Reborn in the fiery age, I am a salted fish in the mountains

Chapter 232 The world is full of knowledge

Chapter 232 The world is full of knowledge

Others are waiting in line to be inspected.

But the car I was riding in could drive smoothly. Why?

Is it just because of the seniority of this Gil truck that others respect it and give it special care?

Han Xiaokang was a little curious about this, "I saw there were two trucks parked at the checkpoint for inspection. Master Wang, how could you pass smoothly?"

The driver, Master Wang, has to put on a show, and it's not easy to answer such a small question.

The discerning assistant Xiao Ma spoke for him, "It's not surprising, Comrade Xiao Han, we have such a big banner hanging on our car!"

It was only then that Han Xiaokang suddenly realized: Master Wang and the others had gone to great lengths to post those things on the car when Qingqing was loading the car in the morning.

It turns out that this thing is equivalent to "Road Pass"?
I spent a few dollars to buy red silk, and then used a small brush to write on it with paint. I didn't expect the effect to be surprisingly good?

I learned it, I learned it, this is a great trick.

Using this method, we continued to pass several checkpoints smoothly.

During the subsequent journey, when Master Wang encountered someone on the side of the road carrying a heavy load, he would slow down and ask his assistant Xiao Ma to ask the person if they wanted to ride.
After asking questions like this, I got a few customers.

Every time he meets someone who is carrying a heavy load and wants to hitchhike, Master Wang will charge them a fare ranging from 1 yuan to 3 yuan.

At this point, when loading the goods in the morning, it gradually became clear why Master Wang had to ask a porter to stack the sacks in front of the carriage:

It turns out that he wanted to earn extra money by recruiting people and goods.

Just stop and go all the way.

By the time the truck reached noon, everyone was hungry.

It happened that the bottle of water that assistant Xiao Ma filled in the catering service in the morning was also finished at this time.

So at noon.

Master Wang chose a "Tongsheng Commune Liaojiawan Brigade Collective Restaurant" on the roadside and stopped in front of it, ready to eat.

This hotel is very simple, just 4 or 5 tile-roofed houses with no partitions in the middle as the lobby.

Another large room serves as the kitchen.

The kitchen is open and the stove is open. You can clearly see every move of the cooks working in the kitchen and the two knives holding them.

The place is remote and the store is not big.

But I have to say that in Bashu, the meals cooked by these cooks are delicious.

Master Wang asked his assistant to go in and order.

He himself carried a very large kettle and staggered to a stall selling boiling water under a pergola next to the hotel.

During this period, although private individuals were not allowed to participate in any economic activities.

But it would be fine if the older members of the production team set up stalls on the roadside and sold boiled water for passers-by to quench their thirst.

This is because this so-called "business" is too small!

Even the "anti-private brigade" of the commune is too lazy to care about them.

As the old saying goes, no matter how small a fly is, it's still meat, but their kind of business doesn't even count as a wheat mosquito.

Approaching the hut.

"How much does a cup of boiled water cost?" Master Wang deliberately asked in dialect.

The other person was a man who looked to be in his early 50s, with a shrewd look in his eyes that is rare for a businessman in this period: "Hey, the master is here? Where are you from?"

The man didn't answer Master Wang's question, but asked a question instead.

"Not far."

Master Wang lied without changing his face, "We are in Luzi County ahead, and we are going to take a long trip to Qianzhou."

The man looked up at Master Wang, "Oh, but your accent doesn't seem to be from Renma over there!"

Master Wang knelt down and said, "I just transferred to work not long ago. I asked this comrade, how do you sell Liangbaikai?"

"2 points for boiled water, 3 points for boiled sugar water."

The man stood up as slowly as a snail, "Master, I think you'd better drink boiled sugar water, this has a taste."

The sugar water he said was actually boiling water and then sprinkling a few grains of saccharin into it, so that the whole water became sweet and the taste was much better.

But when it comes to health
this period.

When you're hungry, there's something to eat, whether it's old corn or half-rotten sweet potatoes, just peel off the rotten part.

Just eat something.

When you are thirsty, there is water to drink. No matter what the well or the stream is, just drink whatever is available. How can there be so much emphasis on it?

Master Wang leaned down and began to study the boiling water that the man sold. Is it boiled?

The reason why he was so worried was actually because he had suffered countless losses and been deceived many times, and he didn't know how many times Master Wang had diarrhea.

It was not easy to sum up these experiences and lessons.

But don't talk about simplicity.

It would be boring to say this in a poor place.

Whether the people in Shankara are really sincere to others or not depends on who they choose.

If you meet a foreigner who is weak and weak, haha.

I saw a stone platform in the pergola built by this man.

There are glass cups on the table with several cups of boiled water of different colors, which means that the boiled water in these cups has different tastes.

The top of the cup is covered with a square piece of glass to prevent dust from drifting in.

"What other flavors of boiling water are there?" Master Wang asked again.

The man replied, "There are sweet mint water, gardenia water, and honeysuckle. They all cost 4 cents a cup."

"Is there any discount for buying 15 cups of boiled water?"

"15 cups? Master driver, you are a public servant with a high salary. We are poor people who earn 5 cents or 1 cent to support our family."

"If you don't say that, just ask if the price can be reduced?"

"This. OK!"

The man agreed happily.

But when he took Master Wang's kettle and was about to fill it with boiled water, his movements were like slow motion.

Slowly and leisurely, neither fast nor slow.

"Uncle, please, can you give me a glass of water?"

While the man was pouring water.

A child wearing tattered clothes, with a rag on his hand, went into the hut and tugged at the corners of Master Wang's clothes, pleading pitifully, "Uncle, my grandpa and I have walked more than 30 miles. It's really hard to Extremely thirsty”

at the same time.

An old voice also sounded from the right side of Master Wang, "Master, just do it. My grandson is thirsty, and he even wants to drink the smelly water in the ditch on the roadside."

well!If I hadn't pulled him away from the old man, my grandson, comrade, could you show your kindness and give my grandson a glass of boiled water? "

"We are walking to the mine to visit the child's father. Our family is poor and cannot afford to take the shuttle bus, and the child misses his father." The old man said a lot of special things, and he was endlessly long-winded.
Master Wang did not respond to the old man's words.

Without waiting for the man selling boiling water to pour all 15 cups of cold water into the kettle, he quickly took out a small blue ticket and threw it over, "Comrade, stop pouring it. You just poured me 10 glasses of water, which cost exactly 2 cents. Here." , this is 2 cents. I don’t want you to give me any cheaper.”

while talking,

Master Wang didn't care about the other party's reaction, he grabbed the kettle and turned around and left!

Wait until he returns to the hotel lobby.

Han Xiaokang, who was sitting on the edge of the lobby, had been behind the railing, quietly watching the entire process of Master Wang buying water just now.

"What are you looking at? There is a roadside stall selling some boiled water. What's so interesting?"

Master Wang took a bench and sat down, "Xiao Ma, don't order the braised fish! Just fry two vegetables, make some tofu, and add a bowl of twice-cooked pork! Don't wash the pot after frying the twice-cooked pork. Add a ladle of water and let the chef cook it for us. A soup."

Xiao Ma, who was standing at the counter paying money and counting food stamps, responded, "Don't worry, master, I know, this is an old rule."

I had four dishes for lunch today.

The shabu-shabu soup is free of charge.

Stir-fried sweet potato leaves, roasted eggplant, a bowl of homemade tofu, and a small plate of twice-cooked pork.

The dishes are quite vegetarian and the portions are not large.

is eating.

The two grandfathers and grandsons who had asked Master Wang for water came over again.

"Master, can you give me the rest of your meal?" The little boy said pitifully, but his courage didn't seem to be as timid as it seemed.

I saw the little boy squeezing next to Master Wang, swallowing his saliva and begging, while his grandfather stood opposite Master Wang and kept complaining: "My lord, your family is a good family, and I will reward you with your leftovers." Give it to my grandson!
Poor grandson, he hasn't had any water or rice since morning and is really hungry and can't walk.

We, the two grandsons, still have more than 30 miles to go. This kind-hearted master, I beg you.
Han Xiaokang, Master Wang, and his assistant Xiao Ma are all strong men.

None of these three guys eats more slowly than the other, let alone being polite.

Just because before departure, everyone made an appointment: no matter whether it is food or accommodation along the way, everyone will be equal and all expenses will be shared equally.

If someone eats slowly at the dinner table, wouldn't it be a loss?

So at this time, only a small part of the food on the table was actually left.

And from the moment Master Wang saw the two grandsons stepping up the steps of the hotel with their front legs, the guy obviously increased the speed of grabbing the food.

What you eat is called gobbling it up!

When the little boy walked up to Master Wang and was talking.

Master Wang had already cleaned the rice in his bowl, and even held up the plate to pour some of the remaining soup and water into his stomach.

He was eating as if he had just been released from prison, directly feeding Xiao Ma and Han Xiaokang to Lei's crispy outside and tender inside.

After leaving his job behind, Master Wang didn't waste any time, got up and left.

Forcing Han Xiaokang and Xiao Ma, without soup or vegetables, they had no choice but to stuff the little leftover rice in their bowls into their bellies.
Wait until you get in the car.

While driving, Master Wang told his apprentice Xiao Ma, "Calculate the money for today's lunch, and then the three of us will share it.

Comrade Xiaokang, just give the meal money to Xiao Ma, so as not to keep an account all the time and make people feel uneasy."

This meal was actually nothing more than 1 yuan and over 7 cents, plus 2 kilograms of food stamps.

How could Han Xiaokang, who had thousands of dollars in his bag, care about this?
It's just that Master Wang's behavior of not waiting for a moment, as if he was afraid that someone would default on his debt, makes people feel really awkward.
The road ahead was naturally bumpy again.

It seemed that the three people sitting in the cab had their own thoughts and no one was in the mood to talk. This way of traveling was really boring.

It's so boring that it makes you want to doze off.
The truck drove toward the southwest. Gradually, there were more and more big rivers ahead.

Until the dusk was dim, and it would be dark in a while, but at this time, Master Wang was not panic at all.

The truck squeaked and drove forward for another 7 or 8 miles before turning around and entering a slightly busy intersection.

This seems to be a traffic thoroughfare, and there are many state-owned or collectively-run "Driver's Homes", "Limin Guesthouses", and "Shengli Catering and Accommodation Service Department" along the roadside.

In their backyard, there are also some long-distance shuttle buses and passing large trucks parked.

But the quantity is small.

In the courtyards of many of these hotels, there is only one truck parked at most.

I just don’t know how the one escort and two drivers on this truck can maintain the normal operation of these stores?
During this period, there were actually so many stores opened together that the competition among them was secretly fierce.

Just because it doesn't matter whether it's the person in charge of those stores or the staff there.

Everyone is similar: everyone seriously lacks service awareness and product awareness.

If you stay in these stores.

It is not common for tourists to be beaten and scolded. On the wall of the guest house is written "Do not beat or scold customers at will".

However, the passengers never expected to see any smiles on their faces, let alone expect them to nod in greetings to the passengers.

——It’s okay to go out and not be angry or punished. What kind of bicycle do you want?
But Master Wang, who has been traveling long distances for a long time, is obviously very experienced. He turns a blind eye to all these stores that have the words "state-owned" and "collective" written in the most conspicuous positions.

Instead, we passed these 7 or 8 guest houses, and then continued forward for several miles before turning the steering wheel and turning into a country road.

At this time, the car had entered the mountainous area.

This place seems to be the only way to QXN, so there are many open and covert shops that specialize in business for drivers and passengers who come and go.

Winding along country lanes.

Gil's truck, which had lost one of its eyes, was still alive in the dusk, racing along the country road that was only as wide as the car's body!
To be honest, it is very easy to have an accident when driving like Master Wang: if you are not careful, you will either roll over or hit the production team members who are carrying farm tools and returning home exhausted.

But Master Wang didn't seem to care. He had already avoided the production team members under the roadbed and didn't care.


The truck drove forward for another 3 or 5 miles, and finally drove into a simple yard in an open space.

"Ah, so it's Master Wang?"

Before the car stopped, the voice came first, "Come on, come on, get out of the car and have a glass of wine. Luhua, Jin Ling, fill up the rice wine, toast and sing!"

Park your car.

Then a song sounded, "When my brother leaves, he comes back again and again. I am overjoyed for my sister, who is always looking forward to my brother under the sacred tree. Brother, please drink my sister's bowl of wine to wash away the dust. There are all kinds of love words in it."

Master Wang, who always had certain reservations about the handbrake effect on his own vehicle, ordered his assistant to get out of the car and plug the two rear wheels with wooden bricks.

Then he turned around, took the cow's foot from the hand of the girl wearing a jingling hat and didn't know if it was a real silver hat, and drank the wine in the glass with a tilt of her neck.

"Hey, the guest drank someone else's wine. My sister, won't my rice wine soothe his throat? Hey, where is the guest? You look at your sister's little hand holding the wine bowl, how can you bear to let her go?"

"Sister, don't think too much. You are as beautiful as a peacock, and you have always lived in my heart, brother. I dare not hold your hand, sister, just because there are too many people around you."

Master Wang sang, and the singing frightened several large buffaloes tied up in a corner of the yard.

Two of the male buffaloes were peeing "swish, swish, swish".

The moment Master Wang's song sounded, the two bulls couldn't help but tremble!

This singing is really torturous.

So the cows stared at each other, turned their heads and looked at Master Wang anxiously, and for a while they even forgot to chew the cud.
Other drivers come over and like to brag.

This guy is here, it's a direct flash of urine!
(End of this chapter)

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