Reborn in the fiery age, I am a salted fish in the mountains

Chapter 209 Finally Chapter Aju's Hut

Chapter 209 Finally Returning to Aju's Hut

Aju finished washing in the creek, then put on clean clothes and went back.

She is a diligent person, and she doesn't want to be idle for a moment, so Aju has to go back in a hurry to see if she can do some miscellaneous work.

Especially the little donkey and the mule that Han Xiaokang and the others brought back this time made Aju very excited, and she couldn't be happier.

With these big livestock, in the future, whether it is to open up wasteland and farmland, or to transport things, whether it is to pull and grind rice and flour, or to ride out of the mountains to sell things.

The improvement in efficiency is not just a little bit.

Aju went home, but Han Xiaokang used the excuse that he wanted to cool off outside, and then stayed by the stream, dawdling for a long time without going back.

Now, my Fengchao cabinet has a multiplier that accelerates the growth rate of organisms. Just try to see if I can throw all the chickens and ducks into the Fengchao cabinet so that they can gain weight quickly?
Just do it!

The ducks that had already climbed into the shack were grabbed by Han Xiaokang, and finally thrown into the nest cabinet for a while.

Even the two little wolves, Ping Ping and Le Le, who had come over to watch the commotion when they heard the commotion, were thrown in by Han Xiaokang.

"Hey, why did I hear the ducks squawking just now?"

Just as Han Xiaokang was very busy, he had just put all the 2 little wolves and 17 ducklings into the nest cabinet. At this time, Zhou Min, who had finished the housework, ran out again, "Is there any beast?" , came here to steal the duck?"

Near Aju's hut, there is a huge snake head.

With the breath of the king snake, other snakes will not come close to the hut to attack the chickens and ducklings.

But it may not be able to stop Huang Daxian, and some small carnivores like foxes and wild cats come to eat meat.

So Zhou Min was very worried that the ducks were quacking just now. Could it be that the natural enemies of these chickens and ducks came to make trouble?

"No, you must have heard wrong."

Such a large flock of ducks disappeared, if Zhou Min was a little more diligent and went to the duck shed to take a look, she would definitely find something unusual: one of the ducks disappeared, how could Zhou Min not yell?
You know, Aju has put a lot of effort into these chickens and ducks raised in the yard.

Whenever one of them is lost, Aju will cry in distress.

What's more, it's still a large group of ducks?
Feeling flustered, Han Xiaokang forced himself to remain calm on the surface.Quickly grabbed Zhou Min's little hand, buried his head and walked up the creek, "You've walked such a long mountain road today, you're covered in sweat, why don't you take the time to wash up?

The big girl is from every family, if you don’t like hygiene, you can’t smell it, you’re almost rotten! "

"Where is it?"

Zhou Min buried his head in his armpit to smell it, and then muttered full of doubts, "Who says I'm not hygienic? I brush my teeth twice a day, and even the coating on my tongue is clean.

And every night, I washed that place with hot water. Hey, Xiaokang, you haven’t had that for a few days, and now you want to be a demon again, right? "

"No way. You really smell, hurry up and wash it off"

While dragging Zhou Min up the creek, Han Xiaokang used his body to block the direction towards the duck shed, preventing Zhou Min from looking there.

After talking and coaxing, he finally jumped into the creek to take a bath as Zhou Min had said.

When Zhou Min went down, regardless of her shouting in the water: "Xiaokang, why don't you come down?"

"I'll go back and get you shampoo, and the soap I just bought. It smells like osmanthus, and it smells good." Han Xiaokang hurried to the hut while talking.

The duck shed was built next to the thatched hut. Due to the pollution, the water in that section of the creek was not suitable for bathing.

The place where Zhou Min went into the water now was dozens, nearly 100 meters away from the hut.

Under the cover of night, Zhou Min couldn't see what happened at the duck shed from such a long distance.

Wait until you sneak back to the duck shed.

Han Xiaokang also didn't care about those ducklings, he stayed in the Fengchao cabinet for a short time, so he quickly seized the opportunity and let them out.

Since this time, I deliberately wanted to try the weight gain effect of the Fengchao cabinet, so when Han Xiaokang took out the ducks again, he paid special attention to their weight changes.

It's a pity, after taking out all the ducks, I Xiaokang found that I was still too careless after all!

How long have these ducklings been bought and raised in total?

A duck that weighs less than half a catty, even through the magical weight gain of the Fengchao cabinet, but a duck that weighs half a catty, even if it has gained 5% in weight, it is really difficult to distinguish it by weighing it with bare hands. How much did they change before and after?
This discovery immediately made Han Xiaokang very annoyed: he should wait until the ducks have grown as much as possible, and then put them in the hive cabinet to gain weight.

Only in this way can we maximize our own interests!

That's because the weight bases of ducks are different, and the extra 5% change brought about will ultimately result in more weight gain.
This verification obviously failed.

After catching the duck and putting it back in the shed, Han Xiaokang released Pingping Lele again.

But this time the effect is good, because the weight of the two little guys is much larger than that of the duck, so the weight gain effect of the two little wolves is very obvious.

Based on Han Xiaokang's rough estimate: the current Pingping and Lele should be a little bigger than the two tigers who have never been in the Fengchao cabinet.

If they played and fought again, the slightly smaller two tigers might not be able to beat these two little wolves.

It seems that after a while, I have to put Erhu in the nest cabinet and give it a good weight gain.

But this kind of thing really can't be rushed.

Han Xiaokang plans to wait until the two tigers grow up a bit, then put it in to gain weight, and finally make it bigger than these two little wolves.

After all, if he had to choose between the big tiger and the two tigers, and Pingping Lele, Han Xiaokang would still prefer to trust these two hounds.

Now Han Xiaokang has roughly understood the weight-gaining effect of this Fengchao cabinet: any item or living body can only be put in once to have a significant weight-gaining effect.

If you put the same item into the Fengchao cabinet repeatedly, it will have no effect until it is taken out for the second time.

Maybe I have to wait until later, after I have accumulated enough work points, to upgrade this magical cabinet group again.

Only then will it be possible to make the things put in gain more weight.

It is even possible that when the Fengchao Cabinet is upgraded to a certain level, it can trigger its new function of gaining weight multiple times.

This is not necessarily the case, but anything is possible.

It's just that my work points are far from enough now, so I can only wait patiently
After releasing these guys, Han Xiaokang hurried back to the hut to get shampoo, soap and towels.

"Xiaokang, can I, can I also use the things you bought?"

Chang Deyu has just arrived, in order to integrate into this small group in the deep mountains as soon as possible, so she is very diligent when doing housework.

Even Aju wanted to sweep the floor, but was snatched away by Chang Deyu, who was eager to show off.

Chang Deyu, who had just finished all the housework, was standing there at a loss. Seeing Han Xiaokang come back to get the toiletries, she wanted to take a beautiful bath for a long time. Finally, she plucked up the courage and hesitated to tell her request.

"You just take it and use it. Everyone will live in this mountain in the future. Everyone can only think about one place and use energy to one place. There is no distinction between you and me, and there is no distinction between high and low."

Han Xiaokang handed the things to Chang Deyu, "Just right, Zhou Min is a little above the creek, not far away, I'll let Dahu take you there."

Kick the tiger lightly, then point out.

Du Hu, who was already relatively human, understood Han Xiaokang's meaning in an instant, and then left the two tigers and left.

Originally, Erhu also wanted to go out with his dog brother.

But he saw that the big tiger, which was exactly the same size as him before, had suddenly grown a lot bigger now.

Immediately, the two tigers, who felt so dirty, finally lay down and went back
Chang Deyu took the things and left.

Only Han Xiaokang and Aju were left in the hut, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became warmer and more peaceful.

Because Aju doesn't go out to work during the day.

In broad daylight, after A-Ju finished her chores at home, she would hurry up and go to bed, and only wait until night before going out to work.

At this time, Aju had already changed into old clothes, and was picking up her hoe in high spirits, planning to reclaim some wasteland at night, and weeding the cornfield by the way, "Brother Xiaokang, there were indeed ducks calling outside just now. There must be something breaking in, right?"

"No, nothing happened."

Han Xiaokang fell headfirst into the soft blanket, unwilling to move, "I've been running for several days, I'm tired, I need to sleep well Aju, can you rub my shoulders and back for me?" , so that I can relax?"

"I don't!"

Aju smiled mischievously, "Giggle, sister Zhou Min will be back after a while, let her do these things for you, she does these things better than me."

Saying this, Aju finally put down what she was doing and came over to rub Han Xiaokang's shoulders and back.

The movements are extremely gentle.

Through the clothes, Han Xiaokang could feel the deep affection on Aju's body
The lights are dim, and the atmosphere in the cabin is warm and ambiguous, which is very intoxicating.

In this relaxed and harmonious atmosphere, people's spirit and body can be relaxed to the greatest extent.

I don't know how long Aju has been massaging, nor how long the time has passed.

Anyway, Han Xiaokang, who had already slept deeply, stared in a daze in the middle of the night, feeling the familiar wonderful feeling return.

Opening his eyes, he could see clearly the darkness in the room.

But in fact, there is no need to look, just by smelling the familiar smell and enjoying the familiar feeling, Han Xiaokang knew that Zhou Min was busy there.

"You are really wild."

Touching Zhou Min's beautiful hair, Han Xiaokang asked in a low voice, "Isn't there that Chang girl next door? Why don't you shy away from her?"

"She's not here."

Zhou Min replied vaguely, "That Miss Chang said she wasn't sleepy, and she was going to help Aju dig the ground. She didn't come back to sleep."

Not sleepy or tired?

Who would believe it!
In one day, Chang Deyu has already traveled tens of miles of mountain roads with heavy loads. How could he not be tired?
Although the three donkeys and mules carried the big things on the way back this time, but in order to show compassion for these precious big animals, they should not be overworked.

So there are a lot of small pieces of odds and ends, and we still rely on everyone to carry them back to get them back.

As for Chang Longqing, whose whole family came to join him, he could rely on his age, seniority, and knowledge, so he didn't have to bear so many things.

But Chang Deyu knew that from now on, all the well-being of his family depended on Han Xiaokang.

As the eldest daughter in the family, she couldn't help but wink.

So on the way back, Chang Deyu rushed to carry those slightly heavier things in order to leave a good impression on everyone, lest Han Xiaokang think that she has no value in existence.
During this period, productivity is low and survival is not easy for most people.

Especially in rural areas where the conditions are difficult, there is really no habit of supporting idlers.

Not to mention that Han Xiaokang is an outsider who has only met Chang Deyu once. Even if he is the biological parents of many families, they will not let the children in the family be lazy and not diligent in doing things.

To put it too much: there are even many stingy parents, as long as their daughter reaches the age, they would like to marry her off as soon as possible, so as to reduce the burden on the family!
No way, income channels are limited.

Since there is no way to open source, we can only find ways to save money
So Chang Deyu, who lived in fear and was forced to be cautious, endured the tiredness and heavy sleepiness on her body, and had to cheer up to help Aju with her work.

In fact, she just wanted to prove to everyone through this move: I, Chang Deyu, am a hardworking person who can endure hardships and help with work. I deserve a little food from everyone.

I will use my actual actions to prove that I will not let you lose money in the end, and I will not let everyone lose money
Knowing Chang Deyu's intentions, Han Xiaokang couldn't pay more attention to it.

Everyone's situation and position are different. Since Chang Deyu knows that she is in a difficult situation, let her take practical actions to prove the value of her existence!

If I go out and persuade her to come back to rest, I guess not only will it not have a positive effect, but it will also make Chang Deyu feel uneasy.

Besides, it would be good to let her work with Aju.

At least when A-Ju started working, there was someone who would help her, and someone who would accompany A-Ju to talk and bolster her courage.

As long as it can make Aju live well, make others sweat a little more, and give more, that's not a big deal.

There is closeness and distance between people, who should be good to?Who is in the dispensable position?

Anyone who can't tell the difference between these things is really a fool!

Some people are destined to enjoy life tonight, while others have to work all night in order to make a good impression on others.

So in fact, Chang Deyu was not the only one who accompanied Aju to work tonight, but Chang Longqing's son and daughter, both of whom were helping out in the corn field in the backyard.
(End of this chapter)

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