw those who were responsible for roasting naan and nangkeng meat, holding a special wooden tray in their hands.

They put the kneaded disk-shaped dough on the wooden tray, then bent down, dug their heads into the extremely hot earth pit and slapped it hard!
Those dough cakes will be stuck to the walls of the pit and baked.

The charcoal fire in the pit was blazing and the temperature was very high. The pit had a small mouth, a big belly, and was very deep.

So doing this kind of work is extremely dangerous.

If you accidentally fall into a pit, to be honest, there is really no way to rescue you. You can only watch the person flying up on the spot.

Someone joked: The person in charge of this restaurant, after finishing work every night, the most important thing is not to count money and food stamps.

It's about counting people.
From time to time, the village would call the whole village together for a banquet.

Of course that was a joke, but baking things in such a big stove is indeed very dangerous.

This time it was Master Wang who came forward and ordered 3 pounds of lamb chops, 15 skewers of barbecued meat, 3 pieces of naan bread, and 3 medium plates of fried lamb noodles with peppers and onions.

There are too many people eating in the hall!
This one just got up after eating, and the other one had to sit down and take a seat immediately, just like dumplings.

One batch rose up, and another batch sank.
As a result, Master Wang, Han Xiaokang and Xiao Ma really couldn't eat together, so they could only divide the food and everyone would carry it and find their place.

Han Xiaokang held the wooden tray and looked left and right.

Suddenly found in the corner of the hall.

There was an elder who looked like an ordinary old farmer, sitting in a corner alone, eating leisurely.

While eating slowly, he was still looking down at his notebook, seeming to be thinking about something.

Huh? ! !
Why does that old man, who looks very kind and honest and looks like an old farmer at first glance, look so familiar?

Han Xiaokang was very sure that he had never seen him before.

But why does it feel so familiar? ?

Tilting his head and thinking carefully for a moment, Han Xiaokang's eyes suddenly condensed!
Is it him?

Everywhere in this restaurant is extremely crowded, but that person can find some peace and quiet and occupy a table by himself?
There must be something fishy about things that don't make sense.

Han Xiaokang stood there and observed carefully. Gradually, he also saw something:
The simple-dressed elder seemed affable, just like the honest uncle next door to the production team.

But if you look closely, you can see that he is not angry but has an awe-inspiring aura about him.This alone is enough to dissuade 90% of the customers who come here to enjoy the food. You must know that among the people who come to eat here, there are very few ordinary local cadres and people.

A meal costs at least 10 yuan, so how can they spend it often?
It was just that a superior came, so he had to bite the bullet and come over to accompany him.

Normally they would not come here.

Therefore, most of the customers who dine here are people who come here specifically to enjoy the unique flavor of lamb chops and noodles.

It is conceivable that these people must be powerful people.

Don't talk about being rich or noble. Here, the word "rich" is irrelevant. That kind of person can only clean toilets.

Then the question comes: since the people dining here, except Han Xiaokang, Master Wang and Xiao Ma, these three guys who have no good intentions and have to come here to get together.

Among the other people who were eating, there were probably not many low-level people among them.

And for this kind of boss, their intuition is very sharp.

Years of hard work in the workplace have made each of them develop a pair of sharp eyes. Who is the low-key super boss, and who is the inexperienced young man?

You don't need to look closely at these people, you can tell them at a glance.

And the elder sitting in the corner, enjoying the food leisurely, is obviously a being with an unusually aloof status.
Can't afford to offend.

There is no need for people to wave their hands, let alone show any trace of joy, anger or sorrow.

Just looking down at your fingers, a small insouciant movement, or even a look in your eyes is enough to make some people unable to eat or take away their food.

The slightly thin older man at the moment, with his vaguely strong aura, has already dissuaded most of the people who were planning to go over to share a table.

According to Han Xiaokang’s observation:
There is actually a layer of warning circle around the honest and simple elder that is not particularly obvious.

There are several tables around the corner where the elder is.

It's not surprising that there is food on the table in the dining area.

But the people sitting at these dinner tables should not be underestimated. They are all people with extraordinary temperament, who seem to be particularly energetic and disciplined.

On the dining table surrounding that corner.

There were several middle-aged people who looked like they were doing copywriting and housekeeping work. They all looked modest, but in fact, there was often a glint in their eyes inadvertently.

There are also a dozen young people, whether they are sitting down to eat or getting up to walk.

Every gesture and gesture shows that these people have received good professional training.

Even when they sit and eat, they face different directions.
Han Xiaokang really couldn't find a place to sit. If he kept going like this, the steaming grilled lamb chops would no longer taste good.

After squeezing through the passage that seemed to have been narrowed deliberately, Han Xiaokang walked towards the corner holding the tray.

"Comrade, there are no empty seats inside."

A young lesbian stood up and picked up the tray with kebabs and noodles in front of her. "How about you sit here with me?"

The other party wanted to stop the guests from forcing their way through, affecting the elderly man's meal, but the method they adopted was so tactful and secretive?
"Thank you, no need, there are three empty seats inside."

Han Xiaokang pointed to the empty seat next to the elder, "Thank you for your kindness. I don't mind walking a few steps over to squeeze in. Comrade, your position is not suitable. I'm afraid I won't be able to sit safely."

The lesbian was stunned: Who is this?Kindly give him a seat closer to him, there are so many other things to say!

Han Xiaokang's words just now made the girl who grew up in a compound and had never been exposed to the crooked ways outside, who always spoke and acted straightforwardly, bewildered for a while.

Why are people in this society like this?
The young man in front of me looks handsome and sunny, but when he talks, why is he so out of tune?
at this time,

A very tall and burly young man who was originally sitting next to the girl stood up and stood just behind the girl.

Like an insurmountable mountain.

"Comrade, please give way."

Han Xiaokang held the tray with one hand, and the other hand seemed casual, but in fact he had used all his strength to pull towards the young man.
On the surface, this guy was standing there to support the girl and act as her back-up.

But in fact, if you think about it for a while, you can guess his true identity.

this kid!
He is obviously protecting the elder who is sitting alone. He is here as a second barrier to prevent others from approaching the elder.

People who can play such a role cannot be poor in skills, so Han Xiaokang used his full strength as soon as he made a move!

The young man's body swayed slightly, and then he stood calmly as if nothing had happened, but there was a trace of surprise on his face that flashed away.

Han Xiaokang stretched out his hand again, "Please give way."

He said it calmly, but in fact, Han Xiaokang was inexplicably horrified at this moment.

As soon as the expert stretches out his hand, he will know if there is one.

The young man in front of me is tall, but he doesn't look very fierce, and he even has a quiet aura.

Han Xiaokang, who is also a martial arts practitioner, has just tried it out: he is really good at hard qigong!
If he and the other party had a head-to-head written test based on their true abilities, Han Xiaokang estimated that he would have at least a 5% chance of losing.

Well, actually it’s 8%.

can not be less anymore.
This time, the young man took action, "Comrade, just sit here. Huh?"

Since he is no match for the opponent in a head-to-head confrontation, he can only act cunningly.

I saw that Han Xiaokang was short in stature, and secretly used a little teleportation skills to cooperate. With an incredible speed, he got under the opponent's armpit in an instant and appeared behind the young man.

This move directly confused the young man, including his companions who were secretly on guard.
It is simply inexplicable!
This guy who had to get behind to share the table, how could he be so fast with his body skills?
Most of the people present were from the Lian family, but they didn't realize what kind of methods Han Xiaokang used?
in fact,

With the blessing of teleportation skills and Han Xiaokang himself, he is very agile.

This is equivalent to when playing a movie, using 24 or 48 frames, with a little bit of motion blur, but the audience will feel that the movie is very visual.

In other words.

Any move made by a normal person, including the fastest speed that a normal person can perform, will appear very clear and real in the eyes of others.

But Han Xiaokang has a teleportation skill assistant, and his movement speed is equivalent to using fast-forward mode.

And too fast a speed will cause smear.

This allowed those people next to him to clearly see all Han Xiaokang's movements.

But it feels a little unreal.

Everyone just felt that Han Xiaokang was indeed a real person and could display such speed.

But there was something inexplicable about the scene just now that made it impossible to determine, as if there was a shadow moving around.
It's too late to say.

Time waits for no one, how can they allow them to slowly think about what happened just now?

Seeing that the second barrier was breached, three people stood up at the dinner table at the position closest to the elder!

(End of this chapter)

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