Production leader Peng Zhikun, his level is not enough, in fact, he has no level at all.

The small leader of the production team does not belong to the rank of grassroots cadres.

Therefore, Peng Zhikun is not qualified to know those decisions that are temporarily kept secret.

Among them is why each brigade is currently strictly ordering their respective production teams to build a big house within 10 days.

The higher-ups only ordered him to organize the members and hurry up to complete the task of building the house, but they did not explain to Peng Zhikun the intention of doing so.

But Han Xiaokang knew why the higher-ups wanted each production team to complete this task in the shortest possible time:
This is because the commune will be established soon.

At that time, several major measures will be introduced: First, all members of the club will travel lightly, and all the previous things will be ignored.

However, such a major change must not be revealed even the slightest bit of wind.

Otherwise, there are some people in the production team who are born with a keen sense of smell and flexible brains, and they might seize this opportunity to make something wrong.

How about that!
In addition to canceling all debts, the second rule is: After the establishment of the commune, everyone needs to gather together to eat in the cafeteria.

At that time, the coarse and fine grains, lard and rapeseed oil, bacon and sausages of all members of the production team, including poultry and livestock.

All will be handed over to the production team and become part of the collective property.

Because according to the unified plan: after the establishment of the commune, everyone has work to do, no one is in debt, and everyone is equal.

There is no money for children to go to school, and the children in the family can also be sent to the nursery and kindergarten of the production team, where the sisters of the kindergarten will manage and take care of them in a unified way.

They waited until the end of work every day before handing them over to their respective parents to pick them up.

According to the above idea, the big guys don't need to waste energy cooking, and they don't need to be distracted from taking care of the children.

Their parents can be completely liberated and devote themselves to agricultural production and construction with all their strength.

After the establishment of the commune, since everyone doesn’t need money for food, school, and children, they don’t need money for medical treatment.
Thinking along this line of thought, then there is really no need to store food and raise poultry such as chickens, ducks, and geese in the homes of members of the production team.

So when the time comes, each production team will organize manpower and go door-to-door to collect the food, poultry and livestock of the members in a unified way, manage them in a unified way, and use them in a unified way
Of course it's a good thing.

But this news must not be leaked in advance.

Otherwise, troubles would easily arise in the production team.

Therefore, as for the future operation mode, detailed plans have been made, and these things must not be disclosed in advance at present.

And now the team leader strictly ordered the production teams to build a house that occupies a large area within 10 days.

In fact, it is secretly doing the preparatory work for the opening of the big cafeteria.
It's just that the big captain didn't say the reason, and Peng Zhikun, as the small captain, really belonged to the mouse that got into the bellows: getting angry at both ends.

Go ask the captain, and what you get back is a scolding: "This is an order, and it's a deadly order! There is no reason, you just have to complete it without compromise! Otherwise, hum!"

The above did not mention the reason for building the house, but the members kept asking. What did Peng Zhikun do?
Really overwhelmed, Peng Zhikun could only turn around and ask for help: "Comrade Liu Hongdong, why don't you come and have a word with our commune members?"

It turned out that Peng Zhikun, who knew that this matter was difficult, invited Liu Hongdong, the animal defense officer of the Wujiazhai Brigade who had just taken up his post, early in the morning.

no way.

The entire Wujiazhai production team has 8 teams, and every team leader has faced the same problem these days: How can we persuade the members who are already strong and the labor force is tight, so that everyone is willing to devote themselves to building Where does this temporary assignment of the house go?

Peng Zhikun couldn't convince the members, and other production team leaders were also facing the same dilemma.

So in order to calm down the scene and prevent the members from overturning the table, all the decent cadres in the brigade these days were asked to help by these worried production captains who couldn't sleep well.

According to their assumptions: most of the members of themselves and the production team are relatives, and the neighbors either grew up naked together.

So in the venue, a small production team leader may not be able to convince those members of the production team who don't know what they are doing.


Because the cadres in the brigade are different, such as the captain, branch secretary, accountant, women's director, and militia captain, they have higher status and more prestige.

If they can be mobilized to come over and help the town, although it may not be possible to persuade the members to move.

But at least, the members will not scold the production captain in front of the brigade cadres, let alone beat him, right?
It's just that Peng Zhikun doesn't have a deep friendship with the cadres in the brigade, and there are too many captains who have asked cadres to help in the past few days.

Since you can't get the master, it's better than nothing if you invite the brigade custodians, propagandists, and even animal guards over?

So early this morning, Peng Zhikun went to move Liu Hongdong here.

"Ahem. Please be quiet, everyone."

Liu Hongdong cleared his throat, stood up and said, "Comrades, members and friends, this time building a house is a decision made by the district, and our Wujiazhai production team is responsible for the specific implementation."

"But the problem is that the busy farming season is about to begin, and the higher-ups suddenly ask us to build a house. What are we going to do?" a commune member asked loudly.

Liu Hongdong is the animal guard in the brigade. Because of the different nature of the work, members of the commune need capons and pigs at home, so they cannot do without his help.

In addition, Liu Hongdong is a man of culture and has an awe-inspiring "technical secondary school" diploma.

The status of a scholar is naturally higher, and now Liu Hongdong is the animal guard in the brigade.

This is a great job!
In the eyes of the commune members, at any rate, they can be regarded as half of the public.

So Liu Hongdong's status in the entire Wujiazhai brigade is really not low, and he is very respected by everyone.

No, someone just asked the purpose of building a house.

Immediately, someone spoke up for Liu Hongdong, "Mother on Wednesday, don't interrupt, can I ask Teacher Liu to finish talking first?"

In rural areas, people with a bit of culture and craftsmanship are generally called "teachers" to show respect.

Following the voice of the voice, Han Xiaokang knew the person who spoke, it was the girl Ye Wan who opened a consignment store at home.

This girl, let's talk about how outstanding she is, it's not true.

But what is impressive is the thick beard on Ye Wan's upper lip, and the hair on her arms that is thicker than a man.

This is a pretty woman's face, but in the eyes of her looking at Liu Hongdong, there are waves of autumn water, which are endless.
Ye Wan's family opened a consignment store, so her words in the production team still have a certain weight.

After all, in the families of most members, there is always a time when cash is not enough.

In such a situation, when they go to a consignment point to buy things, most of them have to pay on credit.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the big guys will be a little thinner than Ye Wan, in order to make it easier to buy things.
Wait until the people present have quieted down.

Liu Hongdong continued to speak: "This is a matter strictly required by the superiors. If our production team cannot complete this task within the specified time, everyone will be criticized at that time.

So I am here on behalf of Captain Peng, and I implore everyone to work hard and carry forward the style that new members should have in the new era.

In the past few days, I also ask everyone to contribute their skills with skills and strength, and strive to complete the task within the specified time with guaranteed quantity.

Comrades, fathers and folks! "

Liu Hongdong was full of sincerity, "Everyone should carry forward the style and show a little dedication! As for the matter of building a house, I think that since the superior has made such a request, it must be considered by the superior.

As for the reason behind the construction of the house, the superiors are not allowed to disclose it, saying that they want to be disciplined and keep confidential.So Captain Peng doesn't know why he built a house, so let's stop embarrassing Captain Peng, okay? "

"Not good! Peng Zhikun told us to build a house just to build a house?
How can there be such a thing in the world without saying who is building a house for and what is it being built for? "

Someone pouted, "Ms. Liu, it's not that I have to contradict you. Think about it, my man and his younger brother are now doing volunteer work to help the public repair things. Only me and my eldest son are left at home. My baby, and my father-in-law and mother-in-law are half-workers.

I thought about it, and I will go to the field to harvest rice in a few days.

Because there are not enough male comrades in our production team, I still have to be a strong laborer at that time?Picking millet and beating rice, these tasks were not done by us women in the first place, so there is no way!

Now I don't use my own woman, and the children in the family have to help the adults. Our awareness is high enough, right? "

The woman looked at Liu Hongdong and grinned with a complicated expression, "Mr. Liu, you also know that I am a woman after all, how can I have a waist as hard as your gay men? If you don't let me take a good rest these two days, when the time comes you Don't blame me for lying down!"

When the woman said this, everyone agreed, thinking that the above request was a bit too much
Wu Xiaoshuang saw that the scene was in chaos, but Liu Hongdong and Peng Zhikun on the steps couldn't hold back at all.

"It's better for Xiaokang to help you think of a way!"

Wu Xiaoshuang lightly touched Han Xiaokang's arm, "Last night, Captain Peng came to my father and told him that if you came back in the past two days and passed by our house, he must ask you to help.

Captain Peng said, please help convince these members. The bridal sedan chairs are carried by everyone. If you help Captain Peng Zhikun today, I believe he will not back down when he is needed someday. "

Han Xiaokang nodded, "Then I'll try."

When they stood next to Peng Zhikun, those commune members squatting in the shade of the trees and reclining on the steps all looked at Han Xiaokang curiously.

In fact, the members of the Wujiazhai production team were already quite familiar with Han Xiaokang.

It's just because the handsome young man in front of him not only has a good temperament, but also speaks politely and politely.

It makes people feel good when they see it.

And it was because of Han Xiaokang's two consecutive acts of righteousness to rescue the hard-working Aju.

This made the members of the entire Wujiazhai production team secretly give Han Xiaokang a thumbs up.

Especially after Han Xiaokang came out of the mountain last time and shared a large piece of meat with the members of the production team, everyone's sense of identity with Han Xiaokang was a little deeper
Now that the meeting has reached an impasse, and an outsider who has nothing to do with the production team has come forward, everyone is very curious: what will Han Xiaokang say?
Han Xiaokang stood beside Peng Zhikun.

Before he could speak, he turned around and looked straight at Peng Zhikun.

"What, what?"

Being stared at by Han Xiaokang, Peng Zhikun felt a little faint for no reason, "You, why are you looking at me? There is no solution written on my face."

"Do you believe me?" Han Xiaokang asked.

"Believe me!" Peng Zhikun scratched his head, "You just joined our production team. When I met you for the first time, I felt that you are a person with ideas and abilities, and you are trustworthy."

Han Xiaokang nodded, "Since you believe in me and can help you deal with this matter, then I'll be good for a while, no matter what the members say, don't say anything, okay?"


In the past few days, Peng Zhikun has used all kinds of methods, but the members just don't understand, and they are unwilling to move!
To be honest, Peng Zhikun really didn't believe it: as an outsider, Han Xiaokang, how could he convince these commune members to work hard to build houses for the production team in hot weather? (end of this chapter)

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